Disclamer: This wonderful story doesn't belong to me. It belongs to the LeSourd family. I'm writing this for my own enjoyment in which I won't receive any money for it. Please don't sue me. "A Fresh Start" Sequel to "The Splitting Rock" By: Donna S. Part 1 Christy slowly woke up to the sound of the birds outside her window. She rose from her bed to look out the window. Like her favorite view of the mountains at the mission, this one held a close second. She peered out through the window that she just recently cleaned. "Honestly," Christy thought, "bachelors just don't pay attention to details." In the large oak tree, she could see baby robins with their mouths wide open, waiting for their mother to drop small pieces of raw meat into their mouths. What a racket the babies made, they reminded her of her students. Her attention was brought to the river as it babbled close by. "What a beautiful sight!" Neil would be returning soon. He had been called away to the Allen cabin. Bob Allen fell off their roof while he was mending it. "Poor Bob" Christy thought. "He's always in the middle of some sort of disaster. Anyway, I'm sure Neil will be hungry when he returns. I'll make some eggs and bacon with coffee." Christy busied herself in the kitchen, fixing some food, when she heard Charlie whinny as he walked up the path to their cabin. She ran out the door and into Neil MacNeill's waiting arms. "Whoa, slow down there, Mrs. MacNeil. I don't want another accident." Neil returned her hug and swung her around. Christy giggled. "I'm so happy your back, I missed you Neil." "Neil, I have breakfast ready for you. Are you hungry?" Christy asked. Neil smiled, "Truly. I'm famished! Especially when it is your food. You've become quite a gourmet cook, Christy. And in a short time too." Christy smiled, "Today is the last day of school. I'll miss my students over vacation, but I have so much here to do. I still haven't hung the curtains in the windows that we got as a wedding gift. There's cleaning, and the wash is building up. Honestly, I don't know how the other mountain women do it. Now I know what Mary Allen meant by having to take care of her children. We don't even have any yet, and I'm very busy. I couldn't imagine spinning wool and weaving it too. I guess I was silly to even suggest it!" Neil looked at her tenderly, "No, you weren't. You just wanted the women to rediscover their roots and make some money to boot." Neil's eyes were drooping. "Well Lass, I'd love to talk to you forever, but, I must get some rest, and you need to get to school. We'll discuss this when you return. Thank you for the breakfast. I don't know what I did without you." He kissed Christy and slowly trudged up the stairs. Christy smiled as she touched her lips where the doctor kissed her. She turned and walked out the door to meet whatever the day held for her. "A Fresh Start" Sequel to "The Splitting Rock" By: Donna S. Part 2 Christy heard the children playing in the schoolyard before she actually saw the structure. They were playing games such as Red Rover, Ring Around the Rosy and marbles. On the table in front of the school, Creed Allen was playing Mumble de Peg with Sam Houston. Christy's eyes blew up to the size of saucers. "Creed Allen! What are you doing? We don't play that game at school! Sam Houston might be hurt." Creed Allen was poking a knife in between Sam Houston's fingers, increasing in speed as he went. The boys just looked at the teacher, shrugged their shoulders and put the knife away. "Yes 'um, Teacher." The boys replied. "Creed, please ring the bell for school to begin school." Christy strolled toward the school, thinking about the day ahead. The children were seated in their chairs by the time Christy reached her desk. They were sitting quietly waiting for the day to start. "Class, today I have awards to give out to each one of you. You're all so gifted. So, let's start now, so we can leave as soon as everyone has received each gift." The children were very excited about getting rewards, especially Zady Spencer. Christy started out with the Allens. "She started with Burl, Creed and continued alphabetically until she reached the O'Teal children. There was someone running into the schoolhouse. Christy looked up to see who it was. David looked at Christy with dismay. "Christy, Alice needs you. It's Magena. She's in our bunkhouse, Mrs. MacNeill, please hurry. I"ll take over here." Christy looked at David with concern. "Did someone send for the doctor?" Knowing full well, Neil had been up the whole night with another patient. David shook his head negatively. "No," he looked at John Spencer, "John, could you run and get the doctor? Tell him, it's urgent!" John nodded his head and was gone in a flash. Christy quickly showed the preacher what she was doing, and she left just as quickly. Christy heard Magena's cries before she entered the