Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction only and no infringement of rights is intended..... Title: Christmas Bells are Ringing Author: Jan D. CHRISTMAS BELLS ARE RINGING "There! All finished!" Christy noted with satisfaction, as she tucked her newly-sketched drawing of the schoolhouse church under her shawl. David and a few other men had recently performed some minor repairs to the old, large bell which had been freely given from David's prior church. Many Cutter Gap parishoners had commented on Sundays that the bell resembled a "light-bearer" that beckoned them to church to worship; to know in a bigger way that God was present in their circumstances. As Christy walked towards the mission, she reflected on her life within the last six months. As a sharp breeze blew into the cove, she held her shawl tighter. This year's Thanksgiving had been a prosperous one and now the Christmas holidays were around the corner! Oh yes! She lovingly glanced at the glittering jewel on her left hand, as she allowed herself to recount those months as a married woman. Daydreaming was often a luxury for Christy, and she felt she indeed had married a knight in shining armor! Neil was everything she wanted in a husband; kind, thoughtful, challenging, dedicated with a heart as big as the mountains for God, his people and....her.... "Miz Christy! Miz Christy!" Ruby Mae's shrill voice pierced through the schoolteachers warm, fuzzy thoughts. "Ya'll never guess what I cooked fer dinner tonight! I'm sooo glad you and the doc are gonna be suppin' with us! See?" she chattered happily, running towards Christy as they both walked together toward the mission for warmth. The red-haired girl held up a huge cloth-covered book. "See? My *very own* cookbook!" Miss Alice holped me do it! Got ever'thang in it. Sweet things. Bacon things. Possum things too, lots of 'em!" Christy chuckled, fingering the book's pages as they sat briefly on the rocking chairs on the porch. "Well, Ruby Mae, you certainly got quite a collection there! Really, it's very nice!" She looked teasingly at her. "And *what* dessert are we having tonight, if I may be so bold to ask?" Ruby Mae grinned. "Now, I know you and sweet things! I'm *not telling*!" Christy looked shocked. "You mean.....you...are going...to keep a *secret*?? I'm very impressed!" "You'll like it fer sure. You really will!" The wind blew colder now with more frequent gusts. "Let's go inside and you can show me!" "I've been missing ya, Miz Christy." miffed Ruby Mae. "Bessie and Rob Allen holp some, but I'm happy fer ya. Truly!" she insisted. "Marriage *is* wonderful, Ruby Mae, but you will just have to grow up some more *first*." Christy advised her. "But I *will* show ya what's fer dinner!" she slyly winked at her. "Don't tell me. Something to do with possum?" Christy teased her. "Yep! Got possum stew and apple and raisin sauce too! Miss Alice done baked some bread, so we're gonna send you and doc off to the flatlands with your bellies full! Miss Alice got some peach preserves from her aunt up thar too!" "You know what, Ruby Mae? I forgot some teaching notes for David and Miss Alice and they are in the schoolhouse. I'll be but a moment and I'll help you serve dinner." Christmas. At first, this holiday season was somewhat foreign to Cutter Gap, as the mountain people did not want to be "beholdin'" to anyone. Then, with the help of Miss Alice, David and Fairlight, they gradually saw it as an exchange time. For every giver there was a receiver. The children liked that! One thing everyone understood was that the Lord's birthday was revered at this cold, still time of the year. Suddenly, she sighted Neil approaching the mission and awoke from her reverie. Eagerly, she closed the doors of the school and joined Neil and the others at the mission for an early Sunday dinner. The clouds were thick with precipitation; would it snow or would it be that chilly icy rain? Once more inside, Christy and the others took their places in the dining room. Ruby Mae had done well with the possum dinner complete with mashed potatoes, bread, and the raisin and peach compote that Miss Alice helped her prepare. Afterwards, Christy felt the need to spend time alone with her older friend and mentor. "You know, I really did not want to leave Cutter Gap", Christy admitted as she helped Alice in the kitchen. "Thanksgiving was so plentious this year, and I had special plans for presents for the children this Christmas." Alice chuckled as she placed the jar lids on the raisin and peach jars. "Is that what those little bells, pompom balls and clothespins are for? "Yes they are! Every child is going to make reindeer ornaments for his or her family." Christy handed Alice some plates. "With bells on?" Alice's eyes crinkled in a smile. "With bells on." Christy answered, laughing. Alice paused for a moment and spoke more earnestly. "Christy, it is right that thee accompanies thy husband. We will miss thee both as well." The young woman pursed her lips in disappointment. " But I will miss the children......" she spoke, her voice trailing off. "Thee has other priorities now. 