TITLE: The Letters AUTHOR: Lady S E-MAIL: ladysewalton@yahoo.com SUMMARY: AUE Story (See Author’s Notes) Christy has been Dismissed from the Mission School. Can she find a life outside of it or will her heart always be in the Smokie Mountain’s? SPOILERS: The Lie DISCLAIMER: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the Marshall-LeSourd Family, L.L.C. We are in no way seeking profit or credit for her story. We are continuing the story of Christy for our own amusement only. Any additions in story line and characters were invented by the writers of the alt.tv.christy Round Robin and the Christy Mailing List. The content of each story is the responsibility of the individual writer. The fanfic here is being posted as a service to the Christy mailing list, Pax Christy Forum and Alt.tv.christy News Group. AUTHOR’S NOTE’S: AUE – Alternate Universe Ending – I have taken the episode “The Lie” and changed the ending so that Christy was dismissed after all. The beginning is a little dull but it will get better, I promise. AN2: These chap's will tend to be on the short side as they have been broken down by location instead of events. Some will be VERY short, other moderately. However this will ensure a post per weekday. I hope you enjoy this Fic. Feel free to let me know what you think. ... SEW The Letters – Chapter One Cutter Gap/Asheville, TN What had begun as a beautiful day turned into a nightmare fast than she could blink her eyes. As Christy rode in the wagon beside Dr Ferrand she thought back to the moment her life had spun out of control. The morning had begun well enough. Miss Alice and Dr MacNeill had gone off to handle a train derailment near El Pano this morning. No sooner had they gone than Dr Ferrand had knocked on the mission door wanting to cast a surprise inspection of the mission. That morning he inspected it and found everything in top-notch order, quite pleased with the way things were running. Needing to get over to Cataleechie before catching a train to Asheville from there he opted to attend services in the cove before continuing his way. After silent reflection on the day Christy decided that it was that exact moment when her life had begun to fall apart. There, in the middle of services, Bessie Coburn had stood up and announced the terrible lie that had led to Christy’s expulsion as teacher of the Cutter Gap children. Standing in the middle of the mission house, an angry Dr Ferrand walking in circles around her, Christy never had a chance to defend herself other than to say that while she had been by the river with someone, that someone had not been with John Spencer. Furious at her alleged lack of morals Jacob Ferrand had ordered her to gather her things; she would return home with him at once. David had hung back in the corner, crushed by the news he had heard in the church. Ruby Mae had watched on with tears in her eyes as her heroine was expelled from the cove. Near tears, but refusing to lose her control in front of Dr Ferrand, Christy had climbed the stairs to her room to pack her few belonging’s into a satchel, leaving almost everything behind for the children to use. Sitting down at the desk she had written two letters, one she left on Miss Alice’s night stand and the other she begged Ruby Mae to deliver to Dr MacNeill’s cabin after she had left with Dr Ferrand. As they had said good bye Ruby Mae had told Christy that she didn’t believe ‘that dern ol’ Bessie’. ‘What will I do now?’ Christy thought to herself as she rode in silence with the still furious Dr Ferrand. ‘The cove was my home, my life was there with those children.’ The wagon ride to Cataleechie and the train ride after were thick with frosty silence. It wasn’t until they were standing at the station in Asheville that Dr Ferrand finally spoke to Christy. “I don’t know what to say, Miss Huddleston. I am very disappointed and I had hoped that things would have work out better for you at the mission. I suggest that you go home and make your amends with yourself and with God. Oh and Miss Huddleston,” he turned back just before stepping into the carriage to face Christy as she clung to the handle on her satchel. “I would suggest that you don’t use the mission as a reference, it will not be a good one.” Watching Jacob Ferrand close the door of the carriage and the carriage drive off Christy’s lip trembled and she felt tears stinging at her eyes. It was over. The life she’d dreamed of in Cutter Gap, being a teacher to the children she loved so dearly was ripped to shreds before her very eyes. Walking away from the train station, down the various streets, Christy found her way to the front door of her childhood home. Knocking on the door she waited for it to open. Following the servant into the den Christy saw her father rise from his reading chair and toss the paper aside, crossing the room to his daughter. Unable to hold herself together Christy leaned on the older man, the man that had always been a pillar of strength, and wept for the life she no longer had. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Chapter Two Cutter Gap, TN Tired, sore, and in desperate need of a bath Miss Alice dropped her saddlebags onto the floor of her bedroom before shedding her coat onto the bed. The mission was empty, the whole cove had seemed so, and she hadn’t passed a soul on her ride home. The quiet was a nice change from the hectic pace of the last few days. Undressing she did what she could to wash from the basin in the corner before sitting down on the bed to get some much needed sleep. About to lie down she saw a folded piece of paper sitting propped up against her small oil lamp on the table next to her bed. Taking the paper in her hands, wondering what it could possibly be, Alice unfolded it and began to read what she recognized as Christy’s script. ‘Dearest Miss Alice;’ ‘By the time you get this I will be well on my way to Asheville if not there already. Dr Ferrand has dismissed me from the mission school. I’m so sorry to have been a disappointment to the cove and though I know the accusations were made in the heat of jealousy I pray that you will believe me when I tell you they are not true. I was by the river that night but it was not to meet with John Spencer. I pray that you believe me. I have left many of the supplies for the children to use for I know they will be put to a better use here than with me.’ ‘I will never forget anything you have taught me during my time in Cutter Gap and you will always hold a very special place in my heart. I will pray for you and for my home every day for I know that God will watch over you and help you to remember how much I love you since I cannot be there to do so myself. Please help the children and their families to understand that I love them all very much. And I beg of you to make sure the teacher who will replace me loves them as much as I always will.’ ‘I am sorry.’ ‘All my love,’ ‘Christy’ Sitting on her bed Alice was overwhelmed by sadness and confusion all at once. What was going on? Hurriedly re-dressing, her sleep forgotten, Alice rushed out of her room down the hall to Christy’s and found it empty. Many of her things were still in the room but they were piled neatly on the desk as if she had stacked them to be carried somewhere. Her bureau was empty, the closet as well; all the personal items had been taken, pictures the children had drawn, the picture of her family; it was all gone. Standing in the doorway, staring at the silent room in shock she heard a noise from downstairs and rushed down to find the person, praying they would know what had happened. Stepping off the last stair she saw David stacking firewood by the fireplace. “David, what is going on here?” she asked. “I came home to find Christy gone and a letter telling me she has been dismissed. What happened?” His face hard David tells Miss Alice what happened during service a few days ago. “Dr Ferrand was here to see it and when he left he ordered Christy to go with him. She was dismissed Alice, there’s nothing to be done.” “Surely thee does not believe that Christy would have such a relationship with one of her students?” Watching David’s face Alice suddenly realized that he did. “David thee knows Christy better than that!” “All I know is that I saw here leaving the mission that night, she was walking toward the river. That’s all I can say for sure.” “Very well then David. Believe what thee will.” Moving through the room to the mission phone Alice called Jacob Ferrand to speak with him personally. After going back and forth over the topic for some time Alice began to lose her patience. “Dr Ferrand, I know that Christy would do nothing of the sort. There must be a reason.” “Miss Henderson, the girl said the words herself, she was by the river that night. I cannot have a woman such as her teaching the impressionable young minds of the children. Now I will not discuss this any further. Good day.” Hanging up the phone in disgust Alice tried to think of someone she could speak with who would not be so set against Christy in this rumor. She needed to find the truth. Neil! Neil had yet to hear of this awful rumor, he would help Alice to clear Christy’s name. He too would never believe this rumor. Perhaps he had seen something that night as his cabin was near the river. Saddling Goldie Alice rode out of the mission yard in search of the man whose company she had only recently left. All the while Neil, too, was thinking of how glad he was to finally be home. Climbing the steps to his cabin, one fatiguing step at a time, Neil trudged into his cabin and began to rummage through his cupboards in search of something easy and quick so he could get some sleep as fast as possible. Finding some dried fruit he munched on it while leaning against the table to kick off his shoes. Something white caught his eye and he picked up a piece of paper. Unfolding it he read what was written. ‘Neil;’ ‘I hope everything has gone well in El Pano, though I’m sure you were able to help all the people who needed you. By the time your reading this I’ll be back in Asheville. I’ve been dismissed from the school. This morning during service it was announced that I had been seen by the river with one of my students. While we both know that is not true that fact remains that I was seen by the river with a married man. Dr Ferrand was with us this morning and dismissed me immediately.’ ‘There are so many things that I want to thank you for but the one that meant the most was that of your friendship. You were right; I was horribly unprepared for life here in Cutter Gap. But you challenged me to see past the pain and suffering and as time went on I saw the beauty that life in the cove had to offer, beauty that far outweighed the darkness. I will always treasure my time in the mountains and I will never forget my children, my home, and the friendship of those people I care about.’ ‘Thank You Neil.’ ‘Christy’ Eyes wide in anger and disbelief Neil finished reading the letter and fought not to crumple it in his rage. This couldn’t be happening! Christy was gone because someone had seen them by the river that night. But why would they lie about it and say it was John Spencer and not Neil? Who was it? When did this happen? Why hadn’t anyone tried to stop it? Many questions stormed through Neil's mind as he pulled on his boots once more. Forget his tiredness, he needed to get this straightened out and get Christy back in the cove. Flinging open the door he stopped short when he saw Alice poised to pound on it. “Alice?” “Neil, did thee hear what has happened?” “What is going on? Why didn’t anyone try to stop this? We have to get her back Alice, she’s done nothing wrong!” “What happened that night? Did you see anyone by the river?” Moving back into the cabin Neil told Alice everything that had happened that night by the river, under the light of the moon. “All we did was talk Alice, nothing more. She doesn’t deserve to be let go because of that!” “I agree, but I have already spoken with Dr Ferrand, he says that Christy will not be welcomed back to the mission. He has dismissed her and there is nothing more he will say on the matter.” “That is ridiculous!” Neil yelled as he paced the cabin. “There has got to be something we can do!” “There is, Neil. We can tell these people the truth. Christy cannot defend herself to them as she is not here but I will not let them think that the lie is the truth. Come with me tomorrow so they may hear the truth.” “There must be someway to get her back!” Sitting in a chair in Neil’s cabin Alice watched him pacing the floor, his face filled with emotion; it was more than just a friend worrying about another friend. Alice didn’t want to admit it, she hated to admit it, but there was a special bond between Neil and Christy. Something that went deeper than either of them realized. Alice prayed that things would work out for the best but she knew in her heart that it would not be an easy road. The next few days passed slowly and that Sunday morning the little church was filled with it’s normal crowd, the air subdued as everyone waited to see if anything was going to happen this week as it ad last week. No sooner had David said three sentences than there was a commotion from the back of the room. Neil strode up the walkway and turned to face the crowd while Miss Alice stood up from her seat and motioned for David to sit down. “Last week service was interrupted by a lie,” Alice began. “This week we interrupt it with the truth.” “You all know that Miss Huddleston was dismissed because someone saw her by the river with John Spencer. That is nothing more than a lie. However, as with all lies, there is a nugget of truth hidden within it. Yes, Miss Huddleston was seen by the river that night, and no, she was not alone.” Murmuring began to run through the crowd but Neil continued on, raising his voice above the crowd to make sure he was heard. “She was with me. That night Miss Huddleston couldn’t sleep so she went for a walk along the river. It just so happened that I was sitting by the river when we crossed paths. We talked for a little while, we said goodnight, and she returned to the mission alone. That is all that happened.” Kyle Coburn stood up from the back of the room. “Is you a’callin’ ma girl a ly’er?” he demanded. Before Neil could speak Bessie stood up and moved into the aisle way. “Th’ doc’s raght!” she cried, her face awash with guilt. “I nevuh ment fer Miz Christy to leeve, I waz jest angry. Itz all m’fault! Th’ doc’s raght!” Kyle’s anger turned from Neil to his daughter in a heartbeat. Even as he advanced on her the frightened girl took off running. “You best not show yer face fer awhile gal! I’m in th’ mind ta tan yer hide!” While the crowd watched the Coburn’s Neil noticed that in the front row little Mountie had begun to cry. Kneeling down next to her Neil wiped the tear away from her grimy little face. Her lower lip trembling Mountie threw her arms around Neil and cried. “Why are you crying, wee one?” “Miz Christy don’ luv uz no’mor,” she whispered. “That’s foolish talk, Mountie. Miss Christy loves you all very much, she told me so herself.” Picking up the little girl Neil stood and addressed the crowd. “Miss Huddleston knew that eventually you would find out the truth and she wanted you all to remember how much she loves each and every one of you. She’ll never forget the people she cares about and she hoped that you would never forget her.” “We dun Miz Christy wrong,” Fairlight said, her eyes shiny with unshed tears when she remembered the way she had shunned her friend. “Cain’t we getz ‘er back?” “We’re trying to,” Miss Alice said. “But right now that doesn’t look like a possibility. I’d like to draw up a petition for everyone to sign requesting that Christy be brought back to the mission. It may help to convince Dr Ferrand that she is wanted back here and that she has done no wrong.” The group agreed and in no time at all a petition was drawn up. ‘We the people of Cutter Gap request that Miss Christy Huddleston be returned to her position as teach of the mission school. She was wrongfully accused and should not have been dismissed. We who have signed our mark below wish her to be returned directly.’ The petition was signed by the entire cove, though most marked theirs with an ‘X’ and Miss Alice filled in their name. Children and adults alike signed until they had almost five pages to send to Dr Ferrand. The petition was went off with Ben Pentland and a few weeks later the telephone at the mission rang. Answering it Alice listened to the man on the other end before hanging up and sitting in the nearest chair. He had refused. ‘What was done was done’ in his book. Jacob Ferrand would not listen to any further arguments on the matter and if they persisted he would be forced to remove the mission itself from Cutter Gap. Her last hope was gone. That night Alice sat down at her desk, tears stinging at her time hardened eyes and wrote a letter to the young woman she loved as a daughter. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Three Asheville, TN Sitting in a small café with her friend Janice Christy found her thoughts drifting away from the topic of last night’s party and back, over the mountains, to the children and home she had left behind. Though she had been home for a week now Christy found it impossible to re-enter the life she had left behind when she had gone to Cutter Gap. How could she get excited over a party or an afternoon of shopping and tea when she knew the life others were leading? “Christy, are you even listening to me?” Jolted back to the woman across the table Christy smiled sheepishly. “I’m sorry, Janice. My thoughts were a hundred miles a way. What were you saying?” Forgiving her old friend Janice repeated her previous sentence. “I was telling you that since I was getting married next week I had to leave my job at the college. I’m going to miss my old roommate, we had some good times together.” “What did you do at the college?” “I was a secretary for one of the professors, a Doctor Peter Kinnigan. A splendid fellow, he and his wife Susan were always very nice to me. I feel a little bad now that I’m not there he’ll have to find another secretary.” “What did he teach?” “Ophthalmology. It’s the study of the eyes. He teaches future doctors at the Jefferson Medical College in Pennsylvania.” Christy suddenly became very interested in this conversation, an idea forming in her head. If she couldn’t be there to teach the children the least she could do was to have some small part in something that might benefit them in the long run. “Has he found a replacement yet?” “Well no, not yet.” Looking closely at her friend Janice saw the sudden interest. “Surely you don’t want the position. You’ve only just now come home yourself, Christy. Don’t you want to take some time off for a little while? To enjoy society again?” “Janice the school I taught at and the mountains I lived in were rampant with Trachoma. If I can play even a small part in helping to find a cure for that then I would feel so much better. Even something as small as filing and writing notes for a professor whom teaches Ophthalmology would be helping them. What if one of the students he teaches finds a cure for Trachoma so that one day the children won’t have to lose their eyesight? I would have had a part in that, in helping them to live a better life.” Listening to Christy, watching her friend come alive again, Janice could see how much she loved the children she had left behind. But it made her wonder… “Christy if you love the children so much why did you leave?” No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Christy became subdued again and Janice knew she had made a mistake. “Oh, darling, I’m sorry! I should never have asked, it wasn’t right of me, please, please forgive me.” Trying to muster up a smile Christy shook her head. “No, Janice it’s all right. I’m sorry, but it hurts too much to talk about it, not yet.” “All right. Why don’t we finish our tea and then you and I can go home to my mothers house and I’ll make the call to Professor Kinnigan?” “I’d like that very much,” Christy smiled, some of her enthusiasm coming back into her eyes. “Very much indeed.” True to her word the two friends finished their tea, gathered their packages, and went back to the house Janice had called home to make the call. That night, over the dinner table at her own home, Christy made an announcement to her parents, praying it would be well received. “Mother, Daddy, there’s something I need to tell you.” Both of them looked to her, waiting for their daughter to continue. “I’ve taken a job.” “A job?” Julia repeated. “What on earth for? You’ve only just come home, surely you planned on taking some time off before you did anything else?” “What it the job, Christy?” her father asked. Secretly he was glad that some of the spirit had come back into her eyes, there was a marked difference in her from this morning, and if it meant that she had taken a job… so be it. “I’ll be a secretary.” “Well then that’s not so bad,” Julia smiled. “You’ll be working in the city then.” Biting her lip Christy replied, “I will be in a city, yes,” stressing the ‘a’. “Just not our city,” William concluded, catching the stress she had put on the one word. Christy shook her head. “Where is the job then?” “Pennsylvania.” “Pennsylvania!” Julia cried, dropping her fork to the table. “But you’ll be in a complete other state!” “Julia please,” William glanced at his wife. “Let Christy speak.” Looking at Christy he saw the determination and spirit in her eyes and wondered what it was about this job that had put it there. “Why this job darling? Tell me about it.” “It’s a secretarial position at Jefferson Medical College in Pennsylvania. It was Janice’s position until she got engaged, but now that she’s left it’s vacant and I’ve taken it. I’ll be working under Professor Peter Kinnigan MD; he’s the head of the Ophthalmology department. I want to do this Daddy, I need to.” William looked at his daughter with curiosity. “Why need?” Playing with her food for a moment Christy looked up and he could see the sadness in her eyes. It was as fresh as the day she had wept in his arms. “I can’t be there to teach my children Daddy but maybe if I help this Professor to teach new doctors just maybe one of them will find a cure for Trachoma. Ne… Dr MacNeill has done so much research but he doesn’t have the time to devote to finding a cure. More and more people are loosing their sight to Trachoma in the cove but if one doctor can find a cure because of what Professor Kinnigan has taught him then I’ll feel like I’ve done my part to help my children.” “I know it’s a very slim possibility but I can only pray that my small part will help. There is no returning to the life I that led before I went to Cutter Gap, Daddy; I’m not that same little girl anymore. I need to do something, to feel as if somehow I’m making a difference in this world. I’ll not make that difference by going to parties and having tea with my friends.” William stared at his daughter for a moment. “You’ve already made up your mind haven’t you?” Christy nodded. “Then we won’t try and stop you. I’m sure we won’t like having you so far away from us but at least we’ll know that you’re safely tucked away at a medical college.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Four Philadelphia, PA And so it was. Three days later Christy boarded a train to Pennsylvania and her life as a secretary began. Settling into the one bedroom apartment that she would share with Janice’s friend, Marcy St.Paul, the two women knew that they’d be good friends the instant they met. Over the next month Christy learned the route to get to the college, the layout of the campus itself, the ropes of being a secretary to a medical professor, as well as trying to make new friends among the staff and students at Jefferson Medical College. Her biggest adjustment was getting used to living in a bustling metropolis instead of the quiet majesty of her mountains. But, as the young often do, she adjusted well enough and life went on. Christy missed her children with every beat of her heart and not often did a day go by when she wouldn’t mention them to someone in conversation. On a warm summer day Christy was walking back to the apartment when she heard a familiar Scottish brogue. Hurrying to catch the person she turned the corner to see a man she’d never met speaking to another man on the street corner, both of them speaking in their native Scottish accent. Feeling foolish she continued on her way home, surprised at the sudden pain that had gripped her heart. She knew that she still missed the people of Cutter Gap but Christy’s actions had surprised even her. Opening the door to their apartment she saw Marcy standing at the stove cooking some dinner for them both. “What’s wrong, sweetie? You look like someone just stole your favorite book.” Shaking her head Christy smiled. “It’s nothing, just foolishness. Dinner smells wonderful." “Oh, thanks. There was some mail for you; I put it on the bed. Why don’t you go read it and then we can have dinner? I need to get to the library after dinner so I probably won’t see you until tomorrow.” “Then I’ll wait and read the letters later, while your gone. Why don’t I set the table and we can eat at the same time.” Working side by side Marcy and Christy had prepared and eaten their meal together. While Marcy readied to leave for the library Christy washed and dried their dishes. “Come with me, Christy. You always stay home, why not come out with me tonight? After the library a small group of us are going to get some coffee. You could join us.” “No, thank you. I’ll stay in tonight.” Shaking her head Marcy smiled and left. Her chore complete Christy went into the bedroom and brought her mail back out to read by the window. Settled comfortable at the desk she opened the first letter from her father. He told her that all was well, George was doing well in college and her mother sent her hello. William finished his letter by telling her that he had forwarded some mail to Christy in the same envelope and that he hoped all was well with her. Looking at the second envelope she quickly tore it open with anxious fingers. It was from Miss Alice. ‘Dearest Christy,’ ‘Oh how I wish this letter contained glad news for thee. Upon returning to the mission I found thy letter and my heart was saddened by what was written. Thee were wrongly accused, everyone now knows the truth, and we wish thee back home with us but Dr Ferrand simply will not allow it. If only I had been here to stop things before they had gone as far as they did. The people of Cutter Gap are sorrowed by their misdeeds toward thee and they wish thee to know how sorry they are.’ ‘I am worried that thee think thee are not missed. I cannot begin to tell thee how much thee are missed by the entire cove. The mission is too quiet without thy laughter or thy sweet story of thy day at school. I pray that thee will forgive this old woman for not defending thee justly and returning thee to thy rightful place as teacher to the children thee love so much. May God keep thee safe and our memories in thy heart.’ ‘All my love to thee,’ ‘Alice’ Alone in the apartment Christy’s eyes overflowed with tears, both joyous and sorrowful, at the letter she read from Miss Alice. The cove knew the truth. They all missed her; they wanted her back. But she could never go back, Dr Ferrand had seen to that. Wanting, needing to spill her thoughts and her heard to Miss Alice Christy immediately began to write back to the woman. ‘Dearest Miss Alice,’ ‘I cannot begin to convey to you how happy I am to hear from you, to know that everyone is well in the cove. I have missed each and every one of you with all my heart. Please, let no one feel badly over what has happened; tell them that I do not hold it against them. Let Bessie know that I forgive her and that I still hope she finds the happiness she longs for. I will always love my children and all of the family’s in the cove, each one holds a very special place in my heart.’ ‘Even though I cannot be there to help the children and their families I am doing a small part to help them. I’ve taken a job as a secretary to an Ophthalmology Professor at a Medical College in Pennsylvania. I hope that one of the students he teaches will one day find a cure for the troubles that plague my children. Life in the city is so very different from that in the cove but I would trade it in an instant to be back among the mountains I love so much.’ ‘Please, Miss Alice I beg of you, tell no one where I am. Let them know that I am well and that I miss them terribly but I pray you will not tell them where I am. We must each of us learn to accept that I cannot return to my home in the cove. Life must go on, and if the children are led to believe that one day I will return it will only cause heartache when I do not. Tell them I love them with all my heart and that I will never forget them for as long as I live for they are my children, my very special children.’ ‘I send all of my love to you and I will pray that God keeps you safe in the mountains. Never will I forget the lessons you have taught me about life and loving those around us. Perhaps one day we shall be able to meet again face to face, but until that day I will carry your memory in my heart, you will never leave my side and for that I will always be grateful.’ ‘All of my love,’ ‘Christy’ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Five Cutter Gap, TN “U-nited States Mail!” Jolted from her reading by the fire Miss Alice stood and stretched her legs. Glancing at the clock she saw that time had gotten away from her and she was glad that the call had caught her attention. Walking out to the mission yard she saw Ben Pentland waiting patiently for someone to greet him. “Good morning, Mr. Pentland.” “Mornin’ ta ya, Miz Alice. I got’z ya a lettuh.” Taking the small envelope from the postman Alice thanked him, watching as he moved away, another letter to deliver to another fortunate person in the cove. His weekly trips were always a big to do in the cove and Miss Alice hoped whoever got their letter was receiving good news. Looking at the address on the letter she saw that it was from Pennsylvania and wondered whom she knew out there. Some time later, sitting on the porch of the mission house, letter in hand, Miss Alice wiped the tears from her eyes with her handkerchief. Glancing up at the school an idea came to her mind and she smiled. Stopping at the pump to freshen her face Miss Alice walked over to the school and climbed its stairs. Seeing David at the chalkboard she waited to make eye contact with him before making her way to the front of the class. “Children, I have something to read to you and I think thee will all be very pleased with what it says. I received this letter this morning and I wanted to share it with thee.” Picking out certain sentences Alice sent out the gist of Christy’s letter to the children, telling them that she was all right and that she loved them very much. She read the part about praying for God to keep them safe and how much she missed them as well as the part about carrying their memories in her heart. Finishing the letter Miss Alice looked up to find the entire classroom silent, most of the girls had tears in their eyes, and a few of the boys were trying to blink theirs away. “I have a very special assignment for each and every one of thee. For the rest of the morning I want each of thee to write a letter to Miss Christy and tell her anything thee want to. When thy letter is written I want thee to think of something very special that thee can send to her. It can be anything thee want, but it must be something that thee love as much as she would. That way she will always have a piece of thee with her wherever she goes.” Excitedly the children took out a piece of paper and their pencils and began to write. Those who couldn’t write the words drew a picture. While the children worked David drew Alice out to the schoolyard to speak in private. “Where is she, Alice? Is she really all right?” “Yes, David, Christy is well. However I cannot tell thee where she is. Christy has asked that I not tell anyone. She realizes that she cannot come back to the cove and she asks that the people she cares for move on with their lives. That is what thee must do." “I can’t just forget her Alice.” Smiling Alice patted his shoulder and moved back into the schoolroom. She had nothing to say to him, there were no words that would help. David had fallen for Christy and while she may have thought him a pretty face and a kind heart Alice knew that Christy did not love him with the fervor that David would have believed. Watching the children work she saw that many of them began their letters with an apology for not believing in her. Walking up and down the aisles she saw that Bessie wasn’t writing, just sitting in her desk looking glum. “Bessie, may I speak with thee for a moment?” Nodding the young girl got up and followed Alice out to the porch. Patting the seat next to her Alice took Bessie’s hand in hers and smiled at the sad child. “I wanted thee to know that Miss Christy mentioned thee by name specifically.” Alice could see the shock in Bessie’s eyes. “She asked me to tell thee that she has forgiven thee for thy lie and that she wants thee to be happy.” Taking in the information Alice had just laid bare Bessie’s eyes began to fill with tears. “Hit ain’t raght Miz Alice, I’m the reazon she dun lift th’ cove! How cin she fergive me fer wat I dun?” “Because she loves thee child and she knows thee did not mean for this to happen. If thee is truly sorry then write to her and tell her what thee feels.” “I will Miz Alice, I shorely will.” Bessie sat in her desk again and Alice watched her begin to write with a passion, her pencil making the words carefully so as not to mess them up. When the children had done their letters Miss Alice collected them and reminded them to bring something in tomorrow to include. Dismissing them she watched the children leave, all but one child that is. Slowly Mountie approached Alice with her paper in her hand. “Yes Mountie? Did thee need something?” “Kin ya holp me rite them letterz? I wantz ta tell Teacher som’thin.” Smiing at the young girl, it was the longest sentence she had ever heard from Mountie, she nodded. Sitting down at the desk Alice took the paper and poised her pencil over a clean spot near the top. “What did thee wish to tell her?” “Dear Teacher, I miss ya som’thin fierce. I hopez ya still luv me ‘cauz I still luv ya.” Mountie stopped and looked as Miss Alice wrote the words on the paper. Taking the pencil in her small grimy hands she put an ‘X’ at the bottom and Miss Alice wrote Mounties name next to it. “Thank ya, Miz Alice.” “Thee are very welcome, Mountie. Now thee had better get on home before thy mother begins to worry.” Watching Mountie scamper off down the steps Alice sat at the desk and withdrew some paper to write her own letter. There was a vital piece of information that Christy needed to know. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Six Philadelphia, PA “Well that will be all for today, I think. I’m sure you want to go home and get ready for the big dance tonight,” Peter Kinnigan teased his secretary. Smiling Christy shook her head. “Thank you, but I’m not going tonight.” Peter looked at her with astonishment. “Surely one of the gentlemen has asked to escort you?” “Oh they have, but I’m not interested in going.” Watching her straighten the papers, filing them in the cabinet Peter shook his head. “You’re far too young to act like such an old maid, Christy. Why aren’t you interested in going?” Smiling she gathered her coat, the papers filed away, and turned to face the professor. Janice had been right, he really was a dear man. “I’m just not I suppose. Parties aren’t too high on my list of priorities right now.” Opening the door she turned to face him. “Have a good weekend, Professor.” “You too, Christy.” Shutting the door behind her Christy paused to put her coat on before she headed out into the early winter chill. There was a small layer of snow on the ground and she loved the way it sparkled in certain areas of the lawn, those places that neither foot or hoof had marred yet. Walking along the sidewalk she made her way to the apartment and entered to find it empty. Marcy had gone straight to her friend’s house to prepare for the party tonight. Knocking on their neighbor’s door she waited for the old woman to open the door. “Hello Mrs. Johansson. How are you doing today?” “Well enough Christy, well enough. There was a package for you today, let me get it, one moment.” The old woman disappeared and Christy wondered which of them the package was for. “Here you go, sweetheart.” “Thank you, Mrs. Johansson. I’ll be making some bread over the weekend, would you like me to bring you some?” “Oh why that would be wonderful! When you bring it over we can have some tea and you can tell me some more about your children.” Nodding Christy moved back down the hall to her door and slipped inside. Once the door was shut she looked at the package and saw that it was postmarked El Pano. Excitedly she opened the box to find it filled with many pieces of paper, each one folded with something in it. Opening the first one she laughed and cried at the same time. The paper held a picture of two people, one that looked like it was supposed to be her and the other was a little girl with blond hair. Reading the note that was written in Miss Alice’s script tears filled her eyes. Within the folded letter was a small blue button from Mountie. The next letter was from Bessie Coburn. Unfolding the letter she saw a small stone fall out into her hand; it was shiny and had been smoothed down and polished by the river. Looking at the letter she read the note that was written. ‘Deer Miz Christy; I be sorry fer all the stuff I dun wrong ta ya. I don no y I lide ta evreone but I be reel sorry I did. Pleese fergiv me mam, I hops ya kan cuz I luv ya an I be reel sorry. Bessie Coburn’ Folding the letter Christy wiped the tear from her cheek and smiled as she opened another. One after another she opened the letters, finding a small trinket in each one. Zady had sent a small poem that Rob had helped her write, John sent a song he’d written, Rob a story, Burl a leaf with four different colors, Creed an arrowhead; little nothings that meant as much to her as they did to the children. Opening another letter she saw that if wasn’t from one of the children but rather it was from Fairlight. She had written of her sorrow that she hadn’t believed her friend when the time had come. Fairlight prayed that Christy would forgive her and that she missed her very much. Promising herself that she would write a reply to her dear friend Christy opened the next letter. Recognizing David’s scrawl she read yet another apology. His letter however ended a little differently than the others. ‘I pray that you will never forget me Christy for I know that I will never forget you. I love you Christy. Will you marry me?’ Sitting in shocked silence Christy stared at the four words, reading and rereading them time and again. David had asked her to marry him! But as she sat there, reading the words, Christy realized that her answer would be no. She didn’t love him like that. Perhaps at one time she had but that time was over. He needed to know the truth. Putting his letter aside she picked up the last one, by far the longest, and Christy knew it was from Miss Alice. Anticipating the news of the cove she would receive Christy opened the letter and began to read it with eager eyes. ‘Dearest Christy,’ ‘I hope you have enjoyed all the letters from the children. When I received thy letter I could not contain my joy and wished to share the news of thy well being with the children. I have kept thy request and not told anyone where thee are, only that thee are well and love him or her very much. As thee can see the children return thy love with all of their hearts as well.’ ‘The cove is well but there is a piece of news I fear may bring some sadness to thy world. Four weeks ago, not long after my letter was sent to thee, Margaret was murdered. A man she was servicing was not happy with her and killed her. It seems that she had not left as we had thought but that rather she was living in El Pano under a disguise. When Neil was called to help her he discovered who she truly was but it was too late.’ ‘Margaret was buried in the cemetery at El Pano and a few days later I left for a retreat in the mountains. What I will tell thee next may shock thee but I pray thee will understand. As I prayed in the mountains I came to realize that while my daughter had returned to my life it was not as the role of my daughter. I fear that the woman I knew as my daughter died in my heart many years ago. This woman was one I did not know and therefore while I was saddened by it the blow was not a devastating one.’ ‘Have I shocked thee? If so I am sorry, but it is the truth. I am comforted by the thought that there lives a young woman who will always reside in my heart as my daughter though she lives so far away in Pennsylvania.’ ‘Neil has taken the news well enough. Though he was as shocked as I upon finding out the truth I suppose he is of the same mind as I, Margaret died many years ago, this woman was not the one we knew. He continues his work here in the cove though these past few months I have seen the spring in his step diminish and I fear I do not know if it will ever return.’ ‘I am sorry this letter must contain such terrible news but I knew thee would want to know. I pray that thy life is going well and that thee find’s happiness in thy life in Pennsylvania. Thee will always have a home by my fire, wherever that may be.’ ‘All my love to thee,’ ‘Alice’ Bowing her head Christy prayed that Miss Alice would be all right and, though he didn’t believe, that God would watch over Neil. Now more than ever the man needed the love that God offered his people. Getting out her pencils and paper she set out to write to each and every one of her children. Writing them each a letter, including a small sketch in each, Christy didn’t realize how late it was until she heard the midnight bells toll in the silence of the night. Though she was tired there were still some letters she needed to write, needing to get it done immediately. ‘Dear David,’ ‘I do not hold any ill feelings toward you for what happened that awful morning. You could not have known that it was a lie. I am glad to hear that you have made progress with the families of the cove, even a small step is still a step in the right direction.’ ‘I have thought about your question to me David and I must give you my answer. I cannot marry you. I hope that you realize it simply would not work, there are too many things standing between you and I. You must move on with your life and one day you will find a woman who loves you as much as you do her. She will make you very happy.’ ‘Keep well David,’ ‘Christy’ Folding it carefully she added it to her stack and pulled out another sheet, this time addressing it to Miss Alice. Writing her mentor a letter Christy updated her on her life in the city and thanked her for the wonderful idea; she enjoyed the bundle very much. Ending her letter by sending the woman her love and prayers she folded the paper and sat back for a moment. There was one more letter she wanted to write but Christy didn’t know how to phrase everything she wanted to say. Praying for the right words Christy took a deep breath and began to write. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Chapter Seven Cutter Gap, TN “So make sure you all have your essays on the history of the United States written before you come back on Monday. That gives you the whole weekend to work on it so I expect them to be really good.” Standing before the classroom David was about to release them to enjoy their weekend when he saw Miss Alice climb the stairs a crate in her arms. Smiling he had a good idea who it was from and moved down the aisle to help her. Taking the crate from her arms David carried it back to the desk while Miss Alice faced the curious crowd of children. “Before thee are dismissed for the weekend there is something I believe all of thee would enjoy hearing. This morning Mr. Pentland brought me a letter and this crate. Shall I read the letter to thee?” A round of excited ‘yes’s rang out. Standing before them she read the letter to the classroom. ‘Dear Children,’ ‘What a surprise to have received all of your gifts and your wonderful letters. I miss each of you very much and I know that you are all being very good boys and girls for your teacher. I have heard that each of you passed your test before the harvest break so I have sent along something to congratulate each of you for your hard work.’ ‘I love you all!’ ‘Miss Christy’ “Now Miss Christy has grouped thee by thy family to make it easier so when I call thy last name please come forward.” The children nodded each one restless with excitement. “Spencer.” Eagerly all four Spencer children, John, Zady, Clara, and Lulu, came forward. Handing each one a letter with their name on it and a small package, also with their name on it, Alice called Zady back. “Please give this to thy mother, Zady.” “Yes’m” she said, holding the package’s and letter’s securely in her hands before they raced off to show their Ma and Pa what Miss Christy had given them. One by on Alice called up the children until they had all gone. Once the children were off scampering for home she turned to David and handed him his letter before leaving him to his news. Saddling Goldie she rode through the snow until she had reached her destination. Checking the cabin first she was surprised to find a fire going but no one there. Standing on the porch, wondering where he could be, Alice spotted movement down by the riverbank and walked towards it. “Fishing in the middle of winter, Neil?” “Yes, Alice. A man does have to eat and I had a hankering for steamed fish today.” Alice shook her head. “Make sure thee does not get sick, the last thing this cove needs is a sick doctor.” Shaking his head Neil grinned. “Yes, mother.” Smiling Alice pulled a letter from her pocket and held it out to him. “This came for thee. I thought thee would want it as soon as possible.” Neil looked at the letter but a tug on his line caught his attention. “It’s from Christy.” Immediately Neil turned around, his line forgotten, and took the letter from Alice. Staring at it for a moment he looked up and thanked Alice for bringing it. Nodding she climbed the hill to Goldie and soon she was gone. Taking the letter inside Neil lit an oil lamp and sat down at his desk to read it. ‘Dear Neil,’ ‘I wanted to let you know that I’m okay. Life certainly has thrown me a few unexpected twists and turns in this last year. My life now isn’t quite what I had hoped it would be but it’s not so bad. I have a job and I’m doing some good for the world. It’s not the life I had dreamed of but I’m sure God has a reason for me to be here.’ ‘Miss Alice wrote to me about Margaret. I’m sorry that things had to end in that way. Maybe now you can finally get on with your life the way you wanted to.’ ‘I miss everyone so much, I can only imagine how much the children must have grown since I’ve left; they grow so quickly it seems. There are times when I find myself thinking, ‘That is something I should share with the children,’ only to remember that I can’t. Life outside of the cove has been much harder to adjust to than it was to move into the cove.’ ‘But that is what life is all about, isn’t it, the challenges that face us, the tests of our inner strength and character. I miss our conversations, the one that used to make me so furious that I wanted to scream. I’ve yet to find someone who can make my blood boil as quickly as you did. I have to laugh when I think of how I used to think you were out to make me so mad that I would leave the cove. Because I see now that you weren’t trying to get rid of me, you were preparing me for life in Cutter Gap. And that has prepared me for life in the world.’ ‘So thank you Neil MacNeill. Cutter Gap and its people will always carry a very special place in my heart.’ ‘I miss you all.’ ‘Christy’ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Eight Philadelphia, PA Sitting at the small café on a busy Saturday afternoon Christy worked on her sketch while her friends talked around her. She needed to get this finished before Monday so that she could deliver it to Mrs. Brenker, the wife of the Livery Owner. Since she had begun mailing things back to Cutter Gap Christy had found that funds could be a problem. Sketching various people and places for a small fee had allowed her to offset that cost. “That’s coming along very well, Christy.” “Thank you,” she smiled at Adrienne. “I just hope I can finish it in time.” “I’m sure you will. Where is this place, it’s quite pretty.” “It’s a section of the river I used to walk along when I needed to think,” Christy explained. Though she left out many details of her past the girls she called friends knew that it was too painful for her to talk about. None of them had been able to get the details out of her except for Marcy and she refused to speak about it. It was a much-debated topic of gossip when Christy wasn’t around, but none more so than the fact that she turned down every man who asked to escort her somewhere. “Well hello ladies,” a man’s voice intruded in their conversation. Looking up they all saw Richard Gentry, an upper class medical student. “I was hoping I’d find you all here.” “Hello, Richard,” Marcy greeted him. “Why were you looking for us?” “Well, not all of you per say, I was hoping to catch a moment with Christy.” Raising her eyes from her sketch Christy prayed he wasn’t going to ask, yet again, what she thought he was. “Did you need something Richard?” “How would you like to come with me to the social next Friday?” Suppressing her sigh Christy shook her head and smiled sadly. “I’m sorry, Richard. I won’t be going.” An angry look passed over his face but it vanished in a twinkling. Smirking as though he had thought of a hidden joke he sauntered off without another word. Christy watched him in confusion as he walked away, wondering what had made him smirk so, but Marcy only sighed and shook her head. Motioning to the other girls they took the hint and made their excuses, leaving the roommates alone in the corner of the busy café. “Christy, what’s going on? Since the day you came here you refuse to step out with a man. You won’t dance with one, you won’t go for a cup of coffee with one; it’s as though you want to be an old maid.” Sighing Christy put down her pencil and met Marcy’s eyes. “It’s not that I want to be an old maid, Marcy, I do want a family. I just can’t see myself with any of the men I’ve met here. When I picture the life I want it’s not one with them.” “Then what is it?” “I don’t know, all I know is what its not,” Christy said sadly. “Sweetie, you need to know something. I know its mean and normally I wouldn’t say anything, but I think that you should know this. The men on campus are starting to call you a mean name.” “What do you mean?” Marcy shifted in her seat uncomfortably. “They’re calling you the Ice Queen; always polite, but never interested.” “Oh…” was all that Christy could think to say. Ice Queen? She could feel the tears stinging at her eyes. Not wanting to make a scene she quickly gathered her things and left the café, walking as fast as she could to get to her apartment. Running up the steps she stood at their door, fumbling with the key as her vision became blurry with tears. “Christy dear?” A soft hand patted her shoulder and Christy turned a teary face to see Mrs. Johansson standing next to her. With a kind face she pulled on Christy’s hand. “Come with me,” she said. Inside of the old widow’s apartment Christy sat next to her at the small wooden table and stared at the knobby hands that covered hers. “Tell me what’s happened.” With a choked voice Christy told the old woman what had happened in the small café, from beginning to end, until she had nothing more to say. Sitting side by side they sat in silence and Christy was reminded of all the times she had sat with Miss Alice in an all too similar quiet. At the thought of the woman she missed so dearly Christy cried all the harder. For some time they sat in silence, Christy crying and Widow Johansson simply holding her hand. When at last Christy dried her eyes she looked at her friend as the old woman finally spoke. “Now don’t you feel a little better?” Christy nodded, a sheepish smile crossing her face. “You don’t care one bit about the names they call you, you’re too good for that. That’s not really why you were crying.” Christy hung her head a bit. “No need to be ashamed, girl. Crying is good for your heart, it let’s you grieve the things you miss. You never grieved what you lost when you left your cove. I’m sure you cried, but you never truly grieved. Did you?” Christy shook her head. “I guess a part of me always dreamed that I’d be able to go back someday.” “You will.” Looking up the young blue eyes met the older ones. “I can’t. Dr Ferrand said I’d never be allowed back at the mission.” “Fiddlesticks!” Widow Johansson squeezed Christy’s hands with a smile. “Nothing can ever keep you from something you love. You’ll make it back some day; you love those people too much to stay away forever.” Praying her old friend was right Christy dried her wet cheeks and hugged the woman before returning to her own apartment. Entering the small room she saw an envelope on the table. Recognizing the handwriting as Miss Alice’s Christy tore open the letter, desperate for some good news from home. After reading the news of the cove she read, ‘The children are well and they all have fallen in love with thy gifts. Fairlight stopped by the mission to show me the China teacup and saucer thee sent her. She treasures it and wanted me to thank thee for the beautiful gift. Not a day passes that someone doesn’t stop and ask for me to read them the latest letter from thee. We all miss thee dearly. I have enclosed a letter from Neil, he asked me to send it to thee. Always remember, it is never too late to follow thy heart.’ Miss Alice’s letter finished Christy unfolded the other letter and smiled at Neil's scrawl. Sometimes his handwriting was impossible to read but she could tell that he had taken his time to make sure it was easily read. Still smiling she began to read the letter, wondering what he would say to her. ‘Dear Christy,’ ‘Your letter was a ray of sunshine on a stormy day. Though I will never be glad that you have left the cove I am glad that you have found a job that you like. You belong here in the cove, Lass, teaching the children, helping them to make their lives a little better than before.’ ‘Everyone here misses you, but none more so than I do. Tell me where you are Christy; tell me what city sees you every day the way I did. I miss you.’ ‘Neil’ Reading his letter, for the first time since she had made the decision, Christy felt a twinge of guilt that she didn’t tell anyone besides Miss Alice where she was. Taking out a pencil and paper she chewed on the one end for a moment trying to decide what to say. In the end she decided to go with honesty in how she felt about her life as it was now. ‘Dear Neil,’ ‘I am glad that everyone is well in the cove; yourself included in the well health, for what would the cove do if their only doctor fell sick? I do miss all of my children, how I would love to be standing before them, seeing their smiling faces all streaked with dirt as they watched me from their seat. Not a day passes when I don’t think of which family you may be visiting that day, which child may be sick and in need of your skills to get better.’ ‘There is nowhere in this world that I would rather be than in my mountains. I call them mine because in my heart they will always be my home. There are nights when I look out the window to see the tall buildings of the city and imagine that they are in actuality the mountains that I love so. Each building has a name for one of my favorite spots; one for God’s Fist, another for the cave where we discovered the O’Teale’s past, so on and so forth.’ ‘I know it may seem childish to daydream but it helps me to get through the days when I feel I simply cannot go on. There are times when I will be sitting at my desk and I will catch a glimpse of one of the children darting around the corner, or I will hear someone speaking with a Scottish Brogue and for just a moment I wonder if it is one of my children, or one of my friends that has found me somehow. But in the next moment I realize that it simply cannot be, for I know that Miss Alice would never have told them where I was.’ ‘This is how it must be, Neil. My time in the cove was drawn to a close and while my heart will always be with the people of my home I know that life, both there and here, must go on. The children will find a new teacher to love them and they will continue in their lives. My friends will always have the precious times we spent together to keep in their memories, as I will of them. And when the pain of their memories becomes too much I pray that they will be safe and that God grants me the strength to keep living another day without the people I care for.’ ‘This is the life I must live Neil. It is the life you must as well. My thoughts will always be with the people I love and every day I pray that it is one less day between now and the time that I may be re-united with them. Until that day comes I know that you will watch over my children and love them a little more, just for me.’ ‘Christy’ *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Nine Cutter Gap, TN Sitting in his reading chair Neil pondered the fire as it blazed before him. Letter in hand he mulled over the words Christy had written to him, the things she had said as well as the things she had left unsaid. Neil could read between the lines of her poignant letter. She was miserable in the city, her heart longed for the Smokie Mountains and the people she loved. ‘But,’ he wondered to himself. ‘Where do I fall?’ Moving over to the desk Neil began to write, pouring his heart out onto the paper, writing the words he had never been able to say before. He had to tell her, every fiber in his body screamed to tell her what was in his heart and if it meant having to do so on paper… so be it. ‘Dearest Christy,’ ‘There are many things that I as a doctor, need to know. Some are obvious things such as what to do when a child has a fever; others are not so obvious. There are several things I have come to know since the day you left, things that are as obvious as a child’s fever. You didn’t leave by choice; you were forced to leave. Another blatantly obvious fact is how much the lives of the people in Cutter Gap have changed since you came to live among us, as one of us.’ ‘When you first came here you know, as well as I do, that I was not happy with the changes you were trying to make. I thought that you were trying to make the cove into what you felt it should be. But I see now that you were only striving to make it a better place for the people who live here. Were it not for you the mission would have no phone; Mountie would still be the shy little girl that never speaks; Rob would never have the chance to attend college.’ ‘Had you not come to the cove Fairlight would never know the joy of reading for herself; I would never have found the courage to try the procedure on Becky or to help Dan Scott to learn medicine. It was you alone Christy that made these changes in the cove, your heart the overflowed with love for everyone that you met in Cutter Gap.’ ‘Without you I would still be living my life as though it were only a thing to be done. You have shown me that life is not simply to be lived but that it is to be experienced for all the joy, and sorrow at times, that it can. That with the hard work and determination of one person, whether it be woman or man, all can benefit, as you have shown me time and again by your own deeds and actions.’ ‘I will not try to bring you back Christy, if that is not what you want. I know that wherever you are, whoever is fortunate enough to have you in their lives, that they are better for it. No matter where you are or where you will be, your loving heart makes the world a better place.’ ‘Lass, there is something I need to tell you, something that I need for you to know before it is too late. Not a day passes that I do not think about you, wonder where you are, and wish that you were back here in the cove. I miss you. Every time I stand at the river with my fishing pole I my hands I remember the times we stood there together, talking out a problem that we were having in our lives. Much the way you see the children dart around the corner and hear the accent of the people I hear your laughter in that of the children, I see you smile in theirs, your eyes in the sky and your beauty in the sunrise.’ ‘I love you.’ ‘Neil’ Carefully creasing the papers Neil folded the letter, sealing it with a bit of candle wax before leaving his cabin to find Alice before she headed out to El Pano to visit the people there. Mounting Charlie Neil hurried his friend along a path they both knew well and Neil allowed his thoughts to drift. “I’ve never asked for anything,” he whispered to the trees. “Never have I wanted to admit that there was a higher power, but now I need to believe that somewhere out there is someone who can help me to get Christy back where she belongs. Help me to find my way to her and she to me so that she may see how much I love her.” Silence descended, save for the noise of Charlie’s canter, and Neil realized suddenly that he had prayed. Chuckling to himself he wondered what Christy and Alice would have to say about that. No doubt they would rejoice and ask to see him in a pew next Sunday. Pulling Charlie to a stop Neil saw Alice riding towards him. Handing her the letter she smiles and nods, knowing what he is asking her to do. While she continues to El Pano Neil sees Ruby Mae standing on the mission steps desperately trying to get his attention. “Doc!” she cries. “Ya gotz a teleefone call fer ya!” Thanking her Neil hitched Charlie to the post and climbed the steps to the mission house. Standing at the phone he picked up the receiver and spoke into the mouthpiece. “Hello?” “Neil? Is that you?” “Aye, who’s this?” “This is Peter Kinnigan from College,” the man on the other end replied. “Professor Peter Kinnigan?” Neil was stunned. It had been many a year since he had spoken to his mentor. “What brings you to call here?” Explaining that there were to be several Ophthalmology lectures in one month’s time at the college Peter asks one of his brightest alumni students to come and give his own lecture, as well as take in those of the other speakers. Delighted to, hoping it would help him to get his mind off the letter he had just sent to Christy, Neil accepted his old mentor’s invitation, promising to be at his old stomping grounds, Jefferson Medical College in one month’s time. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Ten Philadelphia, PA Sitting at her desk Christy finished alphabetizing the list of incoming speakers and the hotels they had been booked to stay in. For the last few weeks time had flown by, barely having a moment to herself to think. Between arrangements for the visiting speakers and their hotel rooms, typing up the handwritten notes of the professor, and her daily work Christy had been running around like a mad woman to get all of it done. To top the busy day off she was already running late today to get to the O’Meara’s for their sitting. Word had spread quickly of the sketching Christy did, thanks to the help of a few kind women, and it had soon become a popular thing to have the sketch of Christy’s work hanging on the wall. Sometimes it was a sketch of the family or the children, as in the case of the O’Meara’s, other times it was a sketch of a nature scene. And all the money she made went toward postage to mail things to the cove. Finishing up her last list Christy gathered her things and raced toward the apartment to pick up her sketching materials before hurrying over to Elm Street, the rich part of town. Once inside, after a lecture on being prompt, Christy set down to sketch the two little girls, Annabelle and Lizbeth, daughters of the wealthy banker. Getting the basics down as quickly as she could Christy worked on the details until the two girls began to fidget and become irritable. Losing her models Christy finished the sketch from memory and presented it to Martha O’Meara. “Oh it’s simply wonderful! Christy dear, you simply must allow me to introduce you to a friend of mine, he too is an artist. I’m sure you would get along splendidly. Come back tomorrow night for my ball, I can introduce you then.” Seeing Christy begin to beg off Martha cut her off. “I refuse to take no as an answer. The carriage will call for you and Marcy at half past six.” Resignedly Christy agreed, praying that something credible would prevent her from going. The walk home is short, her mind a jumble of prayers and thoughts, wishes and regrets, and soon she sets her bag down on the chair by the front door. At the table writing in her journal was Marcy. Looking up she smiles at her roommate but it quickly dissipates when she sees the glum look on Christy’s face. “Whatever is the matter?” “You and I have been invited to a ball at the O’Meara’s tomorrow night,” she replied as she sank down into the chair opposite her friend. “A carriage will be here at half past six.” “A ball, how wonderful!” Reaching across the table Marcy took Christy’s hand in hers. “I know you don’t want to go but maybe this is a step in the right direction to finally put your other life behind you.” Christy shrugged. It was only one night; she could muck her way through it. Smiling Marcy pushed an envelope into Christy’s hands. “A letter came for you today, maybe it will contain some good news.” Taking the envelope, smiling at Miss Alice’s familiar writing she opened it and was surprised to see no letter from the Quaker woman, rather just one letter, from Neil. Opening the wax seal she read the letter and the farther she got into the words, the feelings that were enclosed, the more her eyes began to tear. Refolding the letter she put her hand to her mouth as her tears poured from her eyes. “Christy?” Marcy asked, worried. “Sweetie, what is it? Was it bad news?” Christy shook her head no. “Good news then?” Again she shook her head no. “Sweetie, tell me what it is, your worrying me.” Looking up at her roommate Christy tried to quell her tears. “He loves me!” she said at last. Wide-eyed Marcy took the letter from Christy and read it for herself. Sitting back in her chair she smiled at her friend “This is wonderful! Christy I know you have feeling for this man, you talk about him so much. Don’t deny you have feelings for Neil.” “I never knew,” Christy began, her shock beginning to wear off as reality set in. “I always thought of him as a friend, a confidant. But love?” Searching her heart, forcing herself to be honest Christy realized quite suddenly, like removing a blindfold from her eyes, that she did. With all her heart she did love Neil. Picturing him in her mind she saw all the times he had made her blood boil, made her laugh and smile, or rise above a challenge. Neil was so much more to her than she had ever imagined. But within the very next moment reality crashed her fragile new truth. “Oh Marcy, what does it matter? Nothing can ever come of it. I live in Philadelphia, he lives in Cutter Gap and I can never go back there.” “We can figure something out, you just need to give it some time. Trust in God Christy, he can do anything. If you and Neil are meant to be together it will work out somehow.” Nodding Christy begged off the rest of the night and retired to bed. Dressed for bed she rested her head on the pillow but her mind was wide-awake. Against her closed eyes she pictured his unruly curls as he was bent over his microscope, adjusting it for the children to see something. Smiling blue eyes that peered down at her, the corner of his mouth struggling not to lift in a grin when she had said something in all seriousness, even though it made him want to laugh. Sighing she squeezed her eyes shut but sleep was a long time coming. Lying in bed, staring out the window at the Spring rain that drizzled against it, she prayed for the words to answer him when she replied to the letter. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Eleven Philadelphia, PA Stepping off the train Neil gathered his baggage from the baggage man and began to walk away from the train, scanning the crowd until he saw his old professor and friend. Greeting each other the two men climbed into a waiting carriage and took off for the professor’s home. “I’m glad you could make it, Neil.” “So am I, Peter. I needed a bit of a break from my life in Cutter Gap, hopefully this will be just what I need.” “Are things going that bad for you?” “The patients are fine, it’s just my personal life that seems to be in an upheaval right now.” Neil flashed his friend a grin. “Sorry to hear that. Is that wife of yours still giving you some problems?” Neil groaned at the mention of Margaret. Filling in only the most basic of information Neil told Peter that Margaret and he had been apart before she died. Offering his condolences Neil accepted them and quickly changed the conversation asking about the schedule for the lectures. “Well we won’t actually be beginning them until Monday. Tonight you’ll meet the other doctors who’ll be lecturing and then tomorrow night there’s a ball that we have been invited to. The host and hostess have extended an invitation to you and I accepted on your behalf. This will give you a chance to dust off those old dancing shoes of yours. I’m sure it’s been a while since you went dancing.” Neil smiled. “Dancing. I haven’t gone dancing since…” his voice trailing off Neil remembered the last time he had danced. On the riverbank with Christy in his arms, it had been a good night. Pulling himself from his reverie Neil flashed another grin to Peter. “Sounds like fun.” Peter watched his friend closely. Something was off with the man, as though his mind were elsewhere. Wondering just what it was that had his life in an upheaval he let the conversation lapse until they were passing through the front door. Introducing his wife to Neil the two men made their way into the den where the other doctors were already seated and introductions were made all over again. Passing the night by with brandy and medical discussions Neil retired to the guest room when the last of the men had left, wishing his friend and his friends wife a good nights sleep. Lying in bed he stared at the ceiling wondering whether Christy had received his letter. What was she thinking of him right now? Was she upset? Did she feel the same way? He’d heard that she had refused Grantland but he wondered if perhaps there was another man, a city man, who was courting her, seeing her smiling eyes every day. Groaning Neil rolled over, punching his pillow and trying to force his mind to shut off so he could sleep. Staring out the window at the Spring rain that was hitting it in a light shower he wondered what she was doing. Surely she was asleep; it was almost midnight after all. Against his will Neil’s mind recalled watching her sleep the first time he’d helped her as a patient, when the burning rafter of the schoolhouse had hit her over the head. She always looked so peaceful when she slept. For the second time since he had given that letter to Alice Neil prayed that his words would find their way into her heart and he to her side. Though the feeling was still a strange one to Neil, it was a little easier for him to pray to the God he’d fought against for so long. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Twelve Philadelphia, PA Sitting in the carriage Christy prayed for some divine intervention, something to keep her from going to this ball. Her heart simply was not into the spirit of a party. When it stopped before the house, the doorman opened the door and Christy climbed out after Marcy, both women taking a moment to adjust their cloaks. Thankfully the rain had stopped but there was still a chill to the night air. Climbing the steps to the front door the friends were escorted inside where their cloaks were taken and they were shown a small room where they could primp and make sure all was in its place. Across the crowded rooms Christy and Marcy were led to Martha and Franklin O’Meara and officially introduced. While they stood their talking Christy startled when she heard a Scottish Brogue coming from somewhere behind her. Chastising herself for being so foolish, remembering the day she had run after a similar brogue, Christy refused to allow herself to turn around and look. When their introduction was complete Marcy and Christy moved away to speak with their other friends while another small group was introduced to the O’Meara’s. Shaking hands with Franklin O’Meara, and his wife Martha, Neil passively scanned the crowd, not looking for anything but rather getting a feel for the crowd and the layout of the rooms he was in. As his gaze passed a small doorway his heart stopped for a second. ‘That woman… she almost looked like…’ he thought. Giving himself a mental slap Neil pulled himself together. That was impossible. Wasn’t it? Moving away from their host and hostess with Peter and Susan Neil quickly became embroiled in a medical debate with some of the upper classmen and other doctors at the party. He saw a small group of young women approaching the group. Several of them were asked to dance but a few remained to listen to the debate. “That is an interesting perspective, Doctor,” one woman said with a smile. “My name is Marcy St Paul. I must say I’ve yet to hear someone debate the necessity of using morphine for after surgery pain.” “In most cases a little is fine, Miss St Paul. But there has been documentation of a patient becoming addicted to it even after the smallest of doses. I prefer to limit that risk by using it only in extreme situations.” Smiling at her he took her hand to shake it. “I’m Dr. Neil MacNeill.” Marcy’s smile slipped. Surely not… But the accent, the red curls, the blue eyes… “Miss St Paul?” Shaking her head to clear it she smiled at him once more. “I’m sure this will seem an odd question Dr. but where are you from?” “I come from a little cove called Cutter Gap.” Neil watched as her skin paled a shade or two and wondered why this news would affect her so. “Are you all right, miss?” Glancing at the terrace doors Marcy said, “Perhaps I could get some fresh air, I’m feeling a little faint.” “Of course,” Neil said, taking her arm in his, ever the gentleman. “Right this way.” Walking out to the terrace Marcy frowned when she saw it empty. Moving to the railing she scanned the garden below until her eyes found the one person she was searching for. “May we walk in the garden for a moment?” “If you wish,” escorting her to the steps Neil wondered what she was doing, hoping she wasn’t simply trying to get him alone. She had come out here to get away from the idle chatter of the guests; their need to talk about trivial nothing’s was giving her a headache. Sitting on the stone bench in the middle of the garden Christy heard someone approaching and, when she recognized Marcy’s voice, she stood and turned to face her friend. No sooner had her eyes fell on the pair that was walking towards her than she froze in place with a gasp, too shocked to move at the man she saw arm in arm with Marcy. Against her will tears of both sadness and joy began to fill her eyes. Still wondering where the woman was heading Neil looked up when he heard someone gasp. Stopping in his tracks he stared at the beauty that stood only a few feet before him, wondering if his eyes were playing tricks on him. “Christy,” he whispered, a prayer and a wish, both granted when he saw the tear fall from her eye. Oblivious to both Neil and Christy Marcy, her job complete, stepped back down the path she had just come, moving back to the terrace to watch her handiwork from a distance. “Neil…” Christy breathed, praying this wasn’t a dream and yet at the same time praying it was. Taking a step forward she touched his sleeve with her fingers and knew that he was really here. Meeting his eyes, blue on blue, both filled with joy and sadness; Christy acted before she knew what had happened, throwing her arms around him. Neil wrapped his arms around her small frame, holding her tightly as if she would drift away again. It had truly happened, God had granted his prayer. Neil had found Christy. After a few moments they sat side-by-side on the stone bench, each one filled with questions. “Neil what are you doing here?” “Me? What are you doing here? You’ve been in Philadelphia all this time?” Christy nodded. “I work as a secretary for one of the professor’s, his name is Peter Kinnigan, he’s the head of the Ophthalmology Department.” “Your Peter’s ‘little secretary’? I don’t believe this. I’m here for the lectures; he called me at the mission house and asked me to come for a few weeks.” “The lectures? But your name wasn’t on any of the hotel lists, where are you staying?” “With Peter and Susan,” he replied. Staring at each other for a moment, their shock rapidly turning into joy. Neil took her hand in his, a serious look overshadowing his joy. “Lass, I am so sorry for everything. You should never have been dismissed. We tried to…” “Stop; Neil stop,” Christy said quickly. “It’s over. What’s done is done. I’m not angry at anyone, I just want to forget that day.” The call for dinner interrupted them and both Neil and Christy realized they’d been outside for almost half an hour. Hurrying indoor Marcy met them at the door, separating Christy from Neil so that they could freshen her windblown hair before sitting down at the dinner table. Seated, Christy saw that Neil was only two chairs down on the opposite side of the table. He was sitting with Professor Kinnigan and his wife Susan. “I’d say tonight is a good night after all, wouldn’t you Christy? You seem to be smiling much more than before,” Marcy whispered as she gave a playfully conspiratorial wink to her friend. Equally playful Christy whispered back, “Wouldn’t you be?” Choking on her laughter Marcy put her napkin to her mouth while Christy pretended to be concerned for her friend all the while hiding her smile. Once she was recovered Marcy carefully avoided looking directly at Christy and Neil lest she start to laugh again. Dinner commenced and conversation began to flow over the table. Two people were particularly silent, each one having many things they wanted to say but not being able to do so in a crowd. “Christy,” Peter said after some time. “I don’t believe I got a chance to introduce my good friend, Dr. Neil MacNeill.” Smiling at Peter and then at Neil Christy greeted him. “Dr MacNeill, a pleasure I’m sure.” “Likewise,” he returned, raising an eyebrow at the laughter he saw in her eyes. Franklin O’Meara interrupted their ‘introduction’ when he stood to announce that the dancing would begin in just a moment, for the men to choose their partners. from the corner of her eye Christy saw Neil smile at her and quirk his eyebrow. Smilng she nodded her acceptance of his offer. Before he could say anything another man laid his hand on Christy’s shoulder. Jumping at the contact she looked up and bit back a groan at the man she saw behind her. “Perhaps I can have a dance, Christy?” Richard said with a polite smile on his face. Next to him Jack Kendall held his hand out to Marcy who agreed to the dance. “Shall we?” Neil watched as the man invited Christy to dance with him and he felt his fist clench under the table. Looking down to Christy he saw her glance at him with a half-hidden plea for help. Smiling Neil stood and looked at Richard. “I’m afraid you’ll have to try again later. Miss Huddleston has already promised me the first dance.” Holding his hand out to her he saw her smile as she stood and moved over to take his hand, the relief in her bright blue eyes was easily seen by Neil. As they walked away from the table a muttered sentence floated out to his ears and it was all he could do to not stop and turn around. Promising himself he would take care of it later Neil pulled Christy into a respectable stance and they began to dance to the music. No words were spoken, neither one knowing how to make polite chit chat when they had such heavy questions on their mind. When the music ended Neil pressed her hand to his lips and whispered, “May I have your dance card, Miss Huddleston?” Smiling, a small blush tainting her cheeks, Christy nodded. “I would like that Doctor.” Staying out for a few more dances they retired to the table for a drink of water and Christy was pulled away by one of the young ladies to the powder room leaving Neil to face the Cheshire Cat grin of his friend. “How did you know her name was Huddleston?” Peter asked when Neil was seated. “I never gave her last name; how did you know it?” Caught, Neil grinned. “Christy and I already know each other. She taught the mission school in Cutter Gap.” “Ah,” Peter said. “She never speaks much of where she taught but she has mentioned the children often.” Nodding, “She loves the children very much.” Lowering his voice Peter leaned closer to his friend. “And you love her don’t you?” Seeing the shock at being discovered in Neil's eyes Peter smiled again. “I thought so. Well old friend I wish you the best of luck.” Neil’s good mod was cut short when he caught sight of Richard on the terrace. Excusing himself he crossed the room and passed through the windowed doors, shutting them behind him. “I’d like a word with you,” he said with an even tone. Looking to see who it was Richard shook his head, “Another time perhaps.” “No,” Neil said simply. “Now.” Richard saw that the man meant business and bit off his retort, waiting for the Doctor to continue. “I don’t know who you are or how you know Miss Huddleston, but if you ever make another comment like that one you made tonight you had better pray that I don’t find you.” Neil's blue eyes glittered with anger, his face set in stone, and his hand clenched in fists by his side. Richard could see that he meant what he said. This man was more to Christy than just a visitor or a friend of Professor Kinnigan’s and Richard knew that he had better watch his words around the burly mountain man. Taking a step closer to the medical student Neil pierced him through with an ice-cold, rock hard gaze. “Make sure all of your friends get the same message. No one…” emphasizing the two words. “… calls Christy an Ice Queen. Understood?” “Perfectly.” With one last look Neil opened the doors to the terrace and headed back inside to rejoin the party. That night he never left Christy’s side, nor did she his. Several more times they danced until eventually the two friends opted to leave when the time was appropriate. Making their goodnights Neil and Christy walked along the sidewalks of the city, heading back towards the apartment. Catching up on things that had been happening in their lives since they had last seen one another the time passed quickly and before they knew it the couple had reached the apartment. Standing on the first step Christy was almost the same height as Neil as she turned back to face him. “Thank you for walking me home, Neil.” “It was my pleasure, Christy.” Staring at each other for a moment Christy finally worked up the courage to say what she’d wanted to say since she had first seen him standing only a few feet away in the garden. “I’m glad you’re here, Neil,” she said with a small smile. “So am I, Lass.” Dropping her eyes to stare at her clasped hands holding tightly to her purse strings Christy glanced back up at him with a shy smile. “Goodnight,” she whispered. Smiling at her Neil could see that she was a little nervous and he wondered at it. Was she nervous because she had received his letter or because she had not? “Goodnight, Christy.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Thirteen Philadelphia, PA Standing outside in the warm sunshine Christy and Marcy were talking with a few friends, service over for the Sunday morning, when Christy felt a hand on her shoulder. Turning around she saw Susan Kinnigan smiling at her and Christy took a few steps away from her friends to speak with the woman. “I’m sorry to interrupt you, Christy, but I was hoping you would join my husband and I for a small dinner party tonight. We realize it’s last minute but we would love to have you there if you don’t already have plans.” Christy smiled. “Thank you Mrs. Kinnigan, I would love to.” “Wonderful. Shall I send a carriage?” “Oh, no, that’s not necessary, I’ll walk, thank you. What time shall I arrive?” “Six o’clock. And please, call me Susan.” “Thank you.” Parting ways she watched as Susan climbed into the carriage and only after the woman had gone did Christy and Marcy head back to their apartment. Once there Christy searched her closet for something to wear, settling on her plain white shirt and a plaid skirt she had bought a month or so ago. The plaid had seemed so familiar to her but she couldn’t think of where she had seen it, finally just assuming she had seen it when she passed by the storefront in the morning on her way to the college. Dressed, her hair curled and pinned, Christy was walking out the door when Marcy stopped her. “Here, come here Christy.” A bottle in her hand Marcy dabbed the top against Christy’s neck. “Just right for your meeting tonight.” “Marcy…” “Oh don’t even say it. He loves you and I know for a fact that you love him. You can fool anyone you want to Christy Rudd Huddleston, but you cannot fool me.” Swallowing a giggle Christy hugged her roommate goodbye and descended the stairs to the street. Standing on the front step of the Kinnigan's townhouse she nervously smoothed her skirt and wondered for the hundredth time why she was so nervous. It was a simple dinner with her boss and his wife. No, that didn’t bother her. What made her nervous was their guest, the handsome Scott who had sent her a beautiful letter to which she still did not know what to say. Oh she knew her heart; Christy loved Neil, she had no doubt of it. But what kind of life could they have together? She could never ask him to leave the cove, nor would she ever let him, he was too needed there. At the same time what could she do there? Perhaps, if they were to marry, she could simply stay at the cabin and care for him and their home. But how could she do that when she knew how much the children of the cove needed a teacher? Questions were still floating in a mad flurry in her mind while she stood at the door, afore mentioned door opening before she could raise a hand to knock. The butler, a quiet man that reminded Christy of her own father, took her coat and, allowing her a moment to check her appearance, showed her to the sitting room where Susan and a woman Christy didn’t know were already deep in conversation. “Christy,” Susan smiled when the butler had announced the young woman. “I’m so glad you’re here. Nadienne this is the young artist I was telling you about. Christy Huddleston, I’d like you to meet my sister, Nadienne Weisz.” Smiling the two women greeted each other before settling back into their conversation. “My sister was telling me that you sketch, Miss Huddleston,” she said with a slight accent. “Please, call me Christy.” Nodding her head once in acceptance the refined woman replied, “Then you may call me Nadienne.” “Thank you.” Christy marveled at the woman’s air. It was humble and yet proud all at the same time. Much like the mountain people of her home. Christy knew right away that she would like this woman. “Yes, I do sketch. It is merely for entertainment though. Only recently have I begun to sell them.” “This was the first one she ever sold,” Susan boasted, pointing to a sketch of the cityscape on the wall. “At first she refused the money but I was able to convince her to take it.” Getting up from her seat Nadienne moved over to the framed sketch. “This is yours? Why this is wonderful! Tell me, have you ever tried painting or do you simply sketch?” “Mostly I sketch, though I did do some work with paints when I lived at home in Asheville. It’s been quite some time though.” Sitting back down Nadienne took Christy’s hand in hers. “Would you paint for me? I would love to see you work. It has been so long since I have seen the artists painting on the streets of Paris; I do miss it so.” “You been to Paris?” Christy said with awe. “Oui,” Nadienne smiled with a fond look in her eyes, as though she could still see the artists with their paintbrush in hand, working on the streets of Paris. “I used to walk along the sidewalks watching the men and women paint whatever they saw before them. How I did love to watch them while they worked, I would sit for hours sipping my coffee in a small café, listening to them debate the great artists.” Her eyes returning to the present, Nadienne smiled at Christy with such warmth that she knew she could not say no. “I would love to paint for you.” “Then it is settled, Wednesday you shall come.” “Inviting a guest as though you lived her, eh Nadienne?” Peter smiled at them from the doorway. Shaking her head Nadienne squeezed Christy’s hand. “Pay my brother in law no heed, Christy, he is only a man who does not understand the beauty of an artist at work.” “No, I probably don’t. But I do understand the beauty of a good meal with friends and family. Dinner is served ladies.” The three women stood and moved out to the dining room where Christy saw Neil and another man she did not know entering from the other end. Neil’s eyes widened in surprise for a moment before he smiled at her and made his way to her side to say hello. Pulling out the chair he pushed it back in once she was seated, taking his place beside her. Dinner was served and conversation once more picked up. “How long have you been an artist Christy?” Nadienne asked. “Since I was a little girl. I’ve always loved to sketch, it helps me to relax.” “Christy’s sketches are all the rage here in the city. She sells them so that she may send packages to her old mission school. Christy is always talking about her children.” “You taught schoolchildren?” “Yes,” Christy smiled, always ready to talk about her children. “Do tell me about them.” Watching her tell the couple about the children she loved so dearly Neil saw Christy’s eyes brighten, as they always had when she thought about her children. When he’d first seen her in the garden last night Neil had been shocked by the changes he’d seen. She had lost some weight, taking the roundness from her face, but it was the light in her eyes that had shocked him most. That spark of life and laughter that he had always seen in her bluer than blue eyes had been dimmed. The natural curiosity and zeal for love and life was gone. But now, listening to her, watching her, he saw it returning and Neil knew, now more than ever before, that she belonged in the cove. While she may have grown up in the city, Christy was no more a city folk than he was. Life in the mountains had burrowed deep under her skin, leaving its mark on her heart. She would never be as happy anywhere in the world as she was in the mountains. “You must have truly loved it there.” “I did,” Christy replied, the honesty of her answer tugging at the hearts of those who were listening. “Then why did you leave?” Nadienne asked, wondering why the young woman would have left a place that she loved as much as she herself did Paris. With a blink the light that had filled Christy’s eyes was gone, the laughter, the joy of the children snuffed out by the memory of that awful Sunday morning. “It, umm… it, it didn’t work out the way I had hoped it would,” she softly stuttered, struggling to keep her emotions in check. Though it had been almost a year Christy still could not discuss her dismissal without tears stinging at the back of her eyes. “I’m so sorry, ma cherie. I should never have asked.” Nadienne watched as Christy fought to keep her emotions in check. “It’s quite all right,” she assured the woman, offering a small smile. “It’s the past. Sometimes the past is better left in its place.” The air of the dinner table was thick with silence, no one knowing what to say. Feeling bad that the joy was gone from the air Christy tried to find a topic they all could discuss. “Nadienne, can you tell me what Paris is like?” Christy asked. “I’ve never been there but I’ve heard stories that it is a wonderful place.” Immediately the woman brightened. “Paris. It is the city of love, a magical place for lovers, a dreamer’s palace, an artist’s inspiration. You, ma cherie, belong there as a hand does a glove.” “As much as I would love to go, I’m afraid I don’t speak French.” “No one speaks French. It is a language and a culture that is to be experienced. One does not say the words; they feel them as they flow from within their heart. To know France is to know your heart, to have a thirst for life, and an imagination to live it with.” Nadienne smiled. “I have traveled all over the world but Paris is my home.” “Where else have you been?” “Everywhere,” she smiled. “My husbands business takes us all over the world. Spain, England, Russia, Africa, South America, Scotland; I doubt there is a country we have not at least passed through. I do so love to travel, but it is just as nice to stay in one place for a while.” “Which is usually when she comes here,” Peter interjected with a teasing smile. Laughing, the group enjoyed their evening together until it was time for Christy to leave. Since the rain was falling again Neil took her home in the Kinnigan’s carriage. Sitting side-by-side, alone, Christy was finally able to ask a question that had been on her mind all night. “Neil, when I first arrived you looked surprised. Did Susan not tell you I was coming?” “No, she told me,” he assured her quickly. “Actually I was a little surprised by your skirt.” Confused Christy looked down at the bit of her skirt that was peaking out between the edges of her coat. “My skirt?” “Aye. The plaid design and colors are the same as my clan’s tartan. The kilt and tartan I have are the same exact colors and design.” “That’s where I recognized it from!” Christy realized with a small laugh. “What do you mean, Lass?” “When I first saw this skirt in the window I thought I recognized it from somewhere, but I assumed it was just because I had seen it before. Now I remember; you wore your tartan when you showed the children the Scottish games. That’s where I recognized it from.” “Well it suits you,” Neil smiled at her, pleased that she had remembered the design and colors of his clan, even if she didn't realize it. The carriage jolted when it passed over a rut in the street and Christy bumped into Neil, his hands automatically reaching out to steady her. Feeling the warmth of his hands on her arms Christy felt her skin tingle. Before she could say anything the carriage stopped and the driver opened the door. Helping her out of the carriage Neil watched as Christy ran up the stairs quickly to escape the rain. Pausing under the small awning she turned and looked back to see him watching her. Smiling at him she waved goodnight as she slipped inside. Sitting back in the carriage as it was driven back to the house Neil couldn’t stop the smile from spreading over his face. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Fourteen Philadelphia, PA Stretching his legs during the mid-afternoon break in the lectures Neil walked down the hallway of his old college. So many memories filled his mind, the times he’d spent here learning everything he needed to become a doctor, learning the skills that would save many a person when he returned to his home. Smiling he turned the corner and stopped, leaning against the doorjamb to watch the scene before him. It reminded him of all the times he had stood in the doorway of the school, watching her work before she realized he was there. Christy sat at the desk alphabetizing the papers before her, a stack that sat at over a foot high. She’d been working on it all morning while the professor and his colleagues along with Neil and the other doctors were in the lecture hall. Now, four hours later she was almost done. She was so intent on her task that Christy jumped when the phone rang. “Professor Kinnigan’s office, may I help you?” “Is the professor in?” “No, I’m sorry he’s in the lecture hall, may I take a message?” “Oh no, that’s quite all right dear. Tell me, are you the same Miss Huddleston that does portraiture?” “Yes ma’am.” “Wonderful! I am in need of a sketch of myself as a present for my husband. Could you come over, perhaps tonight and we could begin as soon as possible?” Taking down the woman’s address Christy said she would be there at seven o’clock. Hanging up the phone she turned back to her project, placing the final papers in their order and stood to file them away. All the while she worked Neil watched her; content to watch her move around, doing her work, Neil stayed silent. He could hear her humming to herself, a tune he recognized as one of Jeb’s ballads, as she filed the papers she had just organized, her toes tapping in time to the song she hummed. The final paper away in its place Christy bumped the drawer closed with her hip and turned around. “Oh!” she cried when she saw Neil standing in the doorway, a smile on his face. Laughing at herself she sat back down behind the desk. “Are the lectures on a break?” “Yes, I needed to stretch my legs so I went for a walk.” “And you just happened to walk this way?” she teased. Neil laughed, never leaving his place in the doorway. “I suppose there my have been a reason to my direction.” Looking at her head bent to look at the paper she was writing on Neil saw her smile. “Actually I was wondering if you were available tomorrow night. Peter and Susan have asked me to join them at the opera and I had hoped you would allow me to escort you.” Raising her eyes Christy smiled. “I’d love to.” “Good. I’ll pick you up at half past six tomorrow evening then.” “Until then,” she smiled at him. Smiling back Neil said goodbye and headed back towards the lectures, leaving Christy to her work. A few hours later, her work complete, Christy left a note for Peter and left the office, walking through the hallway to get to the front door. As she neared a cross path in the corridors she heard someone call her name. “Hello, Richard.” The one man she did not want to see and here he was walking side by side with her. “So how is your mountain man doing today?” he asked with contempt. Christy closed her eyes for a moment but kept walking. “Dr MacNeill is fine. You could ask him yourself, he is still at the lecture hall.” “Oh I thought it would be more fun to talk to you, find out what it is about this mountain man that finally got you to act like a woman.” Suppressing a sigh, ignoring his comment, Christy picked up her pace but Richard matched it evenly. Side by side they kept walking, Christy ignoring him and Richard taunting her, until finally Christy’s patience was worn thin. “What do you want, Richard?” she asked him, stopping in the next open corridor. Face to face, neither one saw the two men that had emerged from the lecture hall a few feet away. “I want to know what it is about this mountain man that thawed your heart,” his words intentionally cruel, using his sharpest barb to hurt her. Straightening herself Christy met his eyes with a steely gaze. “Tell me something Richard, which is it that bothers you more, the fact that I didn’t choose you or the fact that I chose Neil over you? Because let me tell you,” she laughed a small humorless laugh, “There was never a contest.” Glaring at him for a moment she finished their conversation with a firm, “Good day Richard.” Turning on her heel Christy left the scene, passing through the doors at the end of the hall and out into the open. Glaring at her back Richard took a step towards the doors to have his say to her when he felt an iron grip on his arm. Looking to his left Richard saw the raging blue eyes of the red haired doctor piercing him through. Recalling the conversation on the terrace only a few days ago Richard knew the trouble that Neil’s look meant. Before either man could do anything Peter put a restraining hand on his friends shoulder. “Let me handle him, Neil, you go find Christy. Tell her we’ll take her home in the carriage.” With a friendly squeeze and a slight pull Peter was relieved when Neil strode down the hallway after Christy. Turning to the imbecile student Peter glared at the young man. “You, Mr. Fehera, are in more trouble than even you know what to do with. Come with me.” Bursting out through the doors Neil scanned the brightly lit campus, the early afternoon sun shining down upon the earth with a warm glow. Off to the one side he saw a skirt disappear around the corner of the building and he raced towards it. Sure enough he saw Christy stomping down the sidewalk her one fist clenched in a fist at her side while the other gripped her books tightly. She was furious. Taking a few long strides to reach her, grabbing her arm, Neil stopped the angry woman from continuing. Looking up at him Christy tried to smile but she could see in Neil’s eyes that he was just as mad as she was. “You heard it, didn’t you?” “Aye, I heard.” Sighing Christy shook her head, her one fist clenching and unclenching by her side. “I never like him but that was the first time he’s ever been so… so…,” Christy couldn’t think of a word strong enough to describe what Richard had done. “Argh!” she cried. “Who does he think he is? What right does he have to demean you because of where you come from? He doesn’t know anything about you! He’s never seen the miracles you’ve done for the cove or all the times you’ve had to risk your own life to save someone else’s! How dare he! That… that… that bastard!” Though he was furious at the so called man that had made Christy so man Neil couldn’t help but smile at Christy’s passionate speech, her words telling him in a roundabout way what she really thought of him, as a doctor if nothing else. Her angry words warmed Neil’s heart; she was fighting for him in the face of someone who had tried to demean him. Even if she hadn’t said the words Neil could see that she did care for him, if only he knew how much. How deep did that feeling go? Brotherly Affection? Friendship? Love? “Come on, Lass,” he said when she had finished. “Come back inside, we’ll take you home in the carriage.