Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd Family. We are in no way seeking profit or credit for her story.We are continuing the story of Christy for our own amusement only. Any additions in story line and characters were invented by the writer. Title: Shivaree Author: Becki Shivaree-Part One The music pulled and swirled and teased. Jeb Spencer's fiddle, the brown wood glistening, cried and whined and sang. The music flowed over Christy, in her blood and coursing through her veins. She was in a cloudless blue sky, floating on heaven scented air; she was in the arms of her husband, dancing on the mission's wooden floor. Christy was the ideal picture of happiness. Her glowing blue eyes were set off by masses of soft brown hair cascading down her back in perfect curls and waves. The white silk of her wedding gown shone with beauty. By Ashville's standards, it was a simple garment, but the mountain women had very little and were awed by it. Many a time during the festivities the women had sought her out to finger the satiny material with loving, work-roughened hands. Perhaps it was for this reason that Christy suspected nothing out of the ordinary when Fairlight Spencer took her arm, tugging her towards the stairs. Christy merely smiled at her new husband and reluctantly slipped out of his strong arms. Fairlight led Christy to a group of women that were gathered by the stairs. Christy surveyed the faces around her. From each of these women radiated a kind of peaceful strength necessary to survive in the Tennessee mountains. "What is it Fairlight?" Christy had to speak loudly to be heard over the music. "We got something to show you Miz Christy, but it's upstairs." "The party is down here Fairlight. Can't it wait?" Christy protested. "Please, Miz Christy." Opal McHone added her plea. Christy was about to reluctantly agree when she spied some of the older school girls in the back of the crowd trying to stifle giggles. She peered closer at the group and realized that they too were holding laughter behind sly grins. "Fairlight, what is going on?" Christy demanded, hands on her hips. "Now Miz Christy-" Fairlight began but was cut off by Miss Alice. "Pardon me ladies, but perhaps Neil and Christy would prefer to conduct their," the Quaker lady paused, looking embarrassed while she searched for words, "personal affairs elsewhere." Christy looked perplexed, but before she could question Miss Alice Fairlight spoke up. "Nope, sorry Miss Alice, this here's tradition." The older woman looked chagrined but stepped back. Fairlight nodded to the other women and the circle enclosed the bride. Christy was trapped. There was nowhere to go except up the stairs with the rest of the women. They were almost at the top when Christy glanced down at the parlor. The dancing had ceased for the most part and she noticed with curiosity that the men seemed to be forming a group around her husband also. As if by some signal, the newly weds eyes met. Neil grinned impishly at Christy and winked before his wife was ushered down the hall and into a bedroom. "You just stay put Christy. I imagine Doc MacNeill'll be up any minute." Fairlight grinned mischievously and then led the women, who were now giggling unashamedly, back down the stairs. Shivaree -Part Two Back outside the room, the ladies trooped down the stairs. They passed the men who were on their way up, with Neil MacNeill in the group's center. Unlike his wife, he had grown up attending mountain weddings and knew all about shivareeing the bride and groom. The men pounded Neil on the back. He grinned good-naturedly as several of the men called out "A bit eager are ya doc?" and "Nothing like takin them stairs two at a time Neil." "Well, I've had enough of this," Christy muttered to herself. "I don't know what's going on, but I intend to find out!" She declared as she opened the door, only to find her husband standing there surrounded by a large group of the cove men. Christy blinked in surprise and unconsciously took several steps backward. "May I come in Mrs. MacNeill?" Christy blushed, aware of the mens close scrutiny. "I-I-well, yes." She stammered. Neil stepped inside and firmly shut the door behind him. Leaning against the door, he waited until the sounds of retreating footsteps were heard. Christy took the opportunity to study her husband. Neil's tall, muscular frame touched the top of the doorjamb. He looked ruggedly handsome, even with the stray strand of red, curly hair falling over his eye. Christy's breath caught in her throat at the sight of him. All might have been forgiven and forgotten had Christy not caught the sight of a glimmer in Neil's green eyes. He was laughing at her! Hands on her hips she demanded, "Neil, what is the meaning of this?" "Oh come now Christy, I know you haven't been to a mountain wedding before, but surely you can figure out why we're up here." Christy shook her head mutely. "Oh Christy, you're so innocent." Neil murmured, sweeping her with a tender glance. "Alright, come here. I'll explain." Shivaree - Part Three Christy moved to stand before Neil and he pulled her to him. The doctor lowered his head and let his lips brush those of his love. Neil's strong arms drew Christy closer to him and for long moments they clung to each other. Almost abruptly Neil released her and Christy felt herself sway. He planted a kiss on her soft hair before casually remarking, "That was just the beginning of what we were supposed to be doing." Christy's eyes shot wide open in recognition and she jumped away from her husband. A red flush crept up her neck and into her cheeks. "You-you mean we were supposed to be- here? Now? With everyone still here?" Christy stammered in embarrassment and disbelief. Neil grinned and shrugged, making no effort to hide his amusement. "Neil, I really don't want to. I mean not here." Christy protested, backing away from her husband. With every two steps that Christy took backward, Neil took one step forward and had soon caught up to his wife. He let his large hands rest on her shoulders. Christy's eyes remained on the floor, busily examining a crack. "Christy, look at me." Neil demanded softly. He gently cupped Christy's chin in his hand and raised her face so that he could look into her blue eyes. Christy reluctantly met his gaze. "I've been to countless mountain weddings Christy. Don't you think I knew what was coming?" Neil paused. "I also know you Christy, which is why Jeb Spencer is waiting outside with my horse. We can sneak down the outside steps and be on our way." Christy breathed a sigh of relief. All traces of embarrassment dissipated and she only felt gratitude towards the one man who could read