Title:'Twas the Night before Christmas Author: Julie 'Twas the Night before Christmas 'Twas the night before Christmas at the Mission House. Miss Alice lie in bed, her hair in a bonnet. Her Bible laid on the stoop close by, while her glasses rested reverently upon It. Snow began to fall gently on the roof. Prince, in the barn, stomped the ground with his hoof. Ruby Mae, in deep sleep, began to stir. In her dream she though she saw something in the mirror. "Could it be?", she cried with a cheer. "Why, Yes! A possum, oh my, oh dear!" Quickly she bounded from her bed, only to find the possum not dead. She scurried around the room in a flurry, stubbed her toe on the trunk by being in such a hurry. Fully awake, she climbed into bed, throwing the covers over her head. She whimpered and cooed herself to sleep, hoping that in the 'morn they'd have something to eat. For meat was getting scarce and it wouldn't be long, til all the little critters would be hibernating all winter long. The preacher in his bunkhouse was still awake, fumbling with ribbons and dreaming of steak. He scratched his head and looked about, the Christmas presents were finished, but wrapping paper was thrown all about. He rose to clear up his mess, with thoughts of Christy and the Mission staff wearing their presents. Fine silken pajamas he had bought, how lovely they would look, he thought. Christy in curlers, smiled in bed, while visions of Neil and herself danced in her head. Down by the river they twisted and twirled about, oblivious to Sam Houston fishing for trout. Little Sam he sure did spy, Miss Christy and the Doc, my oh my. Christy, so happy she could split, ran her fingers through Neil's hair bit by bit. How soft and curly it did feel. She wondered, "Could it be real?" She tugged a bit here and she tugged a bit there, but, was getting nowhere. "Christy, my Lass!", Neil cried. "STOP!! You're hurting my pride." "I'm sorry, Doctor.", was her reply. "I just love your hair and wish it were mine." Giggles were heard by the shore, as Sam Houston laughed for more. "Miz Christy, Teacher, you're fun-e; why you've got the prettiest hair this side of the Mississippi." The End!