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Fifteen Philadelphia, PA Sitting in the darkened box both Neil and Christy were captivated, she by the opera and he by her. While Christy watched the stage Neil watched her, the entire night he had kept her in his sight, from the moment she had joined them in the sitting room to the moment the opera had begun. Though the room was dark the lighting from the stage played over her features, the beautiful music a perfect backdrop to the woman he loved. She looked beautiful tonight. Her hair had been curled and, while the bottom half had been left to hang free, the top half was pulled up in a twist, curls spilling free from the top of it. The crème colored dress, one that was in the height of fashion, was a perfect fit, as though it had been tailored to her body. It was her eyes that held him in their spell tonight. Those blue orbs he knew so well snapped with laughter and life. Though Christy watched the performance on stage, enjoying every moment of it, she was keenly aware of Neil sitting a respectable distance away. With her minds eyes she saw him in his suit. Though she had always known him best in his flannel shirts and wear of the mountain life there had been a few times when she had seen him looking dashingly handsome in a suit. None of those occasions held a candle to the way he looked tonight, as though he had stepped out of perfection itself. The opera house came alive with conversation as the intermission began, men and women rising from their seats to stretch their legs and get a glass of wine from the lobby. While Neil and Peter left the box to get a glass for everyone Susan took the opportunity to speak to Christy. “I pray you don’t think I’m being too forward by saying this Christy but I had to speak while we have the chance.” Wondering what she wanted to talk about Christy turned in her seat to face the older woman. “Since Neil arrived four days ago I have seen so many changes in you that I can’t help but wonder if I really knew you at all. You smile so much more than before, and true smiles, not a forced or polite one. I hear your laughter and I can see your joy shining out to the world, and it makes me wish I had known you before you had left your school. I feel as though you were a much happier person there.” Looking at her gloved hands Christy was silent for a moment. “You’re right Susan,” she said at last. “I was a very different woman then. The cove was my home. I’m afraid my heart is still there.” “No,” Susan smiled. “I dare say that your heart is here in Philadelphia, until Saturday that is.” Drawing her brow in confusion Christy met Susan’s smiling eyes for a moment until the meaning of her words dawned in Christy’s mind. Instantly her cheeks flushed a deep pink, heat filling them in response to her embarrassment by Susan’s comment. Biting back her laughter at Christy’s flush Susan saw the curtain part and when Neil followed Peter into their box seats she couldn’t contain her small laugh as the young woman’s cheeks turned an even darker shade, almost crimson. Looking from the smiling Susan to the chagrined Christy Neil knew something had happened while they had stepped out. Reclaiming his seat he handed Christy a flute of wine and watched as she took it, never meeting his eyes but rather averting them to the empty stage. Her fingers were nervously tapping on her knee; a sign that Neil knew meant she was flustered and unsure of what to do. More curious than ever he peered back at Susan but she simply grinned and shook her head, refusing to speak. The opera began again but Christy couldn’t concentrate; so many questions running through her mind it was impossible to focus on anything but the man sitting next to her and the letter she had yet to answer. Her heart knew the truth; it was quite simple really. Neil loved her. She loved him. No, there was no doubt in her mind about that. But everything else was a jumble of unsurity, confusion, bafflement, and chaos. They ruled her mind, barring her thoughts from anything else. The future was shrouded in a mist of puzzlement and beyond Saturday Christy did not know what her life would be, where it would play itself out, and who would be the main characters. Still muddling through her chasm of questions Christy looked up suddenly to see that the opera was over. Taking Neil’s offered arm she was led back to the carriage and, too soon for her liking, was standing at the door of her apartment. Squeezing her hand for a moment Neil said nothing other than ‘Goodnight, Lass’ and left her to her thoughts. He could sense the turmoil in her mind and, though his own was filled with curiosity, Neil knew better than to try and force her to talk before she was ready. Christy needed to work out her own mind and Neil left her to do it. “Well?” Looking up Christy saw Marcy waiting for her in their reading chair by the fire. “Hi, Marcy,” she smiled at her friend as she took a seat in the other chair, pulling the satin gloves from her hands. “Don’t ‘Hi’ me, how was the opera?” “Very beautiful.” “Did she die in the end? Jack is taking me to see it on Saturday but I know I’m going to cry if she dies in the end.” Looking at her roommate closely Marcy snapped to catch the woman’s attention. “Christy? Christy! Did you hear me? Tell me, does she die?” “Who?” “Who? Christy… the main character of the Opera, does she die?” “Oh, umm… I’m afraid I don’t know.” Marcy stared. “You don’t know? Sweetie, did you even see the opera?” Christy laughed as Marcy stood and put her hand to Christy’s forehead. Pushing her hand away with a smile she grew serious again. Marcy could see that she had ended their conversation and left the girl alone. Praying she followed her heart Marcy turned back to her book. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Sixteen Philadelphia, PA – 16 Standing at the easel, canvas blank, mind in jumbles, Christy wondered what she could paint. Several options came to her mind but she rejected them immediately. She wasn’t here to impress Nadienne; simply to paint, which was something she hadn’t done in quite some time. After a while she turned to Nadienne with a helpless expression on her face. “I’m sorry, I can’t think of anything.” Nadienne smiled softly. “Paint for me what is in your heart. Something that makes you happy, or something that makes you sad. What do you feel Christy?” ‘What do I feel?’ she asked herself. ‘What makes me happy and what makes me sad?’ Staring at the plain white canvas the answer came to her and Christy picked up the brush, dabbed some paint on it, and began. With long strokes she built the base of her painting, using softer lighter strokes to build upon it. Engrossed with her work Christy was oblivious to those around her as she painted. The quintet that watched on conversed with each other but she didn’t hear them; they ate but she didn’t smell the food; hours passed but she never took note of the time. Her heart and soul was poured into the painting, the emotions she was putting onto the canvas both happy and sad, for it was only one thing that made her feel both to such extremes. Nadienne watched the young artist painting and she could see the intensity on her face, the emotions playing over her features as she worked. Glancing around the room she saw that her family was still involved with their discussion but their visitor was absorbed in watching Christy, making a comment only when he was asked a question and then floundering to recall the topic. Nadienne could read the love in his eyes and she smiled. It was plain to see that Neil loved Christy very much. As Neil watched Christy he was amazed by how open she was to him, the emotions she was feeling as easy to read as a book. It had been almost a year since she had left the cove, dragged from the cove, and it hurt his heart to see the changes in the woman he loved. Where once had stood an openly loving and beautiful woman stood a reserved, cautious one who had been burned by someone she had thought of as a friend. ‘How can I ever hope to get her back to the cove?’ he thought to himself. ‘She won’t even talk to me about it. I need to talk to her; I need to speak face to face about everything I wrote in my letter. Help me find the words.’ His inner thoughts coming to a close Neil was shocked to realize that he had just prayed. Again! Watching Christy he suddenly realized that it had taken loosing the one thing he held dearer than anything else to open his eyes and his heart to the possibility of accepting the God he had fought all his life. Neil had to smile. Christy hadn’t pestered him, hadn’t preached to him relentlessly, all she had done was to live her life with the love of God in her heart and she had somehow managed to warm his to that same love as well. She had done all that, and she didn’t even realize it. Christy stepped back from the painting and put her brush down. Everything ached, fingers, wrists, back, eyes, but it was done. In the rush of emotions that had poured forth from her heart had poured a painting as well. Lacing her arms around her shoulders she looked at what she had painted and an unbidden tear came to her eye. This was her dream; it was her joy and her pain, the life she wanted and the one she knew could never have. Swallowing the lump in her throat she blinked and the tear fell, gently sliding down her cheek unnoticed. “Christy?” Glancing up at the people sitting a few feet away, suddenly remembering that they were there in the room before her she saw Nadienne get up from her seat and cross the room to the easel. Taking a deep breath Christy tried to smile. “It’s done,” she whispered with a shaky voice. Shaking her head, “I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s wrong with me.” “Your heart is in this painting, it’s a part of yourself. That is always an emotional thing.” Looking at her painting again Christy smiled sadly. “Yes,” she said softly. “My heart is in this painting.” “May we see?” Nadienne asked. Nodding Christy stepped away and stood by the fireplace, warming her hands against the blaze. Closing her eyes she prayed that they, that he, would like what was about to be seen. Susan motioned for two of the servants to carefully turn the painting around. No sooner had they turned the painting than Neil’s heart stopped in his chest at the picture he saw before him. There, in a flurry of color, was a peaceful river surrounded by a forest that was in the height of autumn. Red’s, gold’s, brown’s, and green’s filling the backdrop, reflecting the sunshine that shone down brightly through the branches. On the pebbly shore sat a phonograph, one could almost hear the sweet music that was playing from its record. A small fire ate its wooden meal while a black cast iron frying pan sat on the ground next to it. In the center of the painting stood a man with his back turned, wading boots on, standing knee deep in the water with a fishing pole in his hands, patiently waiting for the dance to be complete. Neil turned his eyes from the painting to see Christy watching him, waiting for his reaction to what she had laid bare for all to see. Her arms were still laced around herself in a comforting hug, still shaken over the emotions she had put into the painting. The words she had spoken to Nadienne played in his mind like a broken phonograph record. ‘My heart is in this painting.’ Her bright blue eyes held his and no words were needed. “What are you going to title it, Christy?” Peter asked. “How about ‘The River’?” “I was thinking the same thing,” Susan spoke up. “No, no, that’s no kind of title for this. This painting is so much more,” Nadienne said, dismissing their title. “It’s called ‘The Dance’,” Christy said, her eyes still locked with Neil's. “The dance is always more important.” An urgent knock sounded on the front door and the butler left the room to answer it. Seconds later Marcy rushed into the room fracturing the unspoken message that hung in the air. “Christy!” she cried, rushing to her friend’s side, trying to catch her breath. “Christy you’ve got to come!” “Marcy? What is it? What’s wrong?” “Its Mrs. Johanson, she fell down the stairs and the doctor won’t come because she can’t pay!” “Oh my God!” Christy turned to Neil, her eyes pleading. “Neil…” “I’ll get my bags,” he said as he ran from the room, up the stairs to his guestroom. Moments later the carriage was hitched and they were racing down the streets to get to the injured old woman. Up the stairs to the third floor Christy pushed through the crowded hallway to get into the apartment. Right behind her when they entered the small bedroom of the old woman Neil immediately set to work, assessing the injuries, working to make a diagnosis and healing what he could. Pulling the covers up to her chin Neil looked across the bed to see Christy smoothing back the grayish white hairs that had fallen over the old woman’s eyes. “She’ll be all right, Christy.” Looking up to meet his eyes Christy asked for more information. “She has a broken wrist and a slight concussion. I’ll need to keep a close eye on her until she wakes but once she does she’ll be fine. She’ll be in pain but she will recover.” Taking her hand in his Neil pulled Christy up from the bed. “Come on, you need some tea.” Out in the main room Neil saw that Marcy already had some coffee waiting for them. Sitting down at the table he watched as Christy toyed with her teacup, twirling it around and not drinking out of it. “Lass,” he said, hoping she would talk to him about what was troubling her. Looking up at him Christy flashed him a small smile. “She was the first person here who befriended me besides Marcy. I used to sit with her over some tea and some fresh bread and tell her all about my children and my life in the cove. Mrs. Johansson knew the whole story, start to finish. She reminds me so much of Miss Alice that I could almost imagine it was her I was talking to instead.” Reaching across the table Neil took Christy’s hand in his. “She’s going to be all right, Lass, you’ll see.” “I hope so, Neil. I can’t lose another person I love in my life right now. My heart couldn’t take it.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Seventeen Philadelphia, PA “Who are you?” Neil smiled at the old woman. “My name is Neil MacNeill, I’m a doctor.” “You speak funny.” Trying not to laugh Neil nodded. “I’m Scottish, I’m afraid I’ll always have this accent.” “How did you get here?” ‘What a cantankerous woman!’ Neil thought to himself. “Marcy came for Christy after you fell. She asked me to help you.” Suddenly a light came into the old woman’s eyes and she smiled. “You’re him, aren’t you? The doctor she’s always talking about, the one from her mission school in Cutter Gap.” Smiling Neil nodded. “Well it’s about time you came out here to take her home! What took you so long boy? The poor girl’s been miserable since the day she got here. She shouldn’t be cooped up in a city, she needs to go home, so you had better take her there, you hear me?” “Mrs. Johansson,” Neil grinned. “I think you and I are going to be very good friends.” All afternoon they talked, she telling him of Christy’s life in Philadelphia and he telling her of the cove, his life there and the ancestry of his people, the people she knew from Christy’s descriptions and sketches. Several hours later Christy interrupted their conversation when she came home from the college. “Mrs. Johansson, how are you feeling?” “Better, dear. Have you come to sit with me as well?” Christy smiled. “Of course I have.” “Well I’m too tired for company. Take your man out to stretch his legs.” The old woman hid her grin when Christy’s cheeks turned scarlet while she busied herself putting some fresh flowers next to the bed. “Go on, his accent is giving me a headache and he kept me awake all afternoon.” The last of the two to leave the room Neil turned back and winked at the old woman that had claimed a headache. She smiled back and waved him off, reminding him of his promise. Down the stairs and out into the world again Neil breathed in deeply, the fresh air a welcome change. “Shall we walk in the park? I need to see a little bit of nature again.” Nodding Christy had turned to head towards the park when Neil caught her arm. “Not that one, Lass, there’s a better park this way.” Though they had started out heading toward Elm Street they were soon twisting and turning until Christy was quite lost. Neil stopped on a bridge overlooking a beautiful pond; the park that surrounded them was indeed better than the one she knew of. “This is beautiful!” “This is a bit of a private park. The dean of the school owns it. He doesn’t let the word out often but those who know of it are always welcome here.” Walking side by side they stopped at a bench under a weeping willow tree and sat down. “I know you missed the lectures this morning so I took notes for you. I don’t know if they’ll make any sense or not, I didn’t understand any of it but you probably will.” “Thank you, you didn't have to do that.” Neil smiled down at her as she bent over to pick a small flower that had been growing near her feet. “That Mrs. Johansson is quite a character.” Christy laughed. “Yes she is. I hope she wasn’t too mean to you. She can be quite upsetting when she wants to be.” “Not too bad. We spent most of the morning talking about you.” “Me?” “M-hmm. She told me all about your life here and I told her all about Cutter Gap, though I must say she did already know most of it.” Spotting a pretzel vendor taking a shortcut through the park Neil motioned for him to come over. Buying two of the soft hot pretzels Neil handed one to Christy. “I’d forgotten how much I enjoy these,” he smiled. Turning in her seat to face Neil Christy sat sideways on the bench. “Neil, how is the cove, in all truth, tell me how everyone is. We really haven’t had a time like this to just talk about everything.” Neil also twisted in his seat and faced her. “No, we haven’t,” he agreed. “All in all everyone is physically okay. Lizzette had a bad scrape a few months ago but she pulled through. Other than that everyone is doing as well as can be expected. The winter was hard but thankfully everyone pulled through.” “What of Miss Alice? How has she been? She writes to me but I get the feeling she doesn’t tell me everything.” “Alice has been trying to keep the mission running but there are times I can’t help but wonder if her heart is in it anymore. She seems to have lost a little of her drive. I think that running between all three missions is beginning to catch up to her.” “Haven’t they hired another teacher to help out yet?” “There was one girl for a few weeks but she left. She may have been a good teacher but all she cold see was the dirt and the poor quality of the life the cove leads.” “She never saw the diamonds through the coal.” Neil smiled. “Exactly.” Christy shook her head with a sigh. “She lost out on a great thing.” “You have no idea how glad it makes me to hear you say that, Christy.” She glanced up at him to speak but he kept going. “When you first came to the cove I was sure you wouldn’t last, but you proved me wrong time and again. You feel for my people the same kind of love that ties me to them. You don’t see the poor quality of their life but you see them for the rich heritage they have, the beauty of the mountains that they live in, and the love they carry in their hearts. But I think that the reason you can see it is because you carry that same kind of heritage, beauty, and love in your own heart.” Christy was speechless. She could feel tears stinging at her eyes and fought to keep control over them but it was hopeless. Salty drops fell from her lashes and she swiped them away. Neil offered her a soft white handkerchief and she wiped the tears with it until she was back in control. Hesitating for a moment she reached into the small bag she carried with her and pulled out a piece of paper that Neil recognized all too well. The seams of the fold were worn as though it had been read and handled many, many times. Unfolding it Christy read the words again, though she knew them by heart. Neil could see that little drops of water had smeared the pencil and he suddenly realized that she had cried while she had read his letter. “I’ve read this letter so many times that I know it by heart but I still can’t get all the way through without crying. I haven’t written back yet because I didn’t know what to write.” Looking up Christy met his eyes. “I know how I feel and I know what I want, but those are so very different from what I can have. Neil I do love you, I love you very much.” Sitting under the tree, across from the woman he loved, Neil’s heart soared only to plummet back down to the ground with her next words. “But nothing can ever happen between us. I have no place in Cutter Gap anymore.” “Lass we can work something out. There are plenty of jobs for me here in Philadelphia or Asheville if you wanted to move back near your family. I could…” Christy put a hand over his lips to stop him from breaking her heart anymore. “No, Neil. You need to stay in Cutter Gap. The cove needs you. I’m only one person compared to hundreds of families. I don’t matter. Please…” she whispered as she stood. “Please understand.” His heart breaking Neil watched her run away from him. On the bench next to him lay the flower Christy had picked and he picked it up as tears stung at his eyes. “You do matter, Lass. You matter very much.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Eighteen Philadelphia, PA “Many of you are familiar with the terms ‘granular conjunctivitis’ or ‘Egyptian ophthalmia’. Simply put it is the eventual scarring of the conjunctivae and corneas of the eyes. Trachoma is a very rampant disease among the poor and the isolated communities. It begins with a bacterium called chlamydia trachomatis and is characterized by swelling of the eyelids, sensitivity to light, and the afore mentioned scarring of the conjunctivae and corneas of the eyes.” “Now for those students who haven’t taken Professor Kinnigan’s class on Ophthalmology yet, the conjunctiva is the clear mucous membrane that lines the inside of the eyelid and covers the white part, or the sclera, of the eye. Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva. Now with this disease the eyelashes eventually turn in, rubbing on the cornea at the front of the eye. The scarring on the cornea leads to severe vision loss and blindness. Removing eyelashes, a common treatment, is at best only a temporary measure, because eyelashes grow back.” “Many doctors feel that it is best to leave the patient be, forcing them to live with the blindness. Now with certain patients this remains true however I have found that with the removal of the scaring on the inner eyelid there can be a hope for those who have not already gone blind.” As Neil stood behind the podium on the stage of the Lecture Hall Christy sat in back of everyone else, watching, her heart filling with pride for the man who was addressing the crowd. He stood straight and tall, looking every bit the educated man she knew him to be. Yet even through all that she could see, plain as day, the love he had for his people and the ties that bound him to them. She didn’t understand half of the words that were coming out of his mouth but that didn’t matter to her. Watching him she recalled the night before, when she had fled the small park, her heart broken in two by the words both he and she had spoken. She had run as far and as fast as she could until she found suddenly found herself at the college campus. Collapsing onto a bench she had wept until she had no more tears to shed. Neil had offered her everything she had wanted but she had turned him away. Sitting in her seat Christy put her head in her hands, trying desperately to quell the tears that threatened her yet again. The tears never got a chance to fall as her attention was drawn to one of the doctors in the audience. Standing he broke into Neil’s lecture with his own opinion. “That is pure conjecture, Doctor. Why should we sit here and listen to a man who hasn’t been published in over five years?” “Because I know what I’m talking about, Doctor Jacob’s. Trachoma is my specialty.” “You speak of a procedure to cure it yet you offer us no proof.” The doctor moved out into the aisle, his coat in his hands. “Go back to your pigs, Country Doctor. They are your specialty. I for one have better things to do than listen to a phantom procedure that has no medical backing whatsoever.” Sitting in her seat, watching what was going on before her very eyes, Christy was furious! Dr Jacobs was tearing Neil down because of where he practiced his medicine. Leaning forward in her seat she waited for Neil to defend himself against the attack. Before her unbelieving eyes she saw him shake his head as though in disappointment and close his eyes for a moment. “As I was saying, gentlemen, by removing the scarred tissue…” Neil continued on with his lecture, watching as many other men followed Dr Jacob’s lead until only a small handful remained in their seats. As he made his closing statement he saw Christy sitting in the back, her face a mixture of anger and disappointment, and he wondered what was passing through her mind at that moment. When he stepped off the stage he saw her leaving through the back doors and followed her. Down the hallway Neil finally caught up with Christy in Peters office. Watching her pace for a moment he entered the room. “What’s wrong?” Stopping mid-stride she stared at him in disbelief. “What’s wrong? You mean you really don’t know what’s wrong?” With a shake of her head she resumed her pacing, waving her hands as she spoke her mind. “You didn’t even defend yourself Neil! You let him degrade you and then you kept going as though nothing happened. How could you let him do that to you? Why didn’t you speak up?” Sighing Neil moved into the office, shutting the door behind him, and put his papers on the desk. “I have been fighting people like him since I first came here as a student. I’m through defending my right to be a doctor to his kind of mentality. If people want to listen then I’ll be happy to tell them but if not I’m not going to become belligerent and demand they hear me out.” He could see that she was still furious and Neil felt his own control over his anger slipping. “So you’ll let him say whatever he wants about you because you’re not going to stand up and defend yourself? It doesn’t bother you that he degraded you in front of your peers?” “Of course it bothers me!” Neil lashed out. Closing his eyes he calmed his temper, reminding himself that Christy was only trying to help. Claming himself down he continued. “Yes, it bothers me, of course it bothers me, but I’m not going to let some fool needle me into a war of words and accusations. It’s not worth it.” Neil was having trouble keeping his cool in this conversation. Emotions still running high from last night it was all he could do to not yell aloud, angry at the world and needing to vent off some steam before he exploded. But he would not do it to Christy, not when there was still a chance for them. He would not blow that. His passive stance on the situation at hand bothered her for some reason. Christy wanted to throttle that Dr Jacob’s for everything he had said. He had dared to belittle one of the greatest men she knew and that did not sit well with Christy at all. “So you just turn your back and walk away like it doesn’t matter.” Turning his back Neil ran a frustrated hand through his hair and muttered to himself, “No, that’s what you do.” A horrified gasp sounded behind him and Neil winced when he realized she had heard the words he hadn’t meant to say. Especially not out loud and never ever would he have said them in her presence. Turning back to face her he saw her blue eyes open wide and filling with tears and his heart was ripped in two. Berating himself he took a step toward her but Christy stepped back. “Christy…” His voice snapped her out of her trance and she blinked rapidly, the tears that had been resting on her lashes falling down her face. Turning she gathered her coat and bag and crossed the room to the office door. With her hand on the doorknob Neil grabbed her arm, turning her around to face him. “I didn’t mean it Lass,” he whispered, trying desperately to see her cast down eyes. “I was angry. You know I would never…” Christy held up her hand to silence him. “Don’t say anything. Please…” her voice was filled with pain and Neil knew without a doubt that he was responsible for it. Twisting out of his grasp she opened the door and slipped out of the room. Once in the hallway, not caring who saw or what they thought, she broke into a run. Neil opened the door mere seconds after she had closed it behind her and saw her disappear around a corner, her hand over her mouth and tears streaming from her eyes. Following her he ran to the corner, rounding it only to find her gone. There was any number of turns she could have taken and Neil knew he’d never find her. She was gone. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Nineteen Philadelphia, PA He sat in the chair. He stared at the fire’s flames. He cursed himself time and again for his stupidity. Sitting in the den of the Kinnigan’s townhouse Neil kept replaying Christy’s voice as she had fled the office, the pain and tears that had filled it. He had no idea where she was, what she was thinking, but he was sure that she was hurting and it was all because of his stupid mouth. He had to make amends, every cell in his body was screaming at him to do so, yet how could he when he had no idea where she was? All afternoon he’d scoured the city, searching every spot he could think of until it began to downpour and he was forced to return to the townhouse. Standing in the doorway, watching her husband’s friend, her friend, Susan knew Neil was hurting. He was brooding; he had been as friendly as a Grizzly Bear when he’d stormed into their home a few hours ago. After changing out of his soaking wet clothes he’d sat in front of the fire, refusing to entertain any sort of a conversation, refusing the food and coffee she had left for him and only nursing the brandy Peter had handed him. Though she wished she could have stayed to help him, do something to find out what was hurting him so, Peter pulled her away to their dinner engagement. During their ride over Peter told Susan what had happened during the lecture today, telling her that was probably why he was so down, but she knew it was more than that. Something much deeper was bothering him. Before she had a chance to discuss it with her husband they were at the house of their host’s. Cocktails over, the meal had begun when the butler bent over near Sylvia’s ear. Their hostess became excited and nodded to her servant. “Oh I have the most wonderful surprise for you, dear,” she smiled at her husband. “I have had so much fun keeping it from you this past few days but now I can finally present it to you. I simply cannot wait.” Laughing at his wife Dr Harold Jacob’s motioned for her to proceed. “I’m surprised you were able to keep it to yourself all this time,” he teased. Throwing him a playful glare she motioned to the young woman standing in the doorway and when she entered the dining room Susan saw that it was Christy, a large package in her hands. Scanning the crowd quickly Christy stiffened when she saw Dr Jacob’s sitting at the head of the table. Blinking she forced herself to focus on her reason for being here. “As promised Madam,” she looked to Sylvia Jacob’s with a polite smile. “Oh do open it! I simply cannot wait for Harold to see it.” While the butler held the package Christy tore the paper from it, revealing a framed sketch of Sylvia and her precious cat, Tinkleberry. Exclamations of praise came form every chair at the table. Smiling at his wife Harold clapped his hands. “A most excellent surprise, darling. I love it.” “The artist did a wonderful job, you simply must give me their name,” one woman declared. “Oh why she’s right here, Christy Huddleston.” For the first time Harold saw the young woman, recognizing Christy from her time with Neil. “Such talent, but tell me, Miss Huddleston, do draw livestock as well? Or only people?” He couldn’t resist getting in another barb at Neil, knowing how close the two friends were. But Harold Jacob’s was unprepared for the response from this seemingly timid little secretary. “I would draw you, Dr Jacob’s,” she said with a carefully even tone. “Does that count?” Hands flew to mouths as gasps rang out throughout the room, horrified by the brazenness and mean spirit of such a lovely young woman. Not giving him a chance to reply Christy kept going. “You don’t know how you have handicapped yourself by what you did today, Doctor. Had you stayed in that lecture you would have found out that there is indeed medical backing for Dr MacNeill’s procedure. But you didn’t keep quiet long enough to hear him out. You never heard the story of little girl who was going blind from Trachoma, the same little girl who now has full use of her eyes thanks to Dr MacNeill’s ‘Phantom Procedure’.” Christy was still furious. “You assume that because he doesn’t have a practice in a big city like you do that he’s no better than a doctor for pigs. Well you’re wrong! I’ve seen this man labor for hours on end to save the life of a little boy whom by all rights should have died. For days he’s stayed up with his patients, forgoing sleep and food to make sure that they are going to survive. And when he finally can rest he is called away to help yet another patient in another part of the mountains.” Her tone was even, her voice never raising above the normal level, but Christy's words were filled with a fierce pride, an unwavering loyalty, for the man she defended. “This ‘Country Doctor’ you claim should stick to doctoring his pigs has saved more lives than even he can remember. You… doctor… will never be half the doctor,” Christy spit out, “Or half the man that Neil MacNeill is.” Silence hung heavily in the dining room. No one had ever witnessed such a spectacle; the doctor berated openly by a woman with such ferocity that it was impossible to not be affected by her words and wonder whom this man was that she defended so passionately. The silence continued even after Christy apologized to Sylvia for her interruption and left the room. No one knew quite what to say. “Well,” one man said with a snide smile. “You always did have the best entertainment Harold.” A few people gave a small laugh, more from relief than from humor. Staring at the people who went on as though nothing had happened Peter was disgusted. Standing he tossed his napkin to the table and held his hand out to Susan. “I’m afraid we must be on our way. There is an important matter we need to attend to.” Without another word the Kinnigan’s left the room, gathered their coats and called for the carriage. The ride home was a silent one, each one lost in his and her thoughts, and it wasn’t until they were inside their townhouse that they met each other’s eyes. It was obvious to each of them how disgusted they both were with what they had witnessed at the Jacob’s household. By silent agreement they went in search of Neil, not surprised to find him in the same spot they had left him in. “Neil,” Peter said, clearing his throat to get his attention. Glancing up Neil frowned when he saw them. “I thought you were going out?” “We did, but we couldn’t stay there.” Sitting in the den Peter explained to Neil what had happened, relaying to him everything that Christy had said. By the time they were finished Neil thought his heart was going to burst out of his chest. “I’ve got to find her!” Grabbing his coat from the rack in the hallway Neil took his hat, forgoing an umbrella in his haste. Once on the street he suddenly realized that he still had no idea where to look. She could be anywhere. Rushing off in the direction of her apartment he figured he’d try there first. Marcy answered the door and, taking in his drenched appearance and wild eyes, she told him Christy had gone to the library. Back down various streets Neil made his way to the library, combing every aisle to try and find her. She wasn’t there. Stopping at the doors he asked the doorman if he had seen a young woman, describing Christy to the man. He had seen her all right; she’d headed down towards Elm Street. A thought came to Neil’s mind and he thanked the man before rushing down the street. Twisting and turning, rounding various corners he stopped at the bridge that overlooked the park, scanning it as best he could only to find it empty. While he was standing there, his heart sinking with every raindrop that hit him, Neil heard a woman’s scream a little ways away and his heart stopped cold. Running, racing towards the sound he rounded the corner and saw a sight that would be forever burned in his mind, replaying in his nightmares for quite some time. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Twenty Philadelphia, PA There, at the entrance of a dark alleyway, a sinister looking man was holding Christy up to the brick wall; his hand covering her mouth while the other gripped her waist. She fought him off as much as she could but the man was too strong for her. Biting the hand that covered her mouth she siezed the moment he removed it to let loose another scream before he slapped her. Running towards them as fast as his legs could carry him Neil dragged the man away from Christy, throwing him into the wall where he collapsed into a heap. Gathering Christy in his arms he held her tightly to him as she wrapped her arms around the safety he provided. Walking a few feet to a nearby window sill he sat her down under the awning, his trained eyes looking for damage. Other than the red cheek from where the man had slapped her he saw none. Shaking, both from the chill of her experience and that of the night air, Christy looked up at Neil, his blue eyes staring down at her with such intensity she felt as though she couldn’t breathe. “I’m so sorry,” she whispered. “I’m sorry Neil, I…” “It’s okay, Lass, it’s okay now, everything is going to be all right. I need to get you to a fire, can you walk?” Christy nodded and stood. During the walk back to the townhouse Neil kept his arms around his Lass, warming her as best he could, comforting her, supporting her until they reached their destination. Once she was settled in front of the fire, her soaked coat shed and a quilt over her, chair pulled close to the fire both Susan and Peter left the couple alone, sensing they needed to talk. After a few moments of silence it was Christy who spoke first. “How did you know where to find me?” “I searched everywhere. Marcy had said you were at the library but the doorman there said you had headed towards Elm Street. I was at the park when I heard you scream.” Involuntarily Neil shuddered at the memory. “I don’t ever want to have to hear that sound again.” “Neil… I… I’m sorry for what I said, and what I did and I…” Putting his hand over her mouth gently, Neil silenced her apologies. “You have nothing to be sorry for. All you tried to do was defend me. That means more to me than you’ll ever know.” Sitting on the edge of the chair's armrest Neil put his arm around Christy and pulled her close. “But you did say something that bothered me.” “That night when you left me in the park you said that you don’t matter. But you were wrong. You do matter, Lass, you matter very much. I love you and nothing will ever change that. I’ll figure something out, I promise you I will find a way to make this work. Because you are all that matters to me.” Within the warmth and safety of Neil’s arms Christy knew that he was right, that somehow everything would be okay, so long as she remembered one very important fact. Love. Love was the most powerful thing to have on your side. They would figure something out. As they were sitting there a small cough sounded from the doorway. “I’m sorry Neil, there’s a man on the phone, says he needs to speak with you immediately.” Laying a quick kiss on her forehead Neil moved away from Christy to answer the phone. Some time later he returned to the den, a worried from covering his face, etched deeply into his eyes as she kneeled before Christy. A sinking feeling hung in her heart and she knew his news was bad. “That was Dan Scott. I’m needed back in the cove. There’s been an outbreak of influenza. I have to leave.” Standing, tossing the quilt aside, Christy met his eyes as he stood as well. “I’m coming back with you.” “Oh no you’re not!” “Yes, Neil I am! These are my children, I have to be there!” “No, Christy, I’m not going to let you come. I can’t risk you catching influenza, you’ll be safer here in the city.” “I can catch influenza just as easily here in the city as I can in the cove Neil. You need every pair of hands you can get and here’s a pair that’s ready to help. I’m coming with you.” “I’m not going to argue this, Christy. You’re not coming, its too risky, I’ll not lose you like that.” Taking a step toward him Christy put her hand on his arms and looked up into his blue eyes. “You almost lost me tonight, Neil.” Pausing for a moment she whispered, “I’m not letting you go without me.” Leaning his head down against hers Neil took a deep breath. She was right; he couldn’t leave her behind and concentrate on the people who needed his help. He would worry too much that she wasn't safe. “What do you need to get?” A few hours later Neil and Peter shook their hand goodbye on the platform of the train station while Susan and Christy hugged their good-byes. After almost a year in the city Christy had become quite fond of the older couple and promised to call to let them know how everything was. Slipping Christy a letter she told her to read it later and sent her off to board the train with Neil. The journey underway, train barreling down the tracks, Neil looked down to see Christy asleep against his arm, soft mews coming from her as she slept. Taking his coat off the seat next to him he spread it over the both of them and leaned his head back. They both would need all the sleep they could get as Neil knew once they got to the cove there would be little time to sleep. Some hours later Neil awoke with a start to realize that Christy was no longer leaning against him. Looking around he saw her sitting in the opposite seat, sketch pad in hand, pencil flying over the paper, her eyes darting up every now and then to where he had been sleeping. Under hooded eyes he watched her as she sketched, thinking he was still asleep. Her lower lip was caught between her teeth as she drew, tilting her head back and forth as she examined her work. It was too much; he had to smile. “You’re awake,” she whispered. “Aye.” Sitting up he opened his eyes. Reaching out he tried to take the sketchpad from her but she gripped it tightly, refusing to let him see, closing it and putting it away in her bag. “How long have you been awake?” “Not long. The conductor says we should be at the next stop in another few hours. There’ll be a half hour delay so he suggested we take a walk and stretch our legs.” “Sounds like a good idea.” Getting up to stretch his legs after sleeping Neil walked up and down the aisle of the boxcar for a moment and when he returned to their seats he saw Christy pull a letter out of her bag. “Who’s that from?” he asked. “Susan handed it to me and said I should read it later. Now seemed as good a time as any.” Leaning back in his seat Neil watched her unfold the letter and begin to read. Her eyebrows quirked together and he could tell that something she read had puzzled her but in almost the very next moment Christy’s eyes grew wide, bright blue circles framed by her long brown bangs. Her mouth formed a little ‘o’ before it drew back into a small, disbelieving smile. When she finally looked up from her letter he could see the joy radiating from her very soul and he wondered what Susan had written to evoke such a reaction. “Neil, this is it!” she cried excitedly, waving the letter in front of him. “What is what, Lass?” “This is how I can stay in the cove!” Christy could see the confused look on his face and with a small laugh she switched seats to sit next to him, showing him what was written in the letter. “The letter is from Nadienne. She showed my painting to one of her friends who happened to be an art dealer and he already had a customer to buy it! He has agreed to buy the next painting I do as well and once he sees how well those sell he might buy more to sell overseas at an exhibit he plans every year!” “Neil! With this money I can stay in the cove! I can rent a room at Mrs. Tatum’s and live in El Pano. It’s just close enough that I can still be near the children, and the mission, and… and you,” she finished softly. “I can come home for good.” Neil could feel his grin growing. “That’s wonderful, Christy.” “Oh,” she said softly, “But I had wanted you to have that painting.” “Actually, Lass, I do.” “What?” “I bought the painting from the man Nadienne showed it to. Once it’s dried and packed away it will be shipped to El Pano and I’ll take it home to hang in my cabin.” Christy stared at him dumbfounded. “You bought it?” “Well of course. The dance is always more important, and now I’ll have a constant reminder of that hanging in my laboratory.” Staring at him a slow smile spread itself over her face. Still smiling she leaned against him, taking his arm in hers and stared out the window, her mind and heart filled with thoughts and feeling she couldn’t quite describe; each and everyone focused in on the man who sat beside her. She loved him so much she wanted to cry. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Twenty One El Pano/Cutter Gap, TN “Next stop, El Pano!” the conductor called as he traversed the aisle way. Gathering their things together Neil and Christy were the first ones off the train, hurrying to get back to the cove. Collecting Charlie from the stables where Neil had left him to be cared for they were on their way, heading towards Cutter gap as fast as they could. As they rode it began to rain, the rain quickly turning into a downpour forcing them to stop and find shelter. Sheltered in a cave Neil lit a small fire and he and Christy huddled together for warmth against the chill of the night air, a chill made worse by the dampness of the rains. “Christy,” Neil asked suddenly. “What made you choose Philadelphia? Why not just stay in Asheville and get a job there?” “I needed to help somehow, Neil. I know it’s an extremely small thing but what if one of the students that Peter taught had gone on to cure a disease that plagues the cove? Then maybe I would have had a small part in that as a helper to the professor that taught that young doctor.” Neil shook his head. “Hundreds of miles away and you were still doing everything you could to help the children.” Warmed from the fire and the body heat Neil exuded Christy found herself drifting off, sleepiness overcoming her as her head began to nod until it finally fell onto his chest. Leaning his head against hers Neil took a deep breath, smelling the soap she had used in her hair and the sweetness that was Christy. Falling asleep himself he was surprised to wake suddenly and see sunlight creeping into the entrance of the cave, the fire burned out. Standing up as best he could under the low ceiling of their little cave Neil walked outside to stretch his legs. Taking in a few deep breaths of clean air he went back into the cave. Passing their bags he saw the edge of her sketchpad and immediately Neil recalled the way she had kept him from seeing her sketch from the train. Glancing at her, seeing that she was still asleep, his curiosity getting the better of him; Neil opened her bag and took out the sketchpad. Flipping it open he skipped past various ones, recognizing the different places and people until he came to the sketch of him. Staring down at it Neil’s heart skipped a beat before it soon spread a warmth through him like he had never felt before. There he was, asleep like he had been on the train, his face peaceful, feet up on a chair in what he recognized as a corner of his cabin. But in his arms, wrapped in a soft blanket, was a little baby as sound asleep as he was, safe, content, and relaxed in his arms. Lifting his eyes from the paper he looked across the cave at Christy, sleeping soundly, curled into a ball on the hard ground. She had drawn this. Neil sat back against the cave wall and stared. He loved her so much and though he knew that she loved him as well, seeing this sketch, drawn by her own hands, he knew, now more than ever, that he would never let her go. Never would she leave the cove again unless it was by his side. As he sat there Christy stirred in her sleep and he hurriedly put the pad back into her bag. She wasn’t ready for him to see it yet. He could wait until she was ready, no matter how long it took. Waking Christy they quickly got underway again and in almost no time at all they were trotting up the hill to the mission house. Lowering Christy to the ground first Neil swung down from Charlie, grabbed his saddlebags, and together the two travelers ran up the stairs and into the mission house. The main room of the mission house was filled with various tables and cots, each one occupied by a sick person. With a quick squeeze of her hand Neil released Christy and they both split up, going in opposite directions to help those who needed them. Kneeling by the first cot she came to Christy saw Bessie Coburn staring up at her with big brown eyes that began to fill with tears. “I be dyin’ I rekon. God be grantin me mah one wish. I wisht I culd seez ya one last tahm teacher, even if it be a vizion, soz I culd say how sorry I waz.” “No; no Bessie, you’re not dying. I’m really here. Feel my hands,” placing a cool hand to the girls burning forehead. “I’m really here and you’re not going to die do you hear me? Doctor MacNeill is going to take care of you. You’ll be fine.” Felling the cool hand on her forehead Bessie’s hazed eyes became lucid for a moment and she stared at the woman she had wronged so long ago. “Teacher,” she whispered, her weak voice trembling with exhaustion and emotion. “Hit be you, fer shorely, ya dun come back ta us!” Bessie struggled to sit up but Christy pushed her back down onto the cot. “You lie still do you hear me Bessie Coburn. You’re going to get better but you need to lie still and do as I say, understand?” The girl nodded as sleep overtook her and she closed her eyes, drifting off into the painless world of her dreams. Getting up from the cot Christy moved from Bessie to the next one over and from that one to the next. Most of the patients were asleep or too dazed to recognize who was caring for them. As she stood to go to the next cot she heard a gurgling cough from behind her and turned quickly to the sleeping Bessie begin to throw up while sleeping on her back. Springing to the girl’s side she rolled her onto one side while holding a nearby bucket under her mouth. Once the young girl stopped Christy set the bucket down and wiped Bessie’s mouth with a handkerchief from her pocket. Once she was settled back into her sleep Christy gave a sigh of relief that she would be okay and returned to checking on the other patients. Across the room Neil had looked up when he heard the gurgling cough, knowing full well what was happening but before he could move Christy was there by the girls side, doing exactly what was needed as though it were second nature to her. Not once did she flinch or recoil from the sight and Neil had to smile when he remembered the way she had nearly fainted, so long ago, at the mere sight of blood. His Lass had found a way to see past that and Neil wondered where she drew her strength from to do so. His once over of all the patients at the mission done Neil was wondering where everyone was, Alice and Dan Scott, when he heard Christy cry out for him from the kitchen. Rushing to her side he saw Ruby Mae collapsed in a heap on the wooden floor, her body burning up with fever. As Neil carried her into the other room Christy cleared the only remaining spot for her to lie down on, the dining room table. “Doc!” Both Neil and Christy looked up sharply to see Jeb Spencer entering the mission, the mans face was exhausted, his body sagging, but his eyes and his tone urgent. “Jeb! Where is everyone? Why isn’t anyone here?” “Preacher be a visit'n his kin back eastand Miz Alice had ta go ta the O’Teale’s they be raght sik and Dan Scott be with th’ Allen’s. I come ta see if ya’d made it bak yit. Ya gotz ta come quick! Zady be reel bad off.” Nodding Neil turned to Christy. “I need you to stay here Lass. Keep doing what you’ve been doing. Make them as comfortable as possible and make sure they stay still. I’m going to the Spencer’s. If Dan Scott or Alice comes back then send them there right away, understand?” Christy nodded and walked with the two men to the porch. Swinging himself up onto Charlie’s back Neil gave her one last look before wheeling his horse around and galloping off toward the Spencer cabin, Jeb following as fast as he could on foot. For several hours Christy did as Neil directed, caring for the sick, making them as comfortable as possible. Putting up water to boil she kept some aside for drinking, not knowing where the contamination had come from, and used the rest to clean, scrubbing wooden floors of the vomit that had missed the bucket. As she tossed the bucket of filthy water out onto the grass she saw a rider approaching from the north. Dropping the bucket she ran to greet the man she had already recognized as Dan Scott. Not even letting him dismount she told him of Neil’s instructions and he was off, heading out to the Spencer’s. Alone again Christy returned to her task, working diligently to keep the patients comfortable. There were so many, sixteen people in the mission alone. Most were the children, Bessie, Will, Ruby Mae, Isaac and others but a few were the adults as well, both Coburn’s were there, Ault Allen as well. Hours later, her back aching, hands red and sore from the heat of the water, eyes teary from the lye she was using, she heard a rider approach and saw Neil striding into the mission house. Christy moved toward him, already telling him of the changes in the patients, which were worse and which seemed to be getting better. Waving one of her hands as she talked Neil caught it deftly in his hands, softly rubbing the red knuckles, seeing the abuse they had been put through since he’d left. “It’s nothing,” she said quickly, pulling her hands out of his grasp. “You have much more important things to worry about. Bessie is getting worse,” worriedly glancing at the young girl. Allowing her to escape for now, promising himself he would get some balm for her hands from his cabin, Neil moved to sit next to Bessie. “It’s not good,” he said after examining her. “She’s critical but stable; right now it could go either way. Keep a close eye on her.” Nodding she asked, “What of Zady?” “She definitely has influenza. The question remains, just how bad off is she? I won’t know until she becomes critical. That’s the worst part of influenza, there is nothing you can do except make them comfortable and wait.” “And pray, Neil.” Glancing up he saw the hurt in her eyes and he remembered that she was not a trained nurse, even if her actions said otherwise. Christy was a schoolteacher who was watching her children and their kin, people she loved with all her heart, suffer, possibly even die. Standing he put his arms around her for a moment, holding her close. “Yes, Lass, we can pray.” Closing her eyes as she stood within the safety of his arms Christy didn’t miss that he had said ‘we’ instead of ‘you’. Praying that his heart had been opened to God at long last Christy hugged him back for a moment before stepping away from him to look out the door at the sound of an approaching rider. “Miss Alice!” she breathed, her eyes taking in the sight of a friend too long missed. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Twenty Two Cutter Gap Goldie cantered up the yard of the mission and stopped before the hitching post next to Charlie. Seeing Neil’s horse Alice thanked God that he had returned. Wrapping the reins around the post she turned to climb the steps when she heard the clatter of shoes coming down them, the sound too light to be a mans. Looking up she thought for sure she was seeing things but when the arms of her daughter closed around her tired shoulders, squeezing tight, Alice knew this was real. “Christy!” she cried wrapping her arms around the girl with an equal force. “Oh Miss Alice, I’ve missed you so much!” Tears sprang to the old woman’s eyes and try as she may to blink them back she could not, the tears rolling down her cheeks. From the top of the stairs Neil watched the reunion with a small tug at his heart, the emotion of the moment too much to ignore. Alice and Christy were as close as any mother and daughter making the sight before him all the more poignant. “When did thee return?” she asked after a moment, pulling her self back to try and calm the storm of emotion raging in her heart. “Just today, with Neil. I couldn’t stay away when I knew how sick the cove was. I’m needed here, Miss Alice, I’m not leaving until I’m no longer needed in the cove.” “Then perhaps thee may never leave,” Alice said softly, putting a hand to Christy’s cheek in a gesture filled with love. “I pray for that every moment, Miss Alice,” she whispered. As much as he wished they could continue Neil knew things needed to be done. Clearing his throat he caught their attention, descending the stairs to stand with them on the grass. “Dan Scott and Jeb said you were at the O’Teale’s Alice, how do they fare?” “Not well, I’m afraid,” shaking Neil’s hand in welcome home. “We lost Wilmer this morning and I fear both Swannie and Mountie have fallen ill. I left to come and check on Ruby Mae, we left the poor girl to tend to everyone at the mission. I am sure she was overwhelmed.” “Actually, she fell sick to influenza,” Neil informed her. “We found her collapsed on the floor.” A look of horror crossed Miss Alice’s face and she raced up the stairs into the mission, both Neil and Christy following close behind. Checking on the young girl Alice saw that she was resting as peacefully as the fever would allow. Standing beside the table she prayed for God to forgive her for leaving Ruby Mae alone as she had. “There was no way for you to have seen this coming Alice, don’t blame yourself for this one. It was out of even your control,” Neil told her, putting his hand on her shoulder. After a moment Alice nodded her hand and took a deep breath. “Now that thee is back I will gladly hand the control over to thee once more. I shall stay here at the mission unless thee wished me to go elsewhere, to another family.” “No, I think you should stay here. Christy can you go care for the O’Teale’s? I want someone there who can do a thorough cleaning of the cabin while they’re unable to stop you. I’ll try to send one of the women over to help you.” “They need to care for their families, I can handle it on my own.” “Are you sure?” he asked me, placing one hand on my shoulder with a slight squeeze. “That’s quite an undertaking and you’ve been working here since we got back.” “I’ll be okay,” I nodded, smiling to show him that I meant it. “All right then, we’ll ride over there so I can check on them myself and then I’ll head out to the Allen’s, Dan Scott wanted me to check on them as well.” Glancing out the window he continued, “We’d better get moving, it will be pretty dark soon.” With a few final instructions he went outside to gather Charlie from the hitching post. Turning to Alice Christy wrapped her arms around the woman once more, kissing her cheek. “When this is all over you and I are going to have a long talk, Miss Alice.” “That we shall child, that we shall.” Going outside Christy held her hand up to Neil and he swung her up onto Charlie’s back. Holding tight to him they quickly rode out of the mission yard towards the O’Teale’s. The ride there was too short a time for Neil and Christy to spend alone with each other and yet at the same time too long a time to get to the O’Teale’s who needed their help desperately. Pulling to a stop in the yard Neil handed Smith the reins to tether Charlie while he and Christy entered the stuffy cabin. While Neil set about to check on Swannie and Mountie Christy drew the healthy children to her, hugging and kissing her hellos before sending each of them off on a chore that would get them out into the fresh air of the Spring weather. As Neil finished his examinations Christy set up the rest of the clean water to boil, adding the lye once it was hot enough, and set out to find a clean rag. Her search of the cabin didn’t find one and she knew that none of the rags she did find there were anywhere near clean enough to use. Out of options she turned her back to Neil, facing the corner, lifted the front of her outer skirt and tore a piece of cloth from her petticoat. It would do as a rag. Neil had just finished his exam of Swannie and was moving over to Mountie when he heard a tearing sound. Looking up he saw Christy straighten up, her skirt dropping back to the floor, and a large piece of white cloth with torn edges in her hands that she plunged into the lye water. Realization dawned as to where she had gotten the cloth from and Neil had to smile. The things she wouldn’t do for the people of the cove, his people… her people. Still smiling he turned to begin his examination of Mountie, the little girl shaking under the thin, threadbare blanket. When he had finished his examinations Neil stood to go in search of a better blanket for the young girl. Before he could take two steps he saw Christy approaching, her coat in her hands. “I’ve already looked, there’re no other blankets,” she told him as she laid her coat over the little girl. “This will have to do for now. I’ll make sure that some blankets are brought over from the mission as soon as possible.” Once more she amazed him, as though she had read his mind, providing what was needed before he could think to ask or do so himself. Watching her tuck the coat in tightly around Mountie he saw her gently push a stray lock off the girls fevered face, her touch as gentle and loving as that of a mothers, her love for them was much the same. Straightening she turned to him for directions and he provided them. “They can have one dose of aspirin in two hours, try to make them drink as much of it as you can, all of it if possible. Keep doing what you’ve been doing and I’ll be back to check on them as soon as I can.” Heading out to the yard both of them drank in the fresh air. “If anyone comes searching for me I’ll be at the Allen’s, then the McHone’s, then the Spencer’s, and after them the Holcombe’s. I’ll pass by here on my way back to the mission before I go back out again.” “Be careful, Neil. If you get too tired out you’ll be more susceptible to the disease.” Looking down at her with a smile, “And where did you pick up that little tidbit of medical knowledge, Miss Huddleston?” he teased. “Well I did used to work at a medical college,” she smiled. Though a smile rested on her lips her eyes were serious. “Please take care of yourself Neil.” “Same goes for you, Lass.” Hesitating for the barest of seconds Neil put his hand on Christy’s cheek and lowered his mouth to hers in the gentlest brush of a kiss before swinging himself up onto Charlie’s back and heading out of the yard. Christy watched him go for a moment, her fingers pressed against her lips in memory of the sweetness of their first kiss, before her attention was caught up by the children and she turned her mind back to the task at hand. At the edge of the turn Neil looked back and saw her heading toward the cabin, a child under each arm as she listened to the story they wanted to tell Teacher, some small event that had taken place while she was gone. With a small smile Neil urged Charlie into a gallop, hurrying on to his next patient as quickly as he could. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Twenty Three Cutter Gap, TN On her hands and knees, Christy had just finished scrubbing the floors when she heard a horse galloping into the yard. Dropping the rag over the side of the bucket, though it was actually the third rag she’d made since the other two had become useless, she headed towards the door, her ears picking up the children calling out to “Doc” as he dismounted. from the doorway she watched as he took a moment with each one. The caresses that seemed to be made only out of love for the child Christy knew were actually his own ways of checking each child for symptoms without them knowing it. Taking his time he greeted each child, from Smith on down to Mary, a moment with each until he was done and sent them back to the fire Christy had them sitting around, cooking the rabbit Smith had caught in one of his traps. In the harsh light of the afternoon sun Christy watched Neil approaching the cabin. His shoulders sagged with the weight of the coves illness. The needs of the cove, the pressure he was under to help as many as he could, was tremendous yet instead of feeling taxed by it she could see in his eyes that is was as though he was fulfilled by it. His blue eyes were bloodshot and tired but they sought hers out and he smiled at her. As he approached the cabin, satisfied that the children were well, he saw Christy leaning against the doorway of the O’Teale’s cabin, her arms folded over her chest. Her eyes had raked him over and he knew she could see how tired he was, she saw it in him as much as he saw it in her. Her hands were red and raw, the lye she’d been cleaning with had stripped them of their softness, and Neil could see that they were beginning to crack and bleed around the knuckles. He wanted to take her in his arms and massage a healing ointment into every knuckle until they were better. But he knew now was not the time, that would have to wait until he could take the time to do for her what she had done for everyone else since she had returned home. When this was all over Neil could care for her the way she had cared so unselfishly for everyone else. Smiling at him Christy moved aside so he could enter the cabin and check on his patients. As his first foot set itself past the threshold he was amazed by the difference he saw before him. Where once had stood a dirty, filthy cabin, now stood a clean one; sparklingly sanitized from ceiling to floorboard. Once more she amazed him; Christy had said she would do the work and she had certainly done so. Standing beside him as he examined the mother and then the daughter she updated him of their condition. “Swannie took all the medicine but I could only get Mountie to take about two-thirds of it. A little later I mixed the rest of the medicine in some diluted broth and she took it that way. She’s yet to vomit it back up and that was about an hour ago.” “Good,” Neil nodded. “I think Mountie will be fine. And given Swannie’s improvement as well I think it’s safe to say she too will recover. I checked over the children and they seem to be fine, no symptoms yet, but that doesn’t mean they won’t show up at all. However with the cabin so clean I must say the chances are very minimal that they’ll get sick.” Looking up at Christy Neil smiled, “You’ve done some amazing work here, Lass.” “I’m just glad they’ll be okay.” Together they moved over to the table. Christy saw Neil wince as he sat down for a moment and she knew he was more tired than he was letting on. “Stay there.” Moving over to the doorway she motioned to one of the children and moments later and Becky appeared in the doorway, a plate in her hands that she handed off to Christy. Adding some of the stewed vegetables from a pot simmering over the fire Christy set the plate before Neil. “Eat.” “What about you?” he asked as he speared a chunk of potato. “I ate as it was cooking.” It was the truth, she had popped a carrot or two into her mouth but Christy refused to take any more of their precious supply of food. She could eat when she returned to the mission. Sitting down across the table from Neil she folded her hands gingerly and looked over at Mountie as the young girl shifted on the bed. Seeing the coat slipping from around her shoulders Christy stood and moved over to the young girl and tucked it back in tightly. Neil heard Mountie whisper something to Christy and the woman smiled at her. Shifting o the bed so that Mountie’s head was in her lap Christy began to croon a soft, comforting, song to her, to the little girl that held a very special place in Christy’s heart. “Oh God, My God is my Shepherd; so why should I fear or Fret? For he who cares for his sheep so much will none of his own forget. By quiet waters he leads me, my soul he does restore and bless. He guides my steps for his own names sake in pathways of righteousness. He guides my steps for his own names sake in pathways of righteousness.” “Tho’ in the vale of deep shadow I walk, I need fear no harm, For my Great Shepherd is always near; His staff keeps me from alarm. My head with oil he refreshes; my cup he has filled up well. His loving kindness will follow me, and e’er in his house I’ll dwell. His loving kindness will follow me, and e’er in his house I’ll dwell.” “How wise and loving my Shepherd! His praises with joy I sing. The cheering news of his tender care to sheep-like ones I will bring. His Word I’ll faithfully follow, walk carefully in his way. My glorious treasure of serving him I’ll gratefully use each day. My glorious treasure of serving him I’ll gratefully use each day.” Sitting at the table Neil forgot his food, his hunger, and even his exhaustion as he listened to Christy singing softly to Mountie. From the corner of his eye he saw that the other children had gathered in the doorway, paying strict adherence to Christy admonition to stay outside where it was safe and warm by the fire, listening to their Teacher as well. Slipping his eyes back to her he saw that Mountie was awake, listening to the song with tears in her little eyes. Only when Christy had finished her song did Mountie speak. “Luv ya, T’cher,” she whispered and Christy pulled the dear little girl into her arms, hugging her and whispering of her own love in return. Though Neil could easily have been content to watch the touching scene for a much longer time he knew it was time to move on. The meal, as nutritious as it was, sat heavily in his stomach and he hoped moving around would help to digest it faster. Getting to his feet with a groan, his muscles protesting the sudden movement after sitting still for a short time, he moved to the door and watched the children scramble back to the fire. Out in the yard another rider approached and Neil saw that it was Dan Scott. “You’re needed at the mission, Doctor,” he announced. “I’ll take over for the O’Teale’s for a little bit.” “Very well, I’ll take Christy back to the mission with me. Keep an eye on Swannie, she’s not doing as well as Mountie but both of them should be fine.” Turning to the children he ordered, “You all pay heed to Mr. Scott, you hear me?” Each child nodded and Neil called for Christy to join him on Charlie, swinging her up after he had mounted. With a slight nod to Dan Scott Neil turned Charlie in the direction of the mission, letting his friend pick his own way on the steep trail. Once they had reached level land Neil relaxed and urged Charlie to go a little faster. He could feel Christy leaning against him heard her even breathing over the sound of the forest. She was asleep. Nodding his own head in a light doze Neil woke when Charlie stopped and saw that they had reached the mission. “Lass,” he called softly, turning his head to look at her, gingerly squeezing one of the hands he held in his own large ones. “We’re here.” With soft groans Christy woke and looked up, blue on blue, and their eyes met. With a deep breath she lowered herself to the ground with Neil's help, waiting for him to dismount as well. Together they walked up the stairs of the mission house to see Alice standing by the fire with a cup of tea in her hands. Her expression was sad, teary, as she watched them enter. It was Neil who noticed first. “Where’s Bessie?” he asked, raising his eyebrow at Alice. Without saying a word Alice shook her head slightly and turned away, gazing at the fire instead. Closing his eyes for a moment Neil muttered under his breath. Hearing his voice but not understanding his words Christy looked up, laying a gentle hand on his arm. “Neil, what is it? What’s wrong?” Turning, Neil led her out to the porch. Standing before her he placed both hands gently on her shoulder. “There’s no easy way to say this, Lass,” he began but with those few words he saw the truth dawn in Christy’s eyes. “Bessie’s died.” Her lower lip trembling, Christy lowered her eyes from Neil’s, staring at the mismatched button on his flannel shirt that he had changed into at some point. It was out of place that little mismatched button. A square little button when the rest were round. Her eyes focused on it she suddenly realized how much she had in common with that one little button. So out of place and yet still there, doing its job despite being so out of place with the rest. That was how she felt as she took in the knowledge of Bessie’s death. Horribly out of place, as though this weren’t her world, but rather some nightmare and when she woke the young girl would be alive and ready to give her lesson in school. “Lass?” Neil was concerned by her silence. Other than the trembling lip there was no sign that she had heard him. Her eyes were focused straight ahead as though she were staring through him. Squeezing her