July 2003 TITLE: Nice to Be Home AUTHOR: ChristyP DISCLAIMER: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the Marshall-LeSourd Family, L.L.C. I am in no way seeking profit or credit for her story. I am continuing the story of Christy for my own amusement. Any additions in story line and characters were invented by the author. As Neil walked through the door of his cabin, he could tell something was not right. There were days worth of dishes stacked in and around the wash basin. There was a day or two's worth of crumbs under Joey's high chair plus toys scattered all over the place. Christy usually kept their cabin very tidy. Almost to himself, he said, "What happened here? It looks like -" Before he could finish, Christy came out of the kids' bedroom, apparently having overheard him and said, "Don't even say a word, Neil. You don't know what the last few days have been like." He wanted to ask, but then he heard their three-year-old daughter, Lizzie, calling, "Mommy! Mommy! I have to go potty." When Lizzie entered the room, she called, "Daddy! Daddy, you're home!" She ran up to give her father a hug, but he motioned her away. "You'll have to wait until I clean up before I can pick you up, Lizzie." "Neil, can you watch Joey while we're gone?" "I can't touch him until I change and clean up." "Fine, then!" Christy said in a very frustrated manner. She picked up the 25 pound 14-month-old that was at her feet. She slung him on her hip, grabbed Lizzie's hand and quickly headed out the door to the privy. Neil stood in a daze for a moment. "Me and my big mouth. You'd think I would learn after almost five years of marriage." After gathering clean clothes, he went to bathe in the river. He always made it a habit to do that after being in dirty cabins and treating contagious diseases. He didn't want to expose his family to diseases unnecessarily. As Neil approached the cabin after his bath, he could hear Christy saying, "Lizzie, don't touch anything. I'll get you cleaned up in a minute." Then he heard, "Joey, no! Momma said no." As Neil entered the cabin, he found Christy putting Joey on the floor to play with his toys and then went to stir a pot of stew. Lizzie was a mess with dirt all down the front of her dress and on her hands and legs. Christy seemed very frazzled. This was not like her. Neil walked over to her and kissed her cheek. She wasn't very receptive. She was probably still mad at him over his earlier comment. "Sorry I couldn't help with Joey. I needed to clean up before I did anything else." Frustrated, Christy replied, "I know. It's just hard to help Lizzie potty when I have to lug Joey with us." "I understand. What can I help you do now?" "Lizzie needs to get cleaned up. We were trying to hurry to the privy and she fell down and got all dirty. Can you watch Joey while I help her? He is getting into everything! I can't leave him for a second." She walked toward Lizzie and called over her shoulder, "Stir the stew, too, and don't let the cornbread burn." "All right, Joey. Can you sit still a minute while I check the food?" Joey looked very innocent, so Neil stirred the stew and saw that the cornbread wasn't quite ready. When he turned back to Joey, he found him on the third step of the stairs. He rushed over to him, picked him up and turned him upside down. Joey giggled. Getting a whiff of his son's bottom, Neil concluded, "Whew, you need a diaper change." After a wrestling match, which Neil thought was almost won by his son, Joey had a fresh diaper. Neil took him back into the main room and said, "Let's see if we can help Momma by setting the table." Neil realized they needed to clean the table first. He set Joey down to cruise around the table while he cleared it off and wiped it up. Before he could finish, he found Joey about to touch the hot stove. He quickly rescued him. "You are into everything, aren't you, Buddy?" Christy returned with a clean Lizzie. Neil said, "I see what you mean about Joey getting into everything." "He's wearing me out," Christy replied. They heard Joey start fussing. Then Lizzie said, "I'm hungry." Christy said, "Just a minute, Cutie. Dinner is almost ready. Joey's hungry, too. Maybe Daddy can get you a drink while I finish dinner." Christy watched the cornbread and set the table while Neil got the kids washed up for dinner and poured drinks for them. After Christy sat down and Neil said grace, she seemed almost too tired to eat. She let out a big sigh and put her head in her hands and rubbed her temples. After raising her head again, she said, "Sorry dinner is so late. I just could not get anything done today." "What's wrong, Sweetheart? It looks like you've had a difficult time while I was gone." "Yes. Joey got sick after you left on Monday. I thought he was just teething, but then Lizzie seemed to get the same thing on Wednesday. She wasn't as bad as Joey." "What symptoms did they have?" "They both had fevers that lasted a couple of days. Joey's been waking up in the middle of the night ever since you left so I haven't had much sleep. He was drooling all over the place the first two days. More than I had ever seen him drool before. That's why I just thought he was teething." "Excessive drooling is also a sign of a sore throat in a baby. Did Lizzie have a sore throat?" "No, but she said her mouth hurt under her tongue." "How high were their