her mind. Neil walked over to the large glass doors that opened to the balcony and outside stairs. He slowly opened the door only enough to squeeze through. In a moment he was back and motioned to Christy. The newlyweds crept down the stairs, scarcely daring to breathe lest someone hear them. Finally, they reached the end of the stairs and hurried across the soft, summer grass to where a bearded man of medium height stood holding the reins of a chestnut brown horse. "Thanks Jeb." Neil took the reins of the horse from his friend. Jeb nodded and grinned. "I still say you're missin half the fun doc. Course, no offense to you mam." He hastened to add, tipping his gray tattered hat in Christy's direction. Neil watched in amusement as his wife blushed to the roots of her brown hair. Taking pity on her, he thanked Jeb once again and mounted Bill. He offered Christy his hand and pulled her onto the horse behind him. "Let's go home Mrs. MacNeill." He softly clucked to the horse and they started down the hill, towards what would now be their cabin Story: Shivaree Part: 4 The couple rode in uncharacteristic silence. Christy was usually extremely talkative. Neil wondered if he had embarresed her too much, or perhaps she was nervous about tonight. Neil broke the silence. "You're awfully quiet Christy?" "Oh Neil, I'm so happy I'm about to burst!" Christy tightened her hold on him into an embrace. Neil relished the feel of Christy hanging on to him, even if it was only partially so she wouldn't fall off of the horse! The robins and sparrows perched in the around them seemed to sing a song of blessing. A dim roar in the background signaled that they were aproaching the mountain stream in back of the cabin. Christy reflected on the times that they had shared by the river. Comforting each other, fishing together in a comfortable silence. Soon the large brown cabin loomed into view. Neil pulled the horse up in front of the cabin and tethered him to the post. The he dismounted and held a hand out to Christy. Only instead of helping her down, Neil pulled his bride off the horse and into his arms. Christy squealed as Neil carried her up the stairs and into the cabin. "Neil MacNeil, put me down right now!" Christy tried to sound stern, but she was laughing too hard for it to be effective. Neil silenced her protests by kissing her deeply. Christy submitted to her husbands passionate kiss and returned it with an ardor that frightened her. After several long minutes of clinging to each other, Neil gently disengaged Christy's arms form around his neck and lowered her to the gorund. Christy looked away from him. "I was scared, Neil." She breathed tremoulesly. Neil held her away from him so her could look into her wide blue eyes. "Of what? Of me?" When Christy didn't answer he pulled her snuggly against his chest. His voice turned soft and teasing. "I could give you a crash course on the bids and the bees. After tonight Christy, you'll be able to teach one of those hygiene classes on the do's and don'ts of mountain love making." He rubbed her back and laughed softly. The kind of intimate laughter reserved only for his wife. Christy raised her head from her haven against Neil's strong chest. "I love you so much it scares me, Neil. It hurts inside, loving you I mean." "I know Christy. I've felt it too. I've spent so many years alone; I need you Christy." Christy looked into his eyes and was once again humbled by the love she saw there. She drew his head down to her and kissed him softly. Shivaree part 5, the end Neil deepened the kiss and lifted Christy into his arms. He carried her up the stairs to their bedroom. As Neil carried his bride over the threshold of their room he whispered, "I love you." before again claiming Christy's lips with his own. Christy pulled away from Neil just long enough to utter her own declaration of love before she surrendered to the feelings and sensations and love. *** The next morning Christy awoke just as the first rays of sunlight shimmered into the room. She yawned. The beautiful wedding yesterday now seemed like a dream. Too good to be true. And last night, well last night certainly was real, both she and neil were still stark naked! She glanced over at the still form of her husband. With his eyes closed in slumber there was no indication of the stubborn, aggravating man that he could be at times. Not wanting to awaken him, Christy quietly slipped out of bed. The nightgown that she had never quite got on last night lay over the back of a chair in the corner of the room. She hurried to it, shivering in the cool dampness of dawn. The lambent sunlight gave the room a mystical glow, perhaps a forshadow of the many other nights that she and Neil would make their own magic while loving here. She turned to see Neil awake and watching her as she slipped the white nightgown over her head. "You didn't have to put that on Christy." Christy blushed and had trouble meeting his eyes. "Behave yourself Neil." she chided. "I have to go make breakfast." "Breakfast can wait. Come here Christy." He demanded. His deep voice held traces of his scottish accent that Christy loved. His deep green eyes drew her like a magnet to steel. She obeyed and sat down on the edge of the bed. Neil pulled her down beside him and before she could protest, began tickling her mercilessly. Christy laughed and attempted to pull away, but Neil was much stronger and only pulled her closer. Christy's laughter was infectuous and soon Neil was laughing too, a deep musical laugh that rumbled out from within his broad chest. "Please stop. Oh stop, please!" Christy begged through laughter and tears. Finally Neil relented and she lay limply gasping for air. When she caught her breath, Neil pulled her close and kissed her gently. Christy snuggled against his chest. She felt so cherished and secure. "Oh Neil, I love you so much. I don't want you to ever leave me." Neil sensed that his young wife wasn't really referring to his medical calls, but to all of eternity. With one arm still around her shoulders, Neil raised up on one elbow slightly so that he could look into her blue eyes. "I love you Christy MacNeil. I will never ever leave you." With the subtlety of a skilled doctor, he searched out the exact position of her beating heart and laid his hand over it. "I will always be with you Christy, in your heart and in your soul." Neil sealed his promise with a kiss directly above her heart, which throbbed with love for him. Tears came to Christy's eyes as she and her husband held each other. There was so much love radiating in the room that Christy thought, 'Surely God is here with us, because heaven can't be much sweeter.' The end.