DISCLAIMER The Story and Characters are the property of the LaSourde family. This work of fan fiction is for personal amusement only, and no infringement of their rights is intended. The writers seek no profit or credit from this story. Any additions of the story line and characters were invented by the writers. Title: The Splitting Rock Author: Donna S. Sequel to “Christmas Reservations” Part 1 Christy heard the thundering of horses hooves coming over the knoll, as she walked over the bridge which was strategically placed over the small creek in the mission yard. She looked up to see Neil McNeill riding at breakneck speed, toward her. She smiled at him, as she ran toward the horse, who was snorting with excitement. Neil pulled the schoolteacher up on Charlie’s back, gently placing her into his lap. Christy put her arms around his neck, and they kissed as Charlie continued to run, whisking the wind through their hair. She smelled his manly fragrance of tobacco and leather, and breathed him in. Christy could hear the birds singing in the warm spring sun, their songs getting louder as they rode through the trails of Cutter Gap. . . . “Miss Christy, Miss Christy, ya gotta wake up! It’s almost time for school! I been tryin’ ta wake ya up for almost an hour! Even the birds have even been tryin’ to wake ya up. PLEASE!” Ruby Mae shook the teacher, until she finally opened her eyes. Christy looked around confused, shocked that she slept so late. Christy started, “Oh my goodness, Ruby Mae, why didn’t you wake me earlier? Oh dear, I’m so late, shoo out of here, so I can get dressed!.” Ruby Mae shook her head. “Lordy Miss Christy, I been tryin’ forever! See ya at school teacher, I’m startin’ over.” Christy thought of the smaller children, “Oh, Ruby Mae, if there are any students at the schoolhouse, please get them seated. Start them on their reading assignments for today, which I’ve written up on the board. Thank you, and I’m very sorry I didn’t wake up this morning.” Ruby Mae beamed at the thought that teacher would trust her with such responsibility. “Oh, I will, you can count on me, Miss Christy.” Christy got dressed as quickly as she could, putting on a navy blue skirt and a green blouse with black edging on it. She ran her brush through her hair, which wasn’t cooperating either. Christy thought, “Well, that will just have to do this morning.” She flew down the stairs, past a surprised looking Miss Alice, and ran out the door. Miss Alice bound up from her chair after Christy. “Miss Huddleston, does’t thou needst thou shoes?” Christy looked at her feet, with a reddened face. “Oh dear.” She thought. She turned around and ran back to the mission house to get retrieve her shoes, which Miss Alice got from her room. Alice said thoughtfully, “Christy, you seem preoccupied today. Is there anything bothering you of which I should know about?” “No Miss Alice, I just slept late.” Christy said. She could feel her face turning red at the thought of her dream. “Well, Christy, it looks like you will have a substitute teacher standing in for Reverend Grantland today. He has a very bad cold and can’t teach today, so I guess you’ll have to suffer with me today. …. I’ve already sent for Dr. McNeill to examine him.” Miss Alice informed her. Christy looked at Miss Alice with worry in her eyes, “It isn’t typhoid, or pneumonia is it?” Christy shuddered at the thought. Just then, the two women heard a rider coming into the yard. Dr. McNiell walked through the mission house door. “Alice, who is sick? Rob Allen came to my cabin in record time!” He looked at Christy and started to wink at her. “Nice outfit Miss Huddleston, I think you better look in the mirror before you go to school. Besides, aren’t you running late?” Miss Alice pointed in the direction of David’s bunkhouse. “Our minister is ill and needs you attention Doctor. Neil looks in the direction Alice is pointing in, “Alright, I’ll check him our and give you my prognosis.” As he grumbled he was thinking, “I don’t know which is worse to doctor, Bird’s Eye or the Reverend. At least Bird’s Eye doesn’t wine!” Christy looked down at her outfit and exclaimed, “Oh! Look at this outfit, I can’t go to school like this! I’m trying to teach the children good hygiene habits!…..” Christy and Alice looked up when they heard Ruby Mae come through the door. “Honestly Miss Christy, no one has come through the schoolhouse door yet. ….So I come home…..Lordy Miss Christy, …. What you be wearin’?” Christy looked at Ruby Mae with embarrassment and concern. “Well, where can they all be?” David and Neil walked through the door and the Doctor says, “First of all Alice, the Reverend here has nothing but a cold. I told him to get some rest and drink plenty of fluids. I figure he has enough females around to fuss over him. Now, Miss Huddleston. I hear Ruby Mae woke you up late, which is why I assume you look like you do. I believe you have time to go upstairs and straighten yourself out considering it is Saturday, April the first.” Neil said with a smile. Christy’s face turned red with embarrassment. She looked at Ruby Mae with that teachers glare, turned and ran upstairs. Part 2 Christy woke up Sunday morning to a strange sound echoing through her mountains. It reminded her of something she’d heard before. “Huh” she thought. “I know,…. it sounds like a heart beat.” She had listened to a heartbeat through Neil’s stethoscope. She was curious, so she got dressed quickly and stepped out of the mission house to see if she could find out where the sound was coming from. As Christy walked out the front door, she saw everyone else from the mission on the front lawn. Christy looked at Miss Alice with a puzzled look. “Miss Alice, what is that noise? Have you heard anything like this before?” Alice shrugged her shoulders. “I have not heard anything like this since I have been here. I wish I could shed some light on the matter, but I can’t.” Christy felt the beats vibrate through her whole body, giving her the goose bumps. She turned around when the sound of familiar hoof beats came toward the people standing on the lawn. She smiled at Neil McNeill, with an expression that was reserved only for her intended. Neil smiled at Christy as he dismounted from Charlie’s back. “Ah, so everyone else know the news now?” David glared at Neil, thinking, “Of course he would know what that sound is!” David asked Neil, “Well Doctor, are you going to enlighten us, or leave us in confusion?” The doctor looked confused. “Oh, you don’t know? That is Billy Long, he’s telling Christy that he’ll be here tomorrow. She asked him to come teach a special class as soon as the weather permitted.” Christy looked dumbfounded. She searched her memory about which class he meant. “Oh yes” she smiled. “He’s helping me teach about local history.” Miss Alice seemed a little concerned and wondered what the pert school teacher had up her sleeve this time. She was sure it would turn Cutter Gap on its head again. As she knew was the habit of Cutter Gaps beloved teacher. Ruby Mae looked like she was about to burst. She couldn’t wait for everyone to get here for church services. She wanted tell everyone what that sound was. Doc said the Indians speak through their drums. Miss Alice raised her hands in the air, “Alright everyone, we have to be ready in time for service. I suggest we all breakfast now. Neil thee are invited to eat with us if thee would like.” Neil smiled, “I’m never one to turn down a meal, thank you Alice.” He winked at Christy and escorted her into the dining room at the mission. Christy smiled at Neil. “Oh” she thought, “He always knows how to make me blush. She asked Neil, “Are you coming to services today?” She hoped he would. She knew he had been investigating the bible. She secretly wished he was renewing faith that had been questioning for so long. She knew with her support and love, he would eventually regain his faith in humankind and hopefully his God. Neil pulled a chair out for Christy. “Yes, I figured I’d start coming again. I’ll probably shock most of the cove. They won’t stop talking about this for sometime.” The Doctor sat next to Christy, the two lovers whispering thoughts to one another and giggling back and forth. David looked disgusted. He picked up his chair and slammed it into the floor, then sat down. He was frowning like Creed Allen after Christy had scolded him about something. Miss Alice jumped when the chair slammed against the floor. She had gotten so involved enjoying the couples happiness, David’s feeling were at the backburner of her mind. “David, may I have an opportunity with you, privately?” David glared at Miss Alice, stood up, and grumbled, “I need to go to church to get ready for services today.” He walked through the door, as it slammed into the doorframe. Everyone in the dining room jumped when the door slamming shook the whole room. Ruby Mae let out a yelp and dropped breakfast on the floor before she could get it to the table. “Oh, Miss Alice, I’m so sorry.” Tears welled up in Ruby Mae’s eyes. “What will we do for breakfast today?” Miss Alice put her arm around the distraught girl. “We’ll just have to do with what we can find, it’s not thy fault!” She said sympathetically. She glared in the direction David left in with a scowl on her face. She was very concerned about this whole turn of events. Christy got up to help clean the mess. “Ruby Mae, don’t blame yourself. Here, I’ll clean this up, you get ready for church.” Neil stood up from his chair, “Christy, I’ll help you clean this mess up.” He whispered in her ear. “At least we don’t have to eat it now.” Christy heard a deep rumble in his chest. “Miss Huddleston, would you honor me by joining me on a picnic lunch after church?” Christy felt her face turn red at the doctor’s attention and she nodded. “I would enjoy that very much Doctor.” Once the mess was cleaned up and Ruby Mae had dressed, everyone at the mission started toward the church. They heard horses hooves and looked up. David was riding out of the mission yard on Prince, his horse. It was then, that Miss Alice realized she would be the one to lead services that day. She told the residence that David was unable to attend today’s service. He needed to leave quickly. Alice remembered that Neil said the drums were announcing that there were Cherokee who were going to be coming to the Cove. Her sermon was based on tolerance to those who are different than you are. That we were all made in God’s image and we’re all God’s children. When church let out, the mission yard was all a buzz. Subjects included the booming sound everyone in the cove heard, and questioning where the preacher went. Of course, Ruby Mae added the turn of events during breakfast. The gossip mill in Cutter Gap ran rampant. Neil and Christy were oblivious to the rumor mill, they only had eyes for each other. The Cove’s doctor gently took the school teacher by the hand and led her to his horse, Charlie. He gathered the picnic lunch he had Fairlight make from the mission where he left it. The lovers rode off to parts unknown (at least to Christy). Part 3 Charlie pranced through Cutter Gap feeling today was a special day for Christy and Neil. The beloved horse went up a small rise as he heard the noise of rushing water. He stopped waiting for his friend Neil to tell him where to go next. He snorted, shook his head and stamped his hoof on the soft ground. The couple seemed uninterested that he stopped. He snorted again. Neil noticed Charlie’s impatience. “Oh, Charlie are we here already?” Christy looked at the spot chosen for the picnic today. “Neil, this is wonderful!” She saw a waterfall with a large willow tree hanging its branches into a little alcove. It was the greenest spot in all of Cutter Gap and the waterfall made everything smell of fresh greenery. The fragrance was similar to a fresh cut lawn the family gardener trimmed at her Ashville home. A tear of homesickness slid down her cheek. Neil said, “What is it Lass, I didn’t want to make you sad. Are you all right?” He was concerned he’d done something to hurt her. “I’m OK, this spot reminds me of my parents home, is all. It’s so beautiful and peaceful here. I’m very glad you shared it with me.” She looked into Neil’s eyes with such love. He swept her into his arms and lightly kissed her on the mouth, until his kisses got more demanding and his breathing was rapid. He put her feet into the soft forest floor. Breathing a slow sigh. “Well Lass, lets get the picnic basket and begin the festivities.” After the couple ate lunch, Neil took Christy by the hand and led her to the waterfall. They carefully climbed down the slippery rocks, until Neil stopped. Christy looked at him inquisitively. Neil smiled at her and said, “Here we go lass.” He walked right into the waterfall! Christy saw a hand reach out for her. She grabbed it, and was pulled through the waterfall and into a cavern, to Neil’s waiting arms. She felt his lips on her cheek as he pulled her body close to his. Christy wavered, “Careful Lass, the rocks are slippery.” Christy looked around the cavern. It was slightly illuminated and filled with colors she had only dreamed about. “Neil, I’ve never seen anything like this. It reminds me of the fairy tails I read as a child.” “I wager you were an imaginative child at that!” Neil said. “I used to come and play here as a young lad. Jeb and I used to come here everyday. Our parents would look for us, but could never find us. We used to act out stories we’d heard from Uncle Bogg. The only other person I ever showed this to is Billy Long . . . . and you.” Christy started investigating what was in the cave. She saw interesting markings. “What are these drawings Neil? Did you and Jeb draw them?” Neil shook his head negatively. “Alas, we did not. These are drawings ancient Indians drew. Some of the hunt, other