DISCLAIMER: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd Family. I am in no way seeking profit or credit for her story. I am continuing the story of Christy for my own amusement only. Title: Dear Diary: A Christmas Special Author: Cynthia T. Note: I have written this not as Ruby Mae would have written it but as she would have spoken it. Also, I looked up the year to get the days of the week right, and the weird thing is, it’s exactly the same as this year. Dear Diary: A Christmas Special Part One Monday, December 7, 1914 Dear Diary, Howdy! My name be Ruby Mae Morrison. Miz Christy gave me you fer an early Christmas present. I shorely don’t understand teacher sometimes. But seeing that it jest weren’t right fer teacher ta give me sumpthin without givin back, I gave er my most prized creek-rock. It’s real shiny-like. Creed Allen gave it ta Rob and he gave it ta me. Twas a right nice offrin but it’s Miz Christy’s now. I shore do miss that creek-rock. 18 more days till Christmas. Can you imagine! I’m tryin ta study up sumpthin real nice fer Rob Allen. Mebbe I’ll ask Miz Christy fer help. Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 2 Summary: Ruby Mae reveals a little about what's going on at the mission. December 8, 1914 Dear Diary, I jest got done eatin mornin meal. We had Miz Ida’s special biscuits. I know she ain’t here, but Teacher makes em purt near good herself. Course Preacher wouldn’t thank so. Good thang he ain’t here. Wael I plumb forgot ta tell ye Preacher went home ta visit his ma fer a while. But Teacher don’t seem too lonely. Doc MacNeill’s been round and bout the mission a lot since Preacher left. Bessie Coburn says Teacher should marry Preacher and leave Doc MacNeill alone, but Creed Allen told me that his granny told him that Grandam Spencer told her afore she died that Teacher was acomin here. Course she wasn’t real specific-like about teacher, but everybody knows Grandam Spencer knew thangs like that. Zady told me. And Grandam Spencer dun Said that Teacher was agona – What tha tarnation?! Oh, Miz Alice’s is a hollerin’ fer me. Wael, I’m back. Hit’s purt near suppertime now and Miz Christy sez tomorrow we’re gonna go pick a tree fer Christmas. Hit’s been colder outside than the creek on tha first snowfall. Teacher let out school fer a month er so. Vella Holt cried. I been studyin up on vittles today and I figgered a new way ta cook possum. My mouth’s a waterin’ jest thankin about it. Mmmm… Caint wait till Teacher and Doc MacNeill try it. Funny thang, Miz Alice. She jest don’t have a hankerin’ fer possum. Imagine that! 17 more days till Christmas!! Still caint thank up a thang fer Rob Allen. But I’m a studyin on hit… Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 3 Summary: Ruby Mae tells about decorating the tree. Wednesday, December 9, 1914 Dear Diary, Doc MacNeill and Teacher sure took a fancy ta my possum surprise. They ate so well tha first time, they didn’t even have room fer seconds! So I fixed it again tonight. They didn’t eat much of it this time though…must not a been too hungry. We got us a Christmas tree today. It looked right nice in tha wild, but Teacher said we had ta put it in tha house with us. Whoever heard a puttin a tree in tha house?! So Doc MacNeill cut down that tree fer Miz Christy and dragged it back. He stuck it in tha front room but Miz Christy had done took off to tha attic. When she came back down, she was a hollerin’ an a carryin’ on like she’d found out the fish aswimmin’ in tha stream were made a gold. There was boxes an boxes a balls an candles and Teacher helped me string popcorn. Then me an Teacher and Miz Alice and Doc MacNeill we put all that stuff on tha tree. That tree shined like the star Preacher said took the wise men ta baby Jesus. It was downright beautious. But I don’t think Doc MacNeill saw much a that tree. He was awatchin Teacher an awful lot…Then they went outside before Doc MacNeill headed on home. I was afixin ta go with em ta keep thangs under con-trol. But Miz Alice needed my help, so I guess I just be having ta wait till Miz Christy tells me herself. I got ta figger a way ta get it outta er. 16 days till Christmas!! Still ain’t figgered anything up fer Rob Allen. But shorely I’ll thank a sumpthin Dir-Rectly. Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 4 Summary: Ruby Mae talks and talks and suprise! talks some more... :) December 10, 1914 Dear Diary, Wael, hit’s another day an I cided ta go fer a walk with Rob Allen. I’ma sittin here under this here tree and both a us are awritin away. Hit’s a funny thang – I always figgered Rob was smarter an me causin ta his writin. An I ain’t sayin he ain’t, but this writin stuff ain’t all that hard. I’m still astudyin on sumpthin fer Rob. I wonder ifn someday I might mebbee be smart as Miz Christy… Wael, I still got that scarf I made fer Teacher. Ain’t citifed but hit’s shorely purty…in hit’s own way. Doc MacNeill came today to tha mission and brought us some woodmade pitures ta put on our tree. They was beautious! Teacher jest grinned like a bobcat on tha first day of sprang. Then they headed out to ta schoolhouse. Oohwee! Shore as I’ma sittin here Doc’s acourtin Teacher. Poor Preacher. By tha time Preacher gets back they’ll be hitched! Wael Rob’s aready ta go…15 days till Christmas! Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 5 Summary: Ruby Mae tells about Christy's cold and takes on some mission responsibility. Friday, December 11, 1914 Dear Diary, I cain’t write long. Miz Christy’s acomin down with sumpthin so I gotta go be afixin supper. I thank I better be fixin soup fer Teacher. No possum today. Doc MacNeill said possum ain't too good fer tha sick. Mebbe she won’t be too sick. Doc MacNeill said she be havin a small cold. Nuthin ta hurt nobody, but she’s gotta stay in tha mission till it’s all cleared up. Miz Alice be down at El Pano ta get a package that came in fer er. She looked all riled up bout sumpthin. Must be Im-portant. Better go start on supper now. Love, Ruby Mae Morrison One moar thang…14 days till Christmas!!! Cain’t hardly wait! Part 6 Summary: Ruby Mae updates us on Christy's condition. Sunday, December 13, 1914 Dear Diary, Teacher was real sick yesterdey. An today. But Doc MacNeill said she could get up and come downstairs an she’s afeelin better. Doc sayed with Miz Christy nearly tha whole time she were sick. I ain’t thought a nuthin fer Rob yet. Don’t know as I’ll have time ta be foolin on a present fer Rob. Wael, hit’s getting late an real dark-like outside. Guess I’d abetter be aheadin on ta bed now. 12 days till Christmas. So tarred, I kin hardly wrat. Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 7 Summary: Ruby Mae updates us on mission happenings and tells of a phone call. December 14, 1914 Dear Diary, Miz Christy’s feelin much better now. I done took real good care of er. She’s up an about – bout like usual, cept she’s a snufflin alittle. Doc MacNeill ain’t here now. He had ta go ta Low Gap causin to a baby’s comin down with tha same thang Miz Christy had. I shore hope it ain’t real bad off. Snow’s acomin. Teacher’s all worried-like bout Doc. But he’s gone in snow piled up higher’n the mission steps. I ain’t worryin. Preacher wrote Miz Christy a letter. He told er when he called on tha telephone! Called all tha way from Boston! Ain’t it a wonder! He wrote me one too!! Said he sent it yesterdey. Should be gettin it anyday now. I found some a Miz Christy’s ole papers an wrapped up that scarf a made er. She looked mighty surprised when I showed er! Cain’t wait till Christmas!! Doc MacNeill’s ahelpin me make sumpthin fer Rob Allen. Said he’d thank on tha way ta Low Gap. One thang’s fer shore. I ain’t awaitin so late ta find a present next year! Hit’s right hard ta wait fer everthang. Better go now, Miz Alice needs halp on sumpthin or other. 11 days till Christmas! Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 8 Summary: Ruby Mae talks about various subjects... Tuesday, December 15, 1914 Dear Diary, It’s 10 days till Christmas. Doc MacNeill came back late this afternoon. Teacher acted lack she’d not even noticed he’d been gone. An after all that fussin askeered he weren’t acomin back. But I told eem jest so he’d know. I went ta Bessie Coburn’s cabin taday. Ain’t too warm thar, so I only stayed fer a little bit. Then I came home an sat by the roastin far a spell. Felt mighty good after bein out in the Cove fer a while. Doc said tha little baby made it. Ain’t doin too well, but it should be awright. Teacher said she be mighty proud I’m awritin in this here book she gived me. An