Neil’s Birthday The day was just beginning. The morning air was fresh with a slight breeze causing a ripple effect in the water. It was this place where Neil McNeill was refreshed; this place where Neil McNeill drew strength - the river. Neil stood shin deep in the river. He gave the appearance of fishing, but his mind was elsewhere. The past two years have been the most turbulent and joyous in his life. Thinking back to that fateful day he revisited the past. (Flashback) Neil’s heart was in his throat as he sat atop of his horse watching Christy with David’s ring. He had to get her away from him; he couldn’t lose her. He attempted to shout, but could not. What right did he have? His wife was at his cabin waiting and wanting reconciliation; the one thing he didn’t want - not with Margaret. He was a married man and could not bring Christy into that kind of situation. How could life be so cruel to give him a love that he could not have? As Neil came out of his thoughts, his eyes locked w/Christy’s. Realization finally sank in that Neil and Christy were the only ones left in front of the school house. Christy had given David’s ring back and David retreated into the school with the children following behind. Finally, a small voice broke the silence. “What are you doing here Neil?” Christy found the words; her thoughts when she first ran into the yard were jumbled now they were clear. When Neil rode up she knew that he came after her, but she needed to hear his words. Though she knew he was married, she wanted desperately to admit her feelings and to hear those same words from him. Neil was silent. Again Christy asked, “What are you doing here Neil?” Regaining his composure, Neil admitted “you seemed upset when you rode off from my cabin. I wanted to make sure you were alright. Why did you come by the cabin Christy?” Christy began to loose her nerve knowing full well the consequences. “Neil, whatever I wanted to speak to you about is no longer important. Go home to your wife.” Christy’s last words cut through Neil like a knife. As she stared at his tall form, she watched him turn his horse around and ride off. (End Flash Back) Suddenly a small tugging was felt on the fishing line bringing Neil back from his thoughts. Neil reached down and gently removed the fish from the hook. As he did, he was reminded of a time shortly after the day he rode off from Christy. (Flash Back) Coming home from his calls, Neil was exhausted. He was working himself too hard knowing full well it was his way of escape. As he walked into his cabin, Margaret turned around. “This is unexpected. Are you back for more money, Margaret?” Margaret’s eyes were saddened. Without word, she took three steps toward him, reached out her arm and handed him an envelope. “Whats this?” Margaret put her arm to her side and simply said, “its your freedom, Mac. Don’t look so surprised. Believe it or not, I do still love you and want to see you happy. We’re different, you and I. After the last time, when I asked you to take me back - I realized its too late. Too much damage has been done. With everything I have done to you, I will not make you wait for my death to gain your freedom. Officially it’s a divorce. It can’t damage my reputation anymore than I’ve already done. Finally, be happy Mac.” With that Margaret walked out of the cabin and out of Neil’s life. (End Flash Back) As Neil gently removed the fish from the hook, he said, be free and enjoy it little one. We’ll meet again. Neil stood and deeply breathed the crisp mountain air. He casually crossed to a large rock where he sat and enjoyed the rustic view. From a few feet away, a small, delicate hand replaced the curtains over the window. As the small figure turned, a smile was still on her face. Christy moved from the window to the kitchen and continued to cook breakfast for her husband. She loved watching him; his tall, lean, masculine frame was definitely one of God’s nicest creations. As she cooked, she thought of Neil and of their union. It seemed to happen overnight. (Flashback) Christy had no idea how long she stood in the school yard. The children brought her back to reality. All of her emotions started to surface; she couldn’t stay at school. So not to alarm the children, she made her body obey her will. She walked slowly back to the main house - up the stairs to her room. Once there, she closed the door and collapsed onto the floor crying bitterly. Slowly, Christy stirred. She awoke somewhat confused of her surroundings. Then she realized she was still on the floor where hours before she poured out tears. She picked herself up and walked to her bed. Her eyes filled with tears again and she lifted a prayer to God. “Father, God, I don’t know what to do. I need your help. My heart is torn. Please help me and Neil.” As she lay with her body strewn on the bed, she heard a still, small voice. “Acknowledge him in all your ways and he shall direct your paths. Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Though there was a great ache in her heart, she knew her strength came from God and decided to pour herself into her relationship with him. That is how she believed God was directing her. As she continued to follow God’s plan, a joy settled into her heart. Although the ache from not being with Neil was still present, there was another joy in her heart from God. She worked diligently with the children throwing herself into everything she could. Eventually she heard through Alice about Neil’s divorce, but she didn’t go to him. She felt that God had a work to do with Neil without Christy in the way. (End Flashback) As Christy came out of her thoughts, she started coughing and her eyes became teary. “Oh no - not another fire.” Just then Neil came running into the house. He dashed to the stove, pushing Christy aside and threw flour onto the fire to extinguish it. When he was sure the fire was out, he turned to Christy to make sure she was alright. Once he determined she was safe, he asked “what happened?” Christy was too embarrassed that she burnt another meal. Knowing she was shaky from the fire, he gently asked “why is it every time I’m by the river you try to burn down the cabin?” Christy’s spirit came back and she aggressively replied - one burnt chicken and some eggs does not constitute me burning down the cabin. Just not the best of cooks all the time. Neil threw his head back and laughed. As he took her in his arms, they shared a long and passionate kiss. Jeb Spencer ran through the woods to the Doc’s cabin. As he ran up the steps shouting, Neil and Christy broke from their kiss. “Doc, Alice told me to fetch ya. Bad accident in El Pano. Needed now.” Neil grabbed his bag, went to Christy to kiss her goodby and whispered, “now, do no more cookin ‘til I get back. C’mon, Jeb.” He was out the door before Christy could respond. Christy crossed the room and sat at the table. She took her note pad and sat deep in thought. Neil, her husband - God had answered so many prayers; she was so thankful. She suddenly realized Neil’s birthday was two months away and she wanted to do something special for the man she so dearly loved. She started to remember how Neil came to her over 16 months ago. (Flashback) Christy sat at her desk in the school house; she was alone grading papers. She put her pencil down and turned to the window. She spent the last few months going back and forth wanting to see and talk to Neil; she craved news of him. However, she also knew that God did not want her there. She sat back and realized that although difficult, God had given her a calming peace knowing that He was in control. Knowing somehow that everything would work out. “Christy, Christy, Christy?!?” A deep, Scottish voice boomed out. Christy turned with a start. “Neil! - What wrong?!” “Calm down, lass. I wanted to speak with you and you were far away. What were you thinking about?” As Christy listened to Neil, she was stunned. Her heart leaped and she noticed his eyes - there was a happiness she had not seen there before. “Just remembering the past. Its been awhile. I’ve missed you.” Realizing what she said, Christy looked down; regaining her composure she asked, “you said you wanted to speak w/me?” Neil looked at her. He grew nervous, but pressed on knowing he has wasted enough time. “Yes, I know we have not spoken for awhile. There were things I needed to work out, but now - theres so much I want to tell ya lass. I’m not sure were to start. Christy I now know the faith that you, Alice and Dan have. It happened about a month ago, Dan and I were talkin. There was much anger and bitterness that I was holding onto; it came out and God spoke mightily to me through Dan. That night I acknowledged my need for a savior and gave my life to the Lord. I let go of all the anger that I had. Dan and I have spent much time going over scripture and discipleship over the last month. I’ve sought God’s plan for my life and am now taking steps He wants me to take.” “Neil, thats wonderful!” Christy ran to him and threw her arms around him. “Why did you wait so long to share the news? Do Alice and David know - anyone else? I’m so surprised that this news hasn’t made its away around the cove.” Neil smiled at her excitement. “Christy, no one else knows. There was so much I needed to work through - I still am, but I’m grounded now - thanks to God and Dan’s discipleship.” Christy was so excited for Neil, but then she remembered Neil’s words. God’s plan for his life. Taking steps to follow those plans. Was Neil