of their stories or histories. Billy Long could explain what they mean.” “Well Lass, I think we should get you back to the mission. Tomorrow is a big day for you. I don’t know how many members of the Tribe Billy will be bringing with him, so you need to be prepared. If you need any help, just holler.” The couple packed up their lunch, boarded Charlie and off they went. Christy was already thinking about what was going to happen tomorrow. Her excitement was growing with each one of Charlie’s steps. “Neil, do you think Billy will bring Mary and the boys with her?” Christy hoped he would, she would like to see her new friends again. Neil thought about it. “He might, considering they are coming to see you.” Neil brought Charlie up to the stairs of the mission. “I’ll come by in the morning to see if you need my help. He gave Christy a hug and a kiss that would definitely last until the next day!” David stood in the doorway of his bunkhouse watching the happy couple. He turned and slammed the door which shook the whole mission. Christy heard something hit the wall in his room. She looked at Neil with tears in her eyes. “Christy, he’ll eventually come around. I promise you! You have enough to worry about Lass. I’ll see ya in the morning.” He winked at her as he rained Charlie to a gallop. Christy sat on her vanity chair. She had been reading about the Cherokee Nation. “Hmm” Christy thought. “I will review the books tonight so I’ll be somewhat educated on this matter.” She reviewed her books while she brushed her hair. Christy yawned, “I suppose I should get to sleep . . . .” Part 4 Christy heard the thundering of horses hooves coming over the knoll, as she walked over the bridge which was strategically placed over the small creek in the mission yard. She looked up to see Neil McNeill riding at breakneck speed, toward her. She smiled at him, as she ran toward the horse, who was snorting with excitement. Neil pulled the schoolteacher up on Charlie’s back, gently placing her into his lap. Christy put her arms around his neck, and they kissed as Charlie continued to run, whisking the wind through their hair. She smelled his manly fragrance of tobacco and leather, and breathed him in. Christy could hear the birds singing in the warm spring sun, their songs getting louder as they rode through the trails of Cutter Gap. The bird songs gave way to a loud beating sound in her head, getting louder all the time. . . . Christy woke up to the sounds of drums. The whole Cove shook with their reverberation. There were people singing and she could hear them working outside. She stretched as she woke up with a start. “Is Billy here already? He must be.” The school teacher got up quickly. She was determined to get dressed in a hurry, but hopefully this time, her outfit would match and she would run out the door with her shoes on her feet. Again, everyone at the mission was on the front lawn to find out where the sound was coming from. David had a scowl on his face. He looked disgusted. He knew this all came about because of the trip Christy took with the Cove’s Doctor. It had been a medical call, but he knew that was when they had found the desire to have an understanding with each other. He walked back to the mission for breakfast, not sure he would be able to eat any of it. Christy looked up to see Billy Long and Neil MacNeill coming toward the mission folk. She ran over to the two men. “Billy, I’m so glad you could come visit us. Did Mary, Freeman and Joseph come as well?” “Well, yes, they did come with me. I don’t think I could have kept them home if I hogtied them.” Billy said with a smile. Christy led Billy to the schoolhouse to discuss what his people had planned for the day. They would first have the opening of the day. Many of his tribesmen had prepared crafts to do and stories to tell to the children. Billy told Christy that on Friday night, they planned to have a Pow Wow and to ask each of the children to bring one vegetable to the evening Pow Wow. Christy said, “Well, I didn’t realize this would be a whole weeks worth of activities, but I’m glad my children will have this opportunity. I hope this will bring out two peoples together.” Soon, the whole mission yard was filled with many of the residents of Cutter Gap. They all followed the sound of the drum, which was the desired affect. Each one of them talked amongst themselves wondering what it was all about. Dr. MacNeill put his arms up in the air. “Can I have your attention please.” Everyone in the yard became quiet. “Miss Huddleston has asked our friend Billy Long and his tribe to come and teach us a little about the Cherokee Nation. Your children will be leaning many things this week about Indians, the way they live, and how they live now. They will be coming home with more information this evening after school. So, I think the parents can either return home, or, if you’d like, you can ask if anyone from the tribe needs help setting things up for the activities this week. Thank you for your attention.” Christy and Billy came out from the school and stood next to the Doctor. They couldn’t believe their eyes. No one left the mission and curious residents spread out amongst the Cherokee asking questions and helping. Christy walked toward one of her students. “Rob Allen, please ring the bell, it’s time for school to begin.” The children all let out a disappointed bellow. “Alright everyone, we will have Billy visit the school as soon all of you are in your seats.” Creed Allen ran up to Billy as soon as he saw him. “Billy, I still have our saddle, you want it for a while?” Billy said, “No Creed, you keep a little while longer, I have no need for it right now. Tell you what, would you like to meet my boys? After school I will introduce you to them. But until then, you need to be in your classroom.” Creed looked at him with a big grin, “Sure ‘nuf Billy. . . Hey everyone, Billy is going to have me swap howdies with his boys.” He jumped into his seat. Sam Huston looked at Creed like he was the luckiest boy in the world. “Wow, Creed Allen, can I come too?” Billy entered the schoolhouse an hour after the session started. He was wearing an outfit of a Cherokee Indian Chieftain with a small drum in his left hand. The children were amazed with the outfit. He explained what every part was and the meaning behind it. The students learned some songs from the past and what they meant. Billy told them they would be singing these songs and each of them would make an outfit to be presented at the Pow Wow. They would be judged for the best outfit and the best dancer. By the time they were let out for recess, there was an Indian style home sitting in the schoolhouse yard. It still needed to be decorated. “Hey, Miss Christy, can we make decorations for the new house?” Ruby Mae and Zady asked excitedly. “Oh please?” Their teacher smiled at the students enthusiasm. “You will both have to ask Mr. Long that question.” The closing statement for the day was given by Mary Long. “Tomorrow children, we will be working on crafts our people do every day. They were past down to us by our elders. Now, Friday will mark the end of our week together. We will be having what we call a Pow Wow, a big party. We will show all our crafts we’ve done during the week. There will be story telling, singing and dancing. The only thing we ask of you, is to bring one vegetable on Friday. Can everyone do that for me?” The class looked quite excited, their eyes opened wide. All the students nodded their head. Mary continued, “Tell your parents everyone is invited to the festivities this Friday. Do some of your parents play an instrument? Have them bring what ever they have. You’ve been a wonderful bunch to work with today, and Miss Huddleston tells me it’s time for you to go home now. See you tomorrow!” There was a loud noise as the students chairs rubbed and screeched on the floor. The children ran out the door. Creed went to find Billy. He looked forward to “swap howdies” with Billy’s children. Creed looked for Billy, but couldn’t find him. He did see Lundy Taylor slip by the mission. He had a black eye, and a large cut on his right arm. Lundy quickly limped away, hoping Creed hadn’t seen him. He was walking toward El Pano. Creed knocked on the bunkhouse door. The reverend opened the door sleepily. “Preacher, you seen Billy Long?” David was short with the boy. “Creed you woke me up. I’m sick. I haven’t seen him.” He closed the door, not waiting for the boy’s response. Creed shrugged his shoulders and walk off. Christy wondered where Neil was, she went to the doors of the schoolhouse. She looked around, “Oh,” she thought, “there he is on the roof of the new house.” She started for his direction, waving her hands. Neil saw Christy strolling across the mission yard. He smiled at her and waved a hand. David came out from his bunkhouse to find Miss Alice. He found her in the kitchen at the mission. “Miss Alice, I think this is a disgusting display. I haven’t been able to hear myself think, there is so much noise.” “David,” I think this is a wonderful opportunity for our two peoples to become closer together and understand one another better.” David scowled, “Yes, and Christy and Dr. MacNeill to spend more time together. Miss Alice, it just isn’t proper for her to be spending so much time with him.” “David, Neil has asked her father’s permission to court Christy. There is nothing improper about it, other than the fact that you are jealous. Christy has made her feelings known, but you can’t seem to accept the inevitable. It’s time for you to let a romantic relationship go and focus on the precious friendship the two of you have.” “I can’t do that, I need a wife. I need Christy to be my wife. She is the only one for me.” David left the kitchen and again slammed the door to the mission. He returned to his bunkhouse to sulk. Miss Alice prayed for the reverend. “Dear Father in Heaven, please help David see that he needs to focus on your needs and not his own. As he does this, I pray he finds his quest, through Your Grace. Please protect Neil and Christy’s, their new ‘understanding’ and their love for You. Amen.” Part 5 Doctor MacNeil walked over to his beloved horse, Charlie. “Ach, Charlie, it’s been a quiet day for ya. Hasn’t it Lad? Here have some oats, you can eat while I brush ya.” He turned to a rustling at the barn door. “Christy, love, you look gloomy for such a fun day. The children are very excited about the Pow Wow on Friday.” Christy sighed, “I’m upset with David’ behavior lately. I know he has a cold, but his mood is not caused by that. I can’t believe what he just said to me.” Tears streamed down her face as Neil caressed her face and wiped the tears from her cheeks. Neil thought about David. He knew how he would feel if he didn’t have Christy. Miserable came to mind. “Darlin’, I wish I could help you the right words to tell him, but I think he need to get through this one on his own.” “Neil, I’ve seen how David has been slamming doors and such. I went to talk with him at his bunkhouse after school today.” Christy relayed to Neil the conversation she had with David. Flashback . . . I knocked on David’s door. “Who is it? I’m sick. Go away!” David grumbled. “David . . . It’s Christy. Can I come in? I need to talk to you.” David opened the door. “I don’t see any need for us to talk. You’ve already said enough. You’ve rejected my proposal, what more do you need to say?” “David, I care about you. You’re my friend. Please tell me what I can do to make you feel better.” “Christy, you led me on, made like you really cared for me. Then, you dropped me for Neil MacNeill, a non-believer, and a married man.” Christy’s jaw dropped, as tears ran down her face. “You . . . young lady, are just as bad as Margaret MacNeill, chasing anything in pants! Now that Neil’s wife is gone, are you going to drop him and go after Billy Long now? I believe he has a wife.” “I couldn’t fathom the words coming out of David’s mouth. I was so shocked I couldn’t think of anything to say. I could feel steam coming from my ears. I did the only thing I could think of. I, Christy Rudd Huddleston slapped David soundly across the face, turned around and left. End of Flashback Christy laid her head on Neil’s broad chest and signed. He put his arms around her and rested his chin on top of her head. “Come take a walk with me Lass, you’ll feel better. We won’t go far, it’s almost time for dinner.” They strolled toward the meadow and into the forest, concealing their loving caresses. Neil and Christy were startled by a sound nearby. Bird’s Eye Taylor came rushing out from his camouflaged area. “Where is my boy, I know you got him. What did ya do with him?” He stuck the barrel of his shotgun at Christy’s head. “Get out here fella’s. You watch the Doc.” More of his cronies came out from the bush. They surrounded the couple, all them armed and pointing in their direction. “Bird’s Eye,” Neil said, “Neither Christy nor I know where Lundy is, and neither of us have seen him. Would you like help looking for him?” Bird’s Eye scowled, “I don’t need nobody’s help, specially yours. Now, I know them mission folk are hidin’ him out. Found his tracks near here. They wanta see the two of you again, their gonna have ta hand over ma boy. You move it along, here me?” Bird’s Eye pointed his gun in the direction he wanted them to go. “Christy, we better follow his direction. I know Bird’s Eye, . . .and he doesn’t bluff.” “You two, shesh up, no blabberin’ or I’ll kill ya.” Bird’s Eye yelled. The motley group continued on the path quietly, until the came to a cave, one Neil had never seen. . . Part 6 Bird’s Eye motioned for Christy and Neil to enter the cave first. Neil gently set Christy aside. “I’ll go first Lass, I don’t know what’s in this cave.” Neil entered the opening cautiously. He looked around the perimeter. There were torches that illuminated the inside with light. It looked like someone had taken great care to store moonshine at the optimal temperature. In the middle of the “room” was a roughly honed table and chairs. There were blankets haphazardly strewn on the floor of the cave. Bird’s Eye pushed Christy in the entrance. “Get in thar Miss Prissy or you’ll be a hurtin’. Lay on the floor, over yonder and I’ll ties ya up, you too Doc.” He waved his gun at them wildly as he pointed. Neil knew that Bird’s Eye’s threats were genuine. “Christy, I believe we better do as he asks.” They laid on the spot indicated as one of Bird’s Eye’s men tied the two together in spoon style. “Bird’s Eye could we at least have a blanket, it is cold in here.” “You shesh up, your in no position to be tellin’ me what to do. You jest go ta sleep. I don’t wanna hear any of yourn catterwallin’. Christy craned her neck to look at Neil with a worried look. “Don’t worry Lass, I’ll get us out of this, I promise.” Christy nodded at Neil, “I hope so. I’m scared Neil.” Neil nodded in her direction, not speaking. He didn’t want to upset Bird’s Eye any more than he was already. Neil and Christy snuggle together to keep out the cold and fell asleep. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Miss Alice woke up while it was still dark, she couldn’t sleep anymore. She looked at the clock and it read 5:00 am. She dragged herself out of bed and started breakfast, figuring everyone would enjoy a meal prepared by someone other than Ruby Mae. She heard David coming in the front door of the mission. “David, thee art up early.” David squinted in Miss Alice’s direction. “I thought I would take a ride on Prince this morning.” He poured himself some coffee. “I fed Prince and Charlie before I had breakfast. Have you seen Christy? I need to speak with her about what happened last night. I suppose she told you what I said and I feel terrible about it! I prayed about it all night.” “No. . . I have not seen her, or Dr. MacNeill, not since school yesterday. I will check on Christy now, it does seem strange that Neil’s horse would still be here. I’ll be back in a minute.” Miss Alice hurried up the stairs. She opened Christy’s door a crack and saw a neatly made bed. “Oh no, I must tell everyone.” She ran down the stairs with a wild look in her eyes. David saw in her eye’s exactly what he was thinking. “She’s not there is she? I was afraid of this.” “No David, she is not. I think we better ask Billy if any of his people have seen them. If it was a medical emergency that brought them away, Charlie would not be in our barn.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The mission yard was filled with what seemed to be, all of Cutter Gap. Miss Alice had asked what she thought was everyone in the Cove if they had seen the doctor, or the mission’s teacher. Everyone in the cove had gathered in the mission yard to from a search party. Creed Allen ran up to Billy Long. “Billy, one of Bird’s Eye Talyor’s men came up to me and asked me to give this note to ya. Wonder if they be lookin’ for Lundy? I seen him yesterday, all black and blue. He be limpin’ on one leg. He was goin’ toward El Pano.” Billy read the note, “You saw Lundy yesterday, Creed? That is important information. I’m abliged to you.” Creed looked like he was going to burst with pride. Billy walked over to Miss Alice. “Miss Alice, someone just hand this note to Creed Allen, he brought it to me. You better read it. Creed also said he saw Lundy yesterday.” The note read: Mishiun folk: We got the Doc and teecher. Gonna hold em til you send Lundy back. We’s knows yu’s got em. If’n ya don’t send em back by tamarry, we’s gonna kill the too of em. One of my fellers hep me writ this here lettre. X (Birds Eye Taylor) Miss Alice looked at Billy with despair. “Then are thee telling me, Lundy has left Cutter Gap? We have no way of getting him to Bird’s Eye if he has left. Do you have any idea of what we can do to find Lundy or Christy and Neil?” David was horrified at the thought of Christy being in the clutches of Bird’s Eye Taylor. “Miss Alice, I have to help them, especially after what I said last night. I will ride to El Pano on Prince and check to see if Lundy is there, or has boarded any of the trains.” Billy said, “That is a good idea Reverend, my friend’s and I will take care of Bird’s Eye. We’ll find em Miss Alice, don’t you worry. My Mary will help you teach school today. The children are working on Indian studies anyway. Now. . . here is my plan. . . . Part 7 Christy heard the thundering of horses hooves coming over the knoll, as she walked over the bridge which was strategically placed over the small creek in the mission yard. She looked up to see Neil McNeill riding at breakneck speed, toward her. She smiled at him, as she ran toward the horse, who was snorting with excitement. Neil pulled the schoolteacher up on Charlie’s back, gently placing her into his lap. Christy put her arms around his neck, and they kissed as Charlie continued to run, whisking the wind through their hair. She smelled his manly fragrance of tobacco and leather, and breathed him in. She felt the warmth of his body next to hers. She sighed and pulled him closer. She was very cold and tried to pull shawl higher up on her shoulders except. . . Christy woke up to the cold dampness of the cave. As she became more aware, she remembered their circumstances. She remembered that Bird’s Eye would kill them today if Lundy was not brought back to him. She thought, maybe Bird’s Eye did love his son in some odd way. She shivered as the dampness which penetrated her bones. She felt Neil’s arms pull her body closer to him as he whispered in her ear. “Christy, I’ve been working on a knot, I think I almost have it undone. We need to look for a chance to run. If I get out, and someone sees us, . . . you’ll have to make a run for it, while I keep them busy, alright?“ Christy looked at Neil as though he’d lost his mind. “I won’t leave with out you, Mister. I just will not do it!” “Neil rolled his eyes and thought, “We don’t have a chance then. . . unless we try to talk our way out of this. Maybe Bird’s Eye will be more reasonable this morning.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Billy Long thought of the tracking skills his Grandfather had taught him and smiled. He had never used these skills to save someone’s life before. It was truly an honor, especially to save the man who had saved the life of his eldest son. The man was also his blood brother, White Buck, his Indian name, which was given to him by one of the Elder’s in his tribe. Billy rounded up the best trackers in his tribe to help find the missing couple. He also enlisted the aid of a young gentleman who hunted with him once before. “Creed,” Billy said, “this is very serious, and Miss Christy and Doc MacNeill need your tracking skills and knowledge of the area. Will you help us?” Creed nodded very seriously. “I will Billy, your boys gonna help too?” Billy nodded, “Of course, all the men in the tribe help each other. It’s a matter of survival, Creed.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bird’s Eye drank the hot beverage from his cup trying to warm up from the night’s chill. He figured he wasn’t going to offer the Doctor or the Teacher anything, they’d be dead soon anyway. He’d give the mission until noon to send Lundy back to him. He looked over at the couple laying on the floor. They were whispering to each other. “You hush up you two, I don’t want you to be plannin’ anythin’.” Neil thought of what he could say to Bird’s Eye to let them go. “Bird’s Eye, remember when we were boys, we’d go huntin’ together. We were the best hunting team. I remember when that big ol’ bear came chargin’ at you and I wrestled with him until you could shoot him. You remember?” Bird’s Eye shook his head. “Yah, I remember, you saved my life that day, and I’m beholdin’.” “Do you remember you never paid back that favor?” Neil said. ”Maybe we could call it even now, if you let us go. What do you think?” Bird’s Eye grumbled. “I’ll study on it, but I won’t be promisin’ anything.” Neil said, relieved, “That’s all I can ask of you. Bird’s Eye, I’m telling you the truth, neither Christy nor I have seen Lundy and as far as I know, . . . he’s not at the mission. I’ve never lied to ya now, have I?” “We might have a chance after all.” Neil thought. Bird’s Eye shook his head again, “What you been sayin’ is the truth, you’ve never lied to me.” He looked at Neil with a steel eyed stare. “You hesh up and let me think.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Billy started to follow the tracks that were those of his friends. He pointed out which tracks were Christy and Neil’s, to Creed, Freeman and Joseph. They followed the tracks for two hours. “Creed,” Billy asked, “is there anywhere near here, someone could find to hide? Like a cave or cabin that might be remote?” Creed thought about it for a while. “Yes, me and Sam Houston found a cave somewhere’s around these parts. Now, let me think, . . . Yep, I remember now. It be this way.” Billy Long let out a bird call, one that Creed didn’t recognize and all the braves came toward Billy. “Creed here thinks he remembers a cave bein’ around here. Their tracks are right here, leading in a westerly direction. They came through here late last night. Best we split up, I’ll take the boys and look for the cave. The rest of you look for another way into the cave.” With that, they split up and went their separate directions. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Bird’s Eye walked out of the cave and left Christy and Neil by themselves. He heard a bird’s song outside. One he hadn’t heard this time of the year. He decided to investigate, rifle in hand. “Christy, I’ve almost got these knots out. I’m going to tie them to look like their tight, but they will come undone if I pull on them. If I need to get up quickly, you get behind something. That way I won’t need to worry about where you are. OK Lass?” Christy nodded, “I’m so worried you’re going to get hurt. Please be careful. Promise?” “I promise, and I won’t leave ya Lass.” Neil reassured his friend. Bird’s Eye came rushing in. “I heard ya talkin’ in here, you shesh ep, or I’ll shoot ya here and now.” By that time, Neil had the knots done and they were laying on the ground as they were before. Bird’s Eye turned and looked toward the cave entrance when he thought he heard something outside. . . . Part 8 Neil sprang from the floor of the cave, the knots falling apart and releasing them from their bondage. Christy ran for cover behind a large rock. Bird’s Eye turned around, gun pointed in front of him to see the Cove doctor running at him like an angry bull. They fought over the gun, pulling and tugging. Bird’s Eye realized Neil was the stronger of the two, and he fired his gun. Neil had grabbed the gun and forced it to the ceiling of the cave just as it went off. The slug hit the roof of the cave which started a chain reaction. Four stalactites fell from the roof and toward the floor. The biggest of the rock formations fell on Bird’s Eye’s head knocking him down. Neil had a glancing blow to his head and left shoulder. He let out a loud yelp and grabbed his left clavicle. His knees buckled under him as he heard Christy scream. “Neil!” Christy ran from her hiding spot to help the doctor, her lover. “Billy, Neil is hurt I need you in here.” She looked around. . . standing there was Billy, Creed, Freeman, Joseph and other Indian’s she hadn’t met yet. “Help me, . . .please. Billy ran to his “brother’s” side. “Let’s get him back to the mission. That’s closest, side’s, Miss Alice is there.” With that, the men carefully picked him up and carried him to Charlie. Billy mounted behind him to keep him in the saddle. One of the braves went back into the cave to check on Bird’s Eye. He came out shaking his head. I feel no pulse nor hear any breaths, he’s dead. I’ll bury him here, you bring White Buck back to the mission. Billy told Christy to ride his horse, and they were off. Christy saw Ruby Mae’s red hair first. The girl ran into the mission screaming. “Miss Alice, Miss Alice, they found teacher and the Doc, looks like Doc is hurt. Come quick!” Miss Alice came running outside the mission as she said a prayer for their return. She followed as Billy carried and unconscious Neil into the building. She looked at Billy, “Bird’s Eye?” Billy shook his head, he thought he saw a tear roll down Miss Alice’s cheek. She asked generically, “What happened to Neil?” as she took his shirt off. She carefully checked every inch of the doctor. Starting at the head, she checked his eyes, in his mouth and ears. She moved to the shoulders. He started to wake up. “Does this hurt?” Neil spat, “Watch where your pokin’ woman. Ya have the hands of a Troll.” Alice looked at Neil, “So, may I assume that is what hurt thee?” The doctor nodded painfully. She palpated everything, Christy doubted Miss Alice missed an inch. Alice looked at everyone with resolve. “Neil has a cut on his head which will need stitching, maybe a concussion. He has a broken left clavicle and a broken humerus. I’ll need volunteers to hold him down while I set it.” Everyone in the room backed up and tried to make themselves less visible. “I take it there are no takers? David, Billy, and Grey Owl, you hold him down so I can fix his arm.” The men reluctantly came over to where the doctor was. Billy said, “Miss Alice, it would be easier to hold down a wounded grizzly!” He shook his head with doubt. “We’ll do it though. He is my blood brother.” He motioned the other men. “Grey Owl and I will take each shoulder, David you take his feet.” David realized he got the hard part. He’d have to watch out for the flailing feet. “Alright, thanks a lot Billy.” Christy tried to stay out of the