Title : Moments in the Wind Author : Jessica K. Disclaimer: Catherine Marshal wrote the story and characters of "Christy" and they are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way is the writer seeking profit for this, it is only for the amusement of those who enjoy the book "Christy." _______________________________________________________ Moments in the Wind Part 1 "I do." He voice had strength as she stood with these cove people. David smile at her, so proud to be the one next to her, so proud to have her hand is his. Alice stood before the couple radiant as ever. Her pale eyes twinkled with the joy of the event. Alice had to marry then because there was no way David could perform his own ceremony. All eyes were on the bride, radiant as ever. Her beauty had been something unknown to these mountains before. The white dress hung on her, a crown of flowers in her long cascading hair she was something to envy. David gave her a quick smile, her bright eyes showed her tenseness, but were blissful as well. "David, thee may kiss the bride." Miss Alice repeated for the second time. David and his new wife laughed, but then he grew serious and looking into those huge eyes. "I love you, Mrs. Grantland." With that he gave her a quick but meaningful kiss then they dashed through a crowd of cheering people. The festivities were wonderful, the whole cove had pulled together, everyone had brought provisions, and right about now everyone had broke into dancing and singing. David led his new bride into the center of the dancers, he held her tightly. "I'm not much of a dancer." He apologized. "I know well enough." She smiled, "David I'm sorry it took me so long, so long to realize that my love for you was worth leaving everything." "No sorry dear, we were always meant to be, it was providence you know." With that David sent her twirling, but only to run into a nearby couple. "Hey preacher! You just wrecked my waltz!" Neil turned to the newlyweds with a boyish grin. "I am not your preacher for long." David was smiling but for a brief moment grew uncomfortable. He ran his hand through his hair to the nape of his neck. "So we cannot get you to reconsider?" The doctor put his arm about the shoulders of his dancing partner. "Christy here told me she will be so upset when you go." Neil smiled at her, giving her shoulder a squeeze. "I am disappointed that you decided to leave David, but don't let that stop you. I am so happy for you and Sissel!" Christy left Neil's side and took hold of Sissel's hands, "I am truly happy for you, and you must write to me often and tell me about the trouble David get's himself into." Everyone laughed politely. "Now here lassie, let's leave the newlyweds to themselves!" Neil took Christy by the shoulders and gently led her away into the crowd of friendly faces. David looked into Sissel's eyes. He had often thought about this moment, the day of his wedding, and when he was little he had thought he would marry Sissel, and now he had. Dreams like that weren't supposed to come true, but it had, oh it had. For a while he had thought he had loved Christy, he had made such a fool of himself with her. But that was in the past, only Sissel mattered. She was his first love, and last love. When she had visited he hadn't thought that he still loved her, but he had. Months after she had left he had received a letter from her; she had declared her love and begged him not to marry Christy. Afterwards Sissel had traveled back to Cutter Gap and when David had seen her again those feelings had come to her. It was comfortable, but it was love. After he asked her to marry him they had planned fast and now a week later she was his forever. This also brought about new problems, David had to leave the cove. Sissel could never make it here, she was not Christy. They were to go home, live under the tyranny of his mother again, but he would have a safe ministering position there. Already with three offers he was sure of that. The new minister for the cove was to arrive three days hence. He was young, and fresh out of seminary. Miss Alice had met the boy, Jeremy, just once she said he had been lively and 'would do.' David was saddened by this news, he wished that he would be missed more, and would be harder to replace. For he would miss this cove dearly. Part : 2 Summary : David and Sissel got 'hitched.' David will be leaving the cove, the replacement preacher is a young man named Jeremy; Jeremy is to arrive in three days. Neil led Christy away from the crowd and out from the hustle of the jollification. It was late afternoon, but not yet sunset. The air was moist. A warm breeze had swept into the mountains today. It made Christy's hair attempt flight as it would kiss at her ears. Walking a pace ahead of her, Neil had her hand as he gently tugged her along. She hadn't wanted to leave the party, but Neil said she needed to talk. How did he know what she needed? How could she be such and open book to him when he was still such a mystery to her. It wasn't fair. Spoon Lake quietly lapped at its dirt shore. Its ripples creating a rainbow of colors as they glowed radiantly off of the water. The wildflowers around it seemed to welcome them with happy waves. How strange that these inanimate object were so alive. They moved onto the gazebo, it was one of Christy's favorite spots. She could remember the joy of countless times spent here watching the sunrise and set. Nature was glorious to her, God spoke to her through nature. Neil sat down on the floor of the gazebo and tugged of his boots, then his socks. "Well now, sit down her love," Neil winked, "I meant lass, do not look so scared. I won't slip up again." She shook her head, pretending to be annoyed but did as told. He grabbed at her feet and slipped off her shoes. "So you think I need to talk, and now you think we need to take our shoes off?" Christy raised a joshing eyebrow. "First, I do not think, I know. Second you cannot dangle your feet into the lake with your shoes still on. Well I guess ye could but it would end up a mess." She gave him a light nudge with her shoulder as she sat down next to him. "Neil MacNeill sometimes I don't understand you. Sometimes I think you treat me just like a five year old." "Aye lass, sometimes you act like one." He laughed quietly to himself and once again slipped his arm about her shoulders. She crossed her arms over her chest and remained silent. Neil let out a yelp of a laugh, "See there, I rest my case, you're pouting!" "I was not pouting!" Christy defensively moved her arms to her side and scooted a couple inches away from his side. "I was cold." "Oh Christy, you lass make life exciting. Always keeping me on my toes. Come back 'ere. I did not mean any of that as a bad thing. I like that fact that you can sometimes be a child, I wish I was like that." He smiled and jerked his head in one direction, pleading her silently to come back and sit down next to him. "That is the funniest thing I've heard in awhile Neil, you don't think you act like a child. Ha!" She reclaimed her seat next to him. Neil smiled at her, shacking his head in disbelief. Scooping up her hand softly he brushed his lips against the top of it. He didn't let go, instead he entwined it with his and covered the other side of it with his free hand. It was done quickly, but it swept Christy off her feet. He could be so romantic! But more than anything the gesture confused her more. Neil and her weren't married, and nothing had ever been said about courting. They had become very close though and shared every free minute together; but there was no understanding. Sometimes she wished he would just get it over with and ask her. What was he waiting for? Maybe he didn't feel this way. These were things she dared not speak to anyone about, even Neil. "What ye thinking about lass?" She brushed one of his dancing curls behind his ear. "So why did you call this meeting? I'm pondering why do I need to talk?" She asked with a quizzical look in her eyes. "Oh yes, back to business I see. Well you need to talk about David leaving." "What's there to think about? I mean I will miss him. David has become like a brother to me, and I don't understand why he wont even try to say but it's his decision. Why do you think it's wrong of him to leave?" "No, he doesn't belong here. Well I do not mean it so harsh. These mountains, this cove, they aren't special to David. Yes he will probably miss friendships here, but not this place. David doesn't belong to this mountain, he did a great job here, but it's time for him to move on." Neil kicked his foot from out of the water sending little droplets flying to make tiny ripples throughout the lake. Christy swung her feet in the cool water, they were submerged but she was moving them in circles. Feeling the chilly water slosh around her ankles and flow between her toes. "I am happy for him." Christy chirped. "Me too, me too." Neil agreed. "I wonder what this new man will be like?" It was more of a comment than a question. Christy looked into the dimming sky, they had been gone from the part quite awhile. People might be wondering by now. Neil looked intently at her, memorizing the way she looked when bathed in the glow of the sun reflecting from Spoon Lake. She turned to him, making uncomfortable eye contact. "We better go. People will be looking for us, and my toes are getting cold." "Oh no! Could it be a medical emergency!" He joked her, "Do not fret, there is a doctor on hand." She grinned at him, how could he not think that he acted like a kid sometimes! "Hilarious Neil. I'm sure I can make it through this one without you." He helped her off of the floor to lead her back to the dissipating jollification. Part : 3 -Summary : Neil and Christy talked about David leaving the cove. Neil and Christy's relationship is 'undefined' and Christy doesn't know what to do about it. Everyone is awaiting Jeremy's arrival. "Miss Huddleston! Miss Huddleston!" Alice rushed into the classroom waving a piece of paper franticly in her hand. Christy wondered what information that paper must have etched on it that would make refined Miss Alice act so. "Rob Allen, can you please take the rest of the children outside for a break?" She smiled. "Yes'um Miz Christy. Comon youngins!" Rob sauntered out through the wooden framed doorway and children followed him; just like ducklings following a mother before they can spread their own wings and fly. When all the children were out of earshot Christy turned to Miss Alice with an amused grin. "Miss Alice? So what news do you have." "This letter Christy. I received a letter today from the seminary that is sending Jeremy to us. It seems that they have decided to send us two preachers now. Another man is joining Jeremy, a young man it says here named Chad." "Jeremy and Chad." Christy repeated in a whisper more to herself then for the benefit of others. "Yes Miss Huddleston. It seems that they found this necessary because Jeremy probably will not be able to do as much teaching as David had, this Chad fellow is interested at helping you teach though." "This is a good thing Miss Alice. We need more help around here, you told me so just a couple days ago." "Yes dear, but I do not know these men. I met Jeremy and he seemed well enough, but now we will have two single young men running around here. I just don't know." Miss Alice placed her hand upon her temples for a moment. Christy paused; how out of character Miss Alice was acting? Why was she so worried about these two young men? Christy wondered if Miss Alice was holding something back from her. "Miss Alice, remember you didn't know me before I came." Christy offered the memory for comfort. "Yes, but you are a girl, there is a difference. These are two single men." "They are single yes, but who are they going to go after here in Cutter Gap?" Christy spoke with her hands on her hips, Miss Alice remained quiet and avoided eye