shoulders he hooked a finger under her chin and forced her to meet his eyes. “Bessie’s dead,” she whispered. Neil nodded. Closing her eyes for a moment Christy suddenly leaned forward, leaning against Neil’s chest as her tears began to prick at her eyes. Moments later Neil was holding her as she wept for her student, a young girl who had so much life still left to live. Picking her up Neil carried Christy up the mission stairs to her old room, laying her on the bed and covering her with a quilt, sitting with her until she had cried herself to sleep, her body to exhausted to stay awake for long. The toll of the last two days had taken their toll and Christy slept a deep, dreamless sleep. It wasn’t until many hours later that she began to wake. Slowly, savoring the softness of the pillow under her head, Christy woke, stretching out her limbs to waken them again. Opening her eyes she stared at the ceiling in confusion. Those weren’t the wooden planks of her apartment ceiling. And the normal sounds of the city were unusually quiet as well. Furrowing her brow, trying to fully waken from her slumber, she wondered at the difference. As suddenly as a bolt of lighting the memory of the last two days came to her mind and she sprang out of the bed. Still dressed in her skirt and shirt Christy hurried down the stairs to see Neil sitting next to Ault Allen, his hand on the mans head feeling for a temperature. Standing on the last step Christy grew concerned as she watched Neil. He was exhausted, his eyes could barely stay open as he sat next to the Ault Allen. She could see that he was in pain from the scrunch of his face, brow drawn as she had seen before. When he stood up from the mans side Neil saw Christy and a small smile came to his face, barely touching the pain and exhaustion she saw there still. “Neil, could I see you upstairs for a moment?” “Of course, is everything okay?” Not saying a word she motioned for him to follow her. from the corner of her eye Christy saw Miss Alice watching, a small smile on her lips while she nodded her head. She knew what Christy was doing, and the young woman had her full support. Nodding back she climbed the stairs, Neil following behind, and led the way to the room she had just woken up from. Standing in the middle of the room Neil turned to look at Christy. “What did you need, Lass?” “I need for you to keep your promise.” Her simple words hung in the air and Neil tried to think of what she was saying but his mind couldn’t wrap itself around her words. “What are you talking about, Christy?” he finally said, unable to think of what she meant. Sighing Christy shook her head and motioned for him to sit on the bed. Wearily Neil sat. “You made me a promise Neil and I made you one in return. I’ve kept my end of the promise and now it’s your turn to sleep. Miss Alice and I can handle the patients here at the mission until you wake up.” Shaking his head Neil stood. “I have too many patients to care for,” he argued. Moving to stand in front of his Christy reached up and placed a soft hand on his stubbly cheek. Meeting his tired blue eyes with her concerned ones, “You promised me Neil. Please,” she whispered. “Only for a couple of hours. I promise to wake you if there is an emergency.” She saw the hesitation in his eyes and pressed forward with her plea. “I’m worried about you.” Neil’s shoulders sagged in defeat. “All right, Lass, you win. But you promise to wake me if someone asks for me?” Christy nodded. “All right,” he sighed, sitting back down on the bed, his fatigued body screaming for joy at the prospect of rest. Lying back with his eyes closed he felt Christy taking his shoes off before she laid a quilt over him. Neil was almost asleep when he felt her gentle lips press against his forehead. A second later he was out cold, never hearing the click of the door as Christy shut it behind her. Descending the stairs once more she saw Miss Alice sitting at the table, now clear since Ruby Mae had been moved to the cot Bessie had been occupying, her bible in her hands, reading. Fixing herself a cup of tea and grabbing a slice of bread from the kitchen Christy went to sit next to her dear mentor. No sooner had she sat than Miss Alice reached out for her hands. Sitting across from each other the two women stared at the others eyes for a moment. “Thy return is an answered prayer to me, Christy.” “I missed you so much, Miss Alice.” For a little while, the patients sleeping, they were able to catch up on everything that had happened during the last years or so of their lives. Christy told Alice of the letter she had received from Nadienne and the older woman was thrilled. As they sat discussing the children a rider approached from the mission yard and both women stood to see who it was. Dan Scott dismounted Prince and walked up to the mission stairs, stopping when he reached the women. “Miss Alice, Miss Christy,” he greeted them. “How is everyone doing here?” “Well enough. We lost Bessie but everyone else seems to be hanging on.” “Four people so far,” Dan shook his head. “I pray we don’t lose any more.” “Four?” Christy cried. “Who else did we lose?” “Besides Wilmer and Bessie the cove lost Liz Ann Robertson and Clarabelle Beck. At least there’ve been no new cases to report. We may win out over this yet.” While Christy took this news in Dan Scott turned to Alice. “Have you perchance seen or heard from the Taylor clan? I’ve managed to confirm the health of almost everyone else except them.” Alice frowned. “The Taylor’s have always kept to themselves but I fear this news will only mean trouble. Someone will need to go search them out.” Dan Scott nodded. “I’ll go.” Alice shook her head. “I do not believe that would be wise for thee, Daniel. The Taylor’s have made their feelings about thee quite clear.” “I’ll go,” Christy spoke up. Both Dan Scott and Alice protested immediately. “I can’t let you do that Miss Christy,” Dan said. “You can’t go, Dan, they’ll shoot first and ask questions later. And Miss Alice,” seeing the woman open her mouth to speak, “You’re needed her at the mission. And I refuse to wake Neil unless it is absolutely necessary. That leaves me. I’ll go find them.” “It could be dangerous for thee, Christy. They do not like people on their land.” “I know that, but they know me and I’m hoping that will give them pause before raising their gun. Besides no man of the cove would hurt a woman.” Christy had won her argument and, with a prayer in her heart, she left the mission yard to find the Taylor men. Through the forest, walking along trails she had almost forgotten Christy searched for the Taylor Cabin. Nearing where she remembered it to be Christy called out a ‘Hellooo!’ to warn them she was coming lest they shoot first. With no response coming back her way Christy pressed onward until she came to a cabin. Knocking on the door she opened it and peered into the dark interior. Closing her eyes after she had shut the door Christy gave them a moment to adjust to the darkness. Opening them again she looked around and saw a bed with a lump on it against one wall while another was on the floor by the cold hearth. Moving first to the man on the floor she saw that it was Lundy, the poor boy trembling and shaking from his fever and lying in a pool of his own vomit. Pulling him away from the filth Christy wiped his face with a rag she saw on the small table. Standing she moved to check on the other man in the bed. He too was shaking from the fever but she saw no signs of vomit in the bed with him. Grabbing a bucket from by the front door Christy hurried down to the river and back again. Building a fire in the cabin she cleaned as best she could with the limited resources and made sure both men were as comfortable as they could be. Unsure of what she could do next she was startled to hear a mans voice calling from a distance. Standing in the doorway of the cabin she laughed with relief when she saw Jeb climbing up the hill. “Mr. Spencer!” she called out to him. “Miz Christy,” he answered, taking his hat off when he stopped a few feet away. “Doc ask’d me ta com’n’ chik on ya.” “You’re timing is near perfect,” she smiled. “Do you have your wagon with you?” Jeb nodded. “Good, We need to move both men to the mission, can you help me load them into the wagon?” Working together the two friends moved both Taylor men down the mountain and onto the back of Jeb’s wagon. Exhausted by the work of carrying them to the wagon Christy was grateful to ride back to the mission instead of walking. Once at the mission Dan Scott and Jeb moved the two men into the mission while Christy went to find Alice. The Quaker woman breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Christy approaching her. “Thank the dear Lord thee is safe,” she said as she hugged the young woman briefly. “When thee did not return we began to fear the worst.” “Both Lundy and Birdseye are sick. Lundy was a mess I tried to do some cleaning while I was there, but there wasn’t much I could do. Mr. Spencer said that Neil had sent him to find me, is he still here?” Alice shook her head. “When Neil rose he was furious that thee had gone after the Taylor’s alone. He was going to go after thee himself but he was called away to the Beck’s. I was just leaving to get some medicine from his cabin, we are almost out.” “Why don’t you stay here and I’ll go get the medicine? You have a good handle on what is happening here and I hope you can help Lundy, he’s pretty bad off right now.” Nodding she withdrew a list from her pocket. "This is what thee will need. Thee know not to take all of it, only half of each. Neil may meet thee there, he was heading there himself after checking in at the Becks Cabin.” Instructions given and list in hand Christy set off for Neil's cabin. The night was steadily approaching and by the time she reached the cabin by the river it was dark out. Hurrying up the steps she threw open the door and hurried into the dark cabin; the layout clear in her mind from previous visits she didn’t bother lighting a lamp. Crossing the cabin floor Christy screamed when she tripped and fell to the wooden floor, something was in her path. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chatper Twenty Four Cutter Gap, TN Sprawled out on the floor Christy groaned in pain as she rolled over. Taking a moment to flex her limbs, making sure everything worked she stood hesitantly and shuffled over to the mantle. Feeling for a match she struck it and lit the oil lamp resting in the very center of the mantle. Turning back around to see what she had tripped over Christy wanted to scream again. “Neil!” Setting the oil lamp on the table Christy dropped to her knees by his side, rolling the still man onto his back. Touching the back of her fingers to his cheek and forehead she realized he was burning with fever even as she felt the trembling. No sooner had she removed her hand than Neil began to vomit. Hurriedly she rolled him onto his side, watching as he released all that he had eaten at the O’Teale’s. ‘He’s been sick since then!’ she realized with despair. Once he had finished she wiped his mouth and chin before pulling him away from the mess. Christy realized she had to get him into a bed. There was no cot downstairs, it had already been brought to the mission, and the couch was too small for his long frame. Staring at the stairs Christy prayed for the strength of two people and set to work. Hooking her hands under his arms Christy pulled him towards the stairs. With all her might she backed up the stairs, dragging the unconscious doctor with her. After what seemed like forever, she stepped into the bedroom still dragging Neil with her across the floor. Pausing for a moment to get her breath Christy sat Neil up against the bed and, placing his arm over her shoulders and her arm around him she lifted him only to lose her balance and collapse onto his lap. With a short cry of frustration after it happened a second time she tried again and this time managed to get him onto the bed. Rolling him this way and that she pulled the covers out from under him and, after removing his boots, pulled the quilts up to his waist. Stopping herself from pulling them up farther she realized that some of the vomit had clung to his shirt. Quickly she unbuttoned his outer shirt; grateful he was still sleeping, blushing furiously, she removed it, tossing it into the corner to deal with later. Searching the drawers for another shirt she found a warm flannel and struggled to put it on him. Task complete, buttons buttoned, Christy pulled the quilt up to his chin and turned to get a bucket from the yard, just in case there was more in his stomach. Hurrying to get back to Neil Christy ran down to the river with buckets in hand to bring water back. Building a fire she set up one bucket to boil, setting out the lye to add once it had done so, and took the other bucket up to the bedroom. No sooner had she set the bucket down a gurgling cough rose in Neil's throat and she turned him onto his side, holding the bucket under his mouth. When he was finished Christy dipped a clean rag into the bucket of water and, wringing it out, she wiped the sheen of sweat from Neil's face and neck. The man still trembled under her care and Christy pulled another quilt out of a small closet where she knew he kept them. Running downstairs she opened the door to the lab and scanned the shelf for the bottle of aspirin powder. Praying she was using the right amounts Christy mixed powder with water and took the glass upstairs to Neil. Lifting his head, trying to wake him up, she forced the mixture past his lips a little at a time. Satisfied that he was keeping it down, at least for now, she went back downstairs, taking the soiled shirt with her, to check on the boiling water. Adding the lye to the bucket Christy cleaned up the mess on the floor and put the filthy shirt in the bucket to soak. It would wear the shirt down faster but at least it would sanitize it as well. Her work downstairs complete Christ went back upstairs and sat down in a chair by the bed, her eyes never leaving Neil's face, and prayed. She begged God to keep Neil safe, that he would recover from this illness that had already claimed four lives. She thanked Him as well for keeping those whom weren’t sick from becoming so and she prayed that He continue to watch over those who were still fighting the disease. Head bowed in prayer Christy’s exhaustion overcame her and she drifted off to sleep, not realizing that she had done so until she suddenly became aware of the dawn streaming in through the small window on the eastern side of the house. Chastising herself for falling asleep Christy leaned forward to check on Neil and she found that his fever had worsened. Mixing some more powder with water Christy forced it down Neil’s throat. Watching helplessly as he tossed and turned under the covers, the fever producing nightmares she could only wonder at, a memory from her time at home sprang to her mind and Christy decided to follow her mothers advice. Praying for God’s forgiveness at being so forward she pulled the covers off Neil’s feet and was shocked at how cold they were. Like ice. Rubbing vigorously she tried to draw the heat down from his head as her mother had always told her to do when her brother or sister had gotten sick. Christy could feel the heat rising in her cheeks as she sat at the edge of the bed, Neil’s feet in her hands. Grateful that no one was there to witness her actions she finished with the one and turned her attention to the other. While she was still working on the second foot a pounding resounded on the front door only to creak open a moment later. “Neil? Christy? Are thee here?” “Miss Alice!” Christy cried. Covering his feet back up Christy ran from the room and down the stairs in time to see Alice crossing the cabin, a worried look on her face. “What happened?” she cried. “Thee did not return to the mission last night!” “Miss Alice, its Neil! He’s sick!” The two women hurried back up to the bedroom and Alice examined the feverish doctor while Christy told her everything she had done. Nodding her head as she listened, Alice assured her that she had done everything correctly, no different than she herself would have done had their roles been switched. Needing to get back to the mission with the medicine she told Christy that she would have Dan Scott check in, in a few hours, and that she should keep doing all that she had been. “All thee can do now is wait, Christy. Keep him comfortable and warm; and most importantly keep him in that bed. No doubt he will want to rise and check on his patients but if he does he will have a relapse and it will be even worse than this time. His stubborn streak will no doubt raise the roof. Use whatever thee needs to to keep him confined to his bed.” Watching Alice ride away Christy stayed on the porch for a moment before returning to her vigil by Neil’s side. Setting up some weak broth for when he was feeling better Christy kept it warming over the fire and went in search of a book to read while she waited. Scanning the medical books she was surprised to find a Bible on the shelving. Pulling it down Christy realized that it was very old; it had to have been handed down through the generations. Taking it with her she climbed the stairs and sat under the window of the bedroom, Neil in her sights, so that she could read by the light that streamed in. Opening it to no place in particular she saw that it fell open to the first of Paul’s two letters to the Christians in Corinth. In the fold of the thirteenth chapter she saw several folded pieces of paper had been stuck in between the pages. Opening one she recognized her own writing. These were her letters to Neil! Christy realized that he must have stuck these in there himself. Looking down at the bible pages her eyes were caught up by the fourth verse and Christy began to read the words to herself. ‘Love is longsuffering and kind. Love is not jealous, it does not brag, does not get puffed up, does not behave indecently, does not look for its own interests, does not become provoked. It does not keep account of injury. It does not rejoice over unrighteousness but rejoices with the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never fails…’ “I should have known you’d choose the bible.” Glancing up quickly Christy smiled with relief and sheer joy at seeing Neil watching her from the bed. His eyes were a little glazed from the fever but he was awake and she could finally see that he was okay. Tucking the letters back into the bible she set in on the chair as she crossed to his side, kneeling next to the bed and taking his hand in hers. “You had me so worried, Neil,” she told him. Frowning Neil closed his eyes as he tried to remember, “What happened?” “I came into the cabin to get some medicine for the mission and I found you unconscious on the floor. You’re sick.” “Aye,” he groaned. “I feel it. How did I get up here? Who was with you?” “No one was with me.” Taking the cloth from the bucket of water Christy wrung it out again and pressed it to Neil’s forehead. The cool relief felt wonderful and Neil kept his eyes closed to enjoy it. “Miss Alice was here a few hours ago and Dan Scott will be stopping by soon.” “Lass, I don’t understand, if you were alone how did I get up here?” “I dragged you,” Christy answered in a soft voice as she re-wetted the cloth before pressing it to his forehead again. “All by yourself?” Neil opened his eyes to stare at her. It took a lot of effort to do so but he needed to see her face. There was a blush on her face and Neil realized that she had indeed been caring for him all by herself. Groaning he wondered what he had done to make her blush so deeply. “Lass, I didn’t…?” Shaking her head she smiled. “You were unconscious Neil,” she confirmed. “I was the only one here with you but I wasn’t alone.” She could see the confusion in his blue eyes and Christy explained. “I prayed, Neil. I know you won’t believe me but I know that it was God that gave me the strength to get you up here. I never could have done it on my own.” Closing his eyes Neil mumbled, “I believe you.” “You do?” she whispered. “Aye,” he whispered with his eyes still closed. Though his body wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep Neil wanted to say this before he lost his nerve. “When I got your letter I prayed that I would be able to find you and bring you home.” Opening his eyes he turned to see Christy’s puddling with tears as she stared at him. “And here you are.” “Oh, Neil,” she breathed. “But don’t expect to see me in that pew every Sunday.” “I won’t, I promise.” Her reaction to hearing that he had prayed was not the one he had expected. “You’re not going to badger me to go to church just because I prayed?” Christy shook her head and a tear fell down her cheek. “Why not?” With a shaky smile Christy met his gaze. “Because I know you’re not ready for that yet,” she answered him, her voice filled with such joy and confidence as Neil had never heard before. “But you took that first step Neil, you approached God and he showed you that he does care. I can wait for you to take that second step. I’ll wait as long as you need.” Neil was speechless. He didn’t know what to say to the woman who was kneeling by his side. How did he respond to that kind of deep confidence in him, her unwavering faith that he would take that next step and her endless supply of patience with him? Squeezing her hand he found that he could have answered her if he’d wanted to, his throat had closed off. Smiling at him she pushed a stray curl from his eyes. “Sleep Neil, you need to rest so you can get better.” *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The Letters - Chapter Twenty Five Cutter Gap, TN – 25 – Epilogue Sitting at his desk in his laboratory up stairs Neil finished making his notes before putting the notebook away for now. Sitting at his desk he looked up at the sketch that was framed and hanging on the wall. Smiling he remembered the day she had finally shown it to him. That had been a good day, one that had brought more news than he realized. Standing he slid the notebook onto the top shelf of the unit, since he had already filled the second shelf, and watched as an envelope slid down the wall, landing on the floor. Bending over he picked it up and recognized his name written in Christy’s beautiful script. It had been carefully written in ink, as though she wanted it to last through the years. Unfolding the papers he began to read. ‘My Dearest Neil;’ ‘It seems only fitting that I write this on the eve of our new life together. A letter was how we came to find out the secrets of each others hearts and now I end my days as a single woman by writing to you the feelings that live in the innermost section of my heart.’ ‘I love you.’ ‘I know that I have said this many times to you, and I am sure I will continue to say it as often as I can, but I want you to know that it is one thing in this ever changing world that will always remain a constant. My love for you began as an irritating friendship with a man I barely knew. But as time went on I learned to see the man behind the doctor and I was forever caught by his warm blue eyes and deep voice that spoke of the love he held in his heart.’ ‘I don’t know how long our dance will continue on this earth but I will treasure every day I spend as your wife, mother to our children, keeper of that one little section of your heart that will always hold your love for me. I thank God every day for bringing me to Cutter Gap all those years ago and for opening your heart to him so that he could help you bring me home to the place, and to the man, that I belong to.’ ‘I love you with every beat of my heart, for as long as I live,’ ‘Christy’ Staring at the yellowed papers Neil wiped an unbidden tear from his eyes and left his lab, down the stairs to the first floor of the MacNeill cabin. There by the fire, asleep after a long night, Christy sat with their infant daughter Esther in her arms. Both mother and daughter were fast asleep after a long night of restlessness. As he stared at them Neil saw that both of the women he loved were as beautiful in this moment as they were the moment they had first made a place in his heart. A tugging on his pant leg caught his attention and Neil looked down into the big blue eyes of his son. Bending down he lifted the toddler into his arms and grinned at the little boy. Setting the letter carefully on the table Neil wrapped his son up in a bear hug and whispered to the giggling little boy, “Sshh…” “Fish, Pa! Fish!” Neil chuckled. “All right Gideon. Let’s go see the fish so Ma can sleep. She’s had a long night with your baby sister and she’s very tired.” With the little boy in his arms Neil walked out of the cabin, grabbing his fishing pole on the way, and headed down to the river, never seeing his wife crack open her eyes and smile at him. When Christy’s gaze found the letter resting on the table she thought back to the night she had penned it for him, tucking it away in his lab for him to find years later. Her words were as true today as they were back then. “I love you,” she whispered to her husband. The End *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*