way, so she wouldn’t get injured. Neil quickly sat up. “Christy, . . .Where is she? Is she OK?” “Neil,” Christy spoke up, “I’m here, and I’m fine. Just worry about yourself.” She felt a tear trickle down her cheek. “I hope he’ll be alright.” She thought. With that, the doctor lowered himself painfully onto the kitchen table, where he was placed. Alice nodded to the men to hold on tight. She yanked hard on the doctors arm. He yelped in pain, while David went flying to the floor, after Neil gave a hefty kick. Alice examined the two breaks with satisfaction, both were back in place. She started to put the plaster cast on, she had prepared the materials earlier. Next on the list was cleaning and stitching the cut on his head. “I’m sure he’ll tolerate this well also.” Alice mused, “Especially when I have to shave the spot.” Christy’s knee’s started to wobble, but she wouldn’t leave her beau’s side. When Alice was finished, she asked Billy to bring Neil to an extra bed upstairs in a room next to Christy’s room. “Christy, I assume neither Neil nor you got a good night sleep. Why don’t thee retire to your room?” Christy shook her head, “No, I want to sit with Neil. I need to make sure he’s OK. Please?” Alice nodded in agreement. Christy sat next to Neil’s bed, “I’m glad you came back to me Silkie. I was afraid for you. Thank you for saving us. I knew you would.” “What did you just call me Lass?” Neil looked at her with amazement. “I called you Silkie. Is that OK? That is what you make me think of when I look at you. I just feel you have found your lost love. I hope?” She looked at him with those blue eyes he found so dear. A low laugh rumbled in his chest. “That’s fine. I like it actually.” He moved to kiss her, but his shoulder didn’t allow it. He grabbed at his left side, and groaned. Christy jumped up to help him as Fairlight walked in with a tray of food. “Miz Christy, I figured you two would be hungry, so I brought you somethin’.” She said with a smile. “Oh Fairlight, that look delicious. We are hungry. Thank you.” “Miz Christy,” Fairlight said, “You and the Doc, eat your meal, then you should be getting’ some sleep. I’ll wake ya up for dinner.” Neil looked at Christy and nodded his head. “Fairlight is right Christy, I’ll be alright and I’ll call if I need ya. You get some sleep now, OK?” Christy nodded in agreement and stood up from the chair. Fairlight saw that she was starting to wobble and grabbed her arm. “I guess am tired. Good night Silkie.” She leaned over to give him a hug. Neither wanted to give up the comfort of each other’s warmth, but knew it was best. “See you soon.” Christy said, but he was already asleep. Christy got into her bed, she was listening to the children playing outside. She wondered what they were doing in school today. She sighed at the sound she missed so much, her children. . . . Part 9 Christy heard the thundering of horses hooves coming over the knoll, as she walked over the bridge which was strategically placed over the small creek in the mission yard. She looked up to see Neil McNeill riding at breakneck speed, toward her. She heard a yelp from the doctor as . . . Christ awoke realizing Neil had made a sound of pain in the next room. She ran to his side, “What happened, are you OK? Can I do anything for you?” Neil looked at the teacher apologetically, “Sorry for wakin’ ya up Lass, I just turned the wrong way and was woken up by the pain.” Christy looked around, “Oh, it looks like morning, they must not have woken us up like they said they would. It’s Wednesday, I need to check with Mary and Billy what they covered yesterday. I’ll run downstairs and bring you some breakfast first.” Neil sat in bed, wondering what he did to deserve a woman like Christy Huddleston. “Here we go, will you need help eating?” Christy asked. Neil said, “No, I’ll be fine, you go ahead.” Christy looked at Neil with a longing to stay with the Doctor. He looked so vulnerable like this, she’s never seen him sick before. “I should stay with you. That’s it, I’m staying. He shook his head, “Christy, I’ll be fine as frog hairs, . . . . you need to get everything ready for the Pow Wow. Really!” She studied his condition, “I guess your right, . . . . but I am visiting you at lunch time. OK?” Neil nodded. “OK.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mounty and Sam Houston rang the bell for school to begin. As each student ran into the building, Christ told them to find their seats. “Alright now, everyone take your tablets out. We haven’t done our spelling test yet this week.” The children let out a moan. “Aw, Miz Christy, ya just got back, do we have ta?” Christy smiled, “Yes we do, other wise, we’ll get behind in our lessons. After lunch, Billy and Mary have another art project that combine our two cultures. Can anyone give me the definition for culture?” Sam Houston raised his hand. “Ma’am, ain’t that when ya make curds and whey? Ya separate the milk you make cottage cheese.” Christy smiled, “Yes, that is one type of culture, but not the one I’m looking for. Any other ideas?” Zady Spencer raised her hand. “Yes, Zady?” Christy pointed at her. “Ma’am, don’t that mean, somethin’ like, customs . . . . like them Highland Games, and the Doc wearin’ a . . . . ki . . . . kilt? Ah mean we’re like different than the Lowlanders. Right?” Christy nodded, “Exactly Zady. But some customs can be shared, like making corn husk dolls. The Indians showed us how to make them, and now they’re part of our culture.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The children started having that dazed eye look, so Christy decided it was time for lunch. Besides, she was worried about Neil. The children piled out of the schoolhouse in a hurry. She asked Mary to keep an eye on them, while she made a visit. Christy quietly walked up the stairs of the mission, with a tray of food, and coffee. She peeked inside the room to see a sleeping convalescing doctor. Christy looked at his face racked with pain, even as he slept. She wished she were there instead of him, so he wouldn’t feel the ache of his broken bones. Bones that were broken to save them both from Bird’s Eye ill fated scheme to get his son back. One he paid with his life. The beloved teacher reached down and moved the strand of hair that always fell into his eyes. She kissed him on the forehead. The doctor stirred at her touch. “Ah, tis my sweet bonnie lass that comes to me?” She nodded her head, “How are you feeling? You look like you in pain.” He straightened his back and stretched. “I think you might be right. Could you give me a glass of water and that powder over there? It’s for the pain Christy.” She obliged him. “I brought some food for you and some coffee. Would you like some?” He reached for the tray. “Thank you, Lass.” She smiled, “Your welcome, Silkie. I hate to do this, but I need to get back to school. I left Mary in charge. I need to get back.” He nodded to the door, “Don’t keep the children on my account.” He had that teasing glint in his eye, that she loved so much. She leaned down to kiss him, as he pulled her to him. “Will I see you later?” She nodded and kissed him on his warm lips and stood up, straightening his pillows. “Bye, I’ll see you after school.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “Everyone, it’s time for school to get out for the day. Don’t forget to read about the Cherokee people in you history books and we’ll have a discussion on it tomorrow. The parts for the Pow Wow also need to be practiced and your costumes finished. We’ll see you all in the morning.” The children ran from their seats and into the yard. Each one was discussing what was coming up on Friday. There was excitement in the air. Billy walked into the schoolhouse. “Miss Christy, we almost have the house ready for people to go through on Friday. We’re just waiting for the children to hand their crafts up inside.” “Billy, Mary did wonders with the children while I was away. What are all these items they’ve made?” Christy looked at them with wonder. “Mary and the other women had the children make Dream catchers, medicine wheels, and medicine bags.” Billy explained. “Tomorrow we would like to teach the children how to play La Cross, which is a game invented by Indians. It teaches how to survive in wars and strengthens the braves.” “ Oh, that is very interesting. I can’t wait!” Christy started to gather her papers up. They had a spelling and math test and she needed to correct them to hand back the next day. She was getting ready to return to the mission. Ruby Mae ran across the mission yard screaming. “Miss Christy, Miss Christy, you have a phone call, come quick! Run!” Christy started to walk faster, “Who called me Ruby Mae?” “It be your Daddy, hurry you gotta run.” Ruby Mae started to pull her along faster. “Daddy? Is that you?” Christy squealed into the phone. “Why, yes it is Little Miss. How are you? It’s been such a long time since I’ve spoken with you.” William Huddleston said. Christy said, “Oh, I’m fine, how is everyone doing?” “We’re doing quite well, we just want to call and tell you that we’ve decided to come to Cutter Gap for a visit. We’ve missed you and Neil very much. I’d like to get to know my future son-in-law better. You know.” William said. Christy’s voice got higher, “Your coming here? When? Tomorrow?” Ruby Mae patted her on the shoulder. “What’s he sayin’ Miss Christy, ya gotta tell me.” Christy waved a hand at her to shush. William responded, “Yes, Thursday morning. We’re leaving on the train at 4am sharp. We should be at Cutter Gap by 10 am. Is that alright? And can you make arrangements for us to be picked up at the train station?” “Oh yes,” Christy said excitedly. “Maybe I can ask David or Jeb to pick you up. I’m teaching tomorrow and we’re getting ready for a Cutter Gap get together.” Ruby Mae started chattering. “Are your Mamma and Daddy comin’ to the Gap, Miss Christy? Are they?” “Sh, Ruby Mae, I can’t here!” Christy shouted “Ok, Daddy, I’ll see you tomorrow. I love you. Bye.” Part 10 Charlie felt frisky this morning. He hadn’t been ridden in many days. He wasn’t used to this much rest. He snorted and stomped the ground. Neil petted his favorite horse. “Ach, laddie, you’re not used to just lazin’ around. It’s alright, you’ll be getting’ a workout today. You’ll be behind the backboard though, at least for half the trip.” “Neil, you can’t go. You have a broken arm, and your just getting over a concussion!” Christy said. “You are the most stubborn Scot I’ve ever met.” “Christy,” the doctor exclaimed. “I’ll be fine and there is no one else available to get your parents. Besides, I’m the only Scot you have ever met.” Christy seemed to be weakening. “That is beside the point, Doctor! I’ll worry about you the whole time your gone.” Neil tried to convince her. “I’ll be careful. . . . How about if I bring Rob Allen with me? Will that ease you mind? I’ll even discuss some school work along the way.” Christy nodded her head, relieved he wouldn’t be alone. And Rob would have the advantage of having the doctors brain to pick. The boy, a man by Cove standards, had been studying higher level math and Chemistry. More complex than Christy could teach. She had to rely on Neil and David to help him. Zady was a close second to Rob, even though she was only 14. So many of her children were gifted. “Christy,” Neil whispered in her ear. “You are daydreaming again. Where are ya lass?” Christy broke out of her daze. “Oh, I’m just thinking of the children again.” “As it should be darlin’. You love them very much, and they’re lucky to have you.” Christy just smiled. “Well, you better be off, or you’ll be late to pick up my parents!” “Alright! See ya soon Lass.” He pulled her to him, and planted a kiss on her forehead. “We’ll be back before you can say . . . . ‘Uncle Bogg McCone’.” He winked at Christy and headed toward the school to pick up Rob Allen. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ “OK, Orter and Lizette, please ring the bell, it’s time for school to begin.” The children were stumbling over each other to get to the bell rope. “Yes’um teacher.” Christy liked to pair children off, who usually didn’t socialize together. Hoping to make new friendships. This was another way to cope with the feuding problems. The children ran to their seat brimming over with excitement. The Pow Wow would be the next day. “Hush everyone, . . . I know you’re all ready for the Pow Wow today. We have one more day, and we still need to decorate the Indian Lodge. We will do that today. I have one more surprise for everyone. We’re having special guest who will be at the Pow Wow. Can any one guess who that might be?” Ruby Mae raised her had and smiled, “Oh, I know Miss Christy.” Christy giggled, “Ruby Mae, I know you know. Let someone else guess.” Zady raised her hand, “Could it be your Mama and Papa?” “You’re correct Zady. They’re getting picked up by Doctor MacNeill and Rob Allen this morning.” There was a buzz in the room, “Miz Christy,” Lizette asked, “Can we hang up our own crafts?” Then all the children started asking questions. Christy smiled, “Sh, I already thought of that. Mary and I organized them last night, so I will call your name as I pick up your bundle of decorations.” Christy handed out each bundle, until all of them were in each child’s hands. “Alright, now everyone get in a line and we will c-a-l-m-l-y go the lodge.” Part 11 Neil was riding down the trail into El Pano. He heard the train come whistling into the station. “Darn,” he thought. “I was hoping to check on Mrs. Tatum’s rheumatism and maybe tease her out of some of his favorite cookies. Maybe I’ll tell Christy’s parents I’ve got to check on a patient. . . . No, I don’t think so. I’ll come another time.” He headed over to the station. Everyone who was at the station lifted their heads, when Julia Huddleston stepped off the train. Starring as she walked. “She is a handsome woman, even though, she’s not my type.” Neil thought. He quickly walked over and called to them. “William . . . . Julia, welcome back to Cutter Gap. Christy is very excited that you’re here.” William shook Neil’s hand. “Doctor, may I introduce to you, our son George, Christy’s younger brother.” George shook Neil hand. “Woah, I’ve never had anyone shake my hand like that before, you’re very strong. No wonder my sister li . . . .” George stopped mid sentence because of the looks he was getting from his parents. “How far is this Cutter Gap of yours, Doc?” Neil smiled at his enthusiasm. “It’s seven miles up the hill there.” “Ok, where is the car?” George asked looking around. Neil, William and Julia all laughed. “Did I say something funny?” Neil said, “Our buckboard is over here. Rob Allen, you remember the Huddlestons, this young lad here is George Huddleston, Miss Christy’s brother.” Rob nodded in their direction, “I’m right happy to meet you again.” He shook Georges hand, with a grip that was as strong as Neil’s. “Nice to meet you George.” George smiled. “Nice to meet you to. Are you one of my sister’s students?” As George shook his hand side to side from Rob’s grip. Rob nodded with pride. “I am. I help her in the classroom as one of her junior teachers.” The men, with the exception of Neil, loaded the backboard with the Huddleston’s luggage. When they were ready, the doctor untied Charlie’s reins from the backboard. Rob looked at the Doctor with concern, “You need help getting up on Charlie, Doc?” Neil frowned, “No, I think I can get up on my own horse by myself. Thanks for the offer anyway.” Rob smiled at the doctors stubbornness. That was when Christy’s family noticed the cast on his arm. “Oh my,” Julia said, “What happened to your arm, Doctor?” Neil shot a warning glance at Rob. “I had some stalactites fall on me, when I was spelunking in a cave. The rocks hit my right shoulder and broke it” The Doctor groaned as he mounted Charlie. Julia looked confused, “What exactly is spelunking, Neil?” Neil dropped into teaching mode, “Spelunking is the science of cave exploration. Many scientists find that, by exploring caves, they find out more information on how the earth was formed along with new undiscovered species. I find it quite interesting.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Christy and the children looked around at the Indian Lodge with satisfaction. “Miss Christy,” Zady said, “This looks beautiful! I think we’re ready.” Christy looked at a piece of paper. “Let’s check our list to be sure.” The children check on everything that Christy named off the list. ƒDrum ƒLodge ƒBon fire ƒFood & drink ƒDecorations ƒCostumes ƒDried fish rack ƒInvitations ƒNative tools (for trapping, fishing, grinding grain, making clothing, etc.) Everything was complete for the next day. “OK, children everyone come to the schoolhouse when they here the drums. Remember that is an invitation to the Pow Wow. Don’t forget to bring your parents. They are a vital part of the special occasion! It’s time to go home for the day, don’t forget to get a good night sleep. We’re going to have a big day tomorrow.” Christy smiled and collapsed in her chair. “What a day!” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Julia looked at Neil with a question in her eyes. “Was Christy spelunking with you, Neil?” Neil turned red, “Yes, she was.” Julia nodded, “I see. Do the two of you spend a lot of time with each other?” Neil looked quite nervous, “Yes, we do.” Julia looked at Neil knowingly, “I see. I think we’ll need to spend some time with you, discussing our daughter, Christy. As to what your intentions may be.” Neil swallowed, with his jaws muscles twitching anxiously. “Looks like we’re at the mission folks” Rob said. Trying to break up the tension between the adults. They pulled up to the mission house where Christy ran out to meet them. “Hello, I’ve missed you all so much. George, I didn’t expect you to come!” Christy gave her brother a hug. George turned red at her attention. “I missed you too, Sis.” Christy hugged her parents in return. Julia said, “Christy, are you still keeping two men dangling, or have you decided?” Christy smiled, “We’ll talk later about that, Mother. . . . Daddy, how are you? You look wonderful! Julia smiled You have hardly a limp! You all must be hungry after your trip. Dinner is ready, why don’t you go upstairs and get freshened up. Then you can come downstairs for the evening meal.” William looked worried, “Christy, . . . . Who exactly made this evenings culinary delight?” Neil laughed out loud. Christy smiled reassuringly, “Fairlight did. There is no need to worry. No possum or squirrel tonight!” William wiped his brow. “Phew, that was close!” Julia breathed a sigh of relief. George raised his shoulders, “What? Possum? Squirrel?” He wrinkled his nose. Part 12 After dinner, William looked at Neil and jerked his head in the direction of the mission yard. Neil got up from his chair and said, ‘If you’ll excuse me, I’m going to check on Charlie before I go to bed.” William followed him. “Well Neil, how are you feeling after you accident? I hope well.” Neil looked very nervous, pulling out his pipe and tamping tobacco in it. He struck a match on the porch railing and it broke. He pulled out another one to light. He dropped that in between the porch boards. He shrugged his shoulders and put the pipe back in his pocket for another time. “I’m feeling better now. Especially after having so much attention from a certain young lady.” Neil smiled at the thought and sighed. William chuckled. “You seem to have considerable interest in my daughter, do you not?” Neil nodded. “Aye, I do! We have confessed how we feel about each other, William.” Christy’s Father smiled, remembering how nervous he was speaking to his Father-in-Law for the first time, about Julia. “So, what are your plans for the future, with my daughter?” Neil almost cringed at the question, afraid what his reaction to their plans would be. “Well, I would like to ask for Christy’s hand. I love her very much, and will do everything in my power to make her happy. I have my cabin, inherited from my family, so we already have a roof over our head. I do have some money set aside, I own one hundred acres of land, and a few other assets. Christy would want for nothing William.” Neil looked William in the eye. “You do know, if Christy ever wanted to leave Cutter Gap, I would go where ever she wanted to settle. I’ll do anything to make her happy. I promise you this. . . . . I love her more than life itself.” William nodded, “I see, well, Julia and I spoke about this before we came. Let’s say, . . . we had a feeling. We have agreed . . . .” William took a long breath and let it out slowly. Too slowly for Neil. He grabbed the porch railing until his knuckles turned white. “. . . . if you asked for Christy’s hand, . . . .” He took another long breath. “. . . . we would give our permission.” William smiled, he loved a good l-o-n-g tease. It was Neil’s turn to breath a sigh of utter relief. William continued, “Now that that is over, tell me what really happened in that cave.” Neil shook his head. “I don’t think Christy would want me to.” He looked worried, like his whole world would fall apart in minutes. “Neil,” William exclaimed. “I promise I will not tell my wife or Christy, what you tell me. I promise, I just have a feeling that there is more to this spelunking expedition than your letting on. Am I right?” Neil nodded, as he hung his head. “I think we should have this conversation in a place a little more private.” The two men walked to the gazebo by the pond. A shadow followed, undetected. “William,” Neil said, “Christy and I were taken hostage by one of Christy’s school parents. I don’t know if you remember Lundy Taylor or not, but he left Cutter Gap on the train, never intending to return. Bird’s Eye Taylor blamed the mission folk and thought they were hiding Lundy. He said he wouldn’t return the two of us until he got Lundy back. By noon the next day, Christy and I would be shot and killed if he didn’t return. The next day, there was a distraction outside, I got lose from my restraints and fought Bird’s Eye for his gun. The gun went off, which brought rock formations down on our head. Bird’s Eye’s injuries were so bad that he died, and I got a concussion and a broken arm.” Neil had tears running down his face. “William, you must realize, . . . . the Cutter Gap residents are not like that. Like most places, there is a bad seed in every community. I’m sure there are in Ashville also. Please don’t let this affect your decision for Christy and I to wed.” William looked at Neil with deep concern, for both of them. “As I promised, I will not mention this to Christy or my wife. You go make my daughter happy with the news.” He smiled at Neil in a fatherly way. William stayed at the gazebo a little longer, thinking about his daughter he was about to lose, or was it gaining a Son-in-Law?” The shadow came up behind William and a voice bellowed out from the dark. “So that’s it? You’re just going to give him her hand just like that? William recognize the voice as Reverend Grantland, who came very close to asking for Christy’s hand the last time he was visiting. “Can you give me a reason why I shouldn’t, David?” David’s voice shook, “Yes, I can, he does not believe in God, and he can’t provide for Christy like I can. She will have to stay in this Gap forever! I can bring her to the city, where she can be the Lady that she is. You heard what happened at the beginning of this week. How will Christy be safe?” William sighed, “Neil explained to me that the threat of Christy being in danger is over. Bird’s Eye is dead, and Lundy has left. Besides, do you know what a man holds in his heart, David? How do you know how Neil MacNeill holds God inside of him. If you do, you know God better than anyone I know Christy told me, they have been quietly studying the Bible. That Neil is very private in his belief and feels that spirituality does not have to be held in a building. It should be held within yourself.” David looked down to the ground, ashamed. “I need her William, I can take better care of her. P-l-e-a-s-e, I beg you.” William looked at him with compassion, “I’m sorry David, I’ve promised her to Neil. It’s what she wants, she loves him, and he loves her. I have never heard you say anything of love.” William walked away. Part 13 Julia helped Christy with the dishes after dinner. “Miss Alice, why don’t you sit down and relax. Christy and I can take care of this.” Alice sighed from relief . She had been to Cattaleechie today, and was exhausted. She sat down on the davenport, put her feet up, and fell asleep. “Christy,” Julia said with the tenderness of a concerned mother. “I hear you and Neil have been spending a lot of time together. Is that true?” Christy nodded, and whispered, “Yes, we have.” She was very afraid of her mother’s response. Julia plodded ahead, “So, does this mean you have finally decided between the two men?” Christy’s face reddened, “ Mother, there was never any question as to who I desire and love with my very being.” “Christy,” Julia defended herself, “Your father and I are not here to break up you and your Doctor MacNeill. On the contrary, we’re here to give our approval, . . . . should he ask for it.” Christy smiled, “Really mother?” She put her arms around her mother. “Thank You” she whispered. Julia smiled, happy to make her child so grateful. Mother and daughter both jumped when Neil MacNeill came running through the Mission house, shouting. “Christy, darlin’, where are ya Lass? Alice woke in a start and fell off the davenport with a thud. “Christy, your father gave me your hand! We can get married, Lass!” He picked her up in her arms and swung her around the room. Christy giggled with glee. “I love you so much, Lass, word can not express.” Ruby Mae came down the stairs, hearing the commotion, at that moment to see the Cove Doctor kiss the Cove Teacher on the mouth. “Miss Christy! What are ya doin’?” She stood there with a stunned look on her face. “Everyone is here and seein’ ya! What about the Preacher? . . . .Miss C-h-r-i-s-t-y!” Julia, William, and Alice were in the doorway of the kitchen and smiled at their giddiness and Ruby Mae’s expression. They both had tears streaming down their face. The last barrier was removed. They could be together as husband and wife. They both looked at each other with consternation. “We have to make a date. When?” They looked at Christy’s parents. Julia said, “We’re here now. What if we have it during your get together tomorrow.” Christy looked worried, “Mother, the get together tomorrow, is a Native American Pow Wow. It would be fine by me, everyone would be here, as long as you and Daddy don’t mind.” Julia’s whole body shook with laughter, “I suppose I could deal with it, if it is fine with the two of you.” Neil smiled, “’Tis settled then, tomorrow.” Ruby Mae had a question in her eyes. “A weddin’, Miss Christy?” Christy shook her head in the affirmative. “Yes, Ruby Mae, a wedding.” Ruby Mae had an excited look on her face. “Ah, Miss Christy . . . .could I . . . .” Christy automatically started with Wedding plans. “Oh, what will I wear tomorrow? Oh, dear, there is the food, well, everyone will be bringing that. Then, there is, . . . .” Christy looked with shock at Miss Alice, “Who will marry us, it can’t be David, I mean Reverend Grantland. Who will be our best man and, . . well, I know who would be my matron of honor. What about a cake? . . . . .” Christy’s eyes got as big as a Harvest Moon. “Oh NO, the shiveree? . . . Neil you can’t possibly let them, . . . . Oh my! Ruby Mae was jumping up and down. “Miss Christy, could I be . . . “ Neil was near to rolling on the floor by this