contact. "No, Miss Alice you aren't thinking that I? Oh Miss Alice you need not worry about me. I don't need to fall in love with either of them I already.." Christy stopped herself. She couldn't figure out what she was going to say. "Thee is already in love with Neil?" "That's not what I meant to say, but I think it just came out that way." Christy shrugged her shoulders. "Christy I believe in thee, but I don't want you to hurt Neil." Well here it is. Sorry it has taken me so long to write it, hope you all remember the story line. Any feedback that can be given is very welcome, hope you all enjoy! --jessica-- -Title : Moments in the Wind -Part : 3 -Author : Jessica, Hammywa@yahoo.com -Summary : Neil and Christy talked about David leaving the cove. Neil and Christy's relationship is 'undefined' and Christy doesn't know what to do about it. Everyone is awaiting Jeremy's arrival. -Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall wrote the story and characters of "Christy" and they are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way is the writer seeking profit for this, it is only for the amusement of those who enjoy the book "Christy." _______________________________________________________ "Miss Huddleston! Miss Huddleston!" Alice rushed into the classroom waving a piece of paper franticly in her hand. Christy wondered what information that paper must have etched on it that would make refined Miss Alice act so. "Rob Allen, can you please take the rest of the children outside for a break?" She smiled. "Yes'um Miz Christy. Comon youngins!" Rob sauntered out through the wooden framed doorway and children followed him; just like ducklings following a mother before they can spread their own wings and fly. When all the children were out of earshot Christy turned to Miss Alice with an amused grin. "Miss Alice? So what news do you have." "This letter Christy. I received a letter today from the seminary that is sending Jeremy to us. It seems that they have decided to send us two preachers now. Another man is joining Jeremy, a young man it says here named Chad." "Jeremy and Chad." Christy repeated in a whisper more to herself then for the benefit of others. "Yes Miss Huddleston. It seems that they found this necessary because Jeremy probably will not be able to do as much teaching as David had, this Chad fellow is interested at helping you teach though." "This is a good thing Miss Alice. We need more help around here, you told me so just a couple days ago." "Yes dear, but I do not know these men. I met Jeremy and he seemed well enough, but now we will have two single young men running around here. I just don't know." Miss Alice placed her hand upon her temples for a moment. Christy paused; how out of character Miss Alice was acting? Why was she so worried about these two young men? Christy wondered if Miss Alice was holding something back from her. "Miss Alice, remember you didn't know me before I came." Christy offered the memory for comfort. "Yes, but you are a girl, there is a difference. These are two single men." "They are single yes, but who are they going to go after here in Cutter Gap?" Christy spoke with her hands on her hips, Miss Alice remained quiet and avoided eye contact. "No, Miss Alice you aren't thinking that I? Oh Miss Alice you need not worry about me. I don't need to fall in love with either of them I already.." Christy stopped herself. She couldn't figure out what she was going to say. "Thee is already in love with Neil?" "That's not what I meant to say, but I think it just came out that way." Christy shrugged her shoulders. "Christy I believe in thee, but I don't want you to hurt Neil." "Wait Miss Alice, what are you saying?" Christy lowered her eyebrows. "I am saying that it will be hard for Neil to share you with these two new men, he might not know how to take it if you abandon him." "Miss Alice, please don't talk like that. Neil is my best friend, I would never abandon him." "I trust that you wont." With that Miss Alice turned and walked out the wooden doorframe. Christy caught a hint of Alice's scent in the breeze. It tickled her nose with fond familiarity. Christy closed her eyes for a moment, but her thoughts began to trouble her. Was there something that Miss Alice was holding back from saying to her? What could it be? Christy opened her eyes again to see children peering in to the doorway, their eager faces gave her strength to forget her thoughts and focus on them. They were what mattered, what had always mattered to her. ********************************************* David looked around his old bunkhouse. It held so many fond memories, and so many dreams. It was bare now; he and Sissel had finished packing hours ago. They would soon have to leave but it was so hard, harder then he had imagined to leave a place that you had poured so much of yourself into. Stepping outside he gave his trunks a quick nervous tap with his hand. Yesterday David had visited everyone from the cove to say his good-byes, but the hardest were now coming. How could he say good-bye to Alice, Christy, and yes-even Neil. Their friendships had sustained him through his hardest, lowest points. Alice stepped up to him first. She gathered the man in her arms just like he was a little boy. Alice was so motherly, like a chicken gathering up her brood. She whispered something into his ears, and David nodded without a word. "We will miss thee David GrantLand. And I wish thee well." David gave a weak smile in reply. Neil stepped forward next, he slapped David heartily on his back, his chest filled with deep laugher. "Aye David, I will miss all the fun we always had! You are a fine preacher, those city folk will be happy to have you. Take care of your lass boy!" David held out his hand for a handshake, but the doctor gave him a quick one-armed man-hug instead. Then David turned to Christy. "Christy, I will miss you." David's voice was shaky. Christy had always been a good friend, the most important of his life. "I will miss you too David." She opened her arms and gave him a tight hug. "Take good care of Sissel. Write to me often." "I will, I will." He repeated then softly kissed her cheek. David gathered himself again and took in a deep breath. He jumped onto the rickety wagon that held his belongings and his wife, took the rains and the horses began to walk away. Christy whipped back tears. "This wind is stinging my eyes." Neil smiled and slipped his arm about her shoulders. "It'll be alright lass, it'll be alright." The stood together in silence as they watched David's wagon growing smaller each time the wheels turned. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "If you can not forgive and forget, then forgive every time that you remember." Part : 4 Summary : Christy and Neil are watching David leave. Two preachers are being sent from the seminary to fill in for David. (Jeremy and Chad) -Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall wrote the story and characters of "Christy" and they are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way is the writer seeking profit for this, it is only for the amusement of those who enjoy the book "Christy." ______________________________________________________ The wagon that carried David to El Pano had disappeared but Neil and Christy still stood together as if they could still see it. Dusk had crept into the mountain; the voice of wind remained as silent as the pale moon shimmering in the burgundy sky. The crickets and frogs of Spoon Lake joined in chorus to sound like additions for a foreign opera. A cloud played hide and seek with the fallen sun; causing it to make quick peeks with dim rays at the hushed couple. Neil took his eyes off of the path and let them lay on Christy. Her cheeks were glowing; probably with the mixture of cried tears, and the sun kissing them through out the day. Her blue eyes were pools of wonder to him. She held so much of herself in those eyes, yet still didn't tell everything. He wanted to know everything, everything she thought, hoped, and wondered. How would he ever tell her? His hand moved to the end of her auburn hair, he had to run his fingers in it, he had to at least once. It was so soft, so clean, yet wild and free. Christy blinked herself out of a daze. How long had she been standing here? Shifting her weight she realized how sore and aching her legs really were. How good Neil was to have waited out her with her. To have been here for her. He ran his hand through her hair, it brought her the comfort that she was longing for. "Well lass are ye ready to get goin'?" Neil placed his arm around her tiny shoulders. "Not yet Neil, not yet." Christy whispered then reached her hand to hold Neil's. He accepted it, entwining his fingers with hers. He pulled her a little closer to him. He felt the need to always protect her. As long as Neil stood with her Christy he believed that she would be free from pain. A song skipped across Neil's memory, it was a song of his ancestors, one he hadn't sung in a very long time. A smile crossed his features as he began to sing into the chilling air. "Running in the light of the ghost moon, Running wild lass make me swoon, Lass come home, lass come back to me, Only then will we both be set free." His words came out in white buffs, it was really cooling off. Christy leaned her tired frame against Neil's for support. He could sense her weakness. "That was beautiful Neil." She whispered closing her eyes. "Aye, speaking of beauty…" Neil stopped his words then began again, "I believe Miss Huddleston that you need your beauty rest." She turned quickly to reply but was caught up in his hazel eyes too much that speech didn't come. How many times had her eyes drank from his and yet those hazel moons were always new to her? They always captivated her? He returned her deep gaze. What was she looking for, searching for in his eyes? Doctor MacNeill always had an explanation, but he didn't have an answer now. If only he knew how fast her heart was racing at the moment, and how flushed her cheeks were in the dark. If only he knew. Christy moistened her lips subconsciously, she sipped in gulps of cool air. Her face and his only rested inches apart. Christy knew she should back away but she didn't; for some reason her mind was blank of everything but she was enjoying the nearness. Neil's deep eyes searched her face for an answer but it was too dark to see anything. "I'm tired." Her voice trembled a bit. "Aye lass, get some rest." Neil bent close to her and brushed his lips against her forehead. Giving her hand a quick squeeze then released it to turn and quickly vanish into the night. Christy stood silently for a moment hoping he would come back but it was only in vain. "running in the light of the ghost moon… running wild lass make me swoon… lass come home, lass come back to me… only then will we both be set free." Her voice quivered and was so soft she could barely hear it. A single tear carved a trail down her cheek but she didn't bother to wipe it away. "Come back to me." She whispered then turned back to the mission house still humming the tune. Miss Alice stood only feet away. She clasped her hands together to pray. Then turned quickly in the direction of her own cabin. Part : 5 -Summary : Christy and Neil had a moment, Jeremy and Chad are on their way! -Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall wrote the story and characters of "Christy" and they are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way is the writer seeking profit for this, it is only for the amusement of those who enjoy the book "Christy." _____________________________________________________ Christy sat contently on the steps of the schoolhouse watching her students at recess. The children moved about like a milling anthill. Each had a planned path in mind but to the untamed eye it created whirlwind of chaos. A crisp cool air nipped at everyone's fingers. She