leaving the cove? “Neil, you mentioned God’s plan for you. Are you thinking of leaving the cove?” “No, lass. My heart is very much with the people of this cove. I know God wants me here. Christy, the day David proposed - do you know why I came after you? Christy, my dear lass - from the first day I saw you I tried to fight how I felt. Then Margaret came back and my hopes were dashed. When she divorced me, it was to give me freedom, but I felt unworthy. One of the things I’ve been praying about the last month is your place in my life. Christy, I believe God has given us a blessed gift - I love you, lass.” Tears flowed from Christy’s eyes and she turned slightly from him. Neil began to panic - Christy!? “I’m sorry, Neil. Its been so long.” She turned back to him shaking. “I’ve wanted to hear you say those words for so long - I love you. I always have, but I didn’t realize it until that day when I saw you with her. I thought you were going back to her.” “No, lass - I came after you because you are my heart.” Neil reached for Christy and they embraced. They spent the rest of the night talking and sharing their hearts. (End Flashback) Christy couldn’t believe that she has been Mrs. Neil McNeill for 15 months; it filled her heart with so much joy. She set out making a list. She wanted to surprise Neil with a birthday party and a special gift. She wondered if she had enough time to plan it all. She gathered her notebook and went to Fairlight for help. Two weeks later... Neil and Christy lay in bed. Christy woke 30 minutes earlier and is content staring at her husband who is sound asleep. As she studies his rugged features, she contemplates his birthday present. Something special - what my dear husband would make you happy. Suddenly, it came to mind. With that thought she brushed her husband’s lips with hers. As Neil awakened, the kiss deepened and the two enjoyed a morning alone. Fairlight arrived at the mission at 1:00 p.m. to finalize the plans for Neil’s party. Both Alice and Fairlight volunteered to do all of the planning w/Christy’s input. All three women figured that with Alice and Fairlight making the preparations, Neil would not find out about the party. The cove seemed thrilled to be part of surprising the Doc and everyone wanted to help. It was going to be the biggest celebration since Christy and Neil married. As Fairlight and Alice talked on the porch, Christy ran up the steps. “So, sorry I’m late. Time got away from me this morning.” Fairlight and Alice looked at each other and offered her a seat. Alice began - have you had any other thoughts for the party? Christy took a small breath. “No. But I know what Neil’s gift will be. Would either of you like to go into El Pano with me tomorrow?” “Too many chores for me at home, Christy - gota tend to the young ones.” Miss Alice piped up “I’ll be happy to accompany thee, Christy. What will thou be getting for thy husband?” “Miss Alice, Fairlight - I want everyone to be surprised. But I will tell you this - something near to my husband’s heart.” The next morning Christy was sure to awake before her husband. It would be better to get an early start without Neil questioning her. Christy got dressed , slipped out of the house and met Miss. Allice on the road. Together they were in El Pano by 8:30 am. As Miss. Alice was making purchases, Christy slipped out of the store in hopes of making Neil’s birthday even more special. Once Christy had sent all of the telegrams, she found Miss. Alice sitting on a bench. It was near lunch time so they went into the El Pano Café to eat. So, my dear - is all accomplished? “Yes, Miss. Alice. I’m so excited. I do hope this all works out. I found a new fishing rod and vest Neil was admiring in a catalog; I know he will like them. I just hope everything else comes together.” “Christy, I assume thou speaks of thy surprise. I won’t press thee, but I’m sure it will work out for good. On September 7, Neil will be surprised beyond words.” 1 Week Before the Party... Neil is walking around the cabin looking for a certain medical book. Christy comes down the stairs and heads toward the table; she looks exhausted. Neil studies her, “lass, are you getting enough rest? Let me examine you.” “Darling, its not necessary, I’m tired thats all. I haven’t been sleeping very well; the beds too lumps.” The Party... The McNeill cabin was silent. It was 4:00 am and Neil turned for his wife, but found a cold space. Immediately, he was alarmed. He sat up in bed and looked around the room; he began to call out for Christy, but got no answer. He jumped up and got dressed; there was no note and no sign of his wife. As he descended the stairs, Christy walked in the front door. Both were startled by the others presence. “What were you doing