bunkhouse. Alice looked up, relieved that Christy was there to help her. "Christy, Magena is with child, the third month. She's been having discomfort, which began this morning. I don't know what to do. We need Neil. Did someone send for him?" Christy nodded, "Yes, John Spencer is running to get him now. I hope he isn 't too late. What can I do to help?" Alice shook her head. "Get the water boiling. I don't know what we're going to have to do, once Neil gets here." Christy left to start heating up water in the laundry pot. She started a fire under the huge pot and proceeded to collect water from the well to boil. At the last bucket of water, she heard the familiar sound of horse's hooves coming toward the mission. "Neil, I'm so glad to see you. Magena is with child and she's having problems. Hurry!" They both entered the bunkhouse together. "Alice, how is she?" The doctor asked. Alice looked at the doctor with worry in her eyes. "She was having abdominal discomfort, but the pain has subsided, and she's resting quietly for now. She's been resting for approximately fifteen minutes, with no pain." Christy backed up into a corner, not knowing what to do for Magena. She heard the children leaving school for the last time for the year. She wished she could see them off. Neil's question brought her back to where she was. "Do you know what she was doing when the pain began?" Neil asked as he was palpating Magena's abdomen. Alice nodded, "She was bringing wood into the kitchen at the onset." Neil nodded, "I see," he turned to her. "Alice, Magena is pregnant and can' t do this kind of work. She'll be lucky if she doesn't loose this child. How long has she known about this? Alice was upset with him for scolding her. "Neil, I examined her when the pains started. She didn't know about the baby and I didn't either. Please don't holler at me!" "Alright Alice, your right, I'm sorry. I've examined her, and I feel as long as she stays in bed, she should be all right. Stay with her, if she has more pain, I will return. She is not to do anything, understand?" Neil stated. Alice nodded. It was then, he notice that Christy had been very quiet. He turned and saw her in the corner. "Christy, are you okay?" She turned her face away from him, and nodded "Yes". She yelled, "I'm fine." And ran out the door. "A Fresh Start" Sequel to "The Splitting Rock" By: Donna S. Part 3 David watched the students leaving the school for the last time during that school year. They were singing and making plans for the summer. Other children, like Zady Spencer and Mountie O’Teal wore glum looks. They enjoyed school a great deal and were saddened by the thought of leaving. Even for a short while. But none of these things were evident to David. He worried about his wife Magena, who he married a short three months prior to this. Once he saw the last of the children disappear from view, he turned toward his bunkhouse to check on his wife. “Christy, Alice, how is she?” David asked as soon as he busted through the door. He looked around. Magena seemed to be in a restful sleep. Doctor and Miss Alice were sitting at the table discussing her case. They both looked up and Dr. MacNiell strode over to David. “Reverend, I’ve examined you wife. She’s out of danger now, but I don’t know how long that will last. That depends on how well you take care of her. David, your wife is with child. She came close to loosing the child.” David seemed to lost all the coloring from his face. “A baby? She’s going to have a baby? Mine? Mine and hers? He looked at the doctor to confirm his statement. Doctor MacNeill nodded his head. “That’s right preacher, you’re going to have a baby. She has to very careful. No more bringing wood into the house and the like. She will have to take it easier until the baby is born. Understand” David just nodded his head, as he sat down. “Yes Doctor.” “Now, I recommend complete bed rest until I say so. Ok?” Neil said. “I need to find my own wife now. She took off, to where, I don’t know. I’ll come by and check on Magena tomorrow. Alice, help David with my instructions. I don’t know how much of that he understood. I’ll see you later.” Part 4 Neil began looking for Christy near the mission. He followed her tracks, as he would if he were hunting. The trail was as clear as a bell. He followed them until he came to very tall weeds. He could hear water running, like a small creek running over rocks. He noticed that Christy's footsteps lead through the weeds, which were carefully placed back where they came from. He parted those weeds and heard his beloved weeping. Neil walked from the weeds into a fairy tail garden. A little woodland room, so to speak. It was marvelous! Like standing on the lawn of a great Scottish castle. No wonder she likes this place. This was a place of solitude. "Christy, what's wrong? Is it something I did? Please tell me. I couldn't bear