time. “Christy, darling, not so fast. First of all, I love you in light blue, if you don’t have an appropriate white dress. Second, I don’t want Grantland to marry us, Alice can. She is a legitimate religious leader. Thirdly, my choice for best man, would be either Jeb, or Billy. Why don’t we have two attendants. Who else would you choose, Christy?” “Oh, I know the answer to that! I would pick, . . . .” She looked toward Ruby Mae, and pointed.” “Oh Miss Christy,” Ruby Mae screamed, “I’ll do the best job, I promise. “Now,” Neil said, “I can’t speak for the cake, but I can work something out regarding the Shiveree.” Christy’s shoulders relaxed. “That is a relief.” William piped in at that point. “They still have shiveree’s here? Oh no, not my daughter. Neil, you have to do something.” Neil smiled, “I will, William, I promise you!” Alice spoke up at that point. “Christy, I will make the cake.” Julia said, “And I will help her.” Neil had a determined look on his face. “I believe I will have to pick Jeb for my best man, I’ve known him longer than Billy, and my other attendant, will be George Huddleston.” Neil noticed that Christy started to yawn. “I believe it’s time for bed Lass. You look very tired.” Christy nodded and started for the stairs, Neil joined her. He was tired himself. “Good night everyone.” They said in unison. Part 14 David watched, as William walked away. David squeezed the railing of the gazebo as he looked out over the pond. He thought of Christy being the wife of a Hillbilly. “I can’t stand by and let her do this to herself! Either she changes her mind, or I will have to leave.” He hit the railing, making his hand sting. Out of the shadows walked one of the women that came from God’s Fist. She came with Billy and Mary Long. David thought, “One of those heathens.” He shook his head. She smiled at him, “Good evening! You’re the preacher, right?” David shook his head, “Yes, my name is Grantland, David Grantland, . . . and you are?” “My name is Magena, I’m here to help with the Pow Wow.” Her voice was very sweet and pleasant to listen to. “Magena,” David said, “that is a beautiful name. What does it mean?” Magena smiled at him. “It means, The Coming Moon. Who was that man you were talking to?” David inhaled, and took a long time to relieve his screaming lungs of the volume of air. “That was Christy Huddleston’s father. I was trying to change his mind about letting her marry Doctor MacNeill.” She shook her head in confusion. “Why? Doctor MacNeill is a good man.” David had a tear run down his face. “Because I want to marry her, and move back to the City. Where she would be happier.” Magena looked at David with concern. “How do you know this would make her happy?” He gritted his teeth, “Because she is a real Lady of high standing. I don’t know why she came here. I thought it was God’s plan that we marry.” “And, you know God’s will that well?” She looked questioningly. He looked surprised. “I am the preacher you know.” She giggled. “Even preachers are human, David.” David had a chill up his spine when she used his given name. It rolled off her tongue so sweetly. “Unfortunately, your are correct. What do you know of God? Do Indians believe in the all mighty? Do you go the Church or have a Sabbath?” She smiled at his curiosity. “David, many religions believe basically the same thing. Every religion believes in a supreme power. We worship where ever we are at the time. David, everywhere we go or do, everything we touch, has religious significance. It is not narrowed down to a certain day. Every day is religious to us. However, many of my tribal members have converted to the white man’s religion. They still do retain some of our old traditions.” “So, what are you going to do during the Pow Wow?” David asked. Magena smiled, “I am one of the dancers. Will you dance with me tomorrow, David? . . . . Please?” David blushed, “I suppose I could. I need to go to sleep, and you have a big day tomorrow. I will see you, right?” It was Magena’s turn to blush. “Yes, you will. Good night David.” David grabbed her hand. “Good night Magena.” Part 15 Neil saw Christy waiting, looking at the stream with a quiet calmness, as his horse Charlie ran at breakneck speed over the knoll toward her. She walked over the bridge which was strategically placed over the small creek in the mission yard. He looked at her with the love he felt in his heart. She smiled at him, as she ran toward the horse, who was snorting with excitement. He pulled the schoolteacher up on Charlie’s back, gently placing her into his lap. Christy put her arms around his neck, and they kissed as Charlie continued to run, whisking the wind through their hair. He smelled her light perfume and breathed her in. He felt her small delicate hands, as his work worn one’s wrapped around hers. He heard soft drumming, getting louder and louder. . . . Neil felt the sun on his face and the brightness woke him up. The light was coming from the window. It was the morning of the Pow Wow. He got up, and grumbled as he tried to get his sleeve over the cast on his arm. He heard a light knock on his door. Christy peeked in, “Good morning sleepy head. Do you need any help?” He winced as he tried to pull the sleeve up further. “Here, let me help you with that”. Christy grabbed the shirt and helped him get it on. She buttoned the shirt up for him, as she thought about the time of watching Neil in the river. She was making him a home cooked meal, to try to convince him to help Daniel Scott. However, it turned into a fiasco, when she burned the chicken, while starring out the window at the doctor’s wonderful physique. “Christy, Lass, . . . . You’re daydreaming again.” He looked for some sort of response. “Hmm . . . What? . . . .” Christy knew she was caught, and felt her cheeks were and apple red. “What did you say? Your ready for breakfast? Yes, . . . . I am hungry.” Neil just laughed quietly to himself. He didn’t want to embarrass Christy. Besides, the woman did have a temper. He thought, “that is why I love her so much, just like a Scot!” Julia walked by Neil’s room where he was staying until his arm felt better. She heard Neil talking to someone, and she heard Christy respond. “Christy, what are you doing? It’s bad luck for the Bride to see the Groom the day of the wedding.” Christy put her hands on her hips, “Mother, it’s going to be hard to do that considering I’m the one that put this whole thing together, and Neil is an integral part of the community. Neil, when should we have the wedding?” He shrugged his shoulders, “I suppose, before we eat. Have you figured out what you’re going to wear?” Christy nodded, “I have a good idea. I will get in my dress after breakfast. Have you decided what you’re going to wear, Neil?” “Aye, I have, I asked Fairlight to have Jeb get it from my cabin this morning and bring it to me. I’ll get dressed as soon as he gets here with my outfit.” Christy said, with excitement, “I suppose we better go eat, so we can get ready for the Pow Wow, the children have worked so hard for this.” Neil, Christy, Miss Alice and the Huddlestons sat at the table in the kitchen, eating their breakfast. None of them expected the preacher to join them. He had been staying pretty much to himself. Everyone turned around when they heard the back door to the mission slam. David walked into the kitchen, with a big smile on his face. “Good morning everyone! Boy, am I hungry! It’s a beautiful day out there, I can’t wait for everything to begin! So, what is the itinerary for today?” Christy chimed in, “Well, David, we start with singing the flag song, which the children have learned, then we hear stories of the Native Americans. The children have some plays concerning the subject. We will then, take some time to tour the Indian lodge and look at what crafts that were made.” Christy hesitated, . . . Neil and I will be . . . ., We eat, and then there will be dancing, which everyone will be able to join in. Then we close with other songs. I think by that time, it will be around seven o’clock in the evening. So, it will be a full day.” “What is that, you said about you and the Doctor?” David wasn’t going to let her off that easily. He does have ears, and eyes, and sees the writing on the wall. Christy wriggled uneasily in her chair, looking for help from the others in the room. Miss Alice piped in, “David, the happy couple will be wed during the ceremonies today.” She looked for a reaction. David looked like he was in deep thought. “Who is doing the service?” Christy and Neil looked uneasy, Neil said, “We asked Alice to do it. We didn’t want to bother you.” David smiled at the Doctor, “This is my congregation, Doctor, and I would like to do the service. That is, . . . if it is alright with the two of you.” He looked at them for their approval. Christy shook her head, “I don’t think this is a good idea David. I’m very worried for you.” David smiled again, “Don’t be Christy, I’ve been selfish and have not been following what God wants me to do. I didn’t understand why, until last night. I spent all night praying about this and . . . . I feel you and the Doctor were meant for each other. I, on the other hand, am meant to be with someone different. I would be honored to wed the two of you. I wouldn’t forgive myself otherwise, Christy . . . .Please, let me do this?” He looked at the couple for their response. Christy and Neil looked at each other, then to Alice, who gave a motherly nod. They both nodded in the affirmative. David’s shoulders dropped and he gave a sigh of relief. Part 16 Neil struggled with the sleeve of his shirt, getting dressed for the wedding. “Jeb, I need your help to get this over the cast. I’m just happy the sleeves are so lose.” The doctor was careful with every detail of his dress this morning. Everything had to be perfect. “Jeb, is everything on right? Alright, I think I’m ready to go.” Jeb puffed his chest out. “That be perfect, Doc. Miss Christy will love it.” Julia told Christy, “I think this one would be better, don’t you think? We could add some lace, and . . . . Oh, I forgot, I brought this for you, I think it would be perfect.” Julia handed Christy a perfectly wrapped box. “Oh,” Christy exclaimed, “What is it?” She carefully unwrapped the tiny box. Inside the box, was a comb for her hair with white lace falling from it. “Thank you, Mama, it’s just right!” Christy hugged her mother, when the drums started. Everyone at the mission was bubbling over with excitement. They rushed into the mission yard. Where the singing was suppose to start. Christy, looked to see if anyone was coming. Neil come from behind her and put his arm protectively around her small waist. She melted into his embrace as she saw people rushing into the yard. Julia turned around, to talk to Christy when she let out a gasp. “Christy, may speak with you in private?” “About what Mama?” She asked innocently. Julia indicated for Christy to turn around. She looked behind her, and all she saw was Neil. “What’s wrong? There’s only Neil. What is it?” “Christy, . . . . He’s wearing a skirt!” Julia exclaimed. “Mama, that is not a skirt! It’s a kilt, a Scottish form of dress outfit. Like a tux.” Christy exclaimed. With that, Neil had to turn around to hide his smile. “Christy, he can’t get married in that!” Julia screamed. Christy defended the Doctor. “Mama, this is the custom of the Scottish people. You have to know more history to know what it means to a Scotsman to wear a kilt. You should study it sometime. It’s very interesting. Besides, no kilt, no wedding.” Julia turned, disgusted and walked away, knowing that to go against Christy with this, would get her nowhere. The girl could absolutely stubborn about things she felt deeply about. Obviously, this was one of those things. She walked over to William who was soaking up the sight and sounds. “William, would you look at your future son-in law? Look at what he’s wearing!” William looked around. “Ah, yes, I suspected so, he is a Scotsman, Julia. On dressy occasion, Scotsmen usually wear their kilts. So, what is the problem?” Julia stomped her foot. “Ug, men! I’ll never understand them! The man is wearing a skirt! . . . . William, I thought about what was said last night. Something about a shiveree . . . . What exactly is that?” William leaned over and whispered in his wife’s ear. Her face turned very red. “That will not happen to my daughter. William, you must do something!” “Julia, your future son-in-law and I have already worked that situation out. Don’t worry about it. OK?” Julia looked a little pale. “Here dear, I think you better sit down on this tree stump, before I have to find Neil to help his future Mother-in -Law.” Everyone gathered around the beating drum. There were several warriors around the drum, which was large enough for several people to sit around its circumference, each of them beating it at the same time. Christy doubted that there was anywhere in the Cove you could not hear it. Some of the Cove men guided the Cove residents to form a circle in front of the drum. Billy Long went to its center along with all of the children, from both communities. They sang “The Flag Song”, which was the official beginning of the Pow Wow. Christy saw Reverend Grantland talking to one of the tribal women. He had a smile on his face as he spoke with her. As they parted, he kissed her on the cheek. “Ah,” Christy thought, “That, . . . . is why he was in such a good mood this morning. I’ve been forgotten already!” She smiled at his happiness, something she hadn’t seen in a while. “I’ll have to ask around, who, and what her name is. (The possible, future Mrs. Grantland.) Christy looked around at what else was in store, even she was not privy to all the activities today. She could see a large fire with a large black pot on it. It was steaming, “I wonder what is in the pot?” until