Title: Sunrise Dreams Author: Jessica K. All right here is my stab at a fanfic. Remember I don't claim to be an exquisite writer. As usual this story isn't my brainwork but that of Catherine Marshal. My fanfic follows the book not the television show. It's been two months since Christy was sick. Her and Neil are not 'together,' they are still like always. Christy remembers that Neil said "I love you," but it's murky more like from a dream then reality, and Neil hasn't mentioned it either. (My title has nothing to do with the story but it sounds nice.) Here it goes…. _______________________________________________________ Sunrise Dreams 1 Christy crawled out of bed and slipped out the mission's front door quietly. The morning air was crisp with the scent of a new promise. Her bare feet squished on the dewy ground. "I will never understand how these people go barefoot everywhere.."She wondered to herself out loud. Steering herself to one of Fairlight's old secret places she noticed the new leaves budding out from every tree and bush. Spring had always been her favorite season. It was a time that reminded her that everything could always have a fresh start no matter what. Climbing up the pebble hill her thoughts drifted to Fairlight. Fairlight; the first woman from Cutter Gap to befriend her, the one who meant so much to her. Christy missed her dearly and this spot was sacred to her memory. Looking out across the vast horizon Christy was mesmerized by it's enormity. "This is a favorite spot of mine, I didn't know thee shared it." Miss Alice emerged from once dense woods. "Miss Alice, I didn't know I would find you here." Christy cast her gaze back out at the land, "I never grow tired of it. This land amazes me everyday. How can something so beautiful and awe inspiring at the same time be so horrible and deadly." "Christy, look at that sunrise. I have seen it rise and set everyday here for many years now. Yet still this one is different, they are always different. I believe God likes it to be that way. Sometimes the sky is cloudy in the morning, but I can always see that sun's light poking through, even if I can't see the sun." Sunshine dripped through the valley and soaking it. It touched every rotting log and every mossy rock. Christy held her hands out to let the sun's power warm her. "How I do enjoy thee." Miss Alice continued. "I do believe I will always remember thee this way. Hands stretched out ready to receive anything: joy, challenge, or hardship." "That sounds much more like you then me Miss Alice. I fear sometimes I try to give challenges and hardships back. It is you that takes them on fearlessly." Alice laughed at the comment. "You always pull through though. Once you have thought about it, you can conquer anything." Alice reassured her. "Now let us see if you can conquer this day of school!" "I should go. The children will be arriving soon." Christy left Alice shimmering in a sprinkle of sunshine. ********************************** "Okay boys and girls, go home, but make sure to study those papers tonight! I will test everyone on them tomorrow." Christy smiled at her class as the filed out and headed off in every imaginable direction for home. "Miz Christy?" Little Burl was at her side, his hair ever to be mangled, and his face ever to be dirty. "Yes Little Burl?" "My mom's been a wanting to do some talkin' with you. She asked if I wuld ask you to come on by today and give her un Howdy." "Little Burl tell you mom I'll be by later today." He bobbed his head in agreement. Standing alone in the room she realized how hot she was. She was sweating just standing there. "I need to get to the mission and lay down for a while." She reassured herself. Following Little Burl's steps she began to make her way for the mission, but she felt lightheaded. "Little Burl!" Christy called out, but she was only standing long enough to see him turn around. The same sun that had warmed her this morning was now pouring out its wrath on her body. ************************** "I dunno Doctor. She was a standing there and then she just right fell over. I checked her but she was down right sleeping." Little Burl hovered momentarily over Neil's wide shoulders before he headed home. "Common lass, wake up!" The Doctor talked to her in a lighthearted, singsongy voice. Christy's eyes flickered. "What?" She began but Neil put a finger to her lips to silence her. Placing his strong arm about her shoulders he pulled her up so she was sitting next to him. "It's a good thing I was headed for the mission when Little Burl found me. You've only been out a couple minutes Christy." Neil spoke softly as if to comfort a scared child. "Christy are you okay, what happened?" the sound of David's voice made Christy look up. She squinted into the light only to see his tall outline against the sun. Christy felt weak again and leaned against Neil. She breathed him in. He smelled like a mingling of woodchips, sweat, and the brown soap that he always ordered from El Pano. Christy gave a light chuckle as she recalled the time she had seen him bathing in the river. "Christy. You aren't as strong as you think you are." Neil began. "Neil I hardly believe that my strength has anything to do with this." Christy grew hot, how could he say she wasn't strong. Oh he still irritated her so sometimes, but then other times… "You have spunk, but not strength. You fainted because you push yourself too hard. You almost died two months ago lass, and you aren't fully recovered." "But everyone else who had it is back to working. I don't understand why it's different with me?" "But it is. These people grew up being use to hardship, life taught them strength. You are just learning, but you cannot make yourself work so hard. You'll run yourself ragged. I don't want you fainting anymore." He spoke authoritatively. "Neil I can't just stop doing things. My work can't just stop because you think I'm a weakling, which I'm not! If I push myself enough I'll just.." "Christy you aren't listening to me! Who knows when or where you'll faint next. This time you were lucky, what if you faint in a river next time?" "Oh no! Whom will you be left for you to argue with then?" She chided. "You are such a stubborn girl Christy Huddelson! But I wouldn't have it any other way." Neil lifted Christy up and began the walk to the mission with her securely pressed close to his chest. David lagged at a distance, his presence seemingly forgotten by the other two. Sunrise Dreams 2 David stood in front of the Mission leaning against the chipping paint of a windowpane. He watched Christy who was a distance away gathering flowers in the open field beyond the quaint schoolhouse. She was wearing her deep blue skirt, the one that danced about her ankles when she walked. David loved her in blue it made her eyes so bright and vibrant. He sighed heavily as thoughts skipped threw his mind. Why couldn't he make her love him? And why couldn't he stop loving her? Many months ago he had asked her a simple question, "will you marry me." Her answer had not been so simple. In fact he still didn't quite understand it all. She hadn't said no, just that she had to think. Months had passed and he took that as an answer. Now she seemed so enthralled with the doctor. 'How could she be?' He wondered. 'He can't love her like I do!' His thoughts were stopped by Christy's calling. "David! Oh David come here." She was excited about something, like the children on Christmas Eve back in the cities. Of course the children here don't get like that, there are no gifts at Christmas, but they seemed to have something more, David recalled, something better. They had family, love, and strength. Upon reaching her he saw what had delighted her so. A fawn stood not ten feet away munching on the velvety purple flowers that Christy had recently been picking. "Oh David isn't she precious!" Christy spoke at a whisper as not to frighten the baby deer. "It probably won't live long. These people will just shoot it without a thought. They can't appreciate beauty like this, like we can." David spoke looking at Christy and not the deer, what he had said was more with a secret jab to the doctor then anything. "David how can you say that?" Christy was stern and enraged. She had had many discussions with him. They had been at odds many times over their views on the people of Cutter Gap. David had often been discouraged and had said things he didn't mean, but any time he spoke against the people Christy couldn't take it. "Granted yes this fawn probably wont live a long life, but to what avail? Would you rather these people starve? I don't understand you David. Why are you here if you don't think that they can change; that you can make a difference? You are so confusing." Christy turned and walked off towards the schoolhouse leaving David alone with the silence of the meadow. "I believe you are the one that's so confusing." David whispered after her. He plunked down onto the hard earth causing the fawn to scare and run off. He sat with his elbows on his knees and face in his hands. Why did he always mess things up? He remembered the time when she had come to his bunkhouse, and he had made a snide comment about her always being alone with Neil in his house. She had left then too. What made her so deeply attached to this land? Sure David liked it here, and the people were good as any, but he didn't want to stay here forever. He wanted to do good in Cutter's Gap but leave afterwards. It was an assignment, not a home. ****************************** "Alice?" David knocked on her door. She opened the door and smiled at him good-naturedly. Without a word he filed into her house and took a seat on the comfy chair. It was soft and welcoming, the stuffing enveloped him encouraging relaxation. "What can I thank this visit for?" Alice began. "I need advice. Well actually I feel really weird with what I'm going to tell you." He stuttered, a little self-conscience of himself. "Go on, thee must have a good reason to ask." "Alice simply put, I like Christy, love Christy. I asked her to marry me earlier but that didn't work out." He winced a little but continued, "She drives me crazy, but in a good way I mean. Maybe I was sent here to meet her. I've got to make her love me Alice. I know she likes the doctor but I have to change that. How can I change that?" He was desperate, and tense in the once comforting chair. His eyes were searching, begging. "I think you have a couple things wrong there. But first let me ask you this. Does Christy love thee?" "I don't know. Sometimes I'm sure that she does, other times I'm not sure." Alice nodded and then began. "David thee was not sent here to meet a girl, thee was sent here to serve God and the people here of Cutter's Gap. That is Christy's reason to be here too. Also you cannot make her love you. There is no wooing Christy, and if you know her well then you would realize that she is strong willed and is going to make up her own mind. She will not be made to do anything." Alice spoke gently but with the force of a concerned mother. "And about Neil, I do not know. But you must let Christy decide, not you, no matter how much you like her David." "But Neil's not right for her Alice." "And you are David? Who are you to make that call? When did thee become the chief of choices?" She saw his hurt, his agony and began once more, "David I do not say this to discourage you. This will all work out in time and that is the best advice I can give. Patience David. Continue