Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd Family. We are in no way seeking profit or credit for her story.We are continuing the story of Christy for our own amusement only. Any additions in story line and characters were invented by the writer. Title: Zyanya Author: Carla Chapter one Christy’s view The clouds were ethereal, as they seemed to be everywhere. Christy felt like she could "sprout wings and fly." The smile that overpowered her mouth could not be any more expressive, or loving. She felt so drawn to the man in front of her she could not help but smile with her heart. They were, what seemed to be leaping across the sky on a horse whose gait was neither a gallop nor a canter. It was so smooth that the horse seemed to catch every flowing breeze and dwell upon it. There was no sound except for the beating of her heart and the sound of a horse seemed to be far off in the distance, coming closer and closer. No colour ...but yet not black and white either. A light that surpassed any white ever... but no, the colour was definitely not white. The only sense was the present feeling, emotion that she seemed to thrive upon. As I let my heart float on the wind it was suddenly pulled back to reality hard and fast. It must have been pulled a little too hard because it jumped into my throat and then sunk back to its rightful place. Beating so loud it seemed to be right inside my ears. But it couldn’t compare with the voice it heard now... "Miz Christy," ... "Miz Christy!" The voice that had risen me from my comforting nap on the sofa in front of the fire. I felt my cheeks grow warm as I recalled my dream... But Ruby Mae didn’t leave much time for recollection... "Miz Christy," she yelled like a voice of thunder. "thar be a yong’un needin’ a doc’ right away. Ya be wantin’ me ta go an’ fetch him for ya? I can run real fast. You won’t even know that I was gone." At this news I jumped up startled from my resting-place. "Why of course Ruby Mae I hope it isn’t serious." She didn’t need to be told twice. She was out of the door and across the Mission’s yard before I could think twice. I laughed as I watched her waving her arms and willing her legs to hurry, as snow sprayed from behind her. NO doubt that, that little ball of fire would be at Doctor McNeil’s house in no time flat and of course from there to spread the news to the entire cove, making everything sound more exciting and romantic. I had no idea what happened, but I am sure Ruby Mae would "spruce it up" entirely. I sighed as I wondered when the next time someone would be seriously injured or sick. It had been a while since anyone had been sick or hurt and for some reason I thought that finally things might be settling down to normal. Than I chided myself for thinking such a silly thought, "Why this is normal for people around here. It seems that everyone gets sick or hurt all the time." "And all at the same time too... poor Neil. He was constantly turning black under his hazel eyes from the lack of sleep he got." Then I smiled at my last thought, he was always so willing to help out. My legs got weak every time I saw blood. And sometimes he needed my help for operations...ahh I seemed to grow weak at the thought of it! I shivered as a slight wind blew on my face. "What I am still doing out here?" I asked myself. "I am going to get sick." I pulled the blanket tighter around me trying to keep warm and went inside to sofa by the fire. I wondered about the meaning of my dream. My heart skipped beats and then sometimes take two or three at a time. I must have sat daydreaming about it in the fire. Could it be David that I had dreamed about?... ...I was again startled by the sound of a horse approaching the mission. Could it be Miss Alice back from Cataleechie? She had been gone for soooo long and I was anxious to talk to her. But a voice that sounded almost thick broke my thoughts. It was a nice voice. A deep Scottish voice that seemed to almost flow like a bubbling brook. This voice immediately answered my question, "Christy," I ran outside to see what he wanted. Had Ruby Mae made excellent timing... or had I been daydreaming longer than I had thought... I could feel my cheeks grow red as I stepped outside. "Christy," he said approaching. "Ees Al’ce Henderson home frum Cataleechie yet?" "No," I said. Glad that he did not notice how red my cheeks seemed to be. "I thought maybe you were her." "Weel, surry ta disappoint yu...," he said with a rather silly smile on his face. "Well I ... didn’t mean it that way," I cut in rather defensively, trying to save myself so much embarrassment I felt. Then he let out a laugh that would shake the squirrels from their nests high in the trees. "Noo," he said still laughing quite hard, "Ah meant, surry ta ruin yur day havin’ ta help mee." "But really Neil, I can’t, I... they... you... I wouldn’t be that much help to you remember the time I... ," "O’ course Ah doo, but Ah also remeember tha time ya hulped me with Little Burl." He added looking a lot more serious. "Ah need yur hulp Christy." I know what I had to do, what I should do, but I was having a hard time finding my courage. I sighed as I leaned against the porch railing to show my submission. "Of course, I sometimes have to remember that I am not doing it for myself. And doing things for