it, if I hurt you in someway." Neil replied. Christy shook her head and looked into Neil's eyes. He noticed her very being was filled with pain. "Neil, I couldn't bear watching Megina in pain with the thought of possibly loosing a baby. I could only see myself in that bed. We've been married for three months. Just like David and Magena and we haven't conceived as yet." Neil gathered her in his arms. "Christy, occasionally, it take time to conceive a baby. You have been under a lot of stress lately, with the end of school coming up. Christy, you need to give it more time." Christy put her head on his shoulder. "But Neil, I wish so to give you a son." "My dearest," Neil said tenderly, "I will always love you whether we have a child or not. A child would just add to our happiness." He then, picked her up, walked out of the woodland room, and put her on dear Charlie's back. "Let's go home now and continue this conversation." With a wink of his eye, they were off. Meanwhile, back at the mission, Miss Alice brought Magena and David some dinner in the bunkhouse. "Oh, thank you Miss Alice, you didn't have to do that!" Miss Alice smiled at her appreciation. "I thought the two of you could use some time alone and away from Ruby Mae's probing questions." "I agree with you there, Alice" David replied. It certainly has been some day. I can't believe that I'm going to be a father. I spoke with my mother while Magena was sleeping. She was very pleased to have another grandchild on the way." He smiled at Magena as he helped her sit up to eat her dinner. "Are you comfortable darling?" Magena nodded her head. "Yes David, I'm fine. I'm not an invalid you know." She teased. David kissed her on the cheek. " You are until the doctor says your not. I don't want to loose you or our baby." "David, may I have an opportunity with thee?" Miss Alice inquired. "Certainly, anytime for you Alice." They both stepped outside. "David," Alice looked at him with concern. "Have you told your mother that Magena is Native American yet? I would hate for it to be a shock when she sees her new grandchild." David looked down at his feet. "No, not yet. I will tell her soon though. I know she's going to have a problem with that aspect of grandparenthood." "Well, you should tell as soon as you can. The sooner the better, for you, Magena, and your unborn child." Alice replied. "I will, as soon as I feel that I can leave Magena's side. Thank you for your concern Alice. I don't know what we would do without you." He gave her a hug and kissed her cheek. Part 5 School was out for the summer. Creed, Little Burl, and Sam Houston couldn’t wait to go wading in the cool water filling the creek. They smelled the thick air filled with the heavy aroma of vegetation. The birds were calling to each other, as though they had a language all to themselves. The water striders magically floated on top of the water. The heat of the sun felt good on their skin. Sam Houston entered the creek first. “Law this water be cold.” He shivered as he carefully proceeded further into the creek. Creed yelled at him. “You be a coward Sam Houston!” Creed jumped in belly first, making a large splash. “Creed! You got me bodaciously wet!” Sam Houston exclaimed, as he jumped on Creed and started splashing him in the face. The boys giggled as they roughhoused in the water. Little Burl let out an alarm. “Creed, Little Burl, I heerd somethin’.” Creed cocked his head so he could hear. Since, Creed learned to hunt the Indian way from Billy Long, he had been given more respect from the other boys in school. “I heerd somebody breathin’.” Creed slowly exited the water, listening all the while. He walked in the direction from where the breathing was coming from. He stopped, smelling the air. “Hmmm,” Creed thought, “That thare smell is familiar.” His eyes opened wide, and began running where his senses led him. He screamed, “Billy!” Little Burl jumped and let out a yelp. He smiled once he realized Creeds finding through his special hunting abilities. He squealed, “Billy Long, your back! Whatcha come back fer? We missed ya, at least our stomachs missed ya!” “I came back to check on my saddle, and to visit Magena.” Billy said. “And remember, my name is Longfeather now. Thanks to my special friend.” Billy ruffled the hair on top of Creed’s head. “So, how has the Cove been since last time I was here?” Billy asked. The boys volunteered all the information they felt was important. Creed started with the local news. “Waal, thares talk of arrowhead over in Raven Gap, if we see fit, us’n three boys are gonna check that out. Then, thares talk of a ghost over by Aunt Hattie’s place. We keep hearin’ funny noises. We gonna stay clear away from thare.” Creed nodded his head, like it was going to fall off if he went any faster. “Billy” exclaimed Sam Houston, “Ah found me a cave as dark as night! The walls are all