(A piece of Christy poetry, inspired by Neil and Christy’s scene by the river in the final episode "Road Home.") MOMENTS OF LOVE It was quiet by the river, It was calm - he felt at peace. This was his place of solace, Where he could seek release. An escape from all the problems That were troubling his soul, He’d shared this special place with her And felt alive and whole. For she had needed comfort And had turned at once to him, Now, leaning back into his arms Her doubts began to dim. She somehow knew he’d keep her safe His hands were strong and sure, Encircling and protecting her She felt alone no more. The sun played on unruly curls That framed his rugged face His eyes gazed deeply into hers, Her heart began to race. He spoke of beauty unsurpassed Naught else would stand a chance She held his heart - for after all, What mattered but the dance? Susie Brown 6-22-98