other people is not always easy." His eyes showed a feeling that I could not identify. "Hurry up lass," he spoke gently but urgently. "There aire people waiting fer us an’ Ah can’ imagine wha’ eet would like tu be tha parents right noow waiting fer tha doctor tu show up." Then he added with a strange smile on his face, "Yu might want tu get another coat tha’ blanket isn’t exactly tha thing yu’l be wanting." I stormed back into the mission replaced the blanket on the sofa and grabbed my coat from it’s place. Sometimes he made me so confused sometimes that I had a hard time thinking. "I will never come even close understanding him!" At that moment I was feeling every emotion... all but understanding. As Neil helped me mount Charlie I mentally tried to prepare myself for what was coming up shortly. I hoped it would be a long ride... I would need time to prepare myself. I suddenly scolded myself for even thinking of something like that. Neil was hoping it would be a short trip and he couldn’t wait to attempt to save a small child. The ride to the ‘sick’ child’s home was long and quite, nobody made a sound with the exception of Charlie, who was always the exception. ----------------******************-------------------- As a lonely figure wearily crossed the rolling of snow between El Pano and Cutter Gap she tried to untangle the tightly woven knots of apprehension and anxiety in her stomach. Could the final leg of her journey really be coming to an end? ************************************************************ Chapter two "At last," she thought to herself. "After and boat rides, I might finally be arriving.” At the realization of what she just said the girl thought to herself, "Weel..." Then she chided herself for being such a worrier. She flung out her hands in exasperation and shouted to no one in particular, "Ah’ve been rejected all ma life why am Ah worrying now!?" At the suddenness of her booming voice her horse Stardust jumped in surprise and skidded a few shy steps to the side. As she pulled the horse closer to her, her biggest trunk fell off of it’s neatly placed position on her horse Moonbeam, into the cold wet snow. The trunk landed with a loud thud in the soft snow. "Oh noo," she gasped as she darted over to her trunk. The fall had opened the trunk and her clothes were everywhere. "This is *just* great," she sarcastically told her horse that was carrying the trunk that had fallen. Frustrated, she picked up a dress and shook the snow off it rather harshly, folded the garment and set it back in it’s proper place. She continued to do this talking all the while to her horses about how silly they were, how much see loved them and how she felt about her journey. She had five horses, two of which were really hers, the other three belonged to someone back in the city she came from. A solitary tear rolled down her rosy cheek as she thought of sending them back... they had been her only friends the whole way here. She hated the thought of leaving them and she rushed over to Bonfire and Flame, beautiful red bays with black stockings and black ebony manes. She gently stroked Bonfire’s neck and cooed to her, but mostly for herself, "Don’t worry gerl Ah wont let anything happen tu yu. Yu either boy," she said, patting Flame and complementing him for his excellent behavior. "You aire doing excellent... all of yu," she cooed gently looking at the other horses. She continued to praise her horses’ behavior and petting them. She believed that a content horse and one that felt loved would work twice as hard. Not only did she know this to be true but also she enjoyed their company immensely. She always talked out loud to them, they heard her commands sooooo much that she could ride them talking only and never having to touch the reins or the flanks. This was very helpful since she had five horses to ride to her destination. She borrowed them from some friends of mine back home. Ever since she was a small child she always was around the animals and she felt very attached to them. She seemed to thrive upon the back of a horse flying through the air. "Ah feel soo overwhelmed," she told Sunshine placing a trunk from Stardust on her. She always thought horses should change loads every once and a while... Stardust was the youngest and he needed special care, she would ride *him* for a while. She had another talent that she could do ever since she was a child... she could hear a song soo well in her head that she usually thought someone was playing it. Her mind could play back any song that she knew well enough to be able to sing. She heard a song as if in the distance... a soft and melodic song that vibrated through her all her body, her heart and her mind. For a while there was no distention between her thoughts and voice they all seemed to be one. "I don’t know if I spoke all my thoughts... or the other way around." She was soo completely overwhelmed that she left her horses to ‘fend for themselves’ for a wee bit. "Ma mind was spinning Ah could hardly think at all. Ah ran at a dead run tu free some space in ma brain an’ fell tu tha ground beneath two massive trees of pine tha’ seemed tu sooth me somewhat. Ah prayed fervently tu God. Ah prayed for, along with *many* other things, acceptance. ************************************************************ Chapter three Christy’s view As we approached the cabin of the dying child it began to snow ever so lightly. Neil dismounted, helped me off Charlie and ran inside the ‘run down’ cabin. A barefooted boy ran to take care of Neil’s horse. His clothes weren’t warm enough and he looked like he hadn’t eaten in weeks. He was so dirty that even the O'Teales would look healthy and clean next to him. My eyes must have shown some sort of pity because his face turned red and he tried to hide it. My heart went out to him. This was the sort of thing that I wanted to change. As I walked toward the house I thought of all the things that I yearned to do for these people. Then coming from nowhere a huge gust of wind was blowing at me from behind. It sent frosty chills up my spine. I held my hood up with one hand and used the other to keep my balance as I headed toward the cabin door.. my entrance to safety. I pulled on the door..it wouldn’t open. I felt so silly trying to pull at a door that wouldn’t budge an inch against the mighty wind. Then I forgot about my hood. I was using both hands and using all of my weight against the wind. Just then someone from the inside opened the door and I found myself flying backward through the air. As I landed with a thud in the thick snow I heard a low chuckle and two strong hands picked me up like I weighed no more than a feather. I blushed as I realized that the wind was nowhere at this moment. “ Ya need ta be mo’ careful,’’ Neil’s deep Scottish brogue gently chided me. He helped me into the house. As I adjusted my eyes to the dark cabin I saw a young girl lay on a bed unconscious. As I assisted Neil with his work he explained that the girl had hit her head causing some internal bleeding.. “Oh no,” I silently screamed to myself, “we will have to operate!” I averted my eyes elsewhere as he began the dreadful operation, which I really did not want to see. I looked around the room..at the poor living conditions of this family. My heart went out to them as I saw the mother in the loft rocking her baby nervously as her husband paced around her nervously running his hands through his hair. The small boy I had seen earlier was no where in sight. I watched as the young mother brushed a lock of hair from her dirty face. I only wished I could help more. The pain I felt inside me for not wanting to come at first was overwhelming. The baby’s cries of hunger ceased as he fell asleep. The silence was deafening. A few moments ago my ears were begging for silence.. but now it was too silent. As I watched Neil perform on this little girl (to me) what seemed to be a miracle I was reminded of the day “Little Burl” had been in a situation rather like this small girl here. In a way this was almost a replay of that day..well not quite but certain things reminded me of that surgery.. like the way Neil seemed to have air of control about him. Right then I lifted up a silent prayer, for the girl, for Neil’s strong but gentle hands as he operated, for the family who needed so much and -last but definitely not least important on my mind – asking God for the strength to endure this awful surgery. I looked up at the ceiling and listened as a wind blew through this small cave and made its way on out. Once every while a wind would blow through and threaten to tear the roof off the house. I doubted weather this weak looking roof would hold against such winds but it did surprisingly well. Although I was a ‘city girl’ I knew one thing about Cutter Gap weather... ************************************************************ Chapter four Christy’s view I watched as the concentration in Neil’s eyes grew into relief. He turned to me and looked me in the eyes. “She’ll be fine,” he stated in his soothing voice like only a doctor can do. It never ceases to amaze me how calm they can be all the time, when I am sure they must be very nervous about his task or glad that a patient is out of danger. Then the concern came back into his eyes, “Aire yu alright?” “Of course,” I said and then noticing that my hand was gripping the table so hard that it was white. “I may seem worse then I really am,” I assured him. He looked in my eyes so hard that I felt like they pierced my very soul. “Ah think Ah may look ya over when we get back ta tha mission anyway.” I nodded in consent and wiped a tendril out of my face. Neil turned to the parents giving them last minute instructions on how to take care of the fragile patient. I hurried to gather all of his supplies up, cleaning them and putting them in his bag. Neil helped me finish and leaned over the injured girl and brushed her forehead lovingly, “Ya be a good gerl noe, ya hear?” She nodded weakly. “Good,” Neil said. As I reached for the door he stopped me and laughed, “Ya better let me handle tha’ ther door fer ya lass.” He opened it with no effortlessly and grinned, “Ladies first.” “Why thank you doctor,” I said acting nonchalant, trying to forget what happened earlier with that door. “Ya might as well wait here while Ah go an’ fetch Charlie,” Neil suggested already walking off. Neil was back sooner than expected and smiled to himself as he helped me mount (which by the way is no easy task). “What ever is so funny?” I questioned doing the normal routine of checking my hair, dress and so on. “Nothing Miss