slimy, and thare be bats in thare!” His eyes were so wide, Billy thought they might pop right out of his head. “Well boys,” Billy rested his chin on two fingers. “Maybe you could fill me in on the Cove news as we walk toward the mission.” The boys nodded and proceeded toward the mission house, never stopping for a breath of air until they reached the door. His hunter instincts told Billy it was almost dinnertime. His stomach growled at him. The smells emanating from the kitchen made him hungry. He knocked on the door. Part 6 Ruby Mae jumped when she heard the knock on the door. “I’ll get it. You sit down thare Miss Alice, you look all tired out. ‘Sides, your old and creaky.” Miss Alice’s jaw dropped as Ruby Mae ran to the door, peaked out the window and screeched. “Law, it be Billy Longfeather from up God’s Fist way. Come in Mr. Longfeather, now I ‘member that Pow Wow you done. I truly did enjoy that now.” She turned her head shyly. “Can we do that again sometime? I ‘d truly enjoy that.” Ruby Mae continued to talk, Billy not hearing much of what was said. Billy walked through the door with his trailing, damp entourage behind him. “Miss Alice, I’m looking for Magenta, is she around?” Billy was scanning the room. “Magenta is in the bunkhouse. She’s feeling poorly, you can see her there. Here, I’ll walk down with you, that is, if my poor old bones can carry me.” She glanced at Ruby Mae. Ruby Mae ran over to Miss Alice with a tray full of food. “Miss Alice, I done got this ready for the preacher and his wife. Can you bring it to the bunkhouse for them to eat?” “Why, yes Ruby Mae we could indeed do that.” Billy smiled at Miss Alice and took the tray from the chatterbox red head. “Shall we Miss Alice?” Alice smiled and held the front door for Billy. “Is there something wrong up on God’s Fist Billy? Alice asked as they gently walked toward the bunkhouse. “Am I that transparent Alice?” Asked Billy. “There is indeed, one of our elders is quite ill, he’s been asking for Magena. She needs to come see him before he . . . . .he . . . . .he” Billy sniffled. “I’m not sure she can go Billy.” Alice negatively wagged her head. “Now, I know she’s needed here and all, but this man is very important to her. He’s her grandfather. Please . . . . Let her return for just a little while.” Billy looked distraught. Alice put her hand on his shoulder. “We’re not keeping her here Billy. I’m not sure she is in any condition to travel up to God’s Fist. You’ll have to speak with Dr. MacNeill and her husband, of course.” As if there was a cue for his entry, Charlie turned the corner. “Billy! You’ve returned.” Neil yelled. He jumped off his horse and ran over to his long time brother and friend. “What brings you down here? You’re here to visit Magena? I hope everything is all right.” Billy shook his head. “It isn’t all right. Red Dog is sick, dying. He requested to see Magena one more time. He also wants to see the man she married. He didn’t make it down for the Pow Wow. He was too weak.” “Would you like me to check him out? What did your shaman say?” Neil asked. “You can come if you want. You and Mrs. MacNeill would be most welcome, but I agree with Red Dog. He is dying. He would like to see you one more time as well.” Billy nodded as he reached the bunkhouse door. Alice knocked at the door. After a while David came to the door with sleep in his eyes. He squinted from the brightness of the sunshine. “Alice, Doctor, come in please. Billy, when did you get here? Welcome, please come in.” David stepped aside to let them in. “Please excuse us, we were napping. We had quite a day today.” Neil nodded toward Magena. “How is she doing? Better I hope.” He looked toward his friend. “Billy, Magena had some difficulty yesterday. She and the preacher are in the family way and she started having severe pains yesterday. They seemed to have subsided for now. I’m not sure she’ll be up to a trip to God’s Fist. Let me have a look at her, then I can tell you he condition at present.” David looked at Billy. “What trip Billy? Is there a problem?” Billy explained. “One of our elders is dying, Red Dog. He has requested to see Magena before that happens. But, of course, if she’s not able, I’m sure he would understand.” Megena replied weakly. “Red Dog, dying? I must return, no matter the consequences.” She turned to David. “Please, we must go.” Her eyes were pooling up with tears. David shook his head. “I’m not sure I agree with you, Magena. However, if it’s so important to you, I will discuss it with the Doctor and see if we can work something out. Ok?” Magena smiled at her husband weakly. “Now, if you’d all step outside for a moment, I can check my patient and tell you what I think.” Neil followed them to assure himself they were all outside. He shut the door. “Well Mrs. Grantland, how are you feeling? I’m finished with all my other patients. I figured I would check on