turned to face the morning sun as it's light dripped through a rising fog. Dew sparkled on leaves like diamonds on stars. Christy paused for a moment, how like God that sun was. The fog consumed and brought fear but a Son had risen to light the way, to wipe away darkness and to give away a precious shinning gift. "Teacher?" John Spencer came to his teacher, "thinking 'tis 'bout time un we start again?" Christy turned her face to him to share a warm smile. "Of course John. Please gather the children for me." John nodded his reply. The students made their way to waiting desks, Christy stood on the porch smiling welcomes to them. "You-Nited States m-a-i-l!!" A voice called from the dense fog. Christy need not see the owner of the voice to know who it was; Ben was the mailman for Cutter Gap, he was unbelievably dedicated to his job and had delivered every kind of imaginable cargo. Squinting her eyes Christy was astonished to make out the outline of three figures. Ben usually traveled alone. As the three forms approached her they became clearer. The two men with Ben formed an odd couple, one was very tall and one was much shorter. The tall man wore blue dress slacks and a shirt that had probably been neatly pressed before the long hike from El Pano. This man was lanky; much thinner then David had been. On his head was a top hat, which looked quite out of place when compared to the rest of his attire. The other man, the shorter man, had a more filled out look. He wasn't fat but he was someone that made the word jolly appear in Christy's mind. A thick red beard shielded his face from further examination. "Hellue there Miz Huddleston! I've brought ye these two fine men all the way up 'er mountain to teach with you!" Ben gave her a smile through grimy teeth faded with years of poor keep-up. "To tell you the truth Miz Huddleston, you were much better company and much braver then these two when in you came up this here mountain with me!" Ben let a chuckle take over his shoulders, it made them bounce up and down as if to some unheard tune. "Thank you Ben, for your flattery and safe delivery of these men." Christy couldn't help but smile every time Ben came, he had such a fun way with words. "Yea, well I best be off. I don't have anything else un for you. Have a letter here for the Coburn's though, first one of the year for them! Wonder what it says…" Ben held the envelope up towards the sky but the light wasn't strong enough for him to view the letter within. With that he shrugged his clumsily thin shoulders and vanished into the dissipating mist. "Hello." Christy turned her attention to the men before her, "I'm Miss Huddleston the teacher here at Cutter Gap. You must be the new preacher and the new teacher! We are so happy that you made it!" Christy tried to greet them warmly. It was the taller fellow who stepped forward and offered her his hand to her first. "Hello Miss Huddleston, it is wonderful to finally meet you. Miss Henderson told me much about you, but the praise that she sung didn't pay you justice." His voice was singsongy and carried a thick accent, but from where Christy couldn't place. "I am Jeremy, Jeremy VanderVean, and this here is Chadwick Clemmings." Christy looked into Jeremy's eyes, they radiated with such a bright blue Christy though about closing her eyes for a moment. He took off his awkward hat witch revealed a short blond mess of hair. "Chadwick is a name that is only still used in England these days. I go by Chad. My confidant in travel here has been rather drab and I am rather glad to see another face, especially one so beautiful." The Englishman gave a quick wink then a sweeping bow. He spoke cheerfully and seemed rather personable, and his bright red hair was such a sight that Christy knew right away she would enjoy teaching with him. "Everyone is so glad you both could come here to Cutter Gap. The children are so excited. Speaking of the children I better get in there and teach them something before the day is wasted! You two would probably do best to head to the mission house, you can make out it's outline through the fog over that way. Miss Alice…, Miss Henderson will be in there. I'm quite sure she will want to speak with both of you." Christy pointed in the direction where she only knew the Mission laid because due to the fog sight eluded them. Chad gave her a warm smile then set off for the Mission, but it was Jeremy that worried her. His pale eyes held her. His stare reminded her of looking into the eyes of a determined falcon in a dive for prey. His eyes penetrated her, she wondered what he must be thinking. After an awkward moment, Jeremy too turned and sauntered toward the Mission house. Christy was left on the porch starring after him. She looked down and saw that her hands were trembling, something about those eyes chilled her. Part : 6 Summary : Jeremy and Chad arrived…something about Jeremy just doesn't set right with Christy. -Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall wrote the story and characters of "Christy" and they are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way is the writer seeking profit for this, it is only for the amusement of those who enjoy the book "Christy." _______________________________________________________ In the hours of darkness the rain threw itself against the mission's walls with rage. Christy stirred in and out of sleep all night. At one point the tempest grew so angry Christy had to run to her balcony to see it's fury for herself. The rain came down so thick that the schoolhouse wasn't even visible. At the same time Chad and Jeremy were bedding down in David's old bunkhouse that would prove to be small quarters for two well-bread men. Moving to the window Chad laughed. "Don't think it's an omen do you!" He was wide eyed with the absurd thought. "This storm is saying that it doesn't think it's a good idea that us two are up here!" "Will you be quiet already! I'm so sick of you and your jokes. Could you act like the man you are for once instead of the immature boy you pretend to be." Jeremy was agitated by Chad and was too selfish to not let it show. "And don't tell me you believe in omen?" "Of course not, it was only a joke. Loosen up Jeremy." Chad shrugged of Jeremy's criticism. "And if it was an omen it would be that you shouldn't be here, not me." With that Jeremy blew out the only burning lantern and turned over in bed. ************************************ "Sure was some storm last night!" Christy spoke to Alice, Jeremy and Chad at breakfast that morning. "I do hope that everyone got a little sleep in, I was so thankful that the storm subsided earlier this morning, I'm such a light sleeper and wouldn't have been able to get a wink in if it hadn't." Christy rambled on trying to keep conversation alive at the table. "It was pretty powerful." Chad agreed between spoonfuls of steaming oatmeal. For the most part it was quiet at the table. Christy would speak up every once and a while, but as friendly as she was it was hard. She didn't know these men, and they didn't know the cove. She couldn't talk about the inhabitants of the cove with them because they knew no one, or anything about the cove yet. "Chad I would like to talk with thee in my cabin when you are done eating." Miss Alice raised her eyes momentarily from her plate. Chad nodded in reply. "And while they are meeting I think that I would like to get to know you better Miss Huddleston, seeing as we will probably be working in close quarters here. How about a walk, you could show me all around the cove?" Jeremy interjected after Alice had spoke. Christy grew a little uneasy by his request, something in her screamed 'no'. She shifted in her seat for a moment then turned to Miss Alice's waiting face. Miss Alice gave Christy a quick smile and Christy knew that meant 'go'. "Of course." Christy chirped. Jeremy promptly stood up and offered his arm, and Christy reluctantly accepted it. ********************************** After walking in silence a couple minutes it was Christy who finally spoke up. "So what brought you here?" To that Jeremy let out a snort. "The seminary sent me. I had to come. Believe me this little hole in the wall wouldn't have been my first choice. How did such a beauty as yourself get stuck here?" Jeremy's words made Christy cringe; he didn't want to be here.. "I came here on my own accord. And I love it here." Christy talked a little matter-of-factly. To that all Jeremy gave was a shrug. Why was he so indifferent to everything? Then talking ended again. The silence was almost too loud for Christy to bear. Hadn't he said he wanted to get to know her? Then why wasn't he talking? Without warning Jeremy grabbed hold of her hand. Christy tried to pull her hand from his grasp but he was much stronger. "Jeremy!" She stopped in her tracks. She barely knew anything about this man, and he knew absolutely nothing about her. How dare he be so bold! "Jeremy let go of me!" She stood stubborn with her free hand on her hip. Then she made the mistake of looking at him; his eyes caught her again. What was it about those eyes that mesmerized her so? They were amazing and frightening at the same time. With that he dropped her hand. "That's better.." Christy attempted to blink but couldn't. "You're so attractive.." Jeremy had a smile on his face that made Christy sick. He moved closer to her and moved in to kiss her. She stepped back, but he only stepped forward again. Her next step back sent her falling backwards into a fresh pool of mud. "What is it with you preachers!" She yelled at him. "I'm really sorry; I didn't mean to.." Jeremy tried to help her up, but Christy refused only sending herself splattering to the puddle once again. "I thought you wanted to get to know me!" She spoke; still sitting in the mud. "I was!" He shot back as he crossed his long arms over his thin chest. "Not like that! Not with me!" Christy shook her head in disbelief. "Miss Huddleston!" Came a voice that Christy knew very well. How come it always seemed Neil showed up always at the right time? "Doctor MacNeill!" She smiled at him from the ground. He dismounted his steed and then stood next to Jeremy. "May I ask what you are doing down there?" Neil laughed at the sight before him. "If you must know, Jeremy here was telling me how wonderful the mud was for your skin. I thought I would try it!" Neil shook his head at her and offered his hand, which she accepted. "Can I offer you a ride home? Or are you walking back with this fellow." Turning his attention to the man beside him Neil added, "I'm Neil MacNeill, this cove's doctor. I don't think that we have been formally introduced." "I didn't think anything was done formally here." Jeremy snorted, "I'm Jeremy VanderVean, the new preacher." "VanderVean?" Neil raised his eyebrows, "Then you're a Dutchman." "That I am." Jeremy smiled broadly. "Your brainless country built itself under the ocean!" With that Neil winked at Christy. "In truth I think it is a work of great genius." Jeremy shot back. "Genius?" A laugh rumbled for Neil, "They are just too cowardly to try to battle for land so they make their own? I don't know about that. Christy do you want a ride?" He added as he mounted Charlie. "As a matter of fact I'll take you up on that ride seeing as Jeremy just told me he wanted to be alone." Christy reached up to Neil's extended hand then wrapped her arms tightly about his chest. "Well nice meeting you Jeremy." With that Charlie started down the path leaving Jeremy behind them. Christy leaned a little closer to Neil. "Thank you." She whispered with her mouth close to his ear. "For what lass?" "You just saved me." "From what" His voice grew concerned. "From him." "We need to talk about this, tell me what's wrong." He whispered unable to see her face. "Later Neil, later." She whispered and then clung to him a little tighter then before. Part : 7 Summary : After a storm, Jeremy and Christy