fevers? Did you check them with the thermometer I left for you?" "Yes, Joey's got as high as 102 degrees, but mostly stayed around 100. Lizzie's fever let up last night. She was only about 100 the whole time." "Why didn't you send for me if they were sick?" "Like I said, I thought Joey was just teething, then he seemed to get better when Lizzie got sick. She didn't seem to feel bad like Joey did, but she needed extra attention. Joey was a handful. I couldn't have left to send someone for you anyway. He was very cranky. Now that he is feeling better he is into everything. I haven't been able to get anything done. That's why this place is such a mess. By the time I took care of these two and the animals and did the other necessary things like making sure we had food to eat and Joey had clean diapers, I didn't have time for anything else. All we had for dinner last night was scrambled eggs. It was the quickest thing I could make. I didn't even have time to make biscuits. Dishes and sweeping took low priority. Most things I had to do with Joey on my hip because he wouldn't let me put him down." Christy noticed Joey throwing the food off his high chair tray. "No, Joey! You don't throw your food on the floor." Turning to Neil she said, "And now you see why the floor is such a mess. After I finished feeding these two, I never got a chance to clean up the floor. He thinks his milk goes on the floor after he's finished with it, too." Reaching out to touch Christy's hand, Neil said, "I'm sorry I wasn't here to help you, Christy. You look exhausted. Why don't you rest after dinner and I'll take care of the children. I'll check them over for any lingering effects of their illness." "You are tired, too, Neil. You probably haven't had much sleep since you left on Monday." He smiled. "I'm used to it. It was different than what you've been doing. I've missed the kids. I don't mind playing with them a while. You go rest." "No, I need to get the dishes done or we won't have anything clean for breakfast tomorrow morning." After helping Christy clean up the table after dinner, Neil checked the children's health and then took them outside to play for a while. He figured that Christy could at least have some peace and quiet while she did the dishes. Christy had just dried the last plate when Lizzie came running in saying, "Joey went swimming." "What?!" Neil walked in right behind Lizzie. He was carrying Joey by the back of his overalls "flying" him through the air. "Look what I found in the river?" Joey was giggling. "In the river?" Christy asked angrily. "Neil!" "Calm down. He wasn't quite in the river, but he was crawling toward it very rapidly. He just got to the edge. He wasn't hurt. I was watching him the whole time. He did get a little wet when I let him splash, but I'll clean him up." Christy calmed down when she found out her son was not hurt. "Christy, why don't you go sit down and relax a little. I'll get Lizzie and Joey ready for bed." Neil guided Christy to the chair. She didn't take much convincing. She was exhausted. The children said good night to their mother. As Neil bent over to grab Joey by the back of his overalls to "fly" him through the air, Lizzie climbed on her daddy's back for a "Daddy Wild Horse Ride." Both kids were excited to spend time with their father since they had not seen him in a few days. As Neil and the children were leaving the room to get ready for bed, Christy heard Lizzie ask, "Daddy, will you tell us the story about the beautiful princess who married the country doctor?" After tucking the children in bed, Neil found Christy asleep in the rocking chair. He picked up some of the toys strewn across the room before waking Christy and helping her to their bedroom. As they were both getting ready for bed, Neil said, "I'm sorry I started the evening off on the wrong foot with my comment. Forgive me?" "Yes, of course. I'm sorry, too. I was already tired and frustrated. I didn't need you to point out to me how much had been neglected this week. I was feeling bad enough as it was." "I wasn't trying to make you feel bad. I didn't even see you when I said that. I was just glad to be home. I didn't care how much of a mess there was. What bothered me was the mess you were in." "I'm sorry, I must have looked a fright and I acted horribly." "No, that's not what I mean. I didn't like seeing you so tired and frustrated. I felt like I had neglected my duties as your husband to be gone so many days and let you get like that. I felt awful that you had to endure such a week and I wasn't here to help you." "Thank you for your help tonight, Neil. I really appreciated it. I was about at my limit." "I know you were. I'll help you tomorrow, too, if I don't get called away." They both crawled into bed. Neil continued, "Christy, I didn't get to finish my sentence when I walked in the door. What I was going to say was that the cabin looked like my bachelor days. You take such good care of our home that it hadn't been in such a mess since before we were married. I appreciate all that you do to make this place a home - not just keeping it clean and tidy, but all the love you give to all of us, too. Thank you." With misunderstandings all forgiven, Christy laid her head on her husband's shoulder. "I'm glad you're home." Neil kissed his wife's hair and held her close. "It's nice to be home." The End