Title: Final Choice Author: Lisa3 My fanfic is a missing scene to Choices of the Heart. It takes place after Christy breaks it off for the last time with David, yet before the wedding. I hope you enjoy it. Lisa3 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * DISCLAIMER: Catherine Marshall's beautiful story of Christy is owned by the LeSourd family. We are in no way seeking profit or credit for her story. We are continuing the story of Christy for our own amusement only. Any additions in story line and characters were invented by the writers. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * I slowly walked away from David's bunkhouse, wiping the tears away with the hem of my cloak.I knew David stood watching me from the steps until I heard the door close softly behind him.He’d gone inside, hopefully seeking solace.I hated breaking his heart, yet I knew I had to follow mine. A lone lamp lit the mission parlor window in a golden glow and I knew Miss Alice was still up, probably waiting for me.How she worried and fretted since my return to the mission after learning about my life threatening fever two nights before.I knew I shouldn’t be outside in the cool night air, but I couldn't have slept without telling David of my decision.And now, I had to tell Miss Alice. In fact, I longed to confide in her, to hear her wisdom and thoughts about my choice.To give me strength to get over hurting David so badly. To give me courage to face Neil.To give me advice on how I should break the news to my parents that the wedding to David would not take place. I quickly said a prayer to calm myself before going inside the mission. I took a deep breath, the opened the door. Miss Alice was sitting on the sofa reading from the Bible.She glanced up at my entrance and looked at me worriedly. “I’m glad thee was not long outside, Christy, after thy fever.” I smiled at her, loving her all the more for her concern.“I know, Miss Alice.I’ve been careful and I dressed warmly.”I took off my wool coat and draped it over the high back chair near the fire.I sat down and fumbled with straightening the folds of my skirt, trying to think of an opening so I could tell Miss Alice about David. “Christy.” I looked up to find her watching me closely.“Yes, Miss Alice?” “Thee has been crying.Won’t you tell me what is troubling thee?” She laid down her Bible, signaling that I had her undivided attention. I knew I had to just come out and say it. “I gave David back his ring.”The tears started again.Miss Alice held open her arms and I moved to sit beside her.As she enfolded me in her motherly embrace, I poured out what had happened since Neil had returned to the Cove.She let me speak and didn’t say one word in judgment or reprimand.We sat in silence for a while afterwards. She spoke when she was ready. “Christy, my dear girl, thee has indeed been tested.”She handed me her handkerchief and I mopped up my face, sitting up so I could see her clearly. “Thy feelings for Neil could no longer be buried, nor brushed aside, nor continue to be thought of as merely friendship.Though Neil should have spoken of his feelings for thee long before now, he was right to come here when he did and declare himself.Otherwise, your marriage to David would have been a travesty.” “I know, Miss Alice.I’m so glad that Neil came back before it was too late.And the prayer I heard him say the other night…for me and for him…Miss Alice, I can’t tell you how joyous I feel that Neil has accepted God back into his life.”Tears clogged my throat again, but I managed to hold them at bay. There were tears in the older woman’s eyes as well and I knew she, too, was thanking God for the miracle.And the smile she bestowed upon me was wondrous. “I have prayed on that for so, so long.My heart is now at peace.” She touched my face and we both smiled.“But Christy, thee must not blame thyself for David.In the past few weeks, I have watched thee struggle with thy emotions.David’s heart will heal, Christy, and thee can have peace that thee has not lost his friendship.” “And I’m so thankful to God for that.And now…” My voice trailed off and I looked away as a blush crept up my face. “And now you need to let Neil know of thy feelings.”She smiled once more as I nodded and raised my head, a tentative smile on my lips. “I can’t wait to see him, Miss Alice.I know he’s dropped by every day since we returned after the storm, but he’s been aloof.Probably because he has no idea that I…”It was hard to say, it was so new to me! But I looked Miss Alice right in the face and spoke in a clear, strong voice. “Neil has no idea that I love him, too.”My heart fluttered as I spoke aloud the words for the first time.I love Neil.I loved Neil! I was up on my feet and had taken two steps towards the door when Miss Alice’s words stopped me. “Christy, thy might want to wait till the morning to visit the Doctor.It is very late and thy are still recovering from a terrible fever.” The seriousness of her voice had me turning around, but as soon as I did, I caught the look of womanly understanding in her eyes. She knew how much I wanted to see Neil at this very moment, yet was justified in reminding me that it would be best to wait. “Of course, I’ll wait till morning.”I walked back and hugged Miss Alice in a tight embrace.“Thank you.For listening and for being here for me.”I turned to go upstairs to my room, when a thought burst through my haze of happiness.I looked over my shoulder to Miss Alice.“My parents…” I said in an agonized voice. Miss Alice merely smiled her serene Quaker smile.“My best advice, Christy, is to have thy talk with Neil, then call your parents.” “You’re right,” I said, calm once again seeping over me.