Huddleston, nothing,” he said starting Charlie into a slow walk. “Well,” I thought to myself with a smile tugging at the corners of my lips, “We’ll just have to see about that.” But before I could think of anything Charlie suddenly jerked and sent me flying, I grabbed for anything I could hold onto.. and that of course was Neil’s coat. He turned around pulling me back on the saddle but doing so Charlie somehow managed to uproot him and sent him flying to bite the snow. Neil landed in such a funny way that all I could do was laugh. Neil peered up at me from the snow with such a teasing look in his eyes “Weel,” he said mischievously, “Ah see *someone* is in a playful mood. We’ll jus’ see wha’ ya say when Ah get done with ya.” I nudged Charlie into a fast trot, trying to control the huge animal. But I am no horsewomen, as everyone in the Cove should know by now. Neil easily started to gain on us as I tried to make Charlie canter. I looked back at Neil who in a few seconds would be right with us. He pulled me off Charlie quite easily despite my efforts to get away. “Nooo,” I half laughed, half yelled. He just laughed and carried me off a few feet and began to tickle me mercilessly. I felt me legs drop from under me. I was sooooo ticklish that I was completely helpless. I tried to get free but I couldn’t move. I could hardly say anything, I was so choked up in bubbles of laughter. “So, ya pull me off ma horse do ya? Huh..huh?” he asked, mocking all seriousness. “Oh ya think it’s funny do ya?” “Stop, stop,” I laughed, ”stop!” “Ah’ll stop alright, bu’ first ya got tu promise me sumthing.” I nodded my head vigorously unable to say anything. “Ya got ta promise to make me another ‘dinner’ next summer ba make sure it’s cooked weel enough this time.” “Alright, alright,” I said gasping for the air, which had been denied me the last few moments. “And I’ll remember how much you like it ‘well done’. I won’t forget to make it extra crispy either,” I laughed recalling how badly I burnt the chicken when I decided to cook for him earlier. “Ah willna’ forget tha’ promise,” he said grinning. He offered his hand to me as I tried to get up myself. Mockingly I held up my nose and refused his help trying to rise myself. I most ‘conveniently’ tripped over my other foot and found myself in much the same position I was in earlier..lying in the snow, which sent Neil into a chorus of his musical laughter, as he lifted me from the ground. He carried me over to Charlie who was now a good distance away. He set me down next to the grazing beast, mounted and took off at a slow walk. “Wait,” I yelled after him trying to keep up, “where are you going?” Neil turned around and asked incredulously, “ Ya mean, yu expect me tu let ya ride with me after ya made me fall off this here horse an’ then laugh aboot it?” Then his face broke into smiles as he cantered over to where I stood and swooped me up with one strong arm not even bothering to stop Charlie. He placed me in the front saying, “ Ah dunna’ exactly get pushed off again so Ah’ll put ya up here where Ah can watch ya.” As we rode away I felt strangely comfortable with Neil’s strong arm about my waist. I knew there was nothing wrong with the way we were riding. But my cheeks grew red at his nearness.. ..On the way out of the Red River area the snow began to fall quite strongly. Neil and I were silent up until now our minds busy with thoughts of home. Neil put Charlie into a faster gait and I could sense that he was worried about something. “Doctor is anything wrong?” I asked starting to become apprehensive. “Ah dunna’ want ya ta worry but Ah think we may be in for a we bit o’ a storm and Ah dunna’ plan on a being here when it comes,” he answered very seriously.. ************************************************************ Chapter five Stranger’s view *I woke up with my eyes still closed and felt so peaceful that I just sat there for a moment. "God *always* helps me to bear anything," I thought to myself. "I must have fallen asleep! How great He is!" When I opened my eyes there are *no* words to describe what happened. It had turned night and the moon shone brightly, yet soft. There was a blue-white light (I can’t tell which there is more of.. one definitely stronger than the other, and yet, both the same.). There was a feeling of magic *everywhere*. So much of it you could just spread your arms and you could be sure to catch some. I could not help but do that. I spread my arms out in the night breeze and turned around with my mouth open catching some falling snowflakes in my mouth and on my eyelashes. I spun around looking up at a very full moon shining gently a soft spotlight in the clearing, and although the moon was bright, the bright stars were like tiny jewels against the dark sky. The sparkling diamonds made me feel so small and helpless and yet next to my powerful God I felt like I could do *anything*. I was so overcome with the magic air of the moment that I started to dance. Growing up in a school in Ireland -for almost all my life- where music and dancing were important it was a natural thing for me to do and as necessary as breathing to me. I danced the language of my heart, feelings that words have never shared..Then something caught my eye, (I am surprised that I saw it!) the snow near the woods began to