serving these people for that is thee's mission here David, not to find love, but to serve Love." David left Alice's house and pondered her advice as he headed for his bunkhouse to work on next Sunday's sermon. ************************************ Part 3 Christy strolled down the muddy path leading to the doctor's cabin, she wondered if her reason from coming was foolish. What if he was gone? It was always so hard to catch him. Neil's cabin loomed before her. The surroundings consumed her. She smiled at the roughness of this place; you could tell a woman's hand had not touched this land in a long time. Weeds grew up attacking the sides of his cabin, and there was no garden to speak of. She listened as the little river gossiped quietly behind her. Delicately placing her tiny feet upon his steps she move to the front door. It stood a jar, probably to let the cool breeze into the cabin. She proceeded into the house, and walked straight to the mantel and examined the clock with the inscription on it. "Thought you would just stand out there all day!" came a hearty voice to her left. She gave a jump, but turned now aware of his presence. Neil sat by the window in his spindly backed chair sipping from a shiny tin mug. "Have you been watching me out there?" Christy raised her eyebrows. "Seems so." His eyes danced with a hidden secret. "So Miss Huddleson what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?" Christy blushed, feeling hot under his gaze and also feeling sheepish for her reason. Neil noticed it and his smiled widened. "I embarrass you Miss Huddleson? Go on, go on. You usually don't stop by to just hear me talk." His voice, so rustic, how she adored that accent. "It's kind of foolish now that I think about it. Maybe it's best I go." Christy turned towards the doorway but Neil grabbed her arm; stopping her in her tracks. He pulled her towards him, her slender elbows cupped in his hands. "Christy don't go." It was a gentle whisper. She could feel his breath on her cheek as she rested her hands on his chest. "I wanted to give you a haircut, that's all. See? I feel stupid now. I mean that's your business not mine." She cast her gaze to the floor. Neil tried to suppress a grin as he lifted her chin up with his fingers to look into her eyes once more. "Not foolish at all lass. Who do you suggest cut my hair?" Christy beamed with newfound excitement. Months ago she had rode behind him on a horse. She had studied his hair and noticed how lengthy it was; from then on she had promised herself someday she would suggest the idea to him. She had felt that she had not known him well enough before, but now was different, for some reason it was much different. "Oh Neil!" She began. Braking away from his grasp she began pacing. "I could! I use to cut my brother George's hair! Oh it's not hard at all! I was petty good at it." "Let's start then!" Neil gave a mischievous grin, and Christy shot one right back. *************************************************** David sat in his bunkhouse wadding up a piece of paper. He tossed it onto a forming mountain of discarded paper. He couldn't find the right things to say. Why was this so hard for him? Sermons use to be easy, he could whip one out in a day, then have the rest of the week to fix stuff around the cove. Placing his elbow onto the table he rested his forehead in his hand. "Think! Think." He shouted into the silence of the room. Nothing came to him. It's not that he had taught these people all that they needed to know, far from that. And it wasn't that he couldn't think of a topic, there was a plethora to choose from. He had learned it all…everything he needed to know in seminary. They had prepared him for preaching, had filled his brain with ideas but they had forgotten one thing. They told him what to tell people, how to reassure them, but no one had been there to answer his questions, to encourage him, and to reassure him of things. Now when he needed those foundations they were gone like a sandcastle after the tide comes in. How could he teach a people what he didn't know? Granted yes he was a Christian, he had all the facts, had memorized the scripture…but had he applied it? David threw his notebook, aggravated at himself for his doubts. He strolled outside and sipped in the spring air. Nothing felt right anymore, why was he tormented so? How could he expect a people to follow him, his light, if he couldn't see it himself? Part 4 "Mounty!" Swany called into the yard where her children were playing. The O'teal's lived under the worst conditions. Even after all the improvements that the mission had tried to make for these people, they were stubborn and would not change the old ways that had suited their forefathers in past years. Squalor oppressed the O'teal's land and home, the stench reached fifty feet up the path. It wasn't there fault, nothing could be done to help it, they were still good people. "Yes mama?" Mounty called back from where her brother was chasing her. Mounty; so small and innocent. Her big puppy dog eyes which always looked sad and searching, and her tiny feet that were almost always bare, and if not bare were adorned with shoes too big for her; probably hand-me-downs from her older siblings. She was such a scared child and no one knew why, maybe because of her brother Wilmer. But she had learned to speak, love had taught her to speak, but still her words were few and carefully chosen. "I've been a wanting to speak with Miz Christy about some of my quiltin'. I remembers when Fairlight was still livin' that Miz Christy done right sold her quilt. I've been wantin' to see if she could do the same for me." Swany told her daughter careful to put in every detail. "So willin you talk with Miz Christy?" "Yes mama." Mounty's voice was soft, her words the same as before. A twinge of excitement ran up Mounty's back. Teacher was her hero, Mounty wanted to be just like Christy in everyway. Teacher was beautiful, but that didn't stop her from loving Mounty's people. ****************************************************** Christy examined Neil's hair, it had grown quite long from when Christy had first seen him. It was so wild and unkempt. A thought crossed her mind, what if I mess it up? "Well it'll need to be wet." Neil began. "Doctor.." She started but was interrupted by him. "Christy always call me Neil, I'm not your doctor right now." "Neil, are you sure about it, I mean what if I really wreak your hair?" Neil gave his hearty joking smile. "Well then I'll have to wear a hat for a long time, wont I?" Christy shook her head, he joked her so much. Was it so hard for him to be serious about anything? But she stopped herself, he could be serious, very serious. He was the one who had challenged her to grow stronger, this man before her had taught her more about God then any clergy in her whole life. Christy searched for a pitcher amongst all the things in Neil's cupboards. You would think a doctor would be very organized, but he certainly wasn't, at least not with things that didn't have to do with his job. "What are you trifling about in that cabinet for?" Neil was inquisitive, close behind her. "Where do you keep you pitcher?" "Pitcher? I have a bucket, no pitcher lass. My last one broke a while ago and I never bothered getting another one. We could just go outside, there is a river in my front yard, right?" "Oh, yes. That'll work to." Christy began. "Well you go in there then, get your hair wet, and I'll bring out a chair." "Common Miss Huddleston, it's a fine day for a swim." As much as Christy wanted to, she thought it might be a little improper if someone found just her and the doctor swimming together. She shook her head for an answer. "Suit yourself then." He shrugged and started out the door. After persuading Neil to come out of the river she finally got him to stop squirming and sit in the chair. "Neil, your acting like a little kid." She laughed feeling his hair to see where exactly she would cut it. In no way did she want it short, his hair was great, and suit him so well, it just needed a trim. "How can you sit still on a day like this!" Neil exclaimed as she began snipping. "It's gorgeous out! Look at that sky, I bet you don't see sky's like that in the city!" "No we don't, the factory's smoke blocks that." "That's such a shame. I missed all this when I left. You know I wasn't going to come back? How foolish of me! I belong here." "I think I do to." Christy added quietly. "You know I feel closer to God here, in the beauty of his creation. Does that sound foolish to you?" "No, I feel closer to God here too. In fact it was the beauty of this land, well among other things, that made me think about God more." Christy felt a little excited, Neil had told her that he had decided to follow God, but there had been no more talk of it. "I still cannot understand some of it, about God, but we aren't suppose to are we? That's why it's hard for me I guess, science explains everything and God asked for my trust. You know Christy every time I've given away my trust it's ended up hurting me." "Neil, I'm so glad you're talking about all this, maybe you should talk to David." She placed her hand on his shoulder. "No, I wanted to talk to you. You know sometimes I go out to this one place on the ridge at sunrise and, well talk to God, I guess you would call it praying, but I see it more as a conversation." He stopped suddenly, took a breath, changed his tone and began again, "Are you done yet lass? I don't know if I can sit still much longer!" "Yes you're done! Turn now, let me see you!" He turned and she smiled, he looked just like he had when she had first seen him that fateful day she had walked here with Ben. "Oh it looks good, Neil go look!" "No I trust you. I'm sure it looks good." "Gosh, well I should probably head back to the mission." "Yes, you probably should." ******************************************************* Mounty headed up the path towards Doc MacNeil's house, that's where Alice had told her she might find Christy. Mounty was in a bit of a hurry, she wanted to get home before supper so she could go to the river with her siblings to catch frogs. Mounty reached Doctor Neil's house just as Christy was leaving. "Well hello Mounty! What brings you here? No one's sick are they?" Neil stood to greet her. "No, mama wants teacher." Mounty looked towards Christy. Christy reached for Mounty's hand a gave it a quick squeeze. "I was just leaving Doctor MacNeil's, Mounty, so I'll go to your house now with you. Good-bye Doctor." "Good-bye Mounty. Bye teacher!" He gave a laugh at himself. If she was always to call him doctor he might as well call her teacher. ******************************************************* Alice kneeled on her porch. For some reason she felt an overwhelming need to pray. She asked the Lord to be with Christy and the children of the Gap. She asked for guidance with David, and growth with Neil. She didn't know what else to say so she remained quiet in prayer, listening for something her Father must want to tell her. Part : 5 Summary : Christy "trimmed" Neil's locks during so they talked about Neil's Christian growth. Swany has sent Mounty to get Christy; Mounty found her and they are on their way to the O'teal's. Meanwhile Alice feels something impending her, so without knowing what to say she prays. (we could all learn from her!) -Disclaimer : The story and characters of "Christy" were written by Catherine Marshal and are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way