she thought about it, “Ah, the vegetables would go in there.” she supposed. Other activities, looked like pony rides, a La Cross game, the bow and arrows, a running game and what looked like dancers all dressed in their finery. “Oh, what is that? Well, it is April and maple syrup season. That is another activity. Oh what fun, this day looks like it will be the talk of the Cove for a long time.” Christy thought of the activity she missed and started getting nervous. “Oh my,” she thought, “I will be Mrs. Neil MacNeill by tonight!” She started looking pale. Neil noticed. “Christy, are you OK? I think you better sit down!” After the children sang “The Flag Song”, Billy said, “Alright, everyone please meet us over at the large kettle, we have a story to tell you.” All the people started toward the big kettle. Billy went to the center of people, next to the fire with the kettle. “OK, everyone have their vegetable?” There were lots of nods. “I will be telling you the story of “The Legend of the Little People.” Every time I say ‘He (pronounce hey), you say Ho. That means, are you listening? You say ‘Ho’, yes I’m listening. This story is from our Mohawk brothers, passed down for generations. “Once upon a time there was a very happy Indian family. The father was a hunter and the mother made clothes and blankets from animal skins. They used the meat for cooking nourishing meal. He?” The children shouted, “HO!” Billy continued, “There were four children in this family. One, being a daughter, named Gathering Flowers. She was a curious type. She loved to sit by the river bank and dream of nice thing for her and her family. HE?” Everyone said, “HO!” Neil looked at Christy, “Sound a lot like you, Lass.” Christy smiled. “It does, I wonder if there is a Scotsman in this story?” Billy continued his story. “One day she fell asleep, next to the river. She awoke when she heard strange voices. She sat up, . . . . and saw a family of little people. A little man, a tiny little wife, and a wee babe on a little papoose board. HE?” “HO!” Everyone giggled. “Now, Gathering Flowers remembered stories from her youth about little people. Her mother told her, “Now if you ever see them, don’t be frightened. Talk to them, be nice to them, and they will bring you good fortune. HE?” “HO! Billy.” They said again. “The girl asked the little people to sit with her and share some of her cornbread and apples with her. She brought them some cool water to drink. The girl was curious as to where the little people lived, and asked them. They said, “Over yonder hill, would you like to visit?” She said “Yes”. “HE?” “HO!” They came to a small rock and the little man spit on his hands and rubbed the rock with them. His little family went through the split in the rock into their home. “I can’t get through the tiny opening,” said Gathering Flowers. “Oh yes, . . . I forgot about you being bigger than we are.” He went over to her, spit on his hands, and rubbed her head. She felt herself getting smaller, until she was the same size as the little people. She could now, fit through the tiny opening in the rock. “HE?” “HO!” Inside the rock was a tiny table and chairs, beds and a stove, with a pot of soup on it. All of them ate some soup. The little mother kept taking soup from the pot, and it remained full, . . . .It must be magic” Billy’s eyes were big as full moons. HE?” “HO!” Creed Allen was very excited. “Thank of all that soup ya kin eat anytime your hungry!” “Y-e-s”, said Billy, you’d never be hungry again.” “Well, it was time for Gathering Flowers to return home, she went back through that split in the rock. The little man followed her out, spit on his hands and touched her head. She grew back to her original size and the little man made her promise not to tell a soul that she had seen or visited them. She came to visit them almost every day. “HE?” “HO!” “Autumn came, and it was time for Gathering Flowers and her family to move on to a new hunting area. She went to visit the little people one more time to say good bye.” “The little man know that she was a good person and said, “Because you have been so nice to us and kept our secret, I will give you three wishes.” 1 To have a magic soup pot so she and her family would never be hungry and that she might share the soup with any strangers who might come their way. 2. To have the wisdom not to hurt anyone with words that came out of her mouth. 3. To be able to see something good in everyone she met and not to be critical. The little man said, “You have made very wise choices. You shall be happy for the rest of your life.” . . . . “HE?” Everyone in the yard yelled as loud as they could. “HO!” And they all clapped. “Now”, Billy said, “I want everyone who brought vegetables to bring them, one at a time to the womenfolk around the big black stew pot, and we’ll make our own magic to eat later.” Billy motioned for Creed Allen to start. Billy made one more announcement, “When your through with bringin’ your vegetable up here, you can go on down to the lodge and Mary will be your Indian Guide. Christy went up to Billy, “Oh, it was wonderful, that story tied in to the feelings I’m trying to tell my children how they should feel toward one another, instead of feuding. I really enjoyed that Billy, thank you.” Billy blushed, “Thank you, Miss Christy.” Christy and Neil started over toward the Lodge. . . .Neil whispered in Christy’s ear. “It’s almost time my dear. Then you’ll be Mrs. Neil MacNeil.” Christy nodded and let out a sigh. Part 17 David smiled at Magena, “That story Billy told was beautiful. I should learn from that story. I haven’t been very nice to some people lately and I’m ashamed because of it.” Magena looked at David, “You mean Miss Huddleston, don’t you?” David nodded, “And Neil MacNeill. Lesson number two and three, apply to me, . . . lately. I asked Christy to marry me, . . . .” Magena questioned David, “And she refused?” David nodded his head. Magena said, “I see, and you blamed Doctor MacNeil, for Miss Huddleston being in love with him?” David nodded in the affirmative, as he hung his head. “Yes, I did, and I acted like a child.” He looked at Magena with the look of confusion on his face. “I thought God had brought Christy to these mountains for me to marry. Not some agnostic backwoods doctor.” Magena nodded, “So you think that if someone worships, or is spiritual in a different way, . . . . that he doesn’t believe?” David swallowed, “I did, . . . .until I met you, Magena. You make me think more deeply than anyone ever has. Even when I attended seminary.” She smiled at him. “I’m glad to hear that, David.” “You have opened my views on many things, so I feel have a better understanding of people, and their opinions. That there is a different perspective,. . . that can be right.” David looked at Magena and noticed her dancing outfit. “Magena, you look so beautiful in that outfit! I can’t wait to see you dance.” “Thank you David. Magena took David’s hand and squeezed it. “Would you like to see the children’s crafts? They worked very hard on them.” David nodded and they walked toward the Lodge, as they talked. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ David and Magena heard the children start their plays, while the parents listened. They were in front of the Lodge. Mounty and Creed Allen did a demonstration about the way Indians fish. Creed showed everyone his fish trap, he made himself. The adults were very impressed and the men gathered around Creed afterwards to ask him to teach them how to make them. The women gathered around Mounty to look at her Indian dress and moccasins. The women wanted to know how she made those too. It would solve some issues about shoe wear. Rob Allen and Ruby Mae Morrison did a skit about an Indian wedding. They were dressed as bride and groom, Billy ‘officiating’, of course. Rob whispered nervously, “Now, Ruby Mae, this don’t mean we’re married, it is make believe, right?” Ruby Mae turned to Rob Allen with her mouth agape. “Rob Allen! Course I know it’s make believe! Then there is Miss Christy and the Doc. They’s gettin’ hitched today.” “They are? Rob asked, his eyes just about popping out of their sockets. Ruby Mae nodded, “Yes, ‘um. And I’m going to be in the weddin’. The Preacher will be doin’ their hitchin’.” She could hardly contain herself. Miss Alice walked over to the couple, smiling, with her hands held out in a hugging gesture. “Oh, how beautiful thee both did. I always do cry at weddings.” She turned to Ruby Mae. “I do believe, thee are needed in the mission right now, Ruby Mae. You better attend your teacher. She has gone inside.” Ruby Mae started walking quickly to the mission. “Yes ma’am! Bye, Rob, I’ll talk with you later.” She said as she turned her head back. David overheard Miss Alice speaking with Ruby Mae. He turned to Magena, “I am performing a wedding today for Doctor MacNeill and Miss Huddleston. Would you come and watch?” Magena looked at him with such admiration. “You are going to marry them, . . . . even with the feelings you have for her?” David nodded, “Yes, I am. A few days ago, I wouldn’t have done it. . . . .But you have shown me that Christy and Neil really belong together. That the Doctor can believe in the way that he is comfortable to worship. That there might possibly be someone out there, more suitable for me, and I for them. . . . . Oh, Magena, I need to prepare for the wedding, so I will speak with you later.” He gently took her small hand in his, brought her right hand to his mouth and kissed it. Magena’s cheeks turned red, and she smiled at him. “I’ll be waiting, David.” She watched him as he walked away from her. “Mmm, he’s so handsome.” He left her to find Jeb and the anxious groom. David prayed, . . . . “Lord, give me the strength and the love, to get through this ceremony. With you Love, . . . . Amen” Part 18 Neil looked at his attendants nervously. “Jeb, is she coming? Your sister wouldn’t leave me at the alter, would she, George?” Neil paced back and forth, “Grantland, I don’t know what I will do if she doesn’t show!” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Christy pulled her hairdo out for the third time. “Oh, why doesn’t want to cooperate? I always have such problems with my hair.” Christy growled. “Neil will think I’m not going to show. I know how worried he gets under these circumstances. Mama, help!” Fairlight walked over to her. “Miss Christy, why don’t you just wear it down long. Men like that. ‘Sides, I made this here flower wreath to go on your head for a veil.” Fairlight reached for Christy’s brush and ran it through her hair and put the wreath on her head. “Now, how’s that?” Christy looked at Fairlight with a smile. “What would I ever do without you? You are my best friend, Fairlight.” Ruby Mae bounced into the room. “Miss Christy, your Daddy’s come for you, ‘sides, Doc looks like a painter in a cage. You better go.” Christy nodded her head. “I think your right Ruby Mae.” Christy stood up and walked to the door. Julia met her there. “Oh, you are so beautiful darling. I can’t wait for your father to see you. Come along, your late for your own wedding. People are beginning to talk. I don’t think you want to make that man wait too long, Christy.” ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ The men all gathered around the frantic groom. “Doc, She’ll show, wimin just take their time gettin’ pertied up for their man. She’s gotta be just right.” Jeb smiled at the thought of Fairlight making herself, “just so” for him. “Mmm . . . .mmm. They sure do.” Nodding his head. George patted Neil on the back. “Neil, my sister always took a long time to get dressed. She always got into a fight with her hair too. You don’t want to see what she looks like in the morning. Oh oh, that’s right. You’ll see her tomorrow morning. I guess that foot slipped right in.” He slipped away from the groom before he said something else embarrassing. David looked up and smiled. “Look Doctor, there is Ruby Mae as we speak. Looks like the festivities are beginning.” Opal McCone gently touched Aunt Hattie on the arm. “You can start singin’ now, Aunt Hattie. I spy Ruby Mae comin’ all dressed up. She’s wearin’ one of them perty dresses from the mission barrels. It be blue, with white ribbons. She gots ribbons in her hair too.” Hattie started to sing a beautiful mountain tune as the brides attendants swept towards the groom. Julia and Miss Alice sat on opposite sides of the isle. Julia on the Brides side, Alice on the Grooms side. Both of them had tears streaming down their cheeks. Neil was close to Alice, because she looked at him as a son and Christy was like a daughter to her. Fairlight came delicately down the isle, like a mountain princess. Jeb looked at her and sighed. “I remember the first time I spied her. She’s still just as perty.” Jeb shook his head from side to side. “Mmm. . . .mmm.” He noticed Neil was shifting from foot to foot, nervously. Christy came down the isle dressed in a light blue outfit. Her hair fell down her back in soft auburn curls. Her hair had lightened while being in Cutter Gap. She spent many hours outside playing with the younger children. She wore the wreath of spring flowers that Fairlight made for her as a crown on her head. There was a sigh from the women, all in unison, as if it were carefully practiced. Aunt Hattie continued to sing, even though she smiled. She knew Christy was coming down the isle because she could smell her lavender perfume. Neil looked up from his toes and saw his bonnie bride. “Oh, Jeb, she’s beautiful. Before you know it, she’ll be mine.” He smiled at the thought. David looked at her imagining Magena coming toward him. Her jet black hair and eyes so dark, you can’t distinguish the irises from the pupils. She would be looking at him with her warm, loving style of hers. He imagined their children, brown