go for a walk. Jeremy gets a little too friendly for Christy's taste thus sending her tumbling into a mud puddle; none other then Neil comes to her rescue…. ____________________________________________________ After dismounting, Neil turned around to help Christy down. His face showed lines of mixed confusion and worry. He wanted to talk with her, and find out what had just happened back on the trail. How had he saved her? "Christy, you said you would talk to me?" He allowed his hands to linger about her waist a brief moment before busying himself with tying Charlie's reigns. "Not now Neil. I said later. It really isn't worth talking about." It was one of the first times since her arrival to Cutter Gap that Christy felt her youth. She had wanted to spill out everything to Neil instantly, tell him her problem, but now it seemed immature. Only a child would be so needy. She was strong, and had been strong. She could take this on alone. He would think that she was childish, and she would never want him to think that. "Why later Christy? I want you to tell me whatever it is now." Neil turned back to her, trying to keep his voice low and soothing. Christy just shook her head. "Don't ye trust me lass?" His soft hazel eyes lit open and his gaze silently pleaded with her. "Neil this really has nothing to do with trust. It really is nothing. I'm sorry I worried you." Christy gave a confident smile then sidestepped to walk past him. "Thanks for the ride," she tossed the words over her shoulder. Neil stared after her, his eyebrows lowered in concentration. He knew she was keeping something from him, but he was more worried about why than what. ***************************************** Christy tried to keep her walk sure. She knew that Neil was still watching her. She knew that he was confused, but what else did she have to say to him? It would have been very embarrassing to talk to him about a man trying to kiss her. He was her best friend, but some things were only meant to be discussed with girls. Looking up she saw that Alice was walking towards her. "Christy how was thy walk with Jeremy?" Miss Alice's voice was full of the joy of a new day. Christy stopped rigid in her place. What was she to say? She couldn't lie to Alice. Was is a lie to remain silent? Moments later she heard the pounding of Charlie's hoof prints riding quickly away from the Mission. "Christy why is thee hesitant?" "Oh! Do you think Neil is mad with me?" Christy spat out. Her eyes were not on Alice but remained off in the direction the Doctor had rode. "Did thee have an argument with Neil?" Miss Alice urged. "No, no. I'm sorry Miss Alice. There is nothing wrong." Remembering her vow to be strong Christy sucked in a deep breath of fresh mountain air. It revived her. "Christy, you can talk to me. Is this about Jeremy?" Alice noticed her uncertainty "Oh, Miss Alice, really I'm fine. Dirty but fine." Christy motioned to her mud covered backside. "Actually I'm going to go out to the gazebo and think." "Does thee mean pray?" Miss Alice spoke to Christy's back. "What?" Christy spun back around. "Are thee going to the gazebo to pray?" Miss Alice repeated. "No, just to sort things out in my own mind. I don't think that God wants to hear about what I'm thinking about." Christy shrugged. "God doesn't want to know, or thee does not want to tell Him? Christy, to not pray about something thatcauses you to worry is to boast in the face of God. You are saying that you can solve it better then He could." Christy's lip quivered at Miss Alice's words. Alice was right and Christy knew it. "I don't know what to say," she whispered back. "Oh Christy," Miss Alice put her arm around her, "those make the very best prayers. It is much better to be silent before God then to babble on as the river does. Often we give Him a list of requests, when we should be listening. Prayer is a conversation between a party of two, not one." "You are right Miss Alice. You're always right." "Oh don't go that far!" Alice gave her an out of character grin, then returned to her serious poise. Christy gave her a glimmer of a smile in return then turned about again to leave. "Miss Huddleston, where are thee going?" "To listen!" Christy called back, then jogged ahead. **************************** She decided against going to the gazebo. Instead she chose a sunny path that ran right along a string of trees. She had been jogging a long while before deciding to slow to a walk. Now noticing the warmth of the hanging air she wished that she hadn't been running. Her cotton dress clung to her as she rolled up her sleeves. Sitting herself down against an aged tree she looked out upon the expanse before her. What a wonder nature was. What beauty and treasures it held. She was so thankful to be here, here in Cutter Gap. In Asheville, she would have never found such an amazing view of creation. Yes, there was man made beauty, but that wasn't even comparable. Looking around her there were still traces of man. A tree had been cut down and only a stump remained. The stump was so decayed its only use was for insect residency. Along the beaten path were footprints hardened in dry mud. Man had a hold on this land too. It was amazing to think that the world could still be so beautiful when man had his clutches on it. Think of how awe struck we would be if God had kept it to Himself? She curled up in quiet conversation, letting shafts of sun seep onto her. Laying her head at the foot of the tree, she slowly and peacefully drifted off to sleep. Part : 8 Summary : Christy won't confide in Neil. Miss Alice advises Christy to pray. Christy goes for a walk and falls asleep beside a tree. _____________________________________________________ "Christy? Why Christy Huddleston is that you?" A lively voice called to her. Blinking her heavy eyes, she shifted her position. How long she had been lying there she knew not. She rubbed her hand against her aching neck while her eyes tried to focus. "Just taking a noon day nap? I didn't know folks did such things anymore." Her eyes finally focused on the stout red bearded man before her. "Oh. Hello Chadwick." Still a bit groggy, she smiled at him. Chad made her feel good. There was something about him that made a person smile in his presence. Words didn't just come out of his lips, they bubbled out cheerfully. "Please, just call me Chad." He offered a hand up to her. "Seriously now, what were you doing out here?" Chad's voice grew serious, but his lips still formed that lasting glimmer of a smile. "Thinking, well, praying actually. How about you?" She asked joining in step with him. "Actually the same as you. These mountains are so beautiful. It's much easier to sense God here then back in the real world." "I don't agree, and I don't think that you will either after you've been here awhile. Nature is truly beautiful here, but life… life is harsh. I think that it could be better put that it's easy to sense God anywhere. There are just different places to look in either place." "Well put." Chad nodded. "I got to talk with Miss Henderson. I guess I should start calling her Miss Alice. Now she's a wonder isn't she?" "Yes she is. Chad, if you don't mind me asking, what brought you here?" Christy wondered if his answer would be the same as David's and Jeremy's had been. "It's a long story. I'll try to summarize it. I always knew that God wanted me to be working for Him, but I didn't know it what way. I entered seminary school bright and full of hope, but I was a little too loud for those in charge. While others were being sent off to serve I remained unassigned. They said that I wasn't minister material. I don't follow that old style of preaching. I had my own ideas that shook them up." Chad paused in a memory then continued. "One day, not all that long ago, Jeremy came to me. He was complaining about his assignment. You see Jeremy always wanted to be a leader of a huge successful church, but the seminary had sent him here to Cutter Gap. The second he said the name, Cutter Gap, my heart leapt. It may sound silly but I knew that this is where God had planned for me to be. I took it up with those in charge, and they approved under the condition that Jeremy is in charge and that I help with the teaching." "That's an amazing story Chad." Christy was wide-eyed with interest. "No. I see the story just beginning. I've only just arrived. There is so much I want to do. I have big plans for Cutter Gap, Christy. That is, if Jeremy approves." Both remained silent as they walked toward the Mission. Suddenly Christy gasped. Sitting on the Mission steps was Jeremy, and he didn't look happy. Thoughts and worries came rushing back to her. Everything had only happened earlier this morning. What was she to say to him? "Afternoon, Jeremy. It's a good day for a stroll." Chad leaned comfortably against the railing. "I see Miss Huddleston entertains all the boys," Jeremy smirked, his eyes fixed on the expanse before him. "Actually Miss Huddleston and I met by chance on the path." Seeming not to notice Jeremy's foul mood, Chad spoke cheerfully. "So are you and that country Doctor.. are you involved?" Jeremy's icy gaze met Christy's eyes. "Doctor MacNeill and I are very good friends," Christy answered, trying to remain strong in this man's presence. "Hmm. How interesting." Jeremy stood, his figure towering over Christy. "I wonder if you could show me inside of the shed?" Raising his eyebrows, Christy knew that she couldn't say no. She was afraid to say no. Besides, she was safe on the Mission property, and the man before her was a preacher, not a moonshiner. "Well then. I better be off. I promised Dan Scott I would met with him today." Chad, being an English bred gentleman, gave a quick nod then continued toward the woods. "Looks like it's just you and me. How about you show me the shed now?" Christy's stomach churned. For the first time that day she wondered if she should have confided in Neil or Miss Alice about Jeremy. Part : 9 Summary : Christy and Chad meet by chance on the path back to the Mission. Christy gets a good glimpse at who Chad really is. They meet up with Jeremy at the Mission who asks Christy to show him the shed. _______________________________________________________ Christy stood speechless. Jeremy stood before her, his lanky figure towering over her. Sweaty bangs clung about his forehead as his stone cold eyes fixed upon Christy's face. "The shed Miss Huddleston…" He spoke almost as a taunt. She felt trapped. Should she grant him this request? It was so small, and he probably meant her no harm, but why couldn't he look at the shed himself? "The shed is right over there." Christy pointed in mock innocence. "There is really not much to see. It will only take you a moment to examine it." Christy turned to leave…to get away before he could speak. It was only a momentary freedom though. Jeremy snatched Christy's arm and drew her back towards him. "I would like your company. As you said it will only take a moment." Christy closed her eyes to block his image. "Christy.. why don't you like me? What did I do?" His voice grew soft and reassuring. Her heart melted. How could she be so cruel to this man? Had she learned nothing about the importance of forgiveness? Forgiveness was such a rarity in a cove that was plagued by feuding. Shouldn't she lead the way? "I'm so sorry, Jeremy. I have been rude to you. We got off to such a bad start." Christy forced herself to smile at him. "Bad start? In whose opinion?" His voice slowly came out of his thin smirking lips. "Let us be going then." Christy nodded and allowed him to guide her there. "It's such a quaint little shed. I can't believe this horse...his name is Prince right? I can't believe he has enough room in here." Jeremy swung open the heavy doors easily. Dust puffed forth from the small, dark shed. Christy realized just how long it had been since she'd been in the barn. David and Ruby Mae had