am I seeking profit for this, it is only for the amusement of the Christy list. _______________________________________________________ Mounty clench Christy's warm, soft hand with her tiny fingers. Christ chatted away about her old home, the Magnolia tree, and her brother George. Mounty shook her head without speaking, all she wanted was to here Christy speak, and she adored and looked up to her teacher so much. Christy looked down at silent Mounty. She caught the child's nervous gaze. It was adorable. Mounty had changed so much since Christy had first come. This once shy, solemn child now smiled, spoke and laughed. Her thoughts were interrupted by a smell tugging on her nose. The smell was unmistakable, the smell of the O'teal cabin. Christy chided herself for the petty thoughts that still loomed in her brain about the stench. Mounty tugged on Christy's hand, "Teacher can you tell my mama I'll be a down at the rivers with the others." It was just a whisper that Christy had to strain to her. Christy shook her head to answer as Mounty scurried down between trees where only the feet of children could run. "Hello! Swany!" Christy had grown accustom to calling out before approaching these cabins, these people still wielded rifles and were ready to shoot anything that might threaten their families. "Oh, Miz Christy I'm a yonder up this way!" Swany said from the left side of the cabin where she was presently soaking some blankets. Pulling her apron up she used it to dry her hands. "Hello Swany, Mounty told me you wanted to talk with me. Mounty went down by the river with the other kids." "Them youngins be trying to catch some frog creatures. But I've been a wantin you to look at my quilts. I's remember that you been wantin to sell 'em to some of the city folk you know. Now I don't sew as good as the rest of them women folk, but I want you to take a look." Swany rustled through a pile and pulled out a green quilt. Christy felt the quilt, it was beautiful. No one in the city could have even sewn this well. On the quilt Swany had sewn a meadow, much like all of the meadows in front of the mission. The intricate details of it amazed her. The colors for the flowers on the quilt were probably made out of those same flowers. "Swany this is stunning. My friends back home would love this, oh Swany how long did it take to make this, you all must teach me to sew like this!" "Oh! Miz Christy I could give you some tips on quilten, oh I could." Swany clasped her hands in excitement, she could teach this city woman something that she didn't know. "MAMA!" A frantic voice came from behind them. Both women spun around because of the urgency in the voice. Becky ran to them, out of breath. "Mama, it's Mounty!" She shrieked. "Mounty's hurt real bad. She was aft'r a frog and just right fell down, mama she cracked her head on 'un rock." She turned to Miss Christy, "Her blood is a comin' out Mix Christy." Christy had heard enough she took off; not waiting for the others. Her feet carried her swiftly down the narrow path. It was slippery from light showers they've been having lately. Christy banged her foot on a tree stump, but she kept running, she had to get to Mounty. Mounty meant so much to her. Suddenly Christy lost her footing, she toppled onto the ground, scrapping up her arms and knees. Mud covered her, but she pulled her aching body up and pushed on. "Mounty!!" She yelled. Finally she reached the river, with one less shoe then she stared with, covered in wet dirt, and bleeding from cuts on her knees and elbows. Mounty lay on the shore, her little feet still in the cool river. Her siblings surrounded her small body. "Oh Mounty!" Christy moved to her side, and drew in breath out of horror. Mounty was in pain, her eyes tightly closed. There was blood everywhere, she had obviously done some damage to her head, but Christy couldn't see the cut. "Mounty you are going to be fine." "My baby!" Swany howled when she saw her child. Becky and Swany had finally made it there. Swany move to the side of Mounty that Christy didn't occupy and scooped up her child in her arms. Swany sobbed and heaved, she could speak. "Becky you must run and get Doctor MacNeil. You have to run fast and tell him it's an emergency!" Becky took off, Neil's cabin wasn't that far, and Neil would take Charlie, they would be here in no time. "Mounty, Doctor MacNeil will be here soon." Christy grabbed hold of Mounty's tiny hand. ******************************** "Let me through, let me through!" Neil commanded. The children moved back into the forming shadows of evening. Swany and Christy stayed Near to Mounty, Neil tried to work around them. "What happened?" Neil asked. He checked her vital signs and gently rolled her to her side to examine the wound. "The youngins were catching frogs, Becky says she hit her head on a rock." Neil nodded but didn't look up from his work. His eyes were studying, tense, and squinted. He didn't say anything for a moment. Then he turned to Christy. "I think I need to talk to you quickly." He was very serious. She nodded and followed him into the wood a ways. "What do you need to do?" Christy asked. "Nothing Christy, I can't do anything myself." He was aggravated, not with Christy but himself and his lack of knowledge. "That's just it, I can not do anything for the child. She's going to die Christy." Christy looked up at him, but she couldn't believe his words. "I don't believe it." She turned swiftly back, kneeling on the ground next to Mounty. She clasped her hand and squeezed it tightly. Mounty couldn't die. Mounty's eyes fluttered, she opened them half way. Her bright eyes were dim. "Teacher?" It was only a breath. "Yes Mounty. Mounty I'm here." Christy leaned close and kissed her forehead. "I caught the frog teacher." "I'm sure you did." Christy chocked back her tears, Mounty couldn't see her worried. "Teacher, teacher I love you." Christy shook her head, she didn't trust herself speaking. 'I know' Christy mouthed but nothing came out. Mounty smiled and closed her eyes. Christy bit her quivering lip. Mounty's tiny hand fell limp in Christy's hand. Christy laid her head upon Mounty's stomach. Swany jumped up shrieking. "I have to go tell my man!" She sobbed and ran back towards her house. "Christy," Neil pulled on Christy's shoulders, "Christy she's gone." *********************************** Miss Alice still sat on her porch, where she had spent most of the day. It's not that she didn't have things to do, but the need to pray still had not subsided. Part : 6 -Summary : Mounty died, but Christy cannot accept it -Disclaimer : The story and characters of "Christy" were written by Catherine Marshal and are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way am I seeking profit for this, it is only for the amusement of the Christy list. _______________________________________________________ Christy clung desperately to Mountie's cold body. The O'teal's had headed home to grieve, Mr. O'teal was on his way to pick up the lifeless body. Christy had stayed in the same position, lying on Mountie's stomach, not wanting to accept the truth, Mountie couldn't be dead. Mountie had grown/changed so much since Christy's arrival, but Christy still had so much to teach her, so much to tell her. Christy's tears made wet marks on Mountie, she though of things she could have said, should have said while the girl was still alive, and maybe just maybe she was. Neil stood behind her utterly crushed by the seine before him. "Christy," he tugged lightly on her shoulders once more. She yanked herself away. Neil dropped to his knees beside her. Clutching her right arm "Lass you're bleeding?" he examined her elbows. "What happened to you Christy?" She glanced down at herself for a moment. In the rush of the event she had forgotten the state of herself. Now Christy felt the throbbing of her foot, saw the loss of her shoe, the cuts on her body and that she was covered almost completely in now caked on mud. "Christy let me check you, it's not good that there is dirt in you cuts." Neil was concerned, his voice ached with the severity of everything that had happened. "No Neil, help Mountie." She shoved him away and turned back to Mountie. "Christy!" Neil grabbed her wrists and shook her. "Mountie is dead! I cannot do anything for the girl. Christy I tried." His voice was quieter at the end he was desperate. Christy wasn't normally like this, she was always the calm in the storm, not the storm. "Why did she have to die." Christy moaned, then looking directly into his eyes, "Neil why did she have to die?" Christy's voice cracked. She shook her head and let the tears come out, let them flood forward. Mr. O'teal came without a word and scooped up his dead daughter in his arms. He grimly nodded at Neil and Christy without a word then turned and left. Christy and Neil sat silently for a moment watching Mr. O'teal disappear. "Christy let me look at you." Neil began. "Shouldn't you be with the family?" Christy shot at him. "No, lass I'm worried about you." Neil was still holding her arms, Christy was exhausted, and she now realized that Neil had been right. She was not as strong as she thought that she was. The typhoid had taken a toll on her and she still was paying it. Half conscienceless she fell into his embrace, needing comfort. Her shoulders heaved with every loud sobs, soaking the shoulder of his shirt with salty tears. "Neil.." She whispered, but he shushed her. "Don't say anything lass, no need to say anything." She thought about what he had just said, 'no need to say anything.' That described her relationship with Neil completely. He pulled her closer to himself, as if to protect her with his body. How he would have done anything to make her feel better, to she a glimmer of a smile. "Now lass, everything will work out, you'll see." He slowly stroked her hair twice to console her. "Neil, I really loved her. It's not fair that she had to die, she had changed so much, she was getting better you know. More outgoing. Neil she talked for me. Now all I can think of are things I could and should have said to her. I've been a horrible teacher. I could have shown her I cared so much more, I could have reached out to her more, I could have, and I could have…" Christy began to cry again. "Christy you cannot be so hard on yourself. You are a wonderful teacher, and a gift from God to these children, and me." Christy made no reply, but tightened her grip on his shirt. She felt safe with him, nothing could harm her while he was near. Without a word he scooped her up and began to carry her. "It's time for you to be getting to the mission." He finally said. "You aren't going to carry me all the way there are you?" It was only a murmur in his ear as she laid her head upon his broad shoulder. "No lass." He laughed. "I'll only carry you to Charlie, then he can carry the both of us, I'm bushed too." Christy hadn't even thought that he might be exhausted too. "Neil, I'm sorry, I'm…" He shushed her again, and told her to rest, and she did until they reached Charlie. He set her onto the ground and hurdled onto his steed. Extending his arm he lifted Christy onto the horse, she was weary and snuggled up behind him resting her dizzy head on his back. ********************************** "I don't know where she could be! Alice are you sure you don't know where she is?" David paced in font of the mission. It was not the first time David was worried about Christy not returning. More then once he had rushed out to search the