take the shape of a small whirlwind. I looked into the twirling whirlwind as if expecting to see something. At first I saw nothing, but then, as I looked closer I saw a boy (just a little taller than I was) who seemed to be transparent, as though I could step through him. He started towards me.. my heart fluttered, it was racing so hard, but yet making no noise. As he came closer he became more clear to my vision. I could not make out his face (for some reason it didn’t matter what he looked like and though I tried to remember..). He seemed to be walking on air. ‘This must be a dream,’ *I said* (*felt*) to myself. He seemed gentle and kind and I knew there was nothing to be afraid of. He had something that attracted me to him and yet though I try to explain I can’t come close. My mind kept drifting... I must have done something but everything was so exhilarating that I can’t remember much of it. The next thing that I remembered was dancing around with him.. and though I had danced all of my life I had never experienced anything like this. (My heart still races as I think of it years later.. but let's stick with now.) We both danced like there was nothing else in the world. I have never seen a such a dancer like this up unto this moment, there was something strange about his dancing that made me think that he was used to a different style than I was. Something about him made me feel accepted and loved..being loved by a human.. was something that had never happened to me. My mind must have been spacing again because I can’t remember what happened next..I was riding Stardust through a terrible snowstorm. The snow was blinding and I let Stardust have the lead. They could smell things from a far and I desperately hoping that he could smell something. I lay down on him and moved my hands, trying to keep them warm. Although I was trying to keep my mind on my plight..I wondered if the boy I saw was a dream or real. He seemed so real. I had never had a dream like that before, it was too real. But on the other hand, it would explain why I can’t remember most of it.. in dreams you usually can’t remember parts of it. The snow was hardening, turning to ice. It stung my face like a thousand little swords. I was starting to lose consciousness. I told myself that I had been through harder things than this little snowstorm and nothing was going to stop me from finding shelter now.. nothing! I wondered how a gentle snowfall could have become so treacherous, so fast. Stardust gave a small jolt from under me and I looked up to see the reason. A light was shining from somewhere not too far off. Stardust whinnied back and forth to a horse still with us that I recognized to be Sunshine. I dismounted and ran toward the light. "The light," I thought to myself. "The light, I have to get to the light." It was sooo close and yet my strength was leaving me. I strained to use every ounce of the strength I had left to get there. I was sooo tired and exhausted it took all of my will to keep from falling to the snow. My will was a hard thing to break and I wasn’t about to let a little snow stop me. I heard a motherly voice calling .. .."Christy? Is that you?" I stumbled over a log in the snow and fell face forward into the bitterly cold snow. I felt two pairs of arms help lift me up out of the snow. I heard the motherly voice say something to someone about horses. I tried to help her by trying to walk by myself but I am afraid she had to drag me in.. I can't remember in any detail, whatsoever, what happened next. All I know that happened was that I was being fed some kind of soup. Then I submitted to the sleep I so desperately needed.* ************************************************************ Chapter six We both watched the snow increase in volume. The winds became much stronger and violent, breathing harshly down on us murderous threats and, quite hard snowflakes packed with ice. It fell like stinging needles becoming heavier every moment. In no time at all it was impossible for me to see Charlie, who was right in front of me. Charlie was fighting as hard as he could against the wind and snow but even I could tell he wouldn’t be able to carry us much longer. I was so tired and exhausted and my eyes were as heavy as bricks. I felt like I had no control over them. Neil kept waking me up.. he wouldn’t let me fall asleep. I wanted so much to close my eyes and just relax. Why wouldn't he let me? I couldn’t think straight.. everything was in a blur. I was scared.. I hated the dark but this blinding white was almost like a black.. but they had one very important thing in common..they held something back that I valued very much..sight! I was too tired to cry but if I could I would have. Miss Alice told me once, "In times that try the soul, thank God for something." My mind went blank..what could I thank God for? "Neil!!!" I thought. *Of course.* With his strong arm around me.. his body pressing up against mine as if keeping it safe that way. I wouldn't be able to survive without him. I felt a peace of mind after offering a short prayer of thanksgiving to God. I strained my eyes trying to look into the sheets of dark ice-snow. Then I relaxed in Neil’s arms and everything blacked out. ************************************************************ Chapter 7 coming soon!