'Whither thou goest'; remember Christy?" Alice shared. "Yes, I know this is another episode for me to grow in my faith. I'm sure I can find something useful to occupy my time. It will be almost a month!" A gentle male voice chimed in. "Now that sounds like the Christy we all know and love!" David grinned, entering the kitchen area. Alice held out a cup. "Coffee, David?" "Don't mind if I do!" David's grin faded as he noted the slow but steady falling snow. "I see it's snowing instead of raining. That will make the children happy. If it's snowing here, imagine what it's doing in Baltimore." "Neil says we should be back by December 23. That is plenty of time to see and do everything there, go shopping, stop in Asheville......" "Whoa, Nelly-belle!" David laughed as he held up his hand. "You *do* have a husband, you know. Is he going along with your plans?" Christy looked at him defensively. "Well of course he wants those things too! I'm sure he'll agree!" A thick baritone joined in. "Agree with *what*?" Christy spun around to face him, her face a little flushed. "Our holiday plans of course!" Neil ran his hand through his hair and thought for a minute. "It should go well as planned. I don't see why not." He looked at Christy with that admonishing look, yet his eyes smiled. "But I'm *not* going to have us overdoing anything. We have to keep an eye on the weather, money and try not to get worn out!" David seemed absorbed in the falling snow, noting that it was sticking to the trees and fences. "You know, doctor, I'd think about leaving today if I were you! If you two wait any longer than necessary, you may not be able to leave Cutter Gap!" Neil nodded. "He's right, Christy. Being snowed in and having roads being inaccessible is no picnic for anyone. We should leave today." David picked up his coat resolutely. "Then it's decided. I'll meet you both at your cabin if you need help getting some things to the station." Alice picked up the phone. "And I'll call and reserve two tickets!" "What about you, David? Who will come back with you?" Christy grew concerned. "I'll come back as soon as I leave you at the station. There's no time to waste!" The ride was uneventful, although the horses had to tread both snow and mud all the way to the El Pano station. They exchanged hugs and prayed before going their separate ways. Once they were onboard, they both fell asleep, with the snow swirling all around them. Chapter 2 Upon arrival in Baltimore, Christy drank in the sights and sounds of the holiday in the bustling city. The joyful sounds of ringing bells for donations. The smells of gingerbread in a nearby bakery. The streets were lined with evergreens decked with red ribbons and white lights. And always the laughter and impatience of children and their parents shopping! Dr. Peter Collins, Neil's sponsor, had met them at the station. He was a jolly man with a black mustache. "We're glad you're here, doctor! Our opthamology team is awaiting your lectures eagerly! And this must be your charming wife." He smiled at Christy, tipping his hat. "Glad to be here, sir." Neil shook his hand. Peter regarded Christy. "The wives here are active quite a bit. Not much of a garden club in winter, but they keep busy socially quite a bit. My wife will see to your personal needs while your husband is working." "Actually, doctor, I was wondering if I may volunteer my services in some way.....at the hospital..." Christy ventured. "Not that I don't appreciate your wife's concern." "Volunteer?" He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Well, certainly! Any ward could use your help. Did you have anywhere especially in mind?" "Well, yes....the children's ward. I'll do anything to keep busy!" Christy grew excited at the prospect. "As soon as you and Neil get situated, I'll meet you both at St. Timothy's and you can meet the nurses." Neil gave his wife an affectionate glance. "Always on the go, my wife is!" Soon they arrived at the townhouse where they would be staying. Peter extended his hand to Neil. "I'll see you both later for dinner and I'll have your schedule then. "We'd be honored to have dinner with you and your wife." Christy acknowledged his invitation while Neil merely nodded. "Now that we are alone, Christy, no doubt you want to invade these stores and shop for *presents*!" Neil joked. "You better believe it!" she exclaimed, giving him a hug. "By the way, you *might* want to brush up on your social graces!" -------------------------------- Later on that evening, they enjoyed a restaurant dinner with the Collins'. It was the most food that Christy had eaten in months! Mrs. Collins put down her fork and looked Christy over. "You can call me Dorothy, dear. My husband tells me you want to volunteer in the hospital." "Yes, I do. As soon as possible!" Christy answered. "Well, that certainly is admirable. I want to inform you of our Christmas social this Thursday too. I trust I will see you there." Her auburn hair was piled on top of her head and she was very nicely dressed. Almost too nicely. "I'll be there." Christy assured her. "Here is your schedule, doctor. 9:00 tomorrow." He handed Neil a schedule. "Goodnight, it's been a pleasure." ------------- In that week, Christy loved serving the sickly children in the ward by doing whatever she could to relieve their discomfort. Neil's lecture schedule had been invigorating, challenging and by the end of the week he seemed totally drained. Early the second week, Christy asked Neil about his haggard appearance. "Neil, are you alright? You seem pale these last few days!" she gently inquired. "Lass, I can't tell you how great it is to fellowship with physicians! They have so many questions about my research and this is why I've been getting in later than normal. That's all." Neil put his arms around her, and nuzzled his head on her shoulder. "I'm going to the Christmas tea social the day after tomorrow. It was supposed to have been last