mountain for her, worried weather she was lying hurt somewhere. He had always played the fool though, Christy had almost always been fine when he caught up with her. "I do not know where Miss Huddleston is. Maybe thee should go and look for her. I will wait her, I will admit that I am worried. No one has heard from her all day." Miss Alice wrung her hat in her hands with worry. David nodded and took off towards the shed that Prince called home, with in moments he was off at a gallop down the path that lead to the heart of the cove. Miss Alice looked at the dim moonlight painting stripes in the sky. Did her urgent need to pray today have something to do with Christy? "Lord please let her be safe, I cannot lose another daughter." She yelled into the air overwhelmed with feelings. ********************************* Neil's back stiffened as the beating of hooves came towards them on the path. With the moonshine business in these mountains it wasn't safe to be wandering around at night. "Christy!" A quivering voice called from the back of the pounding hooves. "David, is that you?" Neil called. The hooves moved quickly closer. The rider wasn't visible until he stepped into a shower of moonlight dripping down through the canopy of trees. It was David, his face clinched with fret. "Neil, have you seen Christy." David was frantic. "Don't worry David." Neil turned his horse so that David could see Christy seated safely behind him, "I think the lass is sleeping. She's exhausted." David's anger began to grow, he was about to make a comment when the doctor continued, "Mountie is dead David, Christy is taking it harder then I expected. I'm worried about her." David came closer and looked at the sleeping girl hanging onto Neil. "What happened to her? She looks horrible." David saw the dirt and blood, and the absence of a shoe. "Oh, I don't think so," the doctor smiled. "Christy is stunning to me no matter how the lass looks, don't you agree Mr. Grantland." David opened his mouth to speak but didn't. "David, could you run ahead to the mission and have Alice draw a hot bath, she'll probably need some food too. I know I will." David nodded and took off his horse flinging dirt up behind him. Part : 7 -Summary : Christy is devastated after Mountie's death, which leads her into Neil's arms, David goes out to search for Christ but finds her safe of the way to the mission with Neil. ___________________________________________________ Christy lay, hot bubbles swirling about her. The bath was enjoyable, and she let the steaming water relax her aching body. The sky was beautiful, clear, the star's beams creating spotlights in the shadows of the night. Crickets sang to her as she fought sleep. Miss Alice would stop right outside the curtains that formed the makeshift outside washroom. She would stand there for a moment, Christy would intently watch her outline for a moment, to tired to speak much. "Christy?" Alice's sleepy vice would call to her. "Are thee still awake?" "Umhm." Christy would murmur. "I just wanted to make sure thee didn't fall to sleep in that water." Alice laughed, but wasn't lighthearted. "Are thee almost done?" "Yes, I'm trying to get myself out of here." Christy wearily answered. "Does thee need help?" "No." Christy answered. Alice stood outside the curtain in silence for another moment before going back into the mission. Closing her eyes Christy rested her head uncomfortably on the edge of the metal basin. So much had happened that day. Christy would never again see Mountie's face, or hear her little voice. She opened her eyes again, startled by a boisterous deep laugh danced in the air. It was Neil of course, he was inside the mission but was audible outside. ***************************** Christy stumbled into the mission, hair dripping, but clean and feeling a little refreshed. Neil and David both turned, smelling her lilac perfume before ever hearing her. Both men rose at the same time. David stood unmoved, but Neil walk to where she stood a little disoriented. "Ya look a wee bit lost Christy." He slipped his arm around her shoulders to steady her and brought her to the room where Alice and David had seated themselves again. "I'm going to need to check you Christy, those cuts on you don't look good." "There just a couple scrapes Neil, I'll be fine." Christy looked to Miss Alice. "How did you get like that?" David spoke up. "I fell on the path that's all." Christy couldn't understand why they were all so concerned, she had fallen down all the time when she was little and no one had made a fuss, so why now. It frustrated her that they all treated her still like a delicate flower. It struck her that she still had not been fully accepted into this culture. She had truly though that she was months ago, but now it was different. They still wanted to treat her like a city girl who didn't know what was going on. "Christy I do think that thee should allow Doctor MacNeil to examine those cuts." Christy wouldn't argue with Miss Alice, with out a word she submitted her arm to Neil. He looked at them carefully, then looked up at her. "Christy I'm going to put some hydrogen peroxide on them, it's going to sting a wee bit." Reaching into his doctor's bag he pulled out a brown bottle. Christy grabbed Neil's left hand and squeezed it hard clinching her teeth as he poured the liquid into her cuts. "You have yourself a fine grip there." He smiled up at her from where he kneeled beside her. "You have cuts on your legs too don't you?" Christy looked unsure, a little embarrassed at the prospect of showing Neil her legs all the way up to her knees. Reading her mind Neil reassured her, "Christy, I help women give birth, I've seen legs before, now your preacher here hasn't though." "That's my queue," He pulled himself onto his feet. "I'm heading to my bunkhouse." Turning Christy he gave a swooping bow, "Sleep tight Christy, I'll talk with you in the morning." Then he was gone. Neil turned back to her and administered the peroxide to her torn legs. "Miss Huddleston I will be off to bed as well." Alice started. "You need your sleep, do you need help up to bed." Christy nodded, but before Alice could move closer Neil picked Christy up. "I've got her Alice, you need your sleep as well." Alice gave a sleepy smile then turned to leave. Neil scaled the stairs and placed Christy gentling into the security of her bed. He pulled the sheets up to her chin then leaned close and kissed her forehead. She smiled and closed her eyes as Neil put his hand on the door to leave. "Neil?" Her eyelids came open, he came back and sat on the edge of the bed. It was silent in the room for a while. She seemed to need him there, feel better if he was there. Of course she told herself it was only because he was her closest friend. She felt comfortable with him. "Neil," He turned his head sideways to meet her eyes. "Yes lass?" His voice was tender but his rouge was thick. "Why does everyone around me seem to die?" Her voice soft, and shacking. The color in his face faded. "What are ye talking about lass? That's crazy talk." He had turned so he was facing her. Christy raised herself, and leaned against the bedposts. "Fairlight died and she was my best friend. Lundy died under my care, I found the candy Neil, and I had known he had eaten some! And now Mountie." Her lips trembled. "Christy no." He didn't know what to say. He placed his hands on her shoulders, "None of those death's have to do with ya lass. Did you give Fairlight and Lundy typhoid? Did you push Mountie down in the river? Christy death is a big part of life in these mountains. You cannot blame yourself, it'll do no good." "It's not fair, that they're all dieing. Fairlight had children to watch grow up, and Mountie had a life ahead of her." Christy continued. "Christy they are somewhere far better, and far more beautiful then these here mountains." He whispered, unable to see her face in the dark of the room. Christy pulled up her knees and laid her head upon it. This man who she had always tried to give direction to was teaching her. Once again she found herself amazed by the way God worked. She wouldn't have guessed a year ago that those words would have left the mouth of Neil MacNeil. "Christy are you okay lass?" He said after the pause. "Yes." Neil rose to his feet and move toward the door again, "Thank you." She whispered. "You bet." Neil closed the door and pattered down the stairs and out of the mission. Christy curled up in her bed and quickly sleep overcame her thoughts. ********************************** Yards away from the mission David paced back and forth in his bunkhouse. He spoke out loud trying to find just the right words to say. Part : 8 -Summary : After a hot bath and her wounds attended too Christy feels much better. She talks with Neil about some doubts she is having, but her reassures her. David is planning something. _______________________________________________________ Neil pushed open his heavy wooden door unable to sleep. His thoughts and his need for sleep waging war, and it seemed that his thought were winning. Stepping out into the dawn Neil began to walk, but to no place in particular. The exploding sunrise looked as if someone had taken a paintbrush and wiped hues of pink and orange across the early morning sky. His feet lead him down a path as if on some mission known by them but not to the owner of those feet. ******************************************************* David sat motionless in a chair his eyes fixed on something unseen in a trance. He had been up all night, rewording things all night. Fatigue was pulling at him, made his legs feel just like one of the younger Cove children were hanging on to them. His head fell forward in momentary sleep, but he pulled it back up, he would not allow himself to sleep, not now, not yet. ******************************************************* Stopping on the path Neil looked around him. He had been here, at the place where Mountie had died, only hours ago, but it looked like a brand new location. The river that Neil had grown up on gurgled happily, budding flowers showed that new life was growing, that life moved on. Squatting down Neil selected a smooth rock about the size of his palm. Standing up he cast it into the lively little river that had tried for so many years to carve a great path through the mountains, the rock skipped twice before sinking. Neil thought of it as symbolic, but then shrugged away the thought. It was symbolic for too many things in his life. Choosing a narrower path to follow he set out again, but only a minute down the path he stopped to look onto the ground. There before him covering in muck but still recognizable lay Christy's lost shoe. Scooping it happily up in his hand he wiped off the excess mud. It was blue, he remembered that she had worn this pair of shoes when he had danced with her at Ruby May's wedding. How wonderful was that memory, he thought of it often. Trudging back towards the river he thought about the shoe. What should he do with it? He dipped it carefully into the clear river, the dirt making small brown swirls in the water but quickly vanishing downstream. The shoes produced their bright sky blue once again. A color that could only be described as Cutter's Gap morning. The color belonged to Cutter's Gap just as Christy did, and the shoe belonged to Christy just as Cutter's Gap now belonged to her. With newly found energy Neil bounded quickly back to his cabin whistling a tune that he only sang when his mind slipped