always taken care of Prince, and Chad had readily volunteered upon arrival. Prince pawed the ground and nickered softly to the pair. He seemed to be looking for handouts. Christy was suddenly disappointed that she had never come here with David when he mucked out the stall. It could have been fun. "So do you come here a lot?" Jeremy asked, looking at her as if he had read her mind. "No, but I wish that I had." "We can start." Jeremy raised his eyebrows and in two steps closed the distance between them. "Even when there's no light you're beautiful.." Jeremy tilted his head down to her and reached to touch her face with his right hand. "Jeremy!" Christy took a step back from his advances. "What are you doing?" "Christy, I can't believe you. A moment ago you practically told me that you liked me, and now you're playing coy?" "What? I never said anything like that! Jeremy, I hardly know you! What do you think you're doing?" Anger rushed into her words. "Oh, you know me." He gave her a sick smirk. "You're gorgeous when you're angry." He added stepping closer to her again. "Jeremy stop!" He pulled her towards him and she pushed him away, but he was stronger. She stepped back quickly, but her foot caught on something on the ground. She stumbled back, losing her footing. Jeremy was wide eyed and reached out a hand to catch her, but missed. She crashed onto the ground atop a pile of tools. Her face contorted in a mix of agony and confusion as metal ripped through warm flesh. Thick blood oozed out hot and quickly. "Christy! Oh...oh...Christy I didn't mean for that to happen. Christy you're bleeding...Christy! Speak to me." Jeremy knelt down next to her. His feet were covered in her blood. "Jeremy get Doctor MacNeill," she whispered, "Please get me Neil… I need to see Neil." She closed her eyes in pain. "No! Christy if people find out about this I'll be kicked out. Please, Christy, we can't tell anyone." His eyes pulled at her, they pleaded with her. He looked so desperate. "Run inside and grab the gauze. We have to wrap this up. We have to stop the bleeding." Christy seemed more at ease than Jeremy. Without a word, Jeremy leapt to his feet and ran out the open doors. Christy pulled herself up enough to lean against the wall. She looked down and was sickened by the sight of her own flesh ripped open. Across her stomach a metal tool had ripped through her side right above her hipbone. Her clothing was moist with her own blood, and the pain sent violent pulses through her body. "I'll be alright," she told herself over and over, "It's just a deep, big cut." Her own words worried her. But she told herself not to tell on Jeremy. Her side would be painful, but it would heal. "I've got the gauze!" Jeremy bolted through the doorway with wound bundles spilling from his arms. "We're safe. No one will know. Miss Alice left for Catileechie an hour ago, and Chad went to Dan Scott's place. We can clean you up and clean the mess off the floor and no one will ever know." "Just help me to my room, I can clean myself up." Jeremy shook his head and grabbed for her, brushing against her side "Ahh!" She screamed in pain. Clinching her teeth together she hobbled beside the man who had brought upon her injury. He drug her up the stairs and left her standing in her room. Christy ripped off her shirtwaist and threw it onto the floor. She plunged a rag into her water basin on her dresser. She had seen Neil clean out countless wounds. She had even helped on occasion. Could she do it to herself? Bringing the rag to her torn flesh she winced. Patting the cloth gingerly against the wound tears spilled from tortured eyes. The pain was too much. She needed Neil desperately. Part : 10 Summary : Christy shows Jeremy the shed. Jeremy makes advances at Christy causing her to fall and her side to be cut open. She promises Jeremy that she will not tell anyone. Alone in her room Christy is left in agony to clean out and bandage her own wound. Tears of pain, worry, and frustration poured out of big blue eyes as Christy crumbled onto her bed. She had gently cleaned out her cut then wrapped the gauze around her waist. The wound had begun to clot and for the most part the bleeding had subsided. Trying not to focus on the pain, Christy stared at the ceiling in thought. What was she to do? It was a huge gash. It was not wise to not have Neil examine it. On the other hand, if she told, then Jeremy would certainly be kicked out of the cove. At first the thought pleased Christy, but suddenly she shook away such an unforgiving thought. Everyone deserves a second, third, and hundredth chance. Hoping this incident had snapped Jeremy into his senses, she pulled herself off the bed. Every move made her ache. Raising her arms up just enough to slip on a clean blouse was torture. Shaking her head Christy looked at herself in the mirror… where had her vow to remain strong gone? Taking a very deep breath she splash water onto her reddened face. "Christy!! Christy are ye in here? Is anyone home?" A voice snapped her away from her thoughts. It was Neil! Neil was here. Neil could help. Rushing out her door she stopped in the hallway. Was she kidding herself? She couldn't confide in Neil; she couldn't ask for his help. Closing her pained eyes she said a silent prayer. 'Lord help me!' she prayed, 'Lord I need your strength.' Opening up her eyes, Christy readjusted her blouse. Then, slowly, as to have her side pain her the least, she descended the stairs. Neil rushed to her. "Christy! Come with me lass. Something terrible has happened!" Grabbing her hand he ran out of the Mission and towards the shed. She could feel her wound pulling as she ran, throbs shooting threw her body causing her to wince. Releasing her hand, Neil threw open the shed doors. Suddenly Christy's stomach began to churn. She knew why Neil was so frantic. Jeremy had not cleaned the blood off the floor yet. "Look!" Neil pointed with doctoral concern. "Christy someone is hurt! Do you know who is hurt?" He moved quickly examining the area. "I don't know what happened but someone has lost a heap of blood. And if they fell on the tools they could be infected with tetanus!" Neil rambled on. "Christy who's hurt? Why did ye not send for me?" Christy wrung her hands together. What was she to say? She couldn't tell Neil, but she also couldn't lie to him. Her eyes wandered to where Charlie stood. That must have been how Neil discovered her blood. He must have brought Charlie here to rest before the rest of the journey home. "Christy?" Neil's facial expression changed from that of a doctor's to that of a concerned friend. "Christy why are ye not speaking?" "Neil I can't talk right now." Christy shook her head as a tremble raced down her spine. She was so scared, so confused, but yet so determined to remain strong. "Christy! What do ye mean ye can't talk to me? What is this? All day ye have been acting strange. If ye know something about this blood on the floor you best tell me." As he spoke the color drained from Christy's face, her determination shattered. She moved to speak but a cold hand upon her shoulder stopped her. "Christy, I've been looking all over for you." Jeremy smiled slipping his arm around her shoulders. "And what is this man talking about?" Jeremy raised an accusing eyebrow at Neil. "I believe that this is none of your business, preacher." Neil stood firm. "Doctor, I believe that you are wrong. First I believe that you are wrong because this is my business. Christy and I have become fast and close friends. Maybe you would know that if you weren't always gone." Jeremy rubbed his chin tauntingly at Neil. "Second, it's my business to protect women like Christy from men like you. You have no right to raise your voice to a woman , sir." Jeremy shook his head in mock anger. "And this blood was only that of an animal. I found a raccoon in here. He was obviously injured so I put him out of his misery." "With what might I ask preacher?" Neil crossed his large arms over his broad chest. "With those tools over there," Jeremy shrugged, "and if you don't mind I'm going to take this lady away from your presence until you can learn to behave yourself around her." With that Jeremy turned Christy, who gave little fight, away from Neil and out of the shed doors. "That was close," Jeremy whispered into Christy's ear, "too close." Neil stood in the shadows of the shed, his thoughts pained him. Nothing fit. Nothing that had taken place seemed right. What was Christy about to tell him? Why had she not spoken up in his defense? Why had she left with Jeremy? **** -Part : 11 -Summary : Neil discovers the blood in the shed and is frantic, Christy is about to tell (Jeremy says that the blood was from a raccoon that he had killed) -Disclaimer: Catherine Marshall wrote the story and characters of "Christy" and they are owned by the LeSourd family. In no way is the writer seeking profit for this; it is only for the amusement of those who enjoy the book "Christy." "Leave me alone now Jeremy." Christy maneuvered out of the tight grasp he had on her elbow. "I'm not about to leave you alone for a very long time my dear!" Jeremy sneered as he pushed her down into a seat. Feeling her side pull a cry of agony rose from her thin lips. Jeremy lifted his arm as if to hit her. Silencing herself Christy stiffened. As he towered above her, her knees began to tremble. 'Stay strong' she told herself. Putting his arm back down at his side he continued, "See, I've realized that you cannot be trusted. The second I leave you, you are going to run to that no good doctor!" "And what reason could you have given her to run to no good me?" Neil stood broadly behind Jeremy. His frame taking up most of the doorway, "Do ye give her reason to run to me? If that be the case laddie ya should be the one running." Placing his medical bag on the floor Neil pushed up his sleeves. "I don't know what you are talking about." Jeremy threw one hand into the air then took a seat on the couch. How could he be so calm in the face of such opposition? "Be a man will ye! Whatever ye have done to Christy ye will pay fer!" Neil narrowed his eyes at Jeremy. A minute crawled by without words. Neil never took his eyes off of Jeremy, and Jeremy sat coolly, crossed legs, completely relaxed. Christy leaned on her non-injured side as her eyes moving from Jeremy to Neil. "You are quite absurd old fellow." Jeremy rolled his eyes back to Neil. "You are making a fool of yourself in front of the lady again." Jeremy tossed his hand in the direction of Christy not even giving her the time a look would take. "It is ya who be a fool! Stand up man and defend yourself!" Neil flung his hands in anger. "In front of a lady? Ha! Christy he is quite a brute. I didn't believe you at first but I understand why you wanted my help now." Stretching his legs Jeremy faked a yawn. Neil's face dropped, his eyes changed from anger to pain. What had Christy told this man about him? How come nothing was making any sense? "Neil.." Christy's eyes were huge and pleading. It had to be true then. What a fool he had been! Throwing his coat to the ground the Scot slammed the door behind him. "No! Neil!" Christy screamed as she leapt to chase him. Side throbbing she tried to run. "Neil!" She called desperately out the Mission's door. Neil slowed his pace for his lass was calling to him. Pained as he might feel the love he held for her was overwhelming. Turning back he faced her. In the dim light he saw the agony in her face. It couldn't all just be from this situation. The doctor in him took over. "Christy," Softening his tone he continued, "lass what is wrong, why haven't ye been telling me anything?" He reached the Mission's stairs and leaned against the railing. Now he was close enough to see her tears. Neil held such a soft spot in his heart for her that he was shattered. Ever tear she shed pained him. "Christy.." he began. "Not a chance!" Jeremy burst through