Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd Family. We are in no way seeking profit or credit for her story. We are continuing the story of Christy for our own amusement only. Any additions in story line and characters were invented by the writers of the alt.tv.christy Round Robin and the Christy Mailing List. Stewart Finlay-McLennan as Doctor Neil MacNeill Telling the story of "The Silkie" From the episode "The Eye of the Storm. It's only the Silkie, searching for his lost love! (Who?) The water spirit, God of the Sea. You see Becky, before there was a Christian God, spirits ruled the world. The Silkie was a half man and half fish, with, long flowing hair of seaweed and a big fish tail, that could churn the ocean with foam when he was angry. But the Silkie was lonely. He was half man, so he couldn't marry a fish. And he was half fish, so he couldn't marry a woman. But then one day, a beautiful girl, with big blue eyes, just like yours, was shipwrecked on his island. And as the Silkie pulled her from the waves, he fell instantly in love. And when the girl opened her eyes, she too fell in love with the Silkie. And so they were married. (And they lived happy ever after?) Alas, they did not! The girl's people searched and searched until they found her on the Silkie's island. And they insisted that she come home with them. She cried and cried, but there was no use, so they sailed away. And the Silkie was alone again. (Poor Silkie!) The Silkie missed his love so much, that he raged and cursed and swept the sea with terrible storms. (Like this one?) Much, much worse! The waves were hundreds of feet high and the clouds were black as coal and miles across. But nothing he could do could bring back his lost love. So the Silkie's brother, spirit of the sky, took pity on him and created lightning, so that every time the Silkie would rage and churn the sea, his brother would light the way to his lost love. (Did he ever find her?) No, he did not! And you can see by the lightning that he still searches to this very day! The End.