“Good night.” Miss Alice’s “Good night” followed me up to my room. ****** The next morning, bright and early, I was up and out of the mission house and on my way to Dr. MacNeill’s cabin.Not knowing if David would be in need of Prince, I rode Miss Alice's mare. While saddling her, memories took me back to the second time I encountered the doctor. My second run in with Dr. MacNeill was while I was on Old Theo, the missions mule at the time.How long ago did that 19-year-old Christy arrive in Cutter Gap?How much had she changed since then?And how much of that change was due to the man she was urgently rushing to see? Hurriedly, I mounted. I pressed my legs against the mare's flanks in order to exert more speed out of the animal.Then, after what seemed like forever, I arrived at the doctor’s cabin.It was barely seven o’clock. The sun was slowly making its way over the mountains as a faint mist still clung to the ground. I tethered the horse to a branch of a nearby tree and dismounted. I wondered if Neil was even awake yet.Walking as quietly as I could, I neared the cabin and pressed my ear to the door. I did not want to wake him if he were still asleep and would wait patiently on the porch if I did not hear movement from within.I stayed there and listened for a moment more, not hearing a sound. Slowly, disappointment washed over me. I would have to be patient and wait. Suddenly, and without warning, the door opened and I all but tumbled into Neil.He caught me in his capable hands, his look of surprise instantly turning to concern. “Christy!Is anything wrong?”He pulled me into the cabin and shut the door against the damp morning air.He led me to a chair and sat me down with such speed, I hadn’t time to speak.His hand went to my forehead and his eyes were staring intently into mine.“Have you had a relapse, lass?” I took his hand away from my face and held it in mine.I stared at his hand…that caring, strong hand.He loved me.He loved me like that. The butterflies in my stomach were making themselves known and I had to take a deep breath before answering. “I’m fine.No fever, no relapse.”I let go of his hand as he reached for his stethoscope.“Neil, I’m fine.Nothing is wrong.”Everything is finally right! my heart cried. Stethoscope in hand, he gave me another measuring look.“Then may I ask why are you here so early in the morning, Christy?” Those eyes.Had I always felt that I could get lost in them and never want to be found? “I’ve come to tell you…” I struggled to get the words out, not wanting to express myself the wrong way. “Neil, I’ve come to tell you…” The doctor was waiting patiently, a puzzled look in his eyes. “Last night, I had a talk with David.” Neil looked away, but not before I saw the shaft of hurt come over his face.Not wanting his pain to go on for one second more, I rushed on. “I told him that I couldn’t marry him. I told him that he needed a wife who would love him the way a wife should.I gave him his ring back, Neil.”My voice, which started off low and weak, ended strong and sure. For a moment, I wondered if Neil would answer me.He was silent and I couldn’t read his intense expression. “Are you sure, Christy.”His voice was low and gruff.It was then that I was gifted with insight from a higher power.Neil was afraid.He was unsure if what I was telling him were true.He was afraid to hope.For the first time in my life, I felt older and wiser than my years.It was with this maturity that I spoke now with conviction and confidence. “I love you, Neil.” Neil’s eyes closed and a spasm flickered over his face.Then he was pulling me up and into his arms and holding me so close. “Christy” he whispered in my ear.“My sweet lass.”Then he picked me up off the floor so that my feet dangled. And he was laughing! He was laughing that hearty, robust laugh that I loved to hear. I joined in and my arms encircled his neck and we stood there just like that for the sweetest moment, heart to heart. Then he set me down on my unsteady feet. We were both grinning at each other, our happiness surrounding us in a warm cocoon filled with love. “Will you marry me, Miss Huddleston?”Neil’s simple proposal was everything I thought it would be, few words yet filled with such strong emotion. And the love shining in his eyes was something I would never forget. “I will, Dr. MacNeill.I will.” Again, Neil’s arms encircled me and pulled me close.Neil's hands framed my face gently as his head drew near. My gaze didn't waver from his until his face blurred. With my heart hammering in my chest, I closed my eyes as his lips touched mine. It was so tender, so sweet, that it brought tears to my eyes. We kissed to seal the promise of our love for one another. Neil pulled back, but kept his hands against my face. "What changed your mind, Christy? After the past two days, I had given up hope of there ever being a future for us." "Remember after we left the hunting cabin when David and Tom McHone found us? David took me from your arms...and I looked back at you. . ." "It was right then that I thought I had lost you for good," Neil interjected, a shadow of that past hurt remained in his eyes. I reached up and stroked his freshly shaven cheek. "It was right then, that I knew," I whispered, "that you were the man I was in love with and that David was someone that I loved as a friend." Neil's eyes darkened and he would have pulled me close, yet I stopped him with a hand against his chest. "Neil, I have to tell you that I heard you praying the night of my fever." I smiled as my heart felt like it would burst from all the love I had for this man. The steady beat of Neil's heart under my hand assured me that this was real. "Now I know that you are walking with the Lord and not away from Him. I am so thankful for that, because I know we will be together for eternity." "Christy," Neil said in a voice so reverent, "we will never be apart again, my love." This time, I let him pull me close for one more kiss. We broke apart and Neil's hand grasped mine. "I shall escort you back to the mission. You need rest, Miss Huddleston." I couldn't help but grin. "Soon to be Mrs. MacNeill." I then sobered. "Neil, we need to call my parents and let them know. The wedding is scheduled for next weekend! Do you think we can stop people in time from coming?" A gleam entered his eyes. "Why should we do that? What would you say, Christy, if we were to get married this weekend? Do you think Grantland would be too upset?" A ball of happiness welled inside of me, but I had to think of David's feelings. "I don't know, Neil. I think deep down he would understand. After all, everything is arranged, and people are most likely getting ready for the trip to Cutter Gap from Asheville. Maybe we should consult Miss Alice." Neil smiled down at me, that warm, loving smile meant just for me. "All right, lets do that. Just let me saddle Charlie." As Neil rushed out to do the task, I put my hands to my flushed face. I couldn't believe I would become Mrs. Neil MacNeill in just three days. I was scared, and nervous, yet I couldn't wait!