Mini-fic: Oh what a night Author: Dawn Disclaimer: the characters of Christy belong to the Marshall/Le Sourd L.L.C. any attempt herein is strictly for fun. Disclaimer: No characters were harmed in this fic. And no animals either. Disclaimer: This by no means is a confession! Disclaimer: Seeing as my title is missing off the list i should stop! Disclaimer: This is in jest! Not to be mistaken for in Jester! It had been another long night for Christy. I just can’t take this any longer! She thought in exasperation. Just about the time I think things are settling down...goodnight! I have not had a goodnight in months. What was I thinking? I’ have got to get out of this cabin before someone gets hurt. Gathering up her robes and a few blankets off the chair the young wife headed out to the main room. Settling herself down in the armchair she closed her eyes and tried to get to sleep. Oh its no use! I have got to get further. Margaret told me this would be hard...but did I believe her...NO! not me I know what I am doing. I am mature. I can handle anything,. Funny blood no longer bothers me..well not much anyway..But THIS! This is too much. This was not in the plans. I had it all mapped out. She thought back to that glorious spring day...when her and her love had become united in holy matrimony. Yeah well had anyone ever told her this was what her fate would be..she never would have married in the first place. being a spinster had never looked better. Enough is enough...I have put up with this long enough. Well a look of determination on her tired face she found her boots and reached for her coat. Hmpf! I bet he won’t even notice I’m gone. Serves him right. Did he really think I could live like this. Well he’/s got another thing coming. Now wheres that horse? Collecting her thoughts and Charlie Christy found a saddle and some warm coverings and preeped to mount the beast. It sure is cold out here. maybe this wasn’t such a good idea. I might get sick..well good that’ll teach him. Yeah he’ll be plenty worried then. On second thought what if he doesn’t notice. What if...oh that what ifs always clouded her mind. This was too much for the dear wife. Quickly she un harnessed Charlie and meticulously she rehung the coverings. I can’t do this. I took a vow! Feeling defeated she headed back up to the cabin. Hmpffully she opened the door to their cabin. That had a nice ring to it, she thought. our cabin. For our family. With a grin she headed bak to the bedroom and carefully got under the covers. It was so much warmer here anyway. ‘Um Christy" he sighed. "preepedold..where’d ya run off too?" then with another content sighe quickly dropped back off to sleep. ‘Neil Neil!" "humll" "Roll over your snoing. Neil did you hear me. I can’t sleep! Roll over!" doesnrr" he grumbled and complied. ifsP>Well it wasn’t what I counted on but he is ALL mine! The End! Disclaimer: If any of the above sounds familiar..what can I say!