outside this time of night?” “Calm down Neil; I’m fine. I just wanted fresh air; our room seemed stuffy.” Knowing that she needed to distract her husband, she went over to him and standing on her toes nuzzled his neck. “Today is September 7 - your birthday. Happy Birthday, Neil.” “Thank you, Lass. Do you know what a fright you gave me? I woke and you weren’t there.” Christy studied his face and suddenly realized her mistake. “Neil, I will never leave you - I love you and could be happier no where else. Come with me upstairs and lets start your birthday right.” As they lay in bed, Christy tells Neil to close his eyes and keep them closed until she comes back. He obeys her command. As Christy is downstairs, she makes her husband breakfast. A tray is readied from earlier; she places fruit and eggs on a tray with coffee and flowers. Christy is careful to walk upstairs and to the bedroom. She slowly walks to the bed taking in her husbands form and giggles. “Can I open my eyes yet!” Christy laughs more and says yes. She places the tray on his lap and proceeds to feed him his breakfast. Once breakfast is done, she presents his gifts. “Lass, I don’t know how you did it. Thank you for the best birthday yet.” As the day goes on, Christy and Neil begin to dress for supper at the mission. Christy tries to keep her excitement in check. She wonders if David and Jeb have safely gotten the rest of her surprise to the mission. She hurries Neil out the door with no suspicion. They mount Charlie and head out. Most of the cove is in the back of the mission. David and Miss Alice are keeping a look out for their guests on the front porch. Finally, they spot Neil and Christy. Pleasantries are exchanged and they walk inside. Once inside, Christy tells Neil that he must once again close his eyes. He tries to protest, but knows he can’t win. As Neil closes his eyes, Christy, Alice, and David usher Neil out back. Suddenly, more voices than anyone can count yell SURPRISE! Neil’s eyes flash open and he is stunned. So many people there for him; he looks around taking in all of the faces - Jeb, Fairlight, the children, everyone from the cove and, and - it couldn’t be. Neil turned to look at Christy and back to the doctors who supported him through school-his old friends and mentors; they were all there. He was stunned. The group of doctors came over and they all embraced. “How?” “Neil, your wife telegraphed us. Her message was one we couldn’t and didn’t want to refuse. It has been too long dear friend.” Tears were in everyones eyes as they greeted one another for the first time in almost 10 years. Knowing these strangers were friends of Docs, the cove people welcomed them with open arms. The party went on until midnight. Over the course of the night, Neil learned what great lengths his wife went to - to give him this most special gift. Jeb and David played a significant part in transporting the doctors from the train station and they were all staying at the mission for the weekend. It was going to be great speaking to these men over the next few days. As Neil and Christy rode back to their cabin, Neil chatted excitedly about his old friends and the events of the night. Christy rode in front of him with a smile on her face knowing that her husband had truly been surprised. As they walked into the cabin, Neil took Christy’s hand and placed it to his lips “Thank you, lass - you still continually surprise me.” Neil led Christy to the swing on the porch. They sat silently for a few moments huddled together gazing at the starry sky. “Happy Birthday, Neil.” Christy turned and kissed him on his chin. Neil turned and met her lips. “Do you know how much I love you?” “Yes.” They kissed again for a long time. Christy pulled away slightly and placed her head on his shoulder. “Neil, there is one more gift.” As she looked back up at him, Neil looked incredulous. “Lass, I have everything I want in you. You are my happiness.” Lovingly, Christy looks at Neil and asks, “is there room in your heart for more than me?” Neil looked puzzled and sat silently for a few seconds. “Lass, you are my heart and my heart is quite full.” Christy smiled and simply said, “my darling husband, you better make room for your child.” After a few seconds, Christy said “Neil, we’ve having a baby.” Neil blinked and whispered “Your having a baby - are your sure lass?” “Would you like to examine me, doctor?” “Christy, my love I plan on doing just that!” Neil picks Christy up and carriers her through the cabin door and up the stairs. “You have made me so happy, Christy.” As they enter the bedroom, Neil places Christy delicately on the bed. As they lay embracing, Christy turns to her husband “Happy Birthday, Neil. Your going to be a wonderful father.” The End!