you one more time before I return home for the evening.” Neil opened his black bag and pulled out his stethoscope. He listened to her lungs, and listened to the baby’s heartbeat. He smiled at Magena. “Are you feeling stronger?” Magena nodded her head. “I am hungry though. How’s the baby?” “Well, I’ll tell you when I tell your husband, so I only have to say it once. But, I feel it’s good news.” Neil said confidently. “Wait here and I’ll call everyone in.” The doctor opened the door. “Everybody in and I’ll inform you on my decision.” David sat next to his wife, Alice on the only comfortable chair in the bunkhouse, and Billy found a comfortable place on the floor. Doctor MacNeill stood in front of everyone, so all could see him well. “I’ve examined Mrs. Grantland and I feel the danger of losing the fetus is past. But, she still needs to be careful. I feel it would be no problem for her to travel to God’s Fist as long as she takes it slow. Billy, can you make one of those contraptions that drags behind a horse, so she can lay down for the trip?” Billy smiled, “Sure ‘nuf, I can. I’ll start on it as soon as I can.” Magena looked confused. “Wait a moment, why do I need to go to God’s Fist?” Doctor MacNeill looked at her and then to Billy. “I think Billy should answer that. He can inform you and Mr. Grantland on the situation. I’m going home now to tell Christy that we’re going as well. We need to get ready for the trip. I’ll see you all tomorrow.” He opened the door to leave, whistled for Charlie to come and rode toward home. Part 7 Christy heard the unmistakable sound of Charlie’s hoof steps. She peered out the window of the MacNeill cabin. She smiled, fixed her hair, and ran to the door. “Neil, your home!” She pressed her arms around her husband with great delight. “It’s about time you came home Doctor. I missed you!” Neil smiled down at his wife of three months. Still expecting to wake up and find it was a dream. He returned her embrace with gusto, picked her up and kissed her. “So, Mrs. MacNeill, what have you been up to today?” Christy brought him around the cabin, showing him her accomplishments. She showed him the new curtains in the sparkling windows, some doilies her mother had made her on the small tables scattered around the room, and a picture she cut out and framed from Sears catalogue. He nodded his head in approval. “It’s wonderful to see a woman’s touch in this cabin again, Christy. I have some good news, and some bad news. Billy Longfeather came to visit Magena today.” Christy’s eye’s lit up. “You did invite him for dinner, didn’t you?” “No, I’m sorry Lass, I didn’t. He’s eating at the mission. Magena’s grandfather is ill. Billy feels that he is dying. I’ve given my permission for Magena to travel to God’s Fist. I would also like to examine Red Dog, so I was wondering if you’d like to go?” Christy had a mix of emotions. “I’m sorry to hear about Red Dog, but I would love to visit. Did you hear how Freeman and his brother are?” Neil shook his head. “No, but you can find out tomorrow. Ok, Lass?” Christy agreed. She began preparing for their trip in the morning. <^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^><^>-<^> Dinner at the mission was coming to an end. David and Billy were leaning back in their chairs. “Miss Alice, that was just about the finest meal I’ve had in a long time.” Billy was patting his stomach. “Don’t you know it!” David agreed. “Preacher, I don’t even think my Mary . . .” The phone started to ring and everyone jumped. “Lan’ sakes, what is that?” Billy yelled. “It’s the phone, I’ll get . . . .” “Cutter Gap Mission, Miss Ruby Mae Morrison speakin’ “ David shook his head. “Who is it Ruby Mae?” “Oh, yes just a minute thare, I’ll git him. Preacher, it be for you.” Ruby Mae nearly pulled the phone off the wall in her excitement. “Thank you Ruby Mae. Hello? Mother? How are you? Ida had a little girl? That’s wonderful. Yes. Tell her I’m so happy for her. Mother, I need to tell you something.” David cleared his throat. Miss Alice looked at Ruby Mae. “Ruby Mae, help me clear these dishes. I’ll clear, you wash.” Ruby Mae smiled, “Yes’m.” David waited for Ruby Mae to leave the room. “Mother, I have something to tell you. What? Mother, I’m trying to tell you about our news. Yes, I know you’d like us to have a baby. Mother, we are having a baby! Mother? . . . . Mother! Are you ok? Hello?” David looked nervously at Magena. “Hello? Oh, hello mother, I was worried. Yes, you’re going to be a grandmother again. Mother, I have something else to tell you. Mother, I didn’t want you to be surprised when you met Magena for the first time. She’s an Indian, Mother. . . . Hello? Hello! Mother?” David yanked at the hook a few times and hung the phone on the hook. He shrugged his shoulders. “I guess she hung up.” His face turned red. “That wasn’t so bad.” Part 8 David lay in bed with his wife. He