the front door. "You leave her alone!" Neil climbed up the steps quickly to be beside her. Grabbing a hold of Christy's arm Jeremy yanked her toward himself. "Christy don't you dare say a word, don't you dare!" Struggling to break free Christy beat tiny fists on Jeremy's chest. "Let her go man!" Neil's eyes were alive with rage as two deep lines appeared on his forehead. Clenching his fist Neil made a move at Jeremy who shoved Christy between himself and Neil's fist. Neil's fist came to rest inches before meeting Christy's delicate nose. "Don't hide behind the lass." Neil's smirk was one of a possessed man. "Are you crazy!" Jeremy yelled over Christy's shoulder. "Only brutes fight anymore. Why don't you settle this like a real man." "I cannot, ye aren't a real man." Neil grabbed at Christy to free her, but instead Jeremy flung her onto the hard deck. Christy moaned on the cold wood. "Christy!" Neil called out springing towards her concern filling his hazel eyes. "Christy love, I mean lass," Neil was at her side in seconds stroking her hair. "Are ye alright ma lass?" Christy shifted in pain to meet his eyes. With all the strength she possessed she smiled up to him, "Yes, I'll be fine Neil." Turning to Jeremy, Neil stood up, "I would yell at ye but the words I'm a wanting to say are improper to say in front of ma lass!" His rouge was thick as his temper rose. "Doctor MacNeill! Doctor MacNeill!" Chad puffed as he ran up to the Mission steps. "What be it man?" "It's Creed Allen sir. He is just up the rode, he's been shot in the leg by a hunter. Rob asked me to find you first. Rob is on his way. He should be here any moment. He's carrying Creed with him." Stoutly Chad was tiring to regain his breath while he talked. "How bad is it?" Neil scanned the porch for his doctor's bag. "A lot of blood, but I don't think it's too bad, the boy could walk with only little pain, Rob just thought it would be faster to carry him." Neil turned to retrieve his bag from the Mission living room the glanced at the ground. "Where's Christy?" He asked into the darkness. Chapter: 12 Clinging to the railing, Christy stumbled. Her fall had caused her side to split back open. Blood surged out of the gash and seeped through the gauze onto her blouse. Lying on the stairs in pain, Christy held her side. Looking at her hand, wet with blood, hot tears spilled forward. How could she keep this up? Clutching the stairs and bracing her body with the railing she pulled herself up in agony. Scrambling into her room, she quickly closed the door. Staggering to her dresser she saw her own face in her small mirror. Tears would do her no good. She had to recompose herself quickly and bandage herself again. Summoning all the power within herself, she delicately pulled off her blouse. How many blouses would she ruin with blood? Pulling open her drawer she took out the last role of gauze. The old gauze must be removed first. To get the pain over fast, she ripped it off quickly. "Ahh!" Christy cried out. She had forgotten that her wound would have scabbed together with the gauze. Shoving her wrist into her mouth to prevent further sound from escaping her, she softly pressed a damp sponge to her side. ******************************* "Will he be 'right Doc?" Rob leaned over Neil. Neil's fingers ripped Creed's pant leg off. His eyes began examining the bullet hole, and his fingers were soon to follow. " 'Tis not bad, Rob, not at all." Neil scooped Creed up in his arms and carried him inside the Mission house. Laying him on the table, he turned back to Rob. " 'Tis only a wee nick. The bullet isn't in the flesh. Could you run out and fetch me some water, lad?" Without a word, Rob obeyed. Neil turned back to Creed. "You'll be right as rain soon. Are ye in pain?" "Not really doc. Landsakes, I can hardly feel it t'all." "That means your leg is in shock Creed. You'll be sore for a couple days." Rob returned with the water and Neil began to clean the wound. Neil heard a scream and stopped cold. Turning quickly he scanned the room. Was that Christy? "What was that? Were it a ghost, Doc MacNeill?" Creed's eyes grew big. "Naw, Creed. T'were Miz Christy." Rob walked out of the room. Neil started to follow Rob but remembered Creed and turned back around. What was he to do? As a doctor he should stay with Creed, but as a man deeply in love he should search out his lass and the reason for her fear. He should shield her from all pain and fear. Jeremy could be doing something to her. Why else would she cry out like that? Handing Creed a rag, he said, "Creed, my boy, can you hold this to your leg just like this." Neil pressed the rag hard against the cut. Creed shook his head. "That a boy...apply a lot of pressure. If ye need me, just call. I won't be gone long." Neil's eyes showed his pain. Was he failing as a doctor? Would he have done the same for Margaret? Shaking the thoughts from his head, he stepped out of the kitchen and onto the porch. He squinted his eyes in the darkness, hoping to see her form. Turning to go back inside his eyes caught something on the porch. Looking down, Neil saw blood. Kneeling down he saw that the blood was still wet and fresh. That was where Christy had been. Was she bleeding? She had said she was alright? Could it be from Creed? Then he remembered the blood in the shed. It can't be possible; Christy would have told him if she was hurt. Walking back inside, Neil's eyes rested upon Christy. She stood at the top if the stairs. She was now wearing a light blue blouse, but other than that, she was unchanged. "Christy!" Neil took the stairs two at a time to reach her. His hands suddenly clasped her cheeks. "Lass, are ye alright? I heard ye holler and I was worried. Christy...speak!" he pleaded. She took his hands off her face and clasped them in her own. "Right now...I am okay." She smiled and gave his rough hands a quick squeeze. He had been worried about her. "Right now?" His eyebrows questioned her. "Doc!" Creed called from the kitchen table. "Creed." The doctor's eyes grew big with remembrance. Taking Christy's hand he led her down the stairs and into the kitchen. "I want ye to stay near me for now, lass. I think it safer for now. At least until we can talk together." Turning to his patient, he smiled, "Yes Creed?" "Nothing really doc, I were just wonderin' how long y'ed be." Creed gave a devilish grin. "Ye was teasing me!" the Doctor laughed for the first time that night. "Christy will ye fetch the gauze? I think it's in the cupboard over yonder. Let's get this boy bandaged up and send him home." Christy opened up the cupboard, but found no gauze. Suddenly remembering that all the gauze was in her dresser, she began to worry. Neil stepped behind her and peered into the cupboard himself. "Where is all the gauze? I just replenished the Mission a week ago? Has someone been hurt since?" Neil put his hand on Christy's shoulder. "Yes, Doctor MacNeill, someone has been hurt." She couldn't look into his eyes for she knew his next question. "Who?" "Please don't force me to say it Neil. I made a promise and I cannot tell you." Her eyes still roamed the floor. Cupping her chin in his work beaten hand, he turned her face up. Their eyes met and a single tear slipped out of her eye. "Lass," he whispered as he passed his thumb over her lips, "I thought we were friends. I thought that ye could tell me anything." His eyes were so intense, his voice so soft, her eyes spilled over with tears. She remained silent. He gently wiped stray tears from her cheeks. "If someone is hurt... If ye are hurt, I must know." Her silence frustrated him. His patience melted and his hand dropped away from her. In a cold voice and with his back to her, he continued, "Fetch a clean sheet so we can rip it into bandages." "Neil, please," Her voice cracked with emotion. "Hurry, woman! The boy is bleeding while you talk." He put his head down as she left the room. Why did he torment himself with loving someone who did not love him back? And why when she did reciprocate did he turn into a monster? Was he, a weathered doctor, and an older man, now incapable to truly love someone. She reentered the room and he looked up. Their eyes met again and his passion stirred. He did love her, every cell in his body told him so. ****************************** "We are mighty beholden to you Doc MacNeill." Rob grinned as he lifted Creed off the table. "He should be fine. I will stop by in a day or so. Ye must keep the wound clean just as I showed ye, Creed." Creed nodded as Rob carried him out the front door. Turning to Christy, Neil crossed his arms but still allowed one hand to rest upon his chin. " 'Tis a fine night." "Yes." She answered quietly. "Will you join me for a walk?" Neil offered his arm. She moved to join him, but stumbled. "Are ye alright, Christy?" "Yes, my leg just suddenly trembled. I'm quite alright now." She smiled and received his arm. Chapter: 13 **************** Neil led Christy down the Mission stairs by her arm. At the last step Christy's left side shuddered again causing her to lose her balance. Neil caught her in his open arms, his hazel eyes filled with concern. "Sure ye be alright lass?" "I don't know Neil. My muscles in this leg keep tightening without me doing it." The worry could be read in her voice. "I shouldn't take ye out walkin' then. Here lass, let me bring ye inside and I'll examine ye." He talked as he gathered her tiny frame in his encompassing arms. "No, Neil, I don't want to go inside yet." She shifted in his arms to take pressure off her side. "Please, carry me to the gazebo." She lifted her hand to tuck a rebellious curl behind his ear. She allowed her hand to linger to trace the side of his chiseled face. "Ma head says to bring ya straight inside, but ma heart says to do what ya say." Christy's hand still held his cheek. The wind blew, causing the rebellious curl to squirm free again. It begged Christy to train it once more. For a moment their eyes met, both burning brightly with a secret fire. "Listen to your heart, Neil." Christy whispered. Neil moistened his lips and raised an eyebrow in question. Was she Sending him a message? "Well?" She lifted her eyebrows, "to the gazebo?" "Ah yes, to the gazebo then." She sighed, resting her head on his broad shoulder. He walked slowly, either out of extreme care or to make the moment last longer. The night was still, only the breeze spoke for now. The sun's fingers still clung to the tops of the mountain side but soon they would lose their hold. The crickets' night opera was only just beginning and the tall grass quietly grabbed at Neil's knees with every careful step. Tenderly setting Christy on the bench in the gazebo Neil stood silently before her. His hand moved ever so slightly, almost as if he was already in a conversation, or playing one out in his head. He shook his head at his silent talking then walked to the other side of the gazebo. With his back to Christy, he scanned the surface of Spoon Lake. The water was barely moving, and he wondered what was happening beneath the calm surface. Turning back to Christy, he thought the same thing. "It's been a long time since we have had time alone together. Ever since Jeremy and Chad came we've both been busy." He swung his arms so they clapped in front of him. "Yes, busy." Christy remained solemn, but shifted when Neil mentioned Jeremy. They stood silent; both were frustrated with themselves. Losing patience, Neil dropped to his knees before her. "Christy! We know each other too well for this!" His voice was desperate, his eyes searching her’s. "You know what I want you to tell me lass. I know something is amiss." He took one of her hands and sat down at her feet. She turned her eyes from him to the lake. It was a beautiful serene night how she wanted to enjoy it! How she wanted to enjoy this time here with Neil! Why did he have to beg her so this wasn’t like him. Christy’s eyes connected with Neil’s again. His