....................... DISCLAIMER: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd family. I am in no way seeking profit or credit for her story. I am continuing the story of Christy for my own amusement only. Any additions in story line and characters were invented by the writer. ....................... Mini-Fic: Make It Right by Annie ....................... This story is done using dialogue only, with no narrative at all. It takes place at the end of the TV episode "Second Sight". ....................... "Hello! Neil MacNeill - you home?" "Over here, Fairlight!" "Where? Oh, I shoulda guessed you'd be sitting out here by your lonesome." "Is someone sick? Hurt?" "No, just stay right there, I'm comin' down by you." "What is it? Did she send you here?" "You needn't be so sour, Neil. Law, you couldn't look worse iffen you ate a bushel of unripe persimmons." "If you came here to scold me for fighting with that pretty boy and spoiling your party, go ahead and be done with it." "Well, what if I did come to scold - it ain't half of what you deserve. What's got into you, actin' so techious? Tom and Opal come out all right, didn't they?" "You think it's over? Stone's got one piece of our mountains, and he'll be back for more." "No sir, he won't - Christy gave him what for and sent him packin'." "But there's Raven Gap, Low Gap, English Mountain. She let him in, and now she can't stop him. No one can." "I never woulda guessed you'd be so mean-souled. You act like she done this on purpose." "She plays God with people's lives, and then what? When they get hurt she feels sorry, she apologizes? That's not good enough for me." "I declare, you oughta do more'n sit here and look at this river - you oughta soak that hot head of yours till you start thinkin' straight. Don't go starin' off at the water - look at me now! You think you're so smart, but you don't have one little idea what really happened." "What are you talking about?" "Here you are squawkin' about folks gettin' hurt, and you don't see who got hurt the worst of all. Christy never asked that Nathan Stone feller-" "That snake!" "He sure was a snake, but Christy never asked him to come here. She thought she was writin' letters to his old Pappy, a nice old feller who knowed her Daddy." "She did?" "Yes, and this young buck come waltzin' in as smooth as oil, and what's she to do? Send him home right off? He sweet-talked 'bout the school, the young'uns, the mission. He lied to her more'n to the rest of us." "Well..." "But you ain't all steamed up just about him. It's about that letter that come from your wife, ain't it?" "How do you know about that?" "Ben Pentland, of course." "Blast that man!" "Look here, I don't mean to ask you what she done or said." "Well then, what do you mean?" "I mean, if I was to cut you, you'd bleed the same as everybody." "What?" "There's other kinds of bleedin'. You got your feelings, same as everybody. Whatever your wife done, she hurt you plenty - no use tryin' to say it ain't so. And I know the last person on God's earth you'd want to hurt is Christy Huddleston." "Well..." "But don't it always happen that you hurt the very person you don't want to." "But-" "Neil, listen. She believes you. When you told her 'twas her fault about that Nathan Stone, she believed you. I told her it wasn't so - she don't believe me. She's blamin' herself somethin' fearful." "What should I do?" "Make it right! Go talk to her." "Yes, but I'm not very good company just now..." "Lord, these men are such lunkheads! Don't you know she'll make you feel better, too? Go on now, git!" THE END