Here's a little ditty I zipped off this afternoon. I make no claims as to the grammatical or spelling quality. :-) pt. 2 tomorrow. Joy, Sarabeth Once Within a Kitchen pt 1 A short piece of Thanksgiving fiction by Sarabeth Summary: You'll just have to read it :-) Disclaimer: Standard; please see my other fics. "Oh! Ugh." Christy Grantland removed her hand from a pot of half mashed potatoes. Failure to allow enough cooking time had required the school teacher to apply unusual force to mash the potatoes in time for dinner. A slip from the mashing tool sent her delicate fingers squishing into the potatoes. Christy surveyed the kitchen as she wiped lumpy white substance from her hand. Two pumpkin pies, one boiled over, sat on the table. Rock hard rolls disgraced a china plate next to the pies. Chaos ruled elsewhere; dirty mixing bowls and spoons were piled up in the washtub and a fine mist of flour covered the floor. A pungent, smoky scent began to rise from the stove. Horror expanded the whites of Christy's eyes as she rushed across the small kitchen. "The possum!" The black cloud that rose from the stove has she opened the oven confirmed Christy's worst fears. Tears began to sting her eyes. "We should have gone to Boston like David's mother wanted!" "Sure now, but I'm glad you didn't - " Dr. MacNeill stopped his entry abruptly as he took in the ruined Thanksgiving meal and its harried cook. "Well, lass, you never were good with a stove. Remember the time at my cabin when you nearly set the place on fire? I wouldn't worry too much. You're newly wed enough to make up for lack of culinary skill." A wink completed Neil's sentence. "Oooh! Get out of my kitchen. I can't take this right now! My first Thanksgiving as David's wife and it's completely ruined." Sobs began wrack Christy's body. Neil, suddenly remorsefull, crossed the kitchen and took Christy in his arms. "It'll be just fine. I wouldn't worry. David will be happy. We'll all have a wonderful Thanksgiving just being together. Anyway, I wasn't really looking forward to possum. Were you?" Before Christy could say anything, her husband ran into the kitchen excalaiming, "I saw the smoke from the schoolyard - " Neil stepped away from Christy quickly. "My friend here was upset at the state of our Thanksgiving possum. I was only trying to help." David didn't respond verbally, but Christy could see the hurt in his eyes. "David, Neil is right. It's nothing." "Yes," Neil chimed in, "It's only my habit of rescuing Miss Huddleston from kitchen fires." The preacher's eyebrows arched. "Habit?" "Why, yes. Christy once made me a burnt dinner in an attempt to get me to accept Dan Scott. I was out bathing and suddenly smoke began to pour out of my cabin. The fair cook had decidedly scorched the chicken." Neil's eyes twinkled with the memory of Christy's peeping tom experience gone awry. "Doctor MacNeill, do you mind leaving David and me alone for a minute?" "Of course not, Christy. I'll be in the parlor." The Doctor exited the kitchen. Christy shut the door behind Neil and approached David. She reached for David's wrists and pulled his hands from their position in his pocket. With a gentle, hurt tone, David said, "We've been married for less than four months, and I find you in the arms of another man." "David, if that had been my father - " "It wasn't. It was Neil MacNeill. Of all people! *Neil MacNeill.*" "We're only friends." David gave Christy a hard look. "You and Neil have never been 'only friends.' " Part 2 coming later! Don't get excited, Neil Chicks ;-) ______________________________________________________ Once Within a Kitchen pt 2 A short piece of Thanksgiving fiction by Sarabeth Summary: Christy has ruined Thanksgiving dinner, and David walked in on Neil comforting her . . . Disclaimer: Standard; please see my other fics. "Do you think I could have married you if I was more than just friends with Neil?" "You couldn't have married him." David's eyes flashed. "Maybe I'm just substitute." "David that's not fair. You know it isn't true." A frown crept over David's face. "You're right. I was just being mean. Seeing you with Neil tonight . . . it really hurt, you know. After all we've been through, I guess I'm still insecure about your love. Neil always seemed to be a shadow over our relationship. Forgive me for not trusting you, Christy." Christy smiled. "I'm glad that's finished. Now, what are we going to do about dinner? I can't serve this." "Jeb was over earlier. He said Fairlight had a prenomition about us needing a place to go tonight. So we're invited to the Spencer's place for dinner." Hands on her hips, Christy shook her head and replied, "I guess my cooking lessons with Fairlight haven't been going too well." "Let's go get Dr. MacNeil and tell him about dinner's relocation." Hand in hand, they did just that. The End, at last :-) The author apologizes for the truncated ending, but she got sick of this story. David Dames who missed The Way Things Ought To Be are encouraged to check the story out on Sonja's SFM fiction download page.