Disclaimer; The characters of Christy are the property of the Marshall/Lesourd L.L.C. Any attempt herein is for fun not funds. Disclaimer: readd it to the end please before passing judgement. You will find it is staying with the origianl intent of Christy. Besides its short. Just so you are warned...things are not as bad as they seem. Dsiclaimer: If you do not agree with my rendition see my lawyer...well when I find one! Title: Mirror-fic: The hit! Author: Dawn R. The Hit! No matter which way I turned it was still all wrong. What was I ever going to do. I can’t believe he hit me! Of all things that could have happened. What a way to end a beautiful spring day. The day had started out sunny and bright. the only care I had was that the fresh apple pies that I had baked with Opal would firm up just right. I could still hear the soft laughter of David as he teased. "I am certain these will be as scrumptious as you look." Oh that man could melt an iceberg with his sweet words. But now what was I to think of him. His words had been swift. I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to. If you hadn’t... But what was the point? All I could think was how could he do this to me today...of all days. The day I had accepted his proposal. That proposal, could I have ever envisioned a speech so beautiful. "Today I ask you to make me the happiest preacher on earth" he had begun. His workworn suit sparkled in front of the backdrop of the sunrise. Every early bird seemed to join in a victory chant. But who was the greater victor of the day? I had spurned his attention for months. Thinking his fancy was only passing. After all I had put him through I could not fathom his desires towards me. I still remember the day he had left the cove. "I’m leaving for Boston. I have some things to sort out. Life here in Cutter Gap has not been what I had hoped." I remember the feel of his hands as he brushed away my straying tears. Not until that moment had I realized just how much his presence had meant to me. But I had made my choices as well. My sites were set elsewhere. Who would know that just five short years later all that would be changed. If anyone had told me, why I would have laughed them to scorn. I remember waking up after the fall. Everything looked different. As the room came into focus I remember Neil looking down at me. You gave us all quite the scare. But something in him seemed distant, far away. I grasped out for him trying to cry. Trying to shout out. But there was an eerie silence. I recall how Neils face dropped, how Miss Alice covered her mouth with her hands. Was I really that hideous to look at. If only I could get to a mirror. My only solace was when Neil gently said, "you have been in a coma for a week now you are still too weak to talk." I recall like it was yesterday the long needle he pulled out, " I am just going to inject a sedative in your arm. Your throat is still to chaffed to swallow well. Just relax and trust me." As I stroked my neck gingerly I remembered my next conscious moment. "Can I see her?" Was it David? David who had left the cove 2 years earlier?David who was wanting to see me?. Oh how I longed for a mirror to fix my unruly hair. He came in then, ever so softly. He looked so tired, so worn out. But his eyes sparkled when he met mine. "I arrived last night. Don’t try and talk. Doctor MacNeil said its too soon. You gave everyone here quite a scare. Didn’t I teach you anything while I was here." His speech was light, but his light heartedness didn’t fool me. I had so many questions. Why was he here? Surely he wouldn’t comne back for me, not after all this time. "I bet your wondering why I am here." He began the next morning. "It was time. I ran for a long time from God. No matter where I ran the call was still there. I knew I had to come back. So much has changed, yet so much is the same. I hope you don’t mind me being here. We were always friends. Weren’t we? A lot has happened in both our lives. Could we maybe start fresh?" How could I turn him down. The earnestness in his voice drew me in. I simply nodded and worked up a grin. The days and weeks of recovery dragged on. In the mornings Neil would come in and check up on his favorite patient. His life had dramatically changed in the past few years. He was more jovial and light. Miss Alice said that ,that was God working through him. I thought it had more to do with his new bride, though. The peace that shone on his face was mesmerizing. He had clearly made the right choices in his life. But what about me? Ow..the sharp pain in my face brought me around to reality. I could hear David arguing downstairs with Neil. "Doctor MacNeil, I assure you this was an accident. How was I to know this would happen." "Man can’t you see what your hot head has done? you must get some self control. Think of how much worse this could have been. I have done all that I can do for her. She was asking for you." I couldn’t see Davids face but I knew he was pleading. " And no, it will not be a permanent scar. Do control yourself though." I could hear him taking the steps two at a time. Neil had promised to hold him off longer. How could I face him. After 3 years of recovery my voice was still weak. Gone were my days of a million words. Thankfully the reprieve had caused me to spend more time reading and listening. David had stood by me through it all. He was so kind, loving and patient. And now this! I took one last look at my eye in the mirror and turned at the sound of the door knob turning. "Oh Ruby Mae, I am so sorry. I shouldn’t have lost my temper. Can you ever forgive me? I promise to be more carefull when playing ball. I promise to never throw the bat wildly. Here," He said thrusting the shard remains of his treasured bat. " I offer this to you, my burnt sacrifice for the pain I have caused." Knocking aside the scraps I reached out for his hands, oh Lordy David, I will always forgive you!" The End