eyes were eager and welcoming. Something in them not only called to her, but comforted her. A strong wind howled through the gazebo as night began sweeping over the mountains. It chilled her but not as much as the memory of Jeremy. The man’s eyes were so piercing, so sinister was his laugh, so vial his grimace. The thought of him and his threats sent shivers up her spine. “Tell me lass..” the Scot’s voice, like a quilt, was thick but soft. Christy took a deep breath, she could rely on Neil’s strength. "About Jeremy?" Neil nodded for her to continue. “It’s embarrassing to tell you.” "Tell me all the same." He lightly squeezed the hand he held. Christy tried to swallow, but her mouth was dry. “I'm afraid of Jeremy. Earlier when I went for a walk with him, when you rescued me." She smiled to herself and continued, "he had tried to kiss me and I had refused. He was so persistent. He kept trying. Finally I landed in the mud and that's when you came." Her face was hot with embarrassment. "I wish I would have come sooner. I knew there was a good reason I didn't like that preacher. Has anything else happened?" "He's tried again and.." Christy stopped, not knowing how to continue. "And what?" She remained silent, "What happened Christy? What has he done to ya!" Neil's muscles clenched just thinking of the creep with Christy. "I'm sorry, Neil." Christy's eyes grew glassy, daring to flood her cheeks soon. She was torn. Pulling her hand from his clasp she rose and took a step towards the Mission house. "No, Christy no." His hurt was obvious. "You don't understand." She started walking. "I wont have it, lass!" Determined to know he followed her. Catching up to her he grabbed he arm tightly. “I wont have you march out on me like this.” She didn’t know if he pulled her to himself to comfort her or to hold her hostage, but suddenly he slipped his arms around her waist. "Ohh." The cry that escaped her lips wasn't loud but was one of severe pain. She crumbled to the ground at his feet. She began to cry. For so long she had remained strong alone, but she could not be strong now. All the fear and pain she had held in came to her now and the tears came with them...deep shoulder shaking sobs. Her body trembled even though she wasn't cold. "Christy!" Neil once again dropped to his knees. Pulling her hands away from her face, he hugged her to himself. “Christy don’t cry.” He wanted to shelter her against his chest. She clung to him, her face buried in his chest, her tears making his shirt wet, her nose inhaling in his soapy smell. He stroked her head then pulled her away from him by her wrists. "Christy it is ye who used up all the gauze? That was your blood in the shed." "Yes." She whispered. "I am such a fool! I should have figured it out sooner!" Neil was angry with himself. "I promised him I wouldn't tell you. Neil, I'm so scared." "Hush now lass. Ya needn't worry about him. I'll take care of it. Where is it, where’s your cut?" He was gentle again. "On my side." Christy sounded defeated. Her whole left side trembled again. Neil noticed and without a word carefully scooped her up in his arms and brought her to her bed in the Mission house. ************************** After examining her wound and stitching her up Neil sat in silence for a long time. She lay sleeping facing him. He sat in a low back wooden chair worn with age and use. His elbows rested on his knees as he hunched forward on the tip of the chair. His thumbs pressed against his lips and hands folded as if he was praying. But he wasn't praying then. He had been praying only minutes before as she rested. Now he just stared at her with a tortured expression on his face. How beautiful she looked, how innocent lost in sleep. How could he tell her? She stirred and blinked her eyes, smiling when she saw him. "Well, doctor?" Neil rose and sat down again on her bed facing her. "Christy I don't know how to tell ya this. Your cut is big, but I stitched ‘er up. It should heal alright but it will leave a scar." He stopped but his mouth was still open. "It's okay, Neil, no one can see the scar there." She lifted her hand up to touch his face. He placed his hand over hers. "There is more, lass. Those tools ya fell on were rusty… and ya have been trembling." His voice cracked with emotion. "Christy ya have tetanus." "Tetanus?" She repeated it. "What does that mean?" "It makes your muscles contort when you don't want them to. It spreads all over your body, then it gets to your jaw. It's called lockjaw then. Your jaw muscles freeze and won't open…" He stopped. "Am I going to die?" "You could." Neil looked away for a moment to recompose himself. Now was his turn to be strong for her sake. "But we have caught it early lass. I think that I can treat it. I will have to give ya many injections. For now just rest Christy. Don't worry... I'll take care of ya." He bent and brushed his lips against her forehead. It was so hard to leave her right now. He wanted to stay with her, but as a doctor he needed to go and retrieve the medicine that could heal his lass. He closed the door softly behind him. Leaning against the wall hot tears stung his face. His shoulders were shaking. She couldn't die. He needed her too much. Wiping his eyes with his sleeve he set off on his mission; he had medicine to fetch and a preacher to find. **** Chapter 14 Unbolting the laboratory door Neil headed straight for the medicine cabinet. Rummaging through his supplies he found the antimicrobial that he needed. Placing the brown bottle into his bag he turned back to the cabinet. He still needed to find the diazepam. ********************************* Chadwick paced unsteadily in front of the stairs. “Oh dear Miss Huddleston, oh dear,” he kept mumbling to himself. Hearing the door open he stopped and faced Jeremy. “What’s wrong? What happened?” Jeremy’s pale eyes scanned Chad’s face for an answer. Jeremy stood cautiously in the doorway looking over his shoulder every now and then. “It’s the teacher, Miss Huddleston. The doctor just informed me on his way out that she has tetanus. Doctor MacNeill went home to get the right serums but he will be back soon. God speed, God speed.” Chad rambled on in his nervous manner. “Tetanus?” Jeremy hid his trembling right hand behind his back. He straightened his frame and rubbed his chin quickly. “Yes. It seems she fell onto some old tools in the shed. Oh, Doctor MacNeill didn’t have enough time to relay to me the whole story. I just pray he hurries.” Clasping his hands back together Chadwick began pacing and chanting “oh dear” again. Jeremy pensively brushed past Chad and mounted the stairs quickly. Pushing open Christy’s door he found her awake. “Tetanus?” “That’s what Neil says.” “You didn’t tell him it was me did you? Christy you promised… do you know what could happen to me? It wasn’t even all my fault Christy, you’ve got to cover me here!” Jeremy now stood next to Christy’s bed his hands visibly shaking. “I didn’t mean for all this to happen.” Christy closed her eyes for a moment to think. She was still afraid of this man but how could she be? This man was now quivering before her, but it could be at his hands that she was to die. Could she forgive him even though he seemed unwanted of forgiveness? Summoning up the strength she still retained she grabbed one of his unsteady hands. “Jeremy, I forgive you.” She whispered, “Just wait it’ll all work out. Have faith Jeremy.” “It will not be alright if people know the town preacher did this to you! How can you tell me to have faith?” “Jeremy don’t worry.” She gave his uneasy hand a light squeeze. She fought with the feelings inside her. She fought her anger with this man. He didn’t care that she might die because of him; he only cared to clear his name of the crime. “You can’t tell anyone.” Jeremy continued. “Too late for that.” Neil’s voice boomed in the room. “Get away from her. Don’t ya think you've caused enough trouble?” “Doctor don’t concern yourself with anything but the patient.” Jeremy flung the phrase at Neil while looking him in the eye. “Believe me...I'm not concerned with ya! I am here only for Christy.” “Oh, must be hard always playing the hero. Too bad you weren’t there when she needed you most. Too bad you rode off so fast on your horse that night." Losing all his patience Neil grabbed Jeremy by the shirt and pulled him so their noses touched. “If you say one more word...” Neil spoke through gritted teeth. “Oh don’t strain yourself on my account.” Jeremy shrugged thin shoulders. “Ye aren’t worth ma time.” Neil released Jeremy then turned to attend to Christy. Jeremy didn't move, but stared hard at Neil. Then, in one swift motion, he grabbed an oil lamp off of the dresser. Raising it above his head, he aimed for the doctor. Out of the corner of his eye, Neil glimpsed the lamp's trajectory, and raised his arm to block the blow. Glass shattered. Christy let out a strangled cry that had been waiting to escape only moments before. Neil stood to his full height and faced Jeremy. "Remember, I gave ye a chance to get lost." "Neil, don't." Christy's quavering voice broke through Neil's rage. Neil turned to Christy, and his gaze softened with concern. Fighting Jeremy would solve nothing and only postpone her treatment. Turning back to Jeremy, he coolly said, “I would give ya the thrashin’ ya deserve but I have a patient to attend to.” Flinging open the door Neil pushed Jeremy out into the hallway. He continued, “Ye’ve got about an hour to clear out of this Mission!” Christy lay with her eyes fixed on the ceiling when Neil softly closed the door behind himself. “You didn’t have to do that Neil.” She whispered still looking at the ceiling. “I know lass.” He picked his medical bag up off the ground and pulled out the two bottles and a needle. “Neil your hand.” Christy gasped as she noticed the blood pouring quickly out of Neil’s knuckles. He shrugged rapping a bit of gauze around it so he wouldn’t bleed on her. “Let me explain tetanus to ya as I give ya some injections.” He slowly filled the needle to the right amount. “Tetanus is caused by toxins that are produced by the bacteria clostridium tetani. These bacteria live on dirty things like the tools ya fell on.” Pulling her shirt up a little to expose the wound he administered the first injection. Christy winced slightly. “Sorry love.” For the first time he didn’t correct himself. “Now I just gave ya diazepam which is a muscle relaxant. It’ll ease those twitches ya feeling. Now this,” he held up the second filled needle, “is a very strong antimicrobial to fight the tetanus.” Christy clenched her fists as he gave her the last shot. “Now rest, I’ll have to stay here and keep you under a close watch. I’m afraid ya wont like to see me much after this because all ye will think of me is the mean doctor.” “I would never not want to see you Neil.” She pulled her lips into a pained smile. “Let me take care of your hand.” “No lass, ye are in no condition to be looking after other people.” “And you will never look out for yourself. Now come you wouldn’t say no to a sick woman would you?” He smiled to himself then shaking his head sat next to her. Fishing into his medical page he poured a clear liquid onto his bloody hand. Biting his lip he handed himself over to Christy to be bandaged. Holding his injured hand lightly in her own she wound the gauze delicately around his knuckles. Making a neat not she finished it but still held onto his hand. Suddenly she pulled his injured hand and pressed her lips to it. “Now you should be all better.” “Do ya do that to all your patients?” Neil flashed a boyish grin. “No just the special ones.” Christy lowered herself back onto her pillows. “It hurts Neil. I hurt all over now.” “I know love. I’m sorry.” He raised himself from her bed and sat down in a low backed chair. “Rest now. I will be here all night." _________________________________________ Part: 15 -Last chapter: Neil threw Jeremy out of