couldn’t sleep this night. What a day it was. He thought about his conversation on the phone with his mother. “Oh, what a sap I was today. I already told her that Magena was pregnant, so she must be upset about the Indian part. I feel this will not be the last time I’ll hear about this.” “I wonder who the baby will resemble.” David thought. “Perhaps the baby will have Magena’s black, straight hair and my blue eyes? Will it be a boy, or will it be a girl child? What will the child’s strengths . . .” David’s eyes were drooping. <^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^> Christy stood on the front porch of the cabin, starring at the full moon and listening to the peepers. The air was damp with moisture and heavy with the fragrance of new fauna. She shivered as the dampness of the night coated her skin. Christy couldn’t sleep and she didn’t want to wake Neil. He hadn’t had enough sleep lately and she was worried about him. She looked at the glass filled with a warmed white liquid in her hand. “Hmmm.” She thought, “This is supposed to make you sleepy. Why don’t I feel sleepy? Maybe it’s the trip tomorrow. Well, I should go back to sleep or I won’t be able to go on the trip.” With that, she drank the rest of her warm milk, put the glass in the wash basin, and trudged upstairs, to her husbands waiting arms. <^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^> David awoke to the smell of freshly brewed coffee. He heard sounds of Billy Longfeather putting the finishing touches on the gurney attached to Buttons. The steadfast mare will pull Magena up the mountain. This way, she won’t be stressed during the trip. David felt his stomach growl as he patted it. “Well, I guess I know what you want! What a silly old belly!” He stretched, yawned, and quietly got out of bed so he wouldn’t disturb his wife. “Billy, do you need any help with that?” David asked as he walked out of the bunkhouse. “Nah, I’m almost finished. I’m all set to go as early as we can. I fear Red Dog can’t wait. Billy kicked his toe uneasily into the ground. David said, “Well, I suppose I should hurry up and get some breakfast so we can head out. Have you seen Doc and Mrs. MacNiell yet this morning?” Billy shook his head. “Not yet, I hope they’re here soon. We’ll have to go get them otherwise.” “Yes we will!” David agreed, as he walked toward the food smells. <^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^>-<^> Christy stood in front of the mirror brushing her hair. Neil was pacing back and forth in front of the fireplace. “Christy! Hurry, they’ll leave without us! I have Charlie all ready to go!” “Men!” Christy thought to herself. “I’m almost ready Neil. I’ll take just another minute. Did you put our clothes in the saddlebags yet?” Neil’s face turned red. “Yes! Everything is ready, let’s go!” Christy came down the stairs. He still marvels at how beautiful she looks when she walks down those stairs. He remembers the first time he watched her as he came down that staircase. “Oh dang!” he thought. “I’m loosing focus on what we’re supposed to be doing. She distracts me every time!” “Are you ready Neil?” Christy smiled. The Doctor smiled back at her. “Yes, I am. Let’s go Mrs. MacNeill.” Christy couldn’t believe they were at the mission already. “I guess when I start thinking about things, I loose all track of time.” She looked to see if everyone was ready. Billy Longfeather was putting out a fire he had started in the front yard, David was coming out of the front door at the mission, patting his stomach. “I guess David has eaten.” Christy giggled. Magena came from the bunkhouse looking green around the gills. She was fully dressed and ready to go. Miss Alice was already hanging clothes out on the clothesline; she smiled at Christy and began walking toward her. “Mrs. MacNeill, how good to see you!” Miss Alice held her arms open to give Christy a hug. Christy eagerly went over to her and gave her a hug. “Miss Alice, I’ve missed you so much. I have so much to tell you! But I suppose that will have to wait until we get back. May I come over for some tea and we’ll talk?” Miss Alice smiled. “I would most enjoy that, yes, Christy, we must do that. I have much to tell you too!” Miss Alice looked at everyone in turn. “Well, what are you all waiting for? It is time you all started out for God’s Fist!” Neil came to Christy to help her up on Charlie’s back and then, he mounted the horse himself. David helped Magena into the gurney which was fastened to Buttons, he tucked a blanket all around her to make her as comfortable as he could. Then David mounted Prince, who was more than ready to go. He reared up on his hind legs ready to bolt, but David calmed him down. Once Billy saw that everyone was ready, he shimmied up on his horses back. He was riding bareback because Creed just received a new horse for his birthday and was using their saddle. “Let’s