week, but Mrs. Collins, Dorothy, was ill." "Well, Christy you do me proud as always. I'm glad you are happy and busy." "I want to apologize to you, Neil. For my hesitancy to leave Cutter Gap when I should want to be by your side at this time." "Well, I think we both feel that way about our mission family and friends. We're both tired, Christy. Let's get some rest." Neil entreated as they both shared a kiss. ------------- The next day, she felt something was wrong. As they both approached a cab bound for the hospital, he collapsed! All of a sudden, all of those disturbing visions of her own father passing out in her arms that Thanksgiving weekend three years ago came back to her. "Someone please help!" Christy cried out to no one in particular, holding him in her arms. Some nearby vendors helped the cab driver get Neil into the cab. A young dark haired doctor introduced himself to Christy. "I'm Dr. Daniel Sullivan. We have your husband in and will let you know as soon as we know something." Christy felt foggy and almost frantic. "But he was just fine yesterday! What could it be? Everything was going so well!" she fretted. She found a prim-faced nurse at the reception area. "Please! Let me stay with him! I'm his wife!" She looked up with her thick glasses. "Well, I suppose we'll make an exception here you since he is on temporary assignment here. I'll have a nurse fix a cot in his room." 'She reminds me of Ida!' Christy thought to herself. She had never felt so disoriented since coming to Cutter Gap. 'I must get my bearings!' she reasoned, taking a few deep breaths. Out of nowhere, an older man approached her as she made her way to his room. "Christy, is it?" At the sound of her name, she turned to see the older gentleman before her. His hair was white and his face was craggy but kindly. "Do I know you sir? My husband....." she stammered. "We know about your husband. Would you like a bite to eat with my wife and I? You see, we are strangers here and feel a little out of place," he explained. "Well, I should stay here with Neil . He has a temporary residency here giving lectures on eye research." Christy felt grateful for such a kind and attentive listener. "I-I don't know what has happened." "You spend time with your husband, and we can meet you here at the reception area. Maybe you can show us a place where the three of us can sit down and talk." Everything about this man was gentle and kind. "Yes, sir," a grateful Christy responded. "I'll be happy to help you." She dined with this man and his wife, and he literally took care of everything. "He will be alright, you'll see. Be of good cheer, our Lord is at hand." he encouraged her. "Yes, I know. But thank you for saying that." she smiled through her tears as he touched her hand. His wife placed a hand on her arm. "We must go now. We will see you to the hospital. Remember he will be alright!" No sooner than he dropped her off, it seemed that they vanished into the night air. Suddenly, a new knowing flowed over Christy and she knew that whatever was wrong with Neil would be made right. In that cold dark night, she had seen the Christmas decorations of angels, trees and Santa Claus. Right then, she knew she had been touched by ....an angel. - Chapter 3 The next day, she found herself at the tea party as Dorothy Collins had called her to remind her of it. Before entering the Collins' home, she had phoned Alice and David at the mission to tell them of Neil's infection from an old head injury. He was in the doctors' and God's hands and Christy was determined to remain peaceful regardless of the outcome. So she decided that she was going to enjoy the party. As she helped herself to petit fours, cucumber sandwiches, and assorted pastries, she was in a position to hear a lull of gossip going around the room. "You can't blame the girl for making an effort," a portly woman named Grace was saying. "But you must admit that this situation is different, not knowing her family background!" "I agree. This girl has absolutely no education or class whatsoever!" A young, slim woman named Anne was saying. As Christy listened, she blanched inwardly. She'd left city life in Asheville hearing some of this sort of conversation that was rearing its ugly head in Baltimore. That certain classes were more privileged than others, that part of the population was inferior the day its members were born. When she read the newspaper account of the Titanic, her father lay recovering from a stroke at the mission. She cringed as she discovered that 1st class dogs were given preferential treatment over 3rd class children! Now these words recalled from memory seemed to have leaped off from its printed page. Walking onto the enclosed veranda in an attempt to escape this scene, she spied out the young lady in question. With her head hung low, her hands clasped and her mouth quivering, Christy overheard her prayer. "Dear Lord, I've not much in this world, but please help me find my place here in Baltimore with Paddy. I feel so alone!" her voice was filled with anguish that tore at Christy's heart. This woman could not have been more than 18 years old; a new bride from across the Atlantic that had come here to America to find a new life. Christy forgot about her own situation, Neil's infectious injury and came closer. "Can I help you with something?" She started and whirled around. "Oh....uh...Mrs. MacNeill, is it? My husband knows yours as they work in Dr. Kirby's ward with the head problems." Christy smiled. "You must mean the eye, ear, nose and throat clinic!" The younger woman relaxed. "Oh, right! I'm Bridget. Paddy and I are from Ireland." Christy held out her hand. "Pleased to meet you. What were you praying for?" "Well, I feel so far away from everything important to me. I haven't had much time to make friends I suppose. I heard about your husband and I'm sorry ." 