Disclaimer: The characters of Christy belong to the LeSourd family. I'am in no way seeking profit. **************************************** Title: The River of Love Author: Zinn **************************************** The River of Love Setting: Three months after Margaret died As Christy and Neil walked through the meadow both were lost in past memories. Each remembered a day not so long ago when Neil had talked with her about Margaret’s second return. There had been bitter pain in both of their hearts that day. Now that it had been three months since Margaret had past away from pneumonia both of them felt that it was okay to talk. Neither one had said anything in the last ten minutes. Christy could tell that something was on Neil’s mind and decided to let him talk first. Just as Neil found the right words Sam Houston came running over the hill. “Doc, Doc you got to come quick there’s been an accident at the mission Miz Alice is hurt bad Mr. Scott says you got to come.” Neil and Christy shared a look of desperation as both broke into a run. What could of happen to Alice they had just seen her a few minutes ago heading out. As they reached the mission house David informed them that he and Dan had taken her upstairs and that her horse had gotten spooked and thrown her. As the next two hours went by Dan and Neil tented to Alice. When they finally came downstairs they both looked relieved. “She’s lucky she’ll be fine Christy. She’s still a sleep so can I talk to you on the porch.” “Yes of course.” As they stepped out into the cool night air Neil took Christy’s hand into his. As they locked eyes Christy could feel her heart start bounding. Neil found himself at a shortness of breath. God he had never seen a women so beautiful. The way the moon light caught her eyes. How had he ever thought that it was love for Margaret. “Christy I asked you out here to ask you...” “Doc sorry to interrupt but Miss. Alice is awake.” Neil felt his heart stop. This was the second time that he had been interrupted would he ever get the chance to ask her what he needed to ask her. As they headed back inside he remembered the time that he had interrupted David when he had been talking to William and for a moment he almost felt sorry, but only for a moment. As the next three days went by Neil tried to talk to Christy seven more times but something always seemed to get in the way. On the morning of the fourth day which was Sunday he had, had enough. After the service he walked right outside and down to the river. As everyone followed him they watched him walk right into the middle of the river. Everyone present was at a loss for words. As his eyes met Christy’s he gave her the sly smile of his and spoke up. “Ladies and gentlemen for the last four days I have been trying to ask a certain young women a question but everyone seems to be getting in the way so I’m not leaving this river until I say what I need to say. Now Christy would you please come out here.” As Christy walked towards him there were several hoops and hollers heard. As Christy reached him he took her hand in his. “Christy I have been trying to ask you if you will be my wife. You are the most beautiful women that I have ever met and I love you more then anything. I love the way you smile, I love the way you laugh, talk, and walk. I’m in love with everything about you. Will you be my wife.” As the two stared at each other everything went silent behind them. After what seemed like an eternity to Neil Christy found her voice. “”Yes Neil I will marry you.” As the two lovers shared there first kiss Neil slipped on a rock causing them both to fall backwards into the river. As everyone started laughing Neil and Christy started looking forwards to their life together. The End!