Disclaimer: The story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd family. I am writing this story for my amusement only. Title: Mirror FanFic: Expanding Love Writer: Jessica I kept looking at myself in the mirror, and it never got any better, no matter what angle I chose. What was I going to do? The bulge of my tummy seemed to be growing bigger even as I stood there looking in the mirror. I had always known that women gained weight when they were pregnant but I was so use to being tiny. I examined the shirt I was wearing; it was Neil's. This month my own blouses had become too tight to wear so I had reluctantly begun to wear Neil's. Rolling up the sleeves I sighed hearing Neil bounding up the stairs; and if I guessed right he was taking them two at a time. He flung open our bedroom door and smiled at me. "I was just working downstairs and I thought of you." Neil stepped toward me, "I had to come up and see the woman who stars in my dreams every night." I smiled at him for a moment then gazed back into the mirror. My husband was always sincere, but I found it hard to believe that he dreamed of me: big belly and all. "Lass, what's wrong?" Neil had always been quick to read me, "is something wrong with the little guy?" He rushed forward and placed his hands on my stomach, "the baby feels okay, Christy what's wrong?" his hazel eyes met mine, his gaze was so tender. "Its nothing really. I'm just being silly." "You? Silly? Never ma dear!" he cupped my chin in his warm hands and laughed, "seriously though, what's wrong Christy?" "I'm fat now." I pulled away from my husband and crossed my arms over my expanding abdomen. "Christy!" Neil cocked his head and sweetly raised his eyebrows, "if there is one thing you aren't - it is fat." "My stomach just keeps getting bigger Neil!" I pouted knowing that I was probably being foolish. "Lass, for goodness sake, you're eight months along! You're pregnant. That's normal." "But I have to wear your shirts…I don't even fit into my own clothes anymore." "Christy, you're swimming in my shirt. Love," Neil came behind me and wrapped his arms around me. Turning us both toward the mirror he continued, "do you know what I see in this mirror right now? The most beautiful woman that I have ever seen, and a man who loves her more then he ever has. Lass, you are holding our child and that makes me so happy…" his voice trailed off and I saw the tears brimming in his eyes. "I love you," I turned and wiped a single tear off his cheek. He leaned forward and kissed me gently, then he stooped down and kissed my stomach. Giggling I grabbed his hand, "let's go downstairs…I'm starving!" Neil's laugh danced around the room as he scooped me up into his arms. "Light as a feather!" he laughed then carried me down to breakfast.