hair and eyes, with tanned skin. He sighed. Christy and Neil looked into each other’s eyes with so much love it, their guests mirrored their passion. Passion for the children, for Cutter Gap, and the people. Their people, as the MacNeill history had been lived again through the generations. Reverend Grantland drew in a deep breath, and began. “Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today, to witness the joining of two souls. Two kindred spirits. Christy and Neil. “Who give this woman away?” David said. William had a tear rolling down his cheek, “I will.” David nodded as William sat next to Julia. “Christy, . . . do you take this man, to be your lawfully wedded husband?” David’s voice cracked on the last word. Christy swallowed hard and cleared her throat. “I do.” The Reverend turned to Neil, “Neil, do you take this woman as your lawfully wedded wife?” Neil took Christy’s small hands into his own, large work worn hands. “Ach, I do, Lass!” All of the guests laughed. “Christy, do you take this man, in sickness and in health, richer or poorer, ‘til death do you part?” Christy nodded, “I do.” “Neil,” the Reverends voice cracked again, “do you take this woman, in sickness and in health, richer or poorer, ‘til death do you part?” “Ah, do.” His Scottish brogue was getting stronger. David smiled, “Then I pronounce you, husband, . . . .and wife. You may kiss your bride, Doctor.” Neil kissed Christy until he could hear whoops and hollers from everyone of the guests. “Well, I believe its time for the real ceremonies to begin Mrs. MacNeill.” Neil said as they ran down the isle to where the food was set up. Christy looked at her husband, “They better not! You promised!” Her face was as red as a shiny new apple. Neil replied, “No worries, bonnie Lass. I took care of everything.” He winked at Christy, which in turn, made her blush even more. Part 19 Everyone in the cove brought something for the big meal. There was of course, the Magic soup pot, sweet potato pie, grits, turkey and pheasant, potato salad, corn chowder, corn meal bread, and black eyed peas. The list went on and on. Neil looked around at all the food. His mouth began to water. He picked up a dish to fill and nearly dropped it. “Hm,. . .this is not going to work out. I can’t hold the plate because of my broken arm.” Christy turned around to find her husband, and saw him trying to dish up food for himself. “Here, Silkie, let me help you with that.” She took the plate away from him and proceeded to dish up the items he liked. Julia came around the table looking at all the food. She bumped into Christy. “Oh darling, you must be hungry, dishing up two plates for yourself.” “Oh no, Mama, Christy exclaimed, I’m making a plate for Neil too. He can’t hold the plate himself.” Julia nodded, “I see, do you need help?” Christy nodded her head. “We’ll be alright. Thank you for asking. Where is Daddy and George?” Julia finished chewing on a pickle and swallowed. I think they’re watching the La Cross game, George is very interested in the game. You know your brother and sports.“ Christy took the two plates which were heaped with food to a shady spot under a big old oak tree. “Mmmm. . . . . come sit with us Mama. Oh, I know, anything with a ball thrills George.” Neil sat down under the tree, while Christy handed him his food. He licked his chops. I haven’t had this much food in a long time! This was a great idea Lass. I think everyone will be talking about the Pow Wow in Cutter Gap for some time.” He picked up some sweet potato pie first and wolfed it down. Christy sat down to eat her food and heard David bellow one of his loud laughs. She looked over at him with a smile on her face. “It’s good to see David happy again.” She thought. “Magena must have told him something very funny.” David turned around when he heard the women behind him talking louder. “Ah, . . . . the best part, dessert!” There was apple pies, quick breads with home made jams, Fresh strawberries with fresh whipped cream and . . . the cake. Everyone at the feast was in wonder. The first three tiered cake that Cutter Gap ever saw. Christy dragged Neil over to the cake. “Neil, we have to cut the cake and feed each other the first piece. Come on!” She teased. He followed her with a grin on his face. They cut the first two pieces, which was not easy for the Doctor and picked them up to feed them to each other. Christy fed her piece to Neil, then Neil picked up his piece. He let Christy take a bite, then he took some of the icing and left a nice helping in her nose. “Neil, what are you doing?” They both laughed as their Cutter Gap family roared with hilarity. Everyone turned toward the lodge as they heard the drums start up again. “Oh, David,” Magena said, “that’s my cue, I’ve got to go. Dance with me later?” David nodded to Magena, his mouth stuffed with a large strawberry, with whipped cream stuck to his top lip. He swallowed, “I’ll come watch, as soon as I get some pie. You want anything?” Magena shook her head, “No David, I’ll get something later, but . . . .thank you.” She smiled at him and walked toward the sound of the drum. Soon everyone was gathered around the drum area. Magena, Mary, Billy, and other Indians were dancing to the drum. Billy motioned for Neil and Christy to join. Once the other folks saw how to do it, they joined in. David jumped in behind Magena. The dancing went on for a couple of hours. Billy called Christy out to the middle of the circle. She walked out hesitantly, not sure what she was there for. “Your teacher arranged for this event to take place. Among our people, teachers have high honors. So, we will make her an honorary member of our tribe.” He gave her a hug, while everyone clapped. “I give her the name of ‘Snowbird’.” Christy had a big smile on her face. “Oh, thank you Billy.” She hugged him back. “Now, it is time for you and White Buck to go to your lodge.” He smiled. The men in the group just looked at each other. They seemed to restrain themselves from doing something. They looked like a puppy who just got reprimanded. The women started walking toward Christy and the men quickly got their minds off their goal. Jeb said, “Uncle Bogg let’s start another one of those Indian dances.” The men all grabbed their wives, and off they went. Christy looked at Neil with a question in her eyes. He said, “It’s easy Christy, I just told them no shiveree or your parents would most likely take you home to Ashville for you to never return. That the children would be without a teacher!” Christy broke out laughing. “Brilliant, White Buck!” Neil smiled, “I’d do anything for my Snowbird.” He picked her up off her feet and ran to his beloved Charlie. They raced off as the children ran behind them. “Bye, Miss Chr . . . oops . . . Ms. MacNeil.” The children shouted, when they could no longer keep up with the couple. The couple waved back, “Bye, we’ll see you on Sunday, children.” Part 20 David watched the happy couple riding away. He walked toward Magena and protectively put his arm around her shoulders. He sighed, “Magena?” She looked at David. “Yes?” David looked at her. “Would you ever consider marriage?” She turned toward him. “I would, . . . . if I loved someone enough. Why?” David swallowed. “I know, I’ve known you for a short time, but I feel we’ve been together for a long time. I feel you know me, better than I know myself.” She nodded, “I feel that as well. Would you be happy, . . . . with an Indian girl?” David nodded, “I believe I would.” He went down on his knee and held her small tan hand in his. “Magena, . . . . would you marry me? A preacher?” Magena had tears streaming down her cheeks. “I believe I would. Would you be married by an Indian Chief?” David nodded, “I believe I would.” Magena jumped into his arms. “Oh David, I do love you.” David had tears streaming down his face. “I love you too, Magena.” David and Magena didn’t realize that all of Cutter Gap was watching the whole event unfold. That is until everyone started to clap, when the two embrace and kissed as intendeds for the first time. “So, when should we get married, David?” Magena asked. David smiled. “Why not right now? Everyone is here, with the exception of Dr. and Mrs. MacNeill.” Magena nodded, “Let’s.” She smiled. “Hmm, . . . where is Billy?” David choked, “You mean, he’s a chief?” Magena nodded. “Yes he is. Is that OK?” “Sure.” David said, as he spied George Huddleston. “George, can you do me a favor and find Billy Long as quickly as you can?” “Anything you want Reverand Grantland.” George said, as he was munching on some pie. Magena said, “Oh George, can you find Grey Owl as well?” George nodded. David looked at her, puzzled. “Is he a Chief as well? Magena nodded her head. “Yes, but he can’t marry us, but you do have to ask him permission. He’s my father.” “Ah,” David looked a little nervous. He didn’t think about a Father-in-Law. Part 21 Grey Owl led three appaloosa ponies into the center of the circle. To where David was standing and handed him the reins. The groom was dressed in a white buckskin outfit (supplied by Gray Owl) wearing a headdress. Behind her father, Magena walked to the center of the ring, arm in arm with her mother, Sonja. Magena was dressed in her dancing outfit. David looked nervous, unsure what was expected of him. Billy walked to the front of the couple. He held up a long piece of rawhide and a white eagle feather. “Is this the couple to be joined?” He looked at Magena’s parents. Grey Owl and Sonja said, “Yes, this is our daughter to be joined with this man” Billy continued, “This string of leather represents the bonding of this couple.” He tied the leather around both their wrists. “The feather represents that this man, is now a warrior, part of our tribe and may represent us.” He put the feather in David’s headdress. “I put my hands up to the Great Spirit to join these two and grant them a future generation. HE?” Everyone said, “HO!” Billy looked at David and smiled, “That means you can kiss the bride! HE?” David smiled and said “HO!” He took his bride into his arms, lifted her up and deeply kissed her. Uncle Bogg said, “Hey men, we promised Doc no shiveree, but we didn’t promise the Preacher. I’m itchin’ for a good ole shiveree.” David’s eyes got big, put Magena down and ran. He knew they were gunning for him. He didn’t want Magena to get hurt in the process. Magena saw the women coming toward her. She smiled. “Hmm, . . . . at least we have one custom in common.” The women brought her to David’s bunkhouse to get her prepared for when the men brought David there. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Christy nested her head on Neil’s chest. She was asleep even though Neil snored loud enough to wake the dead. She was dreaming, her eyes moving back and forth. Her legs started to move quickly, like she was running. “No, Bird’s Eye, leave us alone. No! Get away.” She screamed. Neil jumped up out of bed. “Where’s Bird’s Eye?” He stood in ready position to fight. “Christy, Bird’s Eye is dead. Wake up Lass.” Christy woke up sopping wet. She grabbed onto Neil, crying. “Oh, I must have been dreaming. I was living our capture all over again.” She whimpered, and buried her face into Neil’s chest. “I guess with all the planning, I haven’t had time to deal with what happened.” Neil put his good arm around her. “I guess I haven’t dealt with it either. With in time, Christy, we will both get through it. I’m sorry that happened, Lass.” “It wasn’t your fault. I am sorry Bird’s Eye had to pay with his life though.” Christy said. “So am I, I’ve known Bird’s Eye all my life. He wasn’t always bad. His father treated him worse than he treated Lundy. I always tried to do what I could for him. You know, to make life easier for him.” Neil had a single tear roll down his face. “He was my friend, Christy. . . . . Well, my Snowbird, it’s still late, you should get some sleep.” Christy nodded and curled up, next to her husband. She sighed. She liked feeling him next to her. He was warm and smelled so manly. She kissed him on the cheek. “Goodnight, White Buck.” She smiled, remembering their wedding day. “I hope Magena and David get married. They look perfect together.” She yawned, and fell asleep. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ David woke up, he felt something warm next to him. “Mmm, . . . . . that feels good, to bad I have to wake up from my dream.: He stretched and felt someone stretch beside him. She cooed. “Oh, I forgot, we were married last night. Oh, oh, I need to tell mother. I’ll have to call her today with the news. First Ida gets married in a hurry, then I do.” He thought. He leaned over and gave his wife a kiss. She returned his kiss . . . . . . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ruby Mae and Rob Allen drove Christy’s family to the MacNeil cabin. Rob Allen yelled, “H-E-L-L-0!” Doc, Miss Christy. Your folks come. Christy and Neil piled out to the porch. “Mama!” Christy yelled. Neil said, “William, to what do we owe this honor?” William said, “Well, it’s time we went back to Ashville. We wanted to see our daughter’s house before we left.” Julia said, “We also wanted to say goodbye, and that we had a wonderful visit. Neil, please take care of our daughter.” “Mother, come in for a tour.” Christy said. They had a short visit, because the Huddleston’s had tickets for the train and they needed to leave. Christy hugged each of her parents, “Now, you have a nice trip. Remember we love you.” Julia and William hugged their daughter before they left. They watched her from the buckboard until they couldn’t see her anymore. Julia had tears rolling down her face, as William hugged his wife. She saw Neil with his arm around Christy. George just shook his head. “Oh mother, you’ll see her again.” Christy and Neil waved to their family. “Bye, . . . . Bye we’ll see you soon.” THE END