'News travels fast here too.' Christy thought to herself. " Well, the doctors think it's an infection from an old head injury. There is only one week left before Christmas. Now I don't know if we'll make it." Christy found herself pouring out her anxieties. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to burden you. I haven't been married long." "Maybe we could both use a friend, eh?" Bridget touched her shoulder. "Come! Let's leave this to the older ladies and go visit your Neil. Paddy really looks up to him. He's the example of a Scotch-Irish making a good go of it and becoming a success. You see, those ladies forget that they were once a young, frightened girl such as me and did not have much money in me purse." "Thank you Bridget, you are very kind. What is that around your neck?" Christy asked, as they departed the party. "It's a silver bell. A real one! My grandfather gave it to me. He said whenever we would walk with it that it could be a signal to tell the time or as a call to worshipping God. In my case, it would be a reminder to let me know that God was always with me. We haven't found a church yet that we like, so that part sounded good to me!" "Neil and I are missionaries in Cutter Gap, Tennessee. We reach out to the families there by teaching practical things that people can benefit from, such as schooling for the children, some adult classes and we make God known too. I have seen him work in obvious, yet mysterious ways here too." Christy and Bridget were en route to the hospital. "What do you mean, Christy?" "Well, sometimes when we're in a strange situation, God can bring someone into our lives to help them face whatever they need to face. I really felt like he sent someone to comfort me when Neil first passed out. Here we are!" The streets were wet with rain, so the women carefully made their way up the steps to the waiting room. Christy walked to the desk. "Neil MacNeill please. He's in room 220. I like the sound of the bells, Bridget. I like it a lot." As they made their way past groups of people, some greeted Christy by name. Dr. Collins emerged as they came into the room.. "Mrs. MacNeill! Some good news and some bad news." he spoke, drawing her aside. "What is it?" Christy's blue eyes grew wide with apprehension. "The bad news is that we had to shave Neil's head, so his hair is gone......" "His *hair* is gone?" Christy whispered. "Oh, it will grow back! But there was a small clot in his brain that was removed. The good news is that both of you will be able to go home for the holidays, providing he gets plenty of rest. Since he referred you as his *personal drill sergeant*, he told us that you would know the meaning of that!" Christy could hardly contain her excitement. "Yes, I know what that means! My father passed out from a stroke 3 years ago, and that is what my mother was for him! Between Neil, her and God, he recovered completely!" Bridget smiled through her tears. "You see, dearie, God is working things out for both of us! I am just going to be myself and stand with my husband no matter what happens or what anyone says about me! I never did tell you what they were saying about me was true....." Christy placed a hand on her shoulder. "Bridget, whatever happened before or since then doesn't matter!" "I'm so glad to have met you Christy! But now your husband is waiting, so you best not delay!" The two women embraced and decided to write each other when Christy and Neil returned to Cutter Gap. Neil lay on the bed with his head wrapped in bandages. He opened his eyes when he saw Christy enter. "Lass?" Christy held his hand as she sat down next to the bed. "I'm here Neil, *always*!" "I lost consciousness for awhile. Heard it was an old head injury that got reinfected. I suppose the travelling did it, the long hours. It's a bit colder up here in Maryland! I was just so glad to receive the invitation to come here and share what I learned." Neil explained. "The best thing is we are going to Cutter Gap for Christmas!" Christy gave her husband a fervent embrace, which he feebly returned. "Yes, we are, love. The doctors have decided to grant more money for my research and I can submit the rest of my findings in journals I will send them." "Oh Neil, I am so happy! David promised that the bell would sound at the school when we came back. I called them and Ruby Mae and Miss Alice are helping the children with their reindeer ornaments. So we will be able to open our presents together! I feel so blessed Neil! When you passed out, an elderly gentleman calling my name told me everything would be alright. I really don't think I had met him and he knew my name and what happened! I think it was an angel...." Christy shook her head, wondering. "Well, then there are at least 2 angels that I am aware of! One which is capable of kissing her husband right about now." He drew her down and they shared a sweet kiss. So they left Baltimore on the next train, being grateful for all of the wonderful things that seem to be amplified by the holidays. Indeed, when Ben's carriage pulled them past the mission and schoohouse, at least one Christmas bell was ringing! The end _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com