Christy List Fanfiction Guidelines

Currently, there are many authors delighting us with their writings!!
We call these writings fanfiction. We do have a few guidelines to go
by if you decide to write and post a fanfiction. Again, we have no
problem with you expressing yourself, it is simply a matter of how you
do it.

We have a wide range of members on this list and we need to make sure
that we keep it suitable for all ages. Not only that, we don't want
to do anything that would demean what Christy is really all about -
faith, love and hope.

Most fanfic writers are always worrying about getting in trouble with
copy write laws but we the fans of Christy don't have to worry about
that because the LeSourds have given their permission for us to do so just
as long as we keep the characters as CM made them.

I don't have the time to read all the fan fiction as it is posted so if
you have any problems about the content of any fan fiction please send it to me

Therefore please follow these simple guidelines, lest we lose that
privilege, before hitting that send key.

*Please remember to keep the content true to the story of Christy.
Please don't have the characters doing anything that would mar what CM
intended. We do not want to see any adult content. Fanfic *must* be kept G rated
and family friendly.

*We ask that whether you write a fanfic or a Round Robin chapter that
you please include a disclaimer such as the following:
DISCLAIMER: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned
by the Marshall-LeSourd Family, L.L.C. We are in no way seeking profit
or credit for her story. We are continuing the story of Christy for our
own amusement only.

*To keep things "straight" with all the different stories, an
introduction format was agreed upon for the posted writings. At the
beginning of each posted fanfic part or RR chapter, please use this

Author (including e-mail address):

If possible, please post a summary of the previous chapter. This
helps those of us who get all the story lines confused. :-)

Currently, there are a lot of fanfics out there. Below is a list of
addresses you can click on to read them. Enjoy!
Here you can find downloadable fanfic
Here you can read fanfic

Thank you!

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