to thoughts of Christy. ******************************************************* Alice knocked none too quietly on Christy's door before proceeding in. She walked straight to the balcony and flung open the doors letting sunshine illumination the dark room. Christy moved in her bed, moaning as she covered her blinded eyes with a slightly bruised arm. "How are thee this morning?" Miss Alice spoke excitedly from the side of Christy's bed. Finally un-sheilding her eyes Christy smiled looking at Alice. She stood radiant in the newborn light of morning. Just as Christy had always pictured as an angel looked. The strains of hair that fell from Miss Alice's neat bun glowed like a halo. Alice stood smiling, her hands clasped together. "Tired." Was all Christy answered. "As thou should be. I know that I should have let you sleep the day away, everyone knows that you need it. The doctor would not agree with me waking you, but I wanted to see thee Christy, talk with thee." Christy smiled back at Alice as she slowly raised herself from the bed. She was Miss Alice's daughter, maybe not in blood but in every other way. Miss Alice had probably been up worried about her, just as a mother would do for her child, and now she wanted to be with her child for no reason at all. "Oh no, it is time for me to get up. I would never want to waist a day sleeping. I need to change, but I'll be down in a moment." Miss Alice was beaming as she left the room and quietly closed the door after her. Lifting her brush to her hair Christy thought of all that had happened. She was still shaken up about the whole event. How could she go to Mountie's funeral? She knew that it would crush her, she wouldn't be able to handle it, she would crumble. But if she didn't go, how would that look to these people? She was the teacher who had shared so much of her own life with the child there was no way she could not go. The people in the cove would take the death better, as mad as it made her Neil was right, they were so use to death, and she was not and would never be. How could people be desensitized to death? Gathering up the dress that she had picked to wear Christy stumbled upon a shoe. Picking it up she saw that it was her favorite light blue one. There was a little mud caked to the bottom and crawling up the sides but it was still a delightful shoe. Her father had bought her them only weeks before she had left Ashville. She searched for it's match but suddenly remembered she had lost it last night. Oh last night seemed so far in the past, that's where she wanted it to be. Deciding she would go out and search for the shoe later she headed downstairs to where Miss Alice waited for her. ******************************************************* David rose from his seat, his legs aching from sitting so long. He ran his long, thin fingers through dark tousled hair. Pulling his suspenders up over his shoulder he walked outside; determination set in his brow. Part : 9 -Summary : Neil finds Christy's shoe. Alice wakes Christy up early. David has been up all night planning something, but we don't know what. _______________________________________________________ "U - nited States mail!" Ben's voices sounded a distance from Neil's house. Neil had always been one of the only members to receive a steady flow of mail in the cove, well that us until Christy Huddleston showed up, now she was the big receiver. Ben was always hauling something to her, if not a letter everyday there was a package of some sort, but this very important letter was addressed to a Mr. Neil MacNeil, and as Ben is a postman of incredible dedication it would get there unharmed. "Hello there Ben. Do ye have something for me?" Neil stood in front of his house. "Why I sure do Doc MacNeil. I have here a right important envelope for you." Handing Neil the manila envelope Ben didn't move as if to wait to see the inside of the envelope. "That there's a mighty big envelope, what do you think might be in there? It says important on it even. I'm plum worn out figuring on it." "Do not worry yourself on my behalf Ben." Neil gave a knowing smile. "I wouldn't want to hold you up now, I'm sure you have other things to deliver." Ben 'catching Neil's drift' gave a silent wave and was off. Flipping the envelope over and over in his hands Neil studied it. The name was that of a man he owed his life to. One of the doctor's who had given him a chance at the age of 16, but it was the return address that made him wonder. This doctor lived northeast from Cutter's Gap, the return address came from the west. Surely this man would have informed Neil earlier? Finally overcoming his wondering he ripped open the letter. Reading the words carefully he felt his mouth drop open. Neil sat down on his porch steps, he had to reread it, maybe he was mistaken. But after rereading it over and over again it was still the same. Neil set the letter down next to him and reached into his back pocket where Christ's shoe was tucked. He held the shoe out, cupped in his hands. It was so tiny, how could the owner of this shoe be so strong? Holding the shoe in his left hand and the letter in his right Neil looked back and forth; from shoe to letter, letter to shoe. How was he supposed to choose between the woman he loved and the man he owed his life to? ******************************************************* Christy sat at the breakfast table where she had joined Alice. Ida complained in the kitchen about waking up too late to be eating. "Christy I know that I asked thee this morning but how are you feeling?" Alice's eyes were on Christy and suddenly she felt uncomfortable. Why was Alice treating her so softly again? "I'm fine, a little sore but fine." Christy answered. "Does thee need to talk about anything?" Alice saw Christy shift her weight uneasily in her chair, there was something on Christy's mind. "Well," Christy began, but stopped as David staggered through the door. "Good morning ladies. What a fine day the Lord has created for us, right Miss Huddleston?" David's eyes were sagging, his words were cheerful but it was discounted by everything his body was saying. "David, are thee alright?" "Oh, fine, fine. Perhaps even delightful." Christy and Alice gave each other a quick sideways glance, but by then Ida was in the room with their breakfasts in hand. The room was silent besides the occasional clanging of a fork on a plate. Hot billows of steam poured off of Christy's eggs, she was starving but could not eat. Something didn't feel right, in fact nothing felt right. Without a word Christy stood up, pushed in her chair and walked out the door. The last thing she heard was Ida making a comment about slaving over food and then the ungrateful not eating it. Christy didn't care, something was amiss. She stood next to the little stream. It reminded her of herself sometimes. Always different and yet always the same. It's the same river, but always-new water. She scanned the horizon as she had done so many times to try to gather strength from creation. It came, but she still felt lost. Why was she having these feelings now? ****************************************************** "I'm going after her." David stood up from the table. "David I don't know if that is best. Christy sometimes does better if she has time to herself." Alice warned him, knowing David was not in his best mind either. "Alice you're wrong." David raised his voice a little, "You may not always know what's best for Christy." "And thee does?" "Yes I think that I do." "Such a bold statement David, one I'm not sure that you should make." "I'm going to go out there Alice, and tell her everything. Mark my words she does love me Alice, and she will tell me now or I'm leaving Cutter's Gap!" With that he turned and bolted out the door in the direction where he saw Christy. Alice stood at the end of the table. Her hand out, as if to grasp something that wasn't there. She was solemn for a moment, but then her face crumbled in anguish. ****************************************************** "Christy?" David was a few feet behind her. "Yes David?" Christy turned, her thoughts interrupted. "I know that things have been weird for you lately. I just wanted you to know that I'm here for you Christy and I want to help you just as you have helped me all this time. You have taught me so much, and you were right to reject my first marriage proposal, I wasn't ready and I needed to grow, because of you Christy I have." He tried to remember his rehearsed lines, "I'm here for you Christy," It was only a whisper. He opened his arms and Christy came into them. How she needed a friend right now. Alice was a friend, but she was more of a mentor then a peer. Christy needed a peer. She was so thankful that David had thought to come out to her now, to help her now. "Thank you so much David, you don't know how much I need you." Her cheek was on his chest, his arms tightly around her. She couldn't see his face, but he was smiling, almost smirking with satisfaction. "Christy I knew that you loved me." He said the words and Christy's heart stopped. Was that what this was all about? Christy needed a friend, she thought David was coming to her as a friend, not as another marriage proposal. She pulled away from him. "David not now, please not now." "If not now then when Christy, tell me when. I think now is the perfect time. I love you Christy, and I know that you love me." She looked away. "Does this have to do with Neil?" Christy straightened, why was he bringing Neil into this? "Neil has nothing to do with this!" "Christy, Neil has everything to do with this." "Doctor MacNeil is a good friend who I respect, other then that do not let your imagination carry you away David. I'm surprised by you." As she said the words she tried to shoo away a memory, or was it a dream, 'I love you Christ, God don't let her die…' "Forget him Christy, he isn't right for you. I have so many places to take you, show you." "David I am not leaving the cove anytime soon." Now it was David's turn to straighten himself, he grasped for words, his memorized words running away from him. "Christy Huddleston if you cannot marry me then I might just have to leave this cove." David crossed his arms across his chest. The thought infuriated her, he was trying to manipulate her into marriage. If he did leave it would set the mission work back so far, he meant so much to the people. If she did marry him then what, would that be so bad? "David that's not right." "Neither is your mooning over MacNeil." Christy took off and left, it's a good thing too because she didn't think she could restrain herself from slapping him one moment more. Part : 10 Summary : Neil receives a mysterious letter that is going to force him to make the choice of a lifetime. David tried to persuade Christy to marry him again, his ultimatum was 'marry me or I leave.' Christy stormed off. _______________________________________________________ Christy didn't even stop at the mission, she needed to talk to someone. She thought of Miss Alice, so serious, so wise, but for the first time Christy didn't feel she should go to Alice with this. Alice was David's superior; Christy shouldn't burden her with this. The only other person that came to mind was Neil so she took off in his direction. ****************************************************** Neil closed the top on the tiny wooden chest that had been passed down in his family for generations. He had placed Christy's 'Cutter's Gap morning blue' shoe inside of it. He