go everyone.” Billy shouted, and off they went. Part 9 It was spring in the mountains. The smells were of fresh air, melting snow, new greenery, and remnants of winter. The birds were singing in the trees and water ran down the mountain in streams and beautiful waterfalls formed from freshly melted snow. It reminded Christy of the first time she climbed these mountains, returning to a different time. Perhaps even one hundred years in the past. The mountains reminded Christy of its beauty, and its terrible danger. She still shivered from the thought of Bob Allen’s broken and beaten head. Neil looked back at Christy with concern. “Christy, are you alright? You shivered. Are you cold? I have another blanket if you need it.” Christy shook her head. “No, I’m fine. I was just remembering Bob Allen’s accident when I first arrived here. It was a similar day, but without the snowstorm. I am getting a little hungry though. It is almost lunch time. We’ve been traveling for a while; perhaps Magena could use a rest anyway.” Neil gave Charlie a slap with the reins to increase the speed of the animal. He caught up with Billy. “Billy, perhaps we could take a break. I think the women could use it. We’ll eat, I’ll examine Magena, the horses could rest, and then we would continue. What do you think?” Billy didn’t want to take the time, but agreed with the Doctor. He didn’t want to endanger Magena’s condition. “I’ll look for a suitable place for a picnic.” Billy smiled at his blood brother. “So Neil, when are you and Christy going to have a baby? I thought being a doctor; you would know how to do that.” Neil blushed, as did Christy who was sitting behind her husband. “I assume as soon as our maker decides for us to have a child.” Neil winked at Billy, and smiled at his blushing bride. Christy just smiled and looked toward the ground, as if she was burying her head in it. Neil thought about his wife. There was something about her he couldn’t quiet put his finger on. Something was wrong. He decided he would give her a physical the next chance he got. She was looking tired to him. That was strange enough, considering she wasn’t teaching at present. Then there was her irritability and the shiver which resulted in offering his other blanket. He hardly believed that she shivered because of past memories. The more he thought about it, the more he worried. The women set out the picnic they packed. Christy made fried chicken, with a fresh salad made from the spring greens from the garden. Fairlight had taught Christy how to make a delicious berry drink, from homemade preserves and dried mint leaves. Alice sent a potato salad and some sandwiches. Alice didn’t allow Ruby Mae to help with any of the preparations. No Possum Surprise for this bunch of weary travelers. Last, but not least, was the apple pie. In about a half an hour, the men were patting their stomachs, looking very satisfied. Christy looked at Billy Longfeather. “How much longer is it to the Indian camp, Billy?” Billy looked around, studying the surroundings. “Oh, I’d say around another hour, Christy. We should start up again, if we’re going to make it in time. That is, if it isn’t already too late.” The foursome continued up the mountain without difficulty. Amazingly enough, Megena was taking the trip fairly well, considering; it was only a few days ago, she was in danger of loosing the baby. Christy, however, was looking a little green and weary from the trip, she ignored the feeling though. Christy saw a large outcropping of boulders, straight and tall. It reminded her of a tall, proud Indian. You could even make out a face in the rock. Oh, and next to it, she could see what looked like a hand tightened into a fist. The last time she was up here, she didn’t remember this rock. Everything was also covered in one foot of snow. She was too excited to feel weary, once she noticed their little troupe was there. They turned the corner around the rock and the most beautiful glade opened up before them. There was a lake, shimmering and shining with the reflection of the sun. She could see people out on the lake in canoes, fishing. The small village was all a buzz with activity. She looked for her friends, Mary, Freeman, and Joseph. They were Billy’s family. She didn’t see them anywhere. Neil picked up Charlie’s pace and headed straight towards the center hut. I suppose that is where Red Dog is, she thought. They stopped in front of that hut. Neil got off of Charlie’s back, reached up to help Christy off his back. Christy put her hands on Neil’s shoulders, as his hands encircled her waist. She gently slipped into his waiting arms, all the while, looking into his smiling face. Once her feet touched the ground, the world started to spin. She tightened her grip on her husband’s shoulders to no avail. She felt herself slipping into oblivion as the whole world went dark. Part 10 coming