Christy's. Neil had a gash on his hand which weakened Christy bound. _________________________________________________ Alice pressed her horse to tread on through night. Helping at Cataleechee had revived her, but she was happy to be on her way back to the mission. A sound caused her to pull back on the reigns. Something…or someone was walking in the forest. "Show thyself!" Alice called out. Jeremy crouched in the woods, hoping it was too dark for Alice to see him. He hid behind a tree, a bag of belongings clutched in his hands. If she caught him things would only be worse. "Is anyone over there?" Alice called out again, but hearing no response, nudged her horse onward. Breathing a sigh of relief, Jeremy remained in hiding until Miss Alice was far up the trail. ********************************* "Miss Alice!" Chad ran out of the mission house when he saw her. Without waiting for her to respond, he continued. "Miss Christy has been badly hurt. She fell on some tools in the shed. Doctor MacNeill says she has tetanus." "Tetanus?!" Throwing her horse's reigns at Chad, she ran toward the mission. How had this happened? Tossing the door open with a bang, she hurried up the stairs. Bursting through Christy's doorway, she was met by Neil. Alice moved to get close to Christy, but Neil caught her arm, pulling her back. "Now Alice, I just got her to sleep. Let the lass rest. I'll tell ye everything ya need to know." Neil was exhausted; his voice labored. "Tetanus?" Alice whispered. Neil sat back down in the low backed chair, closed his eyes, and nodded. "How did this happen?" Taking a deep breath, Neil began. "It seems Jeremy VanderVean took a liking to Christy from the start. He had tried to make advances at her a couple times. This last time was in the shed. Christy moved away, but fell onto some old tools. I'm not going to lie to ya, Alice. Tetanus is horrible and hard to battle. Christy has to be watched at all times and to be given injections around the clock." "Jeremy? That is terrible. We must get rid of him." Alice's eyes widened. "I think I did already." A smirk passed his lips before he yawned. "Neil, I'm well rested and thee are tired. I'll sit up with her." "No. I told her that I would stay with her tonight." Looking at Christy, he added, "I need to stay with her." "Why?" Alice asked, knew the answer, but wanted to hear the reply. Neil rubbed his hands together and made eye contact with Alice. "Because I love her." "I know thee does. And I know she loves thee too." "Glad ye are so sure!" Neil smiled. "Sometimes I think she does, but other times I'm certain she does not." "Thee can rest assured she does. I spied on the two of you the night before I left. The night thee sung to her. When thee left she sang it back to you, and she was crying." She looked at Neil, but now it was his eyes that were spilling over. "I prayed for you both that night; that you would both know." Alice stepped backward quietly leaving the room. Shifting in his seat the last two lines of the song came back to him. "Lass come home. Lass come back to me. Only then will we both be set free." Whispering the words into the silence of the room, Neil rested his elbows on his knees and his face in his hands. He did the only thing he could do now...wait. *************************************** Days passed with Christy only stirring in and out of sleep. Due to pain and tiredness, she didn't speak. She allowed Neil to administer injections and take her temperature, but then rolled back over to sleep. "Neil, thee should go home and rest." Alice would come to Christy's bedroom and tell the doctor everyday. Neil only shook his head, never offering an explanation. **************************************** Walking to the window, Neil held the wounded hand Christy had wrapped for him. It had healed nicely, only leaving a small scar. "Neil..." It was only a murmur. Swiftly turning around, Neil took swift long strides to Christy. "Lass! Ye have enough strength to talk do ye?" Clumsily dropping to his knees beside her bed, Neil seized her hand. "Tell me how ya feel love!" He spoke rapidly. "Let me examine ya!" "Settle down, Neil," she spoke seriously, but the trace of a smile lit across her lips. Neil continued to examine her no less subdued than before. "Oh lass! How do ye feel?" In the same fashion a puppy would wag his tail, Neil raised his eyebrows quickly. "Tired," Christy continued, "and sore, but I don't hurt all over anymore." "Well ye have been over tetanus for a wee bit. Now we just have to build up your strength again." Pulling gently on her arms, he spoke, "c'mon out of bed love, doctor's orders!" "No," she protested, but Neil just scooped her up and set her feet on the floor. "Walk with me!" Christy focused her eyes to study the giddy doctor. "Neil! You're wearing the same clothes you were wearing the night you diagnosed me. Please tell me that's just a coincidence." Shaky on her feet, Christy leaned against him for support. "And you have a beard now!" "Oh. I guess I could use a change," sheepishly examining himself he continued, "Lass, I haven't changed or shaved since that night three weeks ago." Neil spoke as if it was the first time this had occurred to him. Christy reached to touch his hair, but it was more matted then her own. "Yuck! Neil, you need a bath." A boisterous laugh escaped Neil's lips and it filled the room. He pulled Christy gently toward his chest and hugged her to himself. Whether he smelled or not, Christy didn't protest, but instead enveloped her arms around him tightly. "Sometimes at night I would wake up. Neil, I was so scared, but then I would see you looking out the window, or sleeping in the chair, and somehow it made everything all right. If I had woken up and you hadn't been there, I don't know what I would have done." Whispering the words into his shirt, Christy listened to his steady heartbeat. Tipping her chin up with his forefinger, Neil looked into her eyes. "Shh...love, it's all over. Ye are fine." Wrapping his hand around the back of her head, he kissed her forehead. "You still need a bath." Christy smiled, breaking the silence. "Well lass, I won't take one until ye can prove to me you're up to walking around this room with me!" With Neil's arm securely supporting her shoulders, she took a wobbly step. Then on second thought tucked her arm around his waist for more support. ************************************* "How long has she been sleeping?" Dan Scott asked as he took a seat at the table. "On and off for a couple weeks now. Doctor MacNeill says that she is recovering though. Christy is out of the woods. It'll just take time now." Alice passed a steaming plate of potatoes to him. "And Neil?" Dan asked. "He's the one I pray for now. Neil won't leave the room but to replenish the serums," Chad answered in hushed tones. "I know. Everyone in the cove is worried about him, too. They all come to me for medicine and doctoring." Dan shook his head. "Has anyone found Jeremy?" "No. There is no trace of him." Chad was solemn with his answer. "What is the cove doing about another preacher?" Dan continued. "We don't need another one!" Alice joined in. "We have Chadwick here." The three parties stopped and turned when they heard Neil bound down the stairs. Neil's face was plastered with a smile as he walked into the room. "She's okay!" He announced. "She even walked around the room a wee bit with ma help." His eyes widened with excitement. With a laugh he added, "Then she told me I needed a bath!" "Sounds like Christy is back to herself!" Alice gave Neil an appraising look and decided she agreed with Christy. "Ye can all go up and see her. Remember, she doesn't have all her strength back," Neil announced before leaving for home. **** Chapter 16 Dismounting Charlie, Neil carefully examined himself. Best clothes for the special occasion. Straightening his jacket, he walked deliberately up the Mission stairs. Alice heard him and met him at the door. "She's ready. I helped her dress, but she's still in her room. I did not move her according to your instructions.” Alice smiled. "Alice, I know…I'm sorry that ye aren't the one.. it's just that I…" She lifted her hand to stop his bungling. "No need, Neil. I understand. This is something thee wants to do." "Thank you, Alice," Neil whispered. Then he took the stairs two at a time. The doctor knocked on Christy's door softly. "Christy, it's me, Neil." "Come in." Her voice was faint but cheerful. He pushed open the door and slipped in. Standing silently in her room, he placed his hand on the back of his neck and squeezed the tips of his unruly hair. Christy sat at the end of her bed, her hair neatly in place and a yellow dress clinging to her small frame. "Shall we go then?" She spoke quietly. "Yes, of course." Neil snapped to attention. Seeing her feet were unshod he knelt at her bedside and picked up her shoes. "Allow me." Picking up her tiny feet, he said, "You're cold?" He rubbed them quickly and then placed her feet inside her shoes. "I'll be fine." She took hold of his offered hand. "To church then?" "Aye, to church. Now, Christy, we are going to have to walk very slow and take very small steps. If ye start feeling t'all dizzy ye must tell me. Don't be shy! Wrap your arm around ma waist. There now, step." "Neil, really, I'm fine," she said but wrapped her arm around him. "Doctor's orders now!" He gave her shoulder a quick squeeze then led her to the stairs. "Hmm, I don't know if I want ye taking the stairs yet." Picking her up, he walked down the stairs and out of the Mission. When they reached the grass, he placed her down. They gradually made their way to the chapel and Neil carried her up the stairs again and placed her in a seat toward the back. "This way I can stand behind ya, and keep an eye on ya." Neil smiled again knowing that even as a doctor and patient it would be too much to break the mountain tradition of men folk on one side and womenfolk on the other. "Teacher!" The school children gathered around her. "Ye're right as rain again!" "Yes children, I'm better." She took each one in her arms and hugged them close. Everyone scattered to their seats as Chadwick took the pulpit. "The Lord is our Banner, our strength to overcome any adversity. We read about this in Exodus when Moses held up his staff and then Joshua's troops were able to triumph. When the staff was up they would win. If it was down they would lose. See when it was down.." Chadwick's voice filled the room. The people of Cutter Gap nodded along as he talked. Chad stepped down from the pulpit and walked around the people as he talked, patting a child's head or nodding to a man as he went. His humor was on the same par with their's. Chad sucked in a deep breath, “so Cutter Gap is the Lord your Banner? Is He what gets you through the day? Please pray with me.” Christy bowed her head as Chad prayed. The whole room chorused with a hearty, "Amen!" On their way out each person passed by Christy and wished her well or would grasp her hand. Placing his hand on her shoulder Neil spoke, "Ye ready?" Nodding, Christy allowed him to lift her up again and carry her down the stairs. "How long?" She asked. "How long 'til what?" "How long does this have to continue?" Christy slipped her hand around his arm. "Well, we are just going to have to take things very slow." "Neil," she faced him, "what if I think we are going too slowly?" "Why do I have this strange feeling we aren't talkin' about what I think we are talkin' about?" A smile filled Neil's face. "Because we're not." With that Christy slipped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down and kissed him. Christy beamed as Neil pulled her to him and kissed her again. "Teacher and Doc MacNeill! I seen ya kissin'!" Creed Allen skipped up to them. Neil laughed and took Christy's hand. "That you did, boy. That you did!" With that he tousled Creed's hair and led Christy back toward the Mission. THE END!!