had not yet decided what to do with it. He knew that he should probably give it back, it belonged to her, but that made him want to keep it even more. To have something that was hers, to look at it when he couldn't gaze upon her. Turning about he heard footsteps on his porch. They were footsteps so soft that they could only belong to one person. "Christy…" He stopped to admire her in his doorway. It was a bright day and sunlight glowed all around her. Her face was flush from obvious running, she was still in the process of catching her breath. Taking a step closer he also saw streaks on her face where tears had ran only moments ago. The confusion in her eyes was unmistakable. Growing concerned for her he continued, "Lass is something wrong?" Sipping in the sweet moist air of spring she stared at him. The cabin he stood in was dark, but sunbeams danced around his firm figure, just as bugs dance around a fire. "I don't know where to start." "Well come'ar lass, sit yourself down. You look as if you've ran here all the way from El Pano." She immediately sat in the offered chair. "Neil; David asked me to marry him again." "And that's a problem?" Neil's back was to her; he spoke unaffected as he filled his pipe. "Yes, why yes there is. I am so confused right now, not only about David, but everything. I really have needed someone to talk to, someone just to listen, to be my friend. David came to me, offered me support than in the middle of it all he wormed back to marriage, it's as if he had it all planned Neil!" Neil smiled at her, she was adorable when angry. He nostrils flared and wrinkles formed on her forehead, he big eyes tried to force the seriousness, oh those eyes aloud her to be read like a book. "Oh Christy do not be so hard on our preacher. I'm sure he means well. Lass he's only frustrating you because he believes that he loves you." Neil pulled a chair a couple feet from where Christy sat. He extended his long legs. "I'm surprised with you Neil, never would I have guessed you would take his side, well not in this matter." "Why not?" Christy was silent for a moment, her mind drifted off to a past dream, 'I love you Christy..' it had seemed so real, she had wished it were real, obviously it wasn't. "I don't know, you and the preacher have always been at odds." "We don't see eye to eye yes, but that really has nothing to do with who he marries, does it Christy?" He seemed to want he to say something, but she remained quiet, "I'm not taking sides, but I do think you should see them all. And about needing a friend to listen to you Christy, you know I'm always here. I hope you consider me your friend Christy." Christy was still uneasy, why did the doctor do this to her? "Yes, of course, I just don't always want to bug you." He laughed at her words, but grew serious quickly. "Do you love him?" The question stunned Christy, he might as well have thrown a pumpkin at her head. "I don't know, that's more complicated then it sounds." "No, it really isn't. It's not a multiple choice question, Christy do you love David?" Neil set his finished pipe on the table then folded his arms to wait for a reply. "David is a nice guy, a great preacher, he helps these people a lot and I admire that.." Neil shook his head. "I am quite well acquainted with the man, I know much about him. I didn't ask of a synopses of everything he's ever done, just do you love him?" Why was he being so push about it, this situation needed explaining, not yes and no answers. "Neil that really isn't the question, the question is do I love the people of the cove. David said that he would leave if I didn't marry him. Neil these people need a minister, David can't leave." "Why that fool!" Neil stood up pounding his hand on his table. Christy watched his pipe spring into the air and tumble onto the dust of the cabin floor. "Now I question the man's motives." Neil looked down at Christy, she looked a little frightened, so he sat down on the floor next to her, leaning the weight of his body on the leg of his table. "He shouldn't have said that." "I told him that." "And what did he say in reply?" Christy opened her mouth to speak, but then remembered what David had said in reply, that it was wrong for her to moon of McNeil. There was no way she could tell the doctor that. "I don't remember." "Or you don't want to say." How could he see right through her? "No matter, still the question is do you love him?" "Not like that, not for marriage. He is like a brother, or a good friend. But maybe I could love him, marry him for these people. I do love the cove enough to do that." Neil sat up kneeling next to her. He took one of her hands inside his and with his other hand he blushed some hair back behind her ear. He let his hand hold the side of her face. "I know you love these people enough lass, but if your heart is saying no then don't. Christy, do not marry him if you don't love him, it'll do him more harm then you know. Christy, I had a wife that didn't love me and it tore me to pieces please don't do the same to the preacher." ****************************************************** "David what is thee doing?" Alice was at her wits end. David seemed not to notice as he gathered a couple books that belong to him from the mission. "What are you doing with all this stuff David?" "Packing!" He gave her a momentary glance and then walked out of the room in search of anything he could pick up forcefully to show how upset he was. "What? Why are thou leaving?" Alice followed him into the sitting room, which housed the piano. David set the books on top of it and set his fingers down on a couple keys. "Do you remember when the piano first arrived? We all thought Christy was crazy. She's brought so much joy through all of this, through everything she does. Remember when she would play this at first, it wasn't very good but she loved to play it. To make the piano sing. I would come in just to watch her eyes glow. Christy sings beautifully." David ran his hand gently down the ivory keys. "Christy is a horrible singer." Alice commented. "Not to me. It made her so happy to sing, I loved to listen. Christy is so full of life Miss Alice." David looked up, his eyes ready to overflow at any moment. "So your leaving has to do with Christy." "Yes. I can not look at her and know that I can't have her." He seat his gaze back at the piano keys for a second, then sighed remembering his task of collecting things he scooped his books back up and moved to the next room. "David thee is needed here." "You can always have another seminary student come." He shrugged scanning the kitchen cupboards. "Oh I know, but you aren't the average, David these people don't need a minister, what they need is thee, David Grantland." "I think I need them too." He whispered, and then turned steadily out of the mission in the direction of his bunkhouse. Part : 11 -Summary : Christy went to Neil to seek advice about David's proposal. David was packing to leave the mission, but then was struck by just how much he needs the people of Cutter Gap. _______________________________________________________ Sitting up in bed Christy was amazed that she had been waking up so early in the past couple days. Everything had been so confusing lately. People in the cove were solemn over Mountie, Miss Alice seemed troubled, David hadn't talked to her in days, and Neil … He was her same friend but the other day when she spoke with him, his mind seemed miles away. Squinting her eyes into the darkness of her room Christy tugged a large shawl on over her tiny shoulders, and slipped shoes on. She made her way out of the mission and into the brisk morning air. It was a little overcast and the sun still had a couple minutes before it would try to slice through the ominous clouds that hugged the top of the hills. The air was thick with the smell of ran, a lite fog settled in the air. Christy began to walk. Being out in the morning was glorious. Seeing the birth of each new day brought her so much hope. Walking absently down a damp path Christy froze after hearing a twig crunch only feet off the path. It probably wasn't the smartest thing; being out all alone while no one else was awake. "Oh, do not ye be afraid Miss Huddleston, it's just me." A hearty ruff voice came from beside her. She sighed when she saw that it was only Neil at her side. "What brings ye out so early this morning?" He leaned against a nearby mossy tree, she noticed a rather large envelope clinched in his hand. "Funny, I was just about to ask you the same thing, might it have something to do with a certain envelope?" Christy was only teasing but she saw Neil immediately grow tense. "Neil you don't have to tell me about the envelope, it was just a joke." He relaxed a bit, ran his work worn hand through tussled curls. "I've been up a while, I think better outside. I wanted to find the most beautiful spot in Cutter Gap to think, and why look now I've found myself the most beautiful place in the world." His eyes were on Christy, she noticed and her cheeks grew hot. "This old path? Neil I could show you twenty places more beautiful." She let out a nervous laugh. "If you were there they would be." His eyes were still on her. She looked away bashfully. Why did he do this to her? She use to blush over boys in school, but she wasn't a child anymore. She didn't do this with David either and she liked David. Why was Neil so different? Neil was just a good friend, right? "I was out thinking as well." She changed the subject. "Just as you said I think better out here, walking in nature gives me such peace. That's what I need now, peace." "Well Miss Huddleston, I would be honored we could walk and think together." He offered her his arm and she took it. "So what's on your mind?" "A lot." She took a deep breath, Neil noticed and smiled, "The people have been acting very solemn since Mountie's death." "As they should be." Neil nodded his head for her to continue. "And Alice has seemed troubled lately." "Christy you have to remember that Alice also has a lot on her mind. Just think she is probably worried about you and you about her, if you both gave that up there would be one less thing to think about." "Your wit amazes me Neil MacNeil." "Seriously, Alice will tell you if see really needs to be worried over. I think it's a mix of things. Do you know that this is the month that Margaret died in? That could be it." "Neil, I'm so sorry." "And she's probably worried about David, I know you didn't tell her, but I bet she knows. Anything else?" "Well David still isn't talking to me." Christy looked over a Neil as he walked, he caught her glance, but she quickly looked away. "Give the preacher time. He'll come to in time." "Neil you amaze me, you have an answer for everything. And for once I don't mean that in a bad egotistical way. I mean you have such a level head about everything." "Not everything." He looked at her as he spoke. "Well then there is you; I'm also worried about you." "Me Miss Huddleston? Do not trouble yourself on my behalf." "Neil I'm trying to be serious." She kicked a rock that was on the path and it bumbled through some dirt before rolling off the path. "The other day you seemed to have something on your mind, now I know that it was probably Margaret. I know it's not my right to ask, but is that what it is, do you miss her?" Christy's voice was quiet. "Christy; Margaret died a long time ago. I do think of her for time to time, especially now, this time of year. But that's not what was troubling me