this mornin Teacher brushed ma hair till it got all shiny-like an put it up right purty like hers is. I’m right proud ta be purty like Teacher. Miz Christy says after Christmas she’ll use some a tha purty fixens her daddy sent er from Ashville an help me make a dress. A real nice dress! Fer Church! Cain’t hardly wait! Doc said he’d help me make a fishin pole fer Rob. Don’t rightly know when he’s gonna have time. Snow’s so high now he jest put his horse in tha Mission barn. He cain’t get home. An tha fixens fer tha pole be at Doc MacNeill’s cabin. Better go now. Might autta be thankin a sumpthin else fer Rob… Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 9 Summary: Ruby Mae talks about Doc MacNeill, the snow, misteltoe, and Christy's cooking. Wednesday, December 16, 1914 Dear Diary, Cain’t say hit snowed fer long. Got up sumpthin fearsome though. Today, snow’s ameltin. Doc’s awful anxious ta get home again. Cain’t say as I blame eem. But Teacher shore does seem ta Preciate his cumpney. Hain’t got word a no accident since tha baby took sook. Doc’s right glad bout that. So’s Miz Christy. Doc’s a headin home soon as he kin get his horse out an bout. Tomorrey mebbe ifn’ it don’t snow tween now an then. Said he’d be back fer Christmas. But I know it’s only fer Teacher though. Mebbe tomorrey I be gettin my letter from Preacher! Said he sent Teacher some school splies. 9 more days till Christmas an I be bout ta jump right outta my skin! When I give Rob tha fishin pole, Miz Christy’s gonna fix me up sumpthin nice lack yesterdey! Then he cain’t miss my purty smellin hair and I’ll be right beautious, specially in ma new dress! Coupla days ago, Lil Burl an Creed brought Teacher some purty lookin stuff. Said they done got it from a tree! Teacher called it Miseltoe. I cain’t rightly see what tha stuff’s for, but Miz Christy said that ya hang it up in yer door openin, and when a man-person an a gal go under it at tha same time, they gotsta kiss each other! Teacher hung it in tha doorway of tha school. Said she didn’t figure anybody’d be at tha schoolhouse, so nobody could get in any trouble. Cain’t understand what she meant. Cain’t nobody get in er out, so’s I’da better be fixen sumpthin ta eat. Miz Christy fixed breakfast. She don’t need ta know, but it weren’t Ex-ackly possum surprise. I’d better hurry afore she gets down thar. Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 10 December 17, 1914 Dear Diary, Doc MacNeill jest left tha mission. Snow been ameltin sumpthin fearful. Teacher be worried bout tha water freezin over when it gets night. So quiet round here, sumbody could whisper in El Pano an we’d be aheerin em. All day I been jest sitten an sewin with Miz Christy while Miz Alice read from the Bible. Cain’t tale what I’m a sewin jest yet, but Miz Christy said it looked right purty anyhow. Mister Pentland brought me ma letter from Preacher! He sent me sumpthin wrapped up right purty and said fer me ta wait till Christmas ta open it. Said ta take care a Miz Christy an Miz Alice, Miz Ida be adoin awright, asked bout everbody else, and even asked bout Doc. Mebbe Preacher ain’t as plumb citifed as cove folks thank… Wael, better get back ta ma sewin. 8 days till Christmas! Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 11 Summary: It's a diary, it doesn't have a summary! December 21, 1914 Dear Diary, Sorry I ain’t been wratin in ya, but yesterdey and tha day before I been sick with a cold. All better now. Day beforn that, jest didn’t feel much like wratin. It be snowin again. Rob Allen an Creed an Burl came an me’n Miz Christy went with em sleddin an abuildin snomen (an snowwimmin). That was this mornin when ‘t got light outside. Doc MacNeill ain’t been back since he left days ago. Said he’d help me with Rob’s fishin pole, but it looks like he has disremembered ma pole. Wael, there still be time. Mebbe he kin come back before Christmas time… Love, Ruby Mae Morrison 4 more days till Christmas! Part 12 Summary: The mission folks are snowed in. December 22, 1914 Dear Diary, It be snowin sumpthin fearful up here! Teacher’s jest a lookin out tha winder, lack she’s awaitin fer sumpthin but don’t rightly know jest what. It be 3 days till Christmas an Doc ain’t come back yet ta help me on Rob Allen’s pole. I’m gonna write heem a pome, jest in case Doc don’t make it back hare fore Christmas. Miz Alice been doin more an more readin from tha Bible. I reckon she arta be finishin it up real soon. She let me rest from ma sewin ta read fer a bit, but only bout 5 minutes. Teacher read fer a long time. She been fixen some a Doc MacNeill’s shirts an makin him some new socks fer Christmas. Miz Christy don’t know I know but she sent away fer a set a nice china fer tha Mission an made a beautious quilt fer Miz Alice! Has all tha colors a spring on it! Teacher jest turned round and she be ready ta start on supper. She does make biscuits purt near good, specilly with ma fried possum! Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 13 Summary: Ruby Mae updates us on the weather and what she's getting people for Christmas. Also has Rob Allen's poem gift. December 24, 1914 Dear Diary, It be comin a blizzard here sumpthin fearful! Teacher’s afrettin bout Prince an Theo…she says. She really be allfired worried bout Doc MacNeill an tha cove famlies. She jest keeps sayin over’n over how she be wonderin where their next meal’s a comin from. Wael, I finally figgered a pome fer Rob Allen. Gonna write it here so's I kin keep it. The bonnie prince charlie setup on his steed The head of his clan, he was born to lead His eyes how they shone, with a kind of new light So true and unwavering, he would soon meet his plight He rode off that day without waving goodbye Only took with him a sword and a great battle cry He died for his country so proud and so loyal Soon to return to the rich Scottish soil But he left us a tale Of courage and love For his country His family And for God up above He fought for the good For the right and the true And Rob Allen I see Great Prince Charlie in you. I showed my pome ta Teacher an she said I write good as Rob Allen! Shore hope he lacks it. I got Teacher’s gift all wrapped up, an Teacher helped me make a pair a socks. I’m givin one ta Doc MacNeill an one ta Miz Alice. Wrapped them up too. Right purty. Still acomin down out thar. Hope Bessie stays warm. Oh! Teacher’s aputtin sumpthin under tha tree!! Wonder who it be fer! 1 day till Christmas!!!!! Love, Ruby Mae Morrison Part 14 Summary: This is the end. Ruby Mae tells what she gets for Christmas, tells something interesting, and tells future plans. DISCLAIMER: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd Family. I am in no way seeking profit or credit for her story. I am continuing the story of Christy for my own amusement only. Friday, December 25, 1914 Dear Diary, What a day! Teacher an me an Miz Alice got up an opened are presents fer each other. Miz Alice got me a Bible of ma very own! An Miz Christy done got me tha purtiest fixen’s I ever seen fer ma dress. Tha lace be tiny an soft-like…lack a feather. Tha terial be tha lightest color a green I ever seen! An Preacher sent me a beautious doll! Mebbe I be too grown fer dolls, but this un’s diff’rent. Made a sumpthin Teacher called fine china! So purty! Tha snow stopped comin’. An jest as we were sittin round (me readin ma Bible) (Miz Christy admirin her scarf) (Miz Alice holdin er sock), there came a knockin on tha door. Snow’s so deep, Teacher done said nobody’d make it anywheres out thar! But fore long Doc MacNeill (with presents) was asittin in front a tha farplace an Miz Christy not lettin me get a word in. Said he’d come back ta help me with Rob Allen’s fishin pole fore Christmas done got over. Doc MacNeill kept his promise ta Miz Christy, an even got me a bag a peppermint sticks! We all been sittin round fer a while. Then Doc an Miz Christy went ta talk. Alone. They headed out ta tha schoolhouse, then real quick-like I remembered! I ran ta tha window jest ta take a quick peek! Tha misteltoe was ahangin in tha same place Teacher put it with Creed and Little Burl. Di-Rectly underneath it, was Teacher. An Doc MacNeill. Kissin. Looks lack Doc MacNeill didn’t jest come ta help me build Rob Allen’s pole. Wael, ma Granny an ma mama had tha gift a figgerin a way ta get people hitched. Ma studied up Fairlight an Jeb. It shorly be a sign from above. I be meant ta hitch Doc ta Teacher. I spose it’d be a plain sin not to. Sides, they need all tha halp they kin get. Wael, Diary, looks lack I got work ta do… Merry Christmas, Love, Ruby Mae Morrison The End!