lass. Do you want to know what it was?" He led her off the path they took steps into a field now. "It's not my place." She said solemnly, but she did want to know. "I'll tell you anyway. It is this envelope. See my old doctor friends, the ones that helped me. Christy those men gave me my life. Well one of them moved out west. There are a lot of poor people in the west but they deserve medical help just the same. My friend offered me a position. Not really as a doctor, but as a teacher, not unlike yourself. But I would be teaching lots of folks about medicine, that way they could all go and help people. It would be multiplying me by a hundred." "I don't think I could handle more then one of you." Christy gave a weak upset grin. "I'm really considering the position. I could do a lot of good, Christy you understand that right? I would be helping more people then I would ever have a chance to here in Cutter Gap." Christy was silent, the doctor couldn't leave. This cove needed him, the people needed him. "These people need you." She tried to fight him. "What makes those in the west less deserving? These people lived with out me for many years, besides they trust their superstitions more then they put trust in me." "But you have made strides with them." Christy raked her brains for anything she could say to convince him not to go. "Lass." He stopped walking and pulled her so she faced him, "I know all the arguments, and don't you think I've been going over them in my head for days now." His eyes moved back and forth a bit, searching hers for some unknown answer. "Christy could you give me one sure reason for me to stay, one that might convince me this is the place for me?" His eyes looked hopeful. She thought for a moment, a hundred things rushed in her head. What did he want to hear? "Neil, this is your home. You said to me just a week ago that you belong to these mountains and.." He rested one of his fingers on her lips and shook his head. "That wont work, don't try to guilt me Christy. Didn't you leave your home to come here? I am going Christy, in two days I'll have to leave." He spoke slowly. When he finished he picked up her hand and brought it too his lips. He gave her a smile and turned, he walked a few paces then stopped. His back was turned to her, but he was there. He seemed to be waiting for something, but she didn't know what. Christy didn't wait instead she turned in the opposite direction and took off running. She couldn't let him see her sobbing over this. But if only she had waited a moment longer she would have seen a powerful man crumble to his knees, bang on the ground and heave with tears. Part : 12 Summary : Neil told Christy about his leaving the Gap. _______________________________________________________ Christy ran as the downpour began to fall. She couldn't tell the difference between the rain on her face or the tears streaking them. How could Neil MacNeil, her only friend be leaving her? Everything seemed to be going wrong. She asked herself why she was so upset, why did it bother her so much that Neil wanted to help people elsewhere? She told herself that it was because the people of the cove needed him, especially since Neil became a Christian now. Since Neil had the ability to save lives he had made more of a spiritual impacted on these people than anyone in the cove, but that wasn't it. Something else was tugged at Christy, but she didn't understand it; she didn't want to understand it. The sun never got its chance to pierce through the gloomy sky, clouds won the battle this morning. The ominous storm rolled in, concealing the mountains in darkness. Christy made her way back to the mission as quickly as possible, but she still had a way to go before she got there. A lightening bolt ripped through the sky like a whip in the night. Thunder sounded like a wild pack of horses were chasing her. Christy let out a terrified scream. More lightening spewed forth from the clouds; they would light up the sky for a couple brief moments, just enough for Christy to make her way through the dark woods. The rain became harder, there was no way the children would be coming to school today. Christy pressed on, just a little while longer now until she reached the mission. "Christy!" David stood out in the downpour in front of the mission. When he saw her coming he running, forgetting all about the anger he was supposed to have. "David." She was exhausted and fell into his arms. He swept her up. "We've got to get you inside, you're soaked through. Christy you're shivering. What were you doing out there?" David poured out questions that he knew she was too tired to answer. He set her down once safely inside. Christy was on the wood floor surrounded in her own pool of rain. David stood dripping beside her, together they were making a small lake on the floor. "Thank you David." Looking up at him Christy wrung out her hair. "Before you say anything else, I want to apologize to you. I have been doing a lot of thinking and praying lately. It was wrong of me to treat you so badly, I have been selfish these last couple days. Also it was wrong of me to try to threaten you into marrying me, and just so you know, I will be staying." He gave a quick smile to her, which she returned. "The truth is that I can't just stop loving you, maybe I never will, but I can let you go, and I want you to know that I have. I'm happy with whatever you do, I want you and I to still be friends." "I'd like that too David." She rose to hug him, but stopped because she was so wet. "I'd hug you but I'm soaked through." "And I'm not? Do you realize that this is the first time I saved you and you actually needed it?" His wet hair clung to his forehead, his shirt to his body. She laughed and gave him a tight hug. He studied her for a second, "Christy you look upset, do you want to talk about it?" "David, Doctor MacNeil is leaving Cutter Gap. He's going to move out west and teach other people to be doctors, I'm upset because this cove really needs him." She bit her lip as emotions flooded back into mind. "Are you sure he's going?" "Yes, he'll be gone in two days." Wiping away tears from her face, "I'm so wet. I better dry off before I catch a cold. Before long we wont have a doctor to take care of us." "Did I just hear thee right?" Alice descended the stairs to sit next to Christy on the floor. She saw the devastation in Christy's big eyes, there was more in those eyes then she let on. "David thee should get to thy bunkhouse and change before you really do catch cold." He nodded before bolting out the door and attempted to dodge the buckets of water as they came down. "Christy does thee want to talk about anything." "There is nothing to talk about. The doctor has made up his mind Alice, I can't believe he's leaving, Alice these people need him!" Christy grew firm as she spoke. "Christy thee dose not need to convince me." "Alice I really did try to talk him out of it, but his mind is made up. Does he know what that'll do to the people here?" Christy began to talk with her hands as emotions led her. "And to thee." Miss Alice raised a knowing eyebrow. "Yes, Doctor MacNeil is my friend and I will miss him. That is all Alice." "Christy I know thee well, and love thee as a daughter. I have stayed up late some nights thinking of you, praying for you. You are the daughter I always wanted and the one that I am so proud of. Tell me the truth dear, do you love him?" "Miss Alice, well I..I" Christy's mind spun quickly, her eyes moved to the side in thought. "Miss Alice I don't think I know what love is." She sidestepped the question. "Foolishness Christy! You are a Christian, you are in the only group of people who truly know what love is!" "Miss Alice Neil infuriates me. We are always in an argument, we are both stubborn. Even if I did, it would never work. He's leaving Alice, leaving for good." Christy picked herself up. "I need to change, I soaked to the bone." Alice nodded with a smile as Christy slowly made her way up the stairs. "Miss Huddleston?" Alice called up after her, "It is no sin to love a man who isn't a preacher." Alice tapped the railing once before making her way quickly out the door and braving her way to her own cabin. ***************************************************** Water ran down Neil's face as it dripped from long drenched curls. He stood in his cabin, unmoving. Was this all real? Did he really just tell Christy that he was leaving for good? His mind hadn't been made up before then, something in him, his pride had moved him to finally say it. "I'm leaving." Neil whispered. He didn't want to leave, but how could he go back on it now? Two days. Only two days! The monotonous sound of rain falling constantly on the roof grew into torture. Why hadn't she said something? In a quick moment of anger Neil took his arms and violently sent everything that had been resting on his table crashing to the wooden floor boards. Then he crumbled again. His elbows on his table, his knees on the ground and wet curls clenched in his strong hands. Hands that had once been sturdy were shaking. How could one little woman do this too him? Part : 13 -Summary : Christy and David reconciled, Alice talked to Christy about feelings for Neil, but Christy didn't say anything. Neil is as shocked as everyone else is about his leaving. _______________________________________________________ The children had been somber all morning. Even Creed, for the most part, had behaved himself. The world around them smelled like worms and mud; the after rain scent. The sun shone brightly today, spilling forth through the tiny windows of the schoolroom. The storm from yesterday had devastated the cove. Trees littered paths, the stream was gorged, boards from some of the people's homes could be found all over Cutter Gap. Many of the older children had stayed home today to help their fathers repair; David was also out helping people. "That wind ser blew something mighty fierce." Sam Houston came up to his teacher's desk were she was overlooking the children's math examines during the noontime brake. "It sure did Sam Houston." Christy smiled at him. "Teacher?" Sam Houston straightened his slender body uneasily. "Is it right truth that Doc MacNeil is a leave'n us tomorrow?" All throughout the break children had come up to her one by one and asked her about Neil. They all knew about it, but it seemed they had to ask just in case, on some hope, it wasn't true. Christy was amazed at how the news had traveled so quickly. Neil had only told her yesterday, she didn't know of anyone else that had known but it was now common knowledge. "Yes Sam Houston, I believe that he his." Sam Houston kicked his little foot at the ground. "I'm gonna miss him something fierce." His voice was filled with gloom, just as the other children. Christy took her hand up and ran it over Sam Houston's small head, letting it rest on his neck. She looked him in the eye. "I will too." It was so softly, so meaningfully said that Sam Houston felt sorry for his teacher. He gave her a big smile and leapt towards her. He gave her his best bear hug and didn't let go. Christy thought about this for a moment. These children had taught her so much more then she had taught them. This child who had nothing to give had just given her the world. She had so often sensed their unhappiness and been there to comfort them, but now they were here for her. "Thank you Sam Houston." "I say we send him off with a down right jollification! We could have dancing, and Jeb Spencer could play the music. Miss Hattie could sing one of them purty songs for us." Creed grew excited as he paced in the room. The other children joined in; yelling out ideas. "Thank you Creed, it's nice of you but I don't want a jollification." Neil stood in the doorway of the schoolhouse and the room fell to a hush. Christy lifted her eyes to look at him, her eyes met his. She wanted to look away, to ignore him, get up and start teaching the class. But she couldn't break gazes with him. His eyes were intense, they were trying to speak to her, tell her a shared secret but she couldn't read them. She realized that it had been silent for a while, but she didn't say anything to break it. Something compelled her to run to him, let his arms contain her, rest in his arms, but she didn't move, couldn't more. Those eyes. "Doc MacNeil is it truth that you'll be a leaving us tomorrow?" John Spencer spoke up. Neil blinked, seemingly waking up out of a daze, then turned his attention to John. Christy slumped back into her chair suddenly feeling cold. How come his stare made her warm? "That's right John. Tomorrow morning, right about when schools starting I'll be heading off." "Why are you leaving us?" Rebecca Holt joined in. "Yeah, we'll be needing you Doc." Little Burl stood up. "Children you don't need me. Miss Alice knows a lot about doctoring. I'm going to go someplace where there is no one like Miss Alice to take care of people." Neil answered them easily. "Will we ever see you again Doc?" Creed turned in his seat as the doctor paced around the room. "Well I'll come by tomorrow to say good-bye. I can't say though if I'll ever some back to the cove. I will write. How's this I'll write your teacher here, and she can tell you how I'm doing." Neil gave a wink to Christy who had stayed silent through everything. Christy was swept up in her own thoughts. Never see Neil again? Could she be happy if those intense eyes never again drank from her gaze? If she never touched his curls again? Would she forget that perfect reddish sandy brown hair? Could she forget this man before her that could act so much like a boy and again be so much of a man at the same time? It was almost too much for her. Never was a long time, too long. "That sounds like a right fine idea Doctor MacNeil." John nodded his head in his own thoughts. "Well that is if Miss Huddleston doesn't mind my writing to her." Neil turned his attention to her and once again, just like a wind his presence sent her mind spinning. For a moment she couldn't think to answer, all she could do was stare at him. "Miss Huddleston? Are you alright lass?" He moved to come to her side but she lifted her hand and ran in through her hair that she had left down today. "No, I'm fine Doctor MacNeil." Christy felt strength whelming up inside her. She could stand up, she could brush pass him, she could overcome these feelings that were confusing her. "You may write me, for the sake of the children. And it will be awful nice of you to stop by and say good-bye to the children tomorrow." She gave a big, forced smile and did as planned: Christy rose to her feet, sidestepped walking right past him and to the board. "Now children these math examines were disappointing. Let's talk about exponents again." Neil returned a force smile. Why was she torturing him so! He came down the schoolhouse steps and leapt onto Charlie. He chided himself over and over. What did he expect her to do; run to him with open arms? Who was he kidding. He had hope that she would give him a clue to this puzzle of life he was trying to put together. For a moment he thought his answer had come, that moment when he had held her eyes there was something. Wasn't there? Neil squeezed Charlie lightly with his heels. Tomorrow he would be leaving Cutter Gap maybe for good, but his heart would always remain here. Christy talked to the children but really wasn't focusing her attention on them. As she craned her neck, her eyes held on to a man riding a horse slowly away from the schoolhouse, slowly away from her life. _______________________________________________________ Part : 14 -Summary : The children are upset by Neil's leaving. Neil came to the schoolhouse for seemingly no reason, he left disappointed. Christy lay awake most of the night. Neil leaving? The thought of receiving letters from him would be a joy and a torture mixed together. But why? The sky was clear tonight. You could almost hear the stars singing. Dim light from the moon cast tiny shadows all around her room. The smell of a honeysuckle tree poured into her room tickling her nose. The drapes on the window she had left open would get up and dance whenever enchanted by the light breeze. Christy attempted to sleep, begged for sleep, but she could do nothing but stare at the ceiling. There was far too much to think about tonight. ********************************** Everyone from the cove stood, they gathered around the schoolhouse long before sunup. Doctor MacNeil's departure would be witnessed by all. Christy silently carted all the children into the schoolroom. "Just because Doctor MacNeil is leaving does not mean we aren't going to learn today. When he comes we'll stop to say good-bye. Now we've been talking about Throe, John what would you say about the poem I had you read last night. Explain it to the class for me." She sat on top of her desk. "Well teacher, it was a little confusing. I would guess he was.." John stopped as Jeb came running into the building. "Why the Doctor is here!" Jeb waved his arms in excitement. Christy's heart stopped for a moment. Neil was here, here to say good-bye and then leave them all. She could hear his ruff voice outside, it was so ruff, but yet so gentle. Everything about Neil was a contrast, he could be anything, and he was everything. "Aye Jeb!" Neil's voice boomed from outside the schoolhouse, but then he scaled the small stairs and he was there. Jeb gave him a sturdy handshake. "We all do wish ya sure well Doctor." Jeb patted Neil on the back. Turning to the children Neil surprisingly out of character, squatted on the ground and opened his arms to them. The young ones ran to him. Neil couldn't be seen through the swarm of children all trying to hug him at once. He whispered little things to each of them. "Can I swap a far'well with un you Doc?" Little Burl's voice was loud. The doctor rose to his feet and held out his hand. Man to man they shook hands. Then alone once again Neil looked towards Christy. She hadn't talk to him in days and now there was so much to say, but not enough time to say it. "Well Christy.." Neil took two strides in her direction, they were standing but feet apart. "I guess this'll be good-bye." Neil swallowed hard. Christy wanted to say something, anything, but she couldn't. Her heart had leapt into her throat and she couldn't talk. He moved towards her and gave her a quick hug; his lips less then an inch from her ear he whispered, "I'll write to you lass, and think of you every minute. I wish things could have worked out differently." Then he stepped back. "Good-bye Neil. You will write?" Christy's voice broke. "Yes, but only for the sake of the children." He gave a quick wink, echoing her own words from yesterday. He gave a final wave, turned and walked out of the schoolhouse. Christy's mind raced. It hit her that she would never see him again, never smell him, never hear his voice. He said things should have worked out differently, what had he meant? She blinked and felt a little dizzy. Grasping her hand to her desk to steady herself she looked out of the building, Neil was saying his last good-byes to a couple people. "Ye alright teacher?" Creed spoke up from the front of the room. "No Creed I'm not, but I will be." With that she walked to the door and carried her self down the steps quickly. She opened her mouth to yell his name but no words came out. The children followed her outside. Neil was walking alone now, he was feet away from Charlie. If she let him get to his horse Neil would be gone forever. Christy picked up the sides of her skirt and ran. "Neil!" She called after him, but it was too soft. Tears streamed down her cheeks, the crowd parted for her to get to him. "Neil!!" She called out louder. He had reached Charlie, his hands fiddling with the saddle. "Neil!" She called out once more, this time he heard her. Neil turned and walked a couple paces back to her. "You can't leave." "Christy please don't make this harder then it is." Neil turned around to walk back to Charlie. Christy followed him, grabbed his arm and tugged on it. He tried to brush her off. "Neil, no!" She was sobbing. "Neil you can't leave Neil. I need you." She began tugging harder. "Neil, Neil I love you." He stopped abruptly, it sent Christy falling to the ground. "I love you." She called out again. Neil turned, his own eyes filling with tears. Kneeling down next to her he grabbed her elbows firmly and looked her directly in the eyes. "I love you." She whispered. "Oh lass." His voice was gentle. "Christy you don't know how long I've waited to hear those words." "I'm sorry it took me so long." "Shh. None of that. It doesn't matter anymore." He took hold of her soft hands to led her to stand. "I've told you before, but I'll say it too you a hundred more times, I love you too Christy. More than anything lass." "You've said it before?" Christy lifted her eyebrows. "Yes, I told you when you had typhoid, but I didn't know if ye remembered." "Then it wasn't a dream. Oh Neil it wasn't a dream!" She trough her arms around his neck. He pulled her close, his lips needed to taste hers. He kissed her once, and then again. "Neil I have to go with you." He wiped the tears from her cheeks with his thumb. "No ye don't my lass. I'm not going to leave. I can not leave now." When he said this Christy clinched his shirt in her fists leaned her head on his broad chest and began sobbing. "Christy what's wrong? Did I saw something wrong love?" He had her by the shoulders. Her face was beaming through tears. "No nothing is wrong. They are happy tears. I just love you so much." She began crying again. Neil pulled her to him again then held her face in his hands. Their noses were touching, lips inches apart, Neil said something to her softly, then kissed her passionately. Her hands found there way to his head, her fingers in his curls. "Teacher does this mean we don't have any classes today?" Creed Allen's voice chirped from feet away. Christy and Neil both jumped. They had forgotten all about the crowd of onlookers. All the women were in tears. Christy saw Miss Alice in the crowd and winked. David gave Christy a little nod then put his arm around Alice. "Creed I don't believe we'll have classes today." Christy laughed. Neil slipped his arm about her shoulders. "Are you two gonna get married?" Little Burl tugged at Christy's skirt. Neil smiled at Little Burl. "That depends on if she'll have me!" His rouge made her tingle, she gave his hand a quick squeeze. "Of course I'll have you Neil." "Then that is a yes?" Neil raised his eyebrows. "Yes, and yes, and yes a million times over." Christy smiled at him and thought of how her new life would be. Neil did love her, and she him. Looking into the still, bright morning sky everything seemed perfect. All her confusion and doubts faded. She looked at Neil and he smiled. There is so much good in this world; love doesn